Forums > General Industry > get raped and get paid



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i will not post a link to the place, but if you google whippedass and search in the model call section, you can find out how much you can get paid to be violated.

what i dont understand is how the hell they continue to get mainstream models for this.

i wonder what the next step this will lead into, legalized pay per view snuff flicks?!?

Nov 21 05 08:26 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

The fact that there are women who think they need the money THAT desperately makes me sad.  (Or maybe they're just mentally ill, I dunno.)

Nov 21 05 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

it saddens me beyond belief.

Nov 21 05 12:20 pm Link


Haas Designs

Posts: 389

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I know I'm going to blasted for this, but here's my problem with this argument...

More credit needs to be given to the women that do these kinds of shots.  In most cases they know what they're doing, and they enjoy doing it.  While I'm sure that there are many women who get conned into these kinds of shoots and desperately regret doing them, I think the majority of the women who do this actually enjoy it, for whatever reasons.  It gets them off, and who are any of us to say that what they're doing is wrong? 

Would I do it?  Of course not.  Would you do it?  Probably not.  But keep in mind that there are a LOT of women that feel that nudity of ANY kind in photos is equally as degrading to women.  The exact same argument you've made towards these pictures can be made by many people regarding photos we on MM would consider mainstream.

If the women in those photos are being forced in any way to do them, of course it's wrong.  If they're entering into it freely, who's to say they're wrong for doing so?  Sexual preference is a matter of personal taste, regardless of what you do.

Nov 21 05 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 779

Flushing, New York, US

BCG wrote:
i will not post a link to the place, but if you google whippedass and search in the model call section, you can find out how much you can get paid to be violated.

what i dont understand is how the hell they continue to get mainstream models for this.

i wonder what the next step this will lead into, legalized pay per view snuff flicks?!?

WOW, this is really sick.  These girls must be really desperate, but who knows what they are going through.  Maybe abuse at home, physically and/or with drugs, low self-esteem, depression.  There could be a number of reasons.  I can't see how they could like it, but it is a free country and to each its own, but it just may make a bad rap for those women out there who are truly raped and maybe photographed or videotaped.  Who knows what is going on in people's minds.  Gosh, I may be nieve, but this was a first for me hearing about this.  :-(

Nov 21 05 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 248

Austin, Indiana, US

Jeffrey Haas wrote:
I know I'm going to blasted for this, but here's my problem with this argument...

More credit needs to be given to the women that do these kinds of shots.  In most cases they know what they're doing, and they enjoy doing it.  While I'm sure that there are many women who get conned into these kinds of shoots and desperately regret doing them, I think the majority of the women who do this actually enjoy it, for whatever reasons.  It gets them off, and who are any of us to say that what they're doing is wrong? 

Would I do it?  Of course not.  Would you do it?  Probably not.  But keep in mind that there are a LOT of women that feel that nudity of ANY kind in photos is equally as degrading to women.  The exact same argument you've made towards these pictures can be made by many people regarding photos we on MM would consider mainstream.

If the women in those photos are being forced in any way to do them, of course it's wrong.  If they're entering into it freely, who's to say they're wrong for doing so?  Sexual preference is a matter of personal taste, regardless of what you do.


May ^_^

Nov 21 05 05:00 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

I'm reluctant to even post this because I know a lot of people are going to jump to all sorts of false conclussions but it amazes me how close minded and judgemental people can be.  And people think I'm up tight...

Nov 21 05 05:01 pm Link


Donna Ricci

Posts: 600

Burbank, California, US

BCG wrote:
i will not post a link to the place, but if you google whippedass and search in the model call section, you can find out how much you can get paid to be violated.

what i dont understand is how the hell they continue to get mainstream models for this.

i wonder what the next step this will lead into, legalized pay per view snuff flicks?!?

And the real reason why I quit working at TY Management comes out... I couldn't stand taking/ filling these casting calls. One girl was offered $3,000 a day for a multiple gang rape scene


Nov 21 05 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

reality vesus fantasy...

there's a diagnosis for people who can't tell the difference.

Nov 21 05 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


I've checked a few of their video samples and they all feature what the model has to say after the session is over. They all (models) say they loved it and are looking forward to doing some more. If you also check their scheduled girls, you will see how many girls keep coming back over and over. Why? Because they're raped and abused? I think not. It is so, because they get treated kingly, get great experience, love it and get paid well for it. I think this website is considered porn so I'm not gonna post any links, but you can easily track down the page with model rights. Go read and you will have no doubt why all these models love working with them and enjoy every session so much.

There is also a page with shooting rules for employees which covers many things confirming why all girls have such positive experience, I will only mention their interview requirement here:

Shoots involving BDSM (in parenthesis they have listed 6 of their websites which involve BDSM - I'm intentionally leaving this out) must include a post-shoot interview. This interview must be at least 2 and a half minutes long, and the model(s) must have sufficiently recovered from the shoot to express themselves coherently about their experiences. The model(s) should do most of the talking, and the questions should be open-ended and not suggestive. (I.e. the questions should be of the form "what did you like or dislike about this shoot?" rather than "You liked that, didn't you?") The responses to these questions must be coherent and deliberate.

Simply put, this is just not BCGs best day. wink


Nov 21 05 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

theda wrote:
reality vesus fantasy...

there's a diagnosis for people who can't tell the difference.

those tears and welts looked real to me.

Nov 21 05 05:07 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Keep your Jesus off my Penis.

Nov 21 05 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 15

Los Angeles, California, US

umm... if you are speaking of the whippedass website run by cybernet entertainment, then you are all highly mistaken if you believe these girls are being abused. i know some girls whove worked for them and ive met some some of their staff. they are considered one of the most professional adult entertainment companies in the business. they treat their models all very well. the website is based around bdsm fantasy, and yes, they deliver it, but inbetween takes these girls arent crying. its professionaly supervised and everyone has a safeword or signal if things get out of hand.

Nov 21 05 05:11 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

BCG wrote:
it saddens me beyond belief.

Ouch! That's gotta hurt... Oh, sorry you said sadden not sodom wink

What I see is bad acting and heavy stunt work.

Ever see the Nick Cage movie 8mm where the Philippine girl appears to be dead from a snuff film, then appears in another snuff, then another, then another.

Anything that popular is not committing countless felonies.

Nov 21 05 05:17 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

what is next???...a cutting site???...maybe a faux snuff site???

Nov 21 05 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 15

Los Angeles, California, US

BCG wrote:
what is next???...a cutting site???...maybe a faux snuff site???

they already exist, and believe it or not, people willingly take part in the making of it. the ideas are nothing new. read Sade's 120 days of sodom or Masoch's venus in furs.

Nov 21 05 05:33 pm Link


Brandy Engle

Posts: 257

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

*blinks*'s just regular porn. *blink blink*

it's sad that people get into porn but..that was their choice.

Nov 21 05 05:36 pm Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

I'm friends with one of their models who also happens to be one of their primary photographers as well. She's one of the smartest and nicest people I know, and I'd also say she's 1000% more credible than the OP. If something isn't your cup of tea, move on. I'm getting the impression the OP is incredibly bored and trying to paint things and folks he has no knowledge of with as broad a stroke as he can. I've got a better idea for him. Take your camera, get out there and pursue your craft. This isn't the MM debating society.

Nov 21 05 05:40 pm Link


Haas Designs

Posts: 389

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I tend to follow the Camille Paglia school of thought on all things porn.  For a society that moves more and more towards true women's liberation, we sure are damning of those women who wish to express themselves outside of the mainstream.  If a woman is liberated enough to feel the need / desire to participate in pornography (in all forms), why are we so condescending towards her?

Nov 21 05 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 866

Rochester, New York, US

I once worked with a women who shot for a similiar site....she enjoyed, liked it, got off on it....the pain is real but she likes pain...if it's not your thing, fine, but given how liberal most people on this site are, it amazes me to see anyone write negatively about it....

Nov 21 05 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

ebarb wrote:
I once worked with a women who shot for a similiar site....she enjoyed, liked it, got off on it....the pain is real but she likes pain...if it's not your thing, fine, but given how liberal most people on this site are, it amazes me to see anyone write negatively about it....

I was in a long term relationship with this nice girl. We had some wild times... and this one time, we watched this one porn together, and in this one scene, this guy slapped the girl over the face and strangled her with the hand (guess that qualifies as rough sex, not as rape, because it was consentual), I felt very uncomfortable seeing this and wanted to fast forward, but she held me back and got all turned on and admitted that "this is kinda hottt!"... was a bit surprised.

You just never know who is into what... and I am the last person to judge about deep human desire.

Nov 21 05 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
The fact that there are women who think they need the money THAT desperately makes me sad.  (Or maybe they're just mentally ill, I dunno.)


There's guys who do it, too. I forget what the male counterpart to was, but they had a gay S&M site that was very popular.

Porn/S&M/etc - especially for cash - are a "victimless crime" -- why don't you waste your liberal hand-wringing for the victims who really get raped, not the consenting adults whose choices are none of your business?


Nov 21 05 06:17 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

To each their own....whatever floats their boat and pays the bills.  Don't knock them for's their CHOICE.  It's not like they're forced into it.

Nov 21 05 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 2719

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Daniel wrote:

they already exist, and believe it or not, people willingly take part in the making of it. the ideas are nothing new. read Sade's 120 days of sodom or Masoch's venus in furs.

Good book.  I think it should be required reading for high school students, instead of focusing almost entirely on Shakespeare.

Nov 21 05 06:27 pm Link


Stormie Psy

Posts: 919

San Diego, California, US

I looked on the site but couldn't find the casting calls part. But it looked pretty basic to me. I actually work for a couple of different bondage sites. Tho it's not my lifestyle and I absolutely refuse to do anything that involves penetration or anything that has to do with even the slightest indication of a phallic symbol,  (I don't even pose with men or other models. I'm strictly "tie up"), I can assure you that most of the models pictured are in no way in pain at all unless they ask to be. Alot of the marks and pained faces are for show. Sure I have gone home with a couple of bruises from the ropes because I struggled a little too hard as encouraged to do so. But never in no way was I ever even remotely harmed or felt threatened.  I've slipped the ropes off because they weren't really tied all that tight and have still had rope marks on my skin that looked far worse than they were. I've been paddled before, (not very hard at all and by my escort who was standing off set), just until my skin looked a little red but I was never sore from it. I've had "clips" applied to my skin that looked like they really should hurt but they don't. And if they did pinch I could ask for them to be adjusted and there was no problem.Now I do admit that I have seen models who are heavily into the beatings and being tied very tightly, (I saw one girl actually pass out), and even the whole "rape" scenario. But for the most part looks can be deceiving. I have had a run in with a so called "bondage" photographer a while back. But it was the photographer himself that was a wrong and twisted person, not the content for which I was hired. I hope this sheds a little light from someone who experiences it first hand.

Nov 21 05 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 14

Detroit, Michigan, US

Daniel wrote:
they already exist, and believe it or not, people willingly take part in the making of it. the ideas are nothing new. read Sade's 120 days of sodom or Masoch's venus in furs.

I have never seen anything on the internet as sick and pornographic as the images that come to your mind in Sade's 120 Days of Sodom.  Interesting read though, I'm not sorry I read it.  I also have read Venus in Furs, which I think is one of my favorite books now.  It's romantic and a little violent at the same time.  The things this man is willing to do for the woman he loves...

Nov 21 05 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 274

Saginaw, Michigan, US

i didn't waste my time doing the link cause it sounds f'ed up, but if its what i'm thinking of definately messed up.
and if its what i'm thinking of, i'v seen a documentary-type-of-film on it, and NO, to the idiot that claims these women need credit for doing this, they usually never expect what will happen.  that's why it still seems like a rape though its consensual (sp?)

Nov 21 05 06:51 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

It`s called S&M. Lots of men AND women are into it from tame to extreme S&M. So, some figure, why not make money for having what they call fun? There are people just as offended that people can make money for shooting photographs.

Nov 21 05 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 15

Los Angeles, California, US

Cruella wrote:

I have never seen anything on the internet as sick and pornographic as the images that come to your mind in Sade's 120 Days of Sodom.  Interesting read though, I'm not sorry I read it.  I also have read Venus in Furs, which I think is one of my favorite books now.  It's romantic and a little violent at the same time.  The things this man is willing to do for the woman he loves...

i was not neccessarily implying that the extent of what goes on in 120 days of sodom can be seen in any way or form in today's pornography. my point was that bdsm fantasies (even violent ones such as in faux snuff) are not new. so its not like "whats next? snuff films?" the fantasy has been ever-present. the film part of it is just a new medium. so it should not be shocking that people take part in something like that as part of their free will.

Nov 21 05 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I guess I can speak from the other side of Stormie Psy's camera, although I have not yet worked with the lovely lady.  As a photographer in the fetish/BDSM industry, I know of the sites being discussed here, and honestly, they really don't do anything for me.  However, I also know from experience that these sites are run by professionals, and that they treat the models with professional respect.  I am also sure that the models fully understand that when they ask to work for these sites, they know what they're getting into.

I can't really compare what I do to what these other sites do, in that the only thing my site has in common with those sites is that the models are usually restrained or tied up.  Other than that, my sites are quite different. 

But I have worked with models who have worked with these sites, and I will say their experiences varied, but you would expect that, considering all models are different people with different priorities, thoughts, ideas, etc.  In fact one of my personal favorite models on my sites (also very popular with my customers) has worked with both companies on multiple occasions.  She's also worked with me on many occasions (as have a number of other models here on MM and otherwise).  In fact, I have had only two models say they didn't want to shoot the types of photos I shoot.  One after one shoot (she was trying it to see how she liked it), and one after four shoots.

Anyway, there is no one forcing anyone to work for them.  The people who go to work for these sites (and mine) want to be there.

Nov 21 05 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

there are models and photographers who refuse to do swimsuit, lingerie and "maxim/fhm style" photos...

there are models and photographers who refuse to do implied, topless and nudes...

there are models and photographers who refuse to do fetish, erotic, adult and softcore...

there are models and photographers who refuse to do hardcore pornography and heavy bondage...

and there are models and photographers who refuse to do the more physical stuff-sado/masochistic and (consensual) rape scenes...

some fall in ALL the categories...some fall in NONE...and still, there are others who fall somewhere INBETWEEN...

regardless of where one falls on this pyramid of "modeling/photography morality", it's ignorant, irresponsible and prejudiced for anyone to question the mental capacity and/or well-being of someone who's brave enough to explore the "next tier", based on their own incessant, innoxious and misguided opinions...

and yep, believe it or not, there exists those adventurous and progressive enough to delve deeper into their sexuality, past the missionary position, past the whipped cream, and even
past those furry little handcuffs...

pain, blood, sweat and tears-been there, done that...and i'm sure i'm not the only one...

Nov 21 05 08:24 pm Link


Chanta Rose

Posts: 31

San Francisco, California, US

Did anyone ever think that some people like to play this way? You are speaking of right? Well, I modelled full time for 12 years (now semi retired) and had no shortage of "clean" work yet I was a lot more interested in kink (and ventured into it the last 3-4 years of modeling), I never did boy/girl.

I have been dominated on Whippedass, it was fine. My limits were respected and I had a great time...such a good time in fact that I married the webmaster/director 3 years ago and he is a wonderful husband. For 2 years I was the main Dominatrix on yes, it was me "violating" these girls. I never disrespected a limit, never made a girl cry, never marked a girl so she couldn't shoot the next day and the company never bounced a cheque. At least what they do is honest and everything is discussed beforehand. I can think of a few "glamour" and mainstream photographers that put me on the casting couch during my career and that does not happen at whippedass.

Don't judge people for there choices. Not all women are victims doing porn. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't. If you don't like it; don't watch or as a model don't do it.


Nov 21 05 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Chanta Rose wrote:
Did anyone ever think that some people like to play this way? You are speaking of right? Well, I modelled full time for 12 years (now semi retired) and had no shortage of "clean" work yet I was a lot more interested in kink (and ventured into it the last 3-4 years of modeling), I never did boy/girl.

I have been dominated on Whippedass, it was fine. My limits were respected and I had a great time...such a good time in fact that I married the webmaster/director 3 years ago and he is a wonderful husband. For 2 years I was the main Dominatrix on yes, it was me "violating" these girls. I never disrespected a limit, never made a girl cry, never marked a girl so she couldn't shoot the next day and the company never bounced a cheque. At least what they do is honest and everything is discussed beforehand. I can think of a few "glamour" and mainstream photographers that put me on the casting couch during my career and that does not happen at whippedass.

Don't judge people for there choices. Not all women are victims doing porn. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't. If you don't like it; don't watch or as a model don't do it.


As I have said before, this is definitely not BCGs best day wink


PS - I love the guy otherwise

Nov 21 05 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

BCG wrote:
i will not post a link to the place, but if you google whippedass and search in the model call section, you can find out how much you can get paid to be violated.

I see nothing listing any pay schedules for being raped and/or violated.

If you want that, you can get it for free walking around in the wrong place wearing the wrong clothes.

What this site pays for is called *acting.* Nobody's getting raped, nobody's getting violated. Those terms both imply *nonconsensual acts.* The initiation of force. These are consensual acts between willing adults. If you don't like it, don't look at it and keep your yap shut.


Nov 21 05 09:03 pm Link


David Edens

Posts: 71

Tallahassee, Florida, US

It is what it is.   Everyone there knows whats going on beforehand.   If you want to condem it go ahead but everyone knows what the score is and want to be there.

Judge them by their choises not assuming they did not have a clue about whats being shot.    More women than you relize seek out this kind of work.   Im not saying its the best thing for them but they know what is going on.

Nov 21 05 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Daniel wrote:
they already exist, and believe it or not, people willingly take part in the making of it. the ideas are nothing new. read Sade's 120 days of sodom or Masoch's venus in furs.


PlasticPuppet wrote:
Good book.  I think it should be required reading for high school students, instead of focusing almost entirely on Shakespeare.

Ditto and "The Story of O" as well.


Nov 22 05 07:17 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

"Ditto and "The Story of O" as well."

i am going to hate to see the new generations "columbine"

Nov 22 05 08:06 am Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Chanta Rose wrote:
Did anyone ever think that some people like to play this way? You are speaking of right? Well, I modelled full time for 12 years (now semi retired) and had no shortage of "clean" work yet I was a lot more interested in kink (and ventured into it the last 3-4 years of modeling), I never did boy/girl.

I have been dominated on Whippedass, it was fine. My limits were respected and I had a great time...such a good time in fact that I married the webmaster/director 3 years ago and he is a wonderful husband. For 2 years I was the main Dominatrix on yes, it was me "violating" these girls. I never disrespected a limit, never made a girl cry, never marked a girl so she couldn't shoot the next day and the company never bounced a cheque. At least what they do is honest and everything is discussed beforehand. I can think of a few "glamour" and mainstream photographers that put me on the casting couch during my career and that does not happen at whippedass.

Don't judge people for there choices. Not all women are victims doing porn. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't. If you don't like it; don't watch or as a model don't do it.


Well we've heard from someone who was actively(and willingly) involved, versus someone(BCG) who just doesn't think it is right.  Whom do you believe knows the truth? 

If folks are adults and are willing to participate, why is it our place to judge them.  Pay attention to your own life and your own choices... that should keep most of us very busy.

Nov 22 05 08:11 am Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

What blows my mind is that there are people being sold into _real_ sexual slavery in parts of the world, women are being raped as part of "ethnic cleansing" in other parts of the world, women are having their genitals cut apart by religious fanatics over here, and girls are being sold to the sex trades over there...

....and some idiots care about what consenting adults are choosing to do for $$$ on a website?!

Priorities, people. Priorities!


Nov 22 05 08:21 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

GWC wrote:
What blows my mind is that there are people being sold into _real_ sexual slavery in parts of the world, women are being raped as part of "ethnic cleansing" in other parts of the world, women are having their genitals cut apart by religious fanatics over here, and girls are being sold to the sex trades over there...

....and some idiots care about what consenting adults are choosing to do for $$$ on a website?!

Priorities, people. Priorities!


there are more issues at  hand than just the choice the women make...access to this can be found at a click of the mouse...children can view this with a simple google with everything else, there is a natural evolution, what is next???...feeding Christians to the lions???

Nov 22 05 08:28 am Link