Forums > General Industry > pics by the same photographer?



Posts: 11

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Is it bad to have most of the pics in my portfolio by the same person? Does it look like I've only had one shoot or doesn't anyone care?

I've had quite few shoots but I prefer the pictures fron one of the photographers I've worked woth a couple of times.

Help a newbie...

Nov 18 05 09:16 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

when you are as cute as you are, who cares.

Nov 18 05 09:17 am Link



Posts: 93

San Jose, California, US

if they're good pictures, it really doesn't matter. you're not trying to prove that you've had many shoots, you're just showing your potential as a model.

Nov 18 05 09:21 am Link


Jenni L

Posts: 96

Westerville, Ohio, US

Your look is really good.  Each photographer is going to give you a different look depending on their style and their vision of you.  It helps give a more versatile portfolio.

Nov 18 05 09:22 am Link



Posts: 10

Portland, Oregon, US

Looks fine to me.  If it was 15 pics of the same outfit and the same background then there would have been a problem, but there is a good variety so it doesn't all look like one shoot to me.

Nov 18 05 09:24 am Link



Posts: 676

Miami, Florida, US

looks diverse enuff so far... great look BTW

Nov 18 05 09:26 am Link



Posts: 11

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Thanks everyone for the advice!

Nov 18 05 09:27 am Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

It helps to work with other photogs because others will see/shoot you differently.
But as long as your port has some diversity and you're happy with the shots, who cares who took them?

Nov 19 05 01:44 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

If the photographs of the one photographer have a consistent style, and they usually do, then you shouldn't show more than a few of the most different ones.  Your portfolio should reflect both your flexibility (for possible work) and your taste (for your own satisfaction).


Nov 19 05 10:48 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Depends on what you're going for.  Just as some models really only convey a certain look no matter who he/she shoots with, some photographers show the same kind of style no matter who he/she shoots.  Some are interested in diversity, some are not.  If you want diversity, the likelihood that you'll attain it by shooting with multiple photographers is higher by default, but it doesn't mean that one photographer can't provide you with an array of noticeably different looks.  One of the goals of anyone's portfolio is the show what he/she can do and it takes time to compile it.  Looks to me like you're on the right track.

Nov 19 05 11:15 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think that your portfolio shows enough diversity to attract a variety of good photographers. Here is what I have done, and what I suggest. I have two 'permanent test' photographers, so I can work with them deeply, and then I have other good photographers I work with to learn new things and get new viewpoints and new photographs for my ports and prints for my wall. Right now, you have found one photographer who works well with you. That is great, but you should eventually expand.

There is a history of one photographer and model working together to create art, usually the model is a muse of some type, but in today's modelling world, if you want to be an advertised model, you need to get exposure and diversity of experience.

It looks like you have good taste and a lot of talent as a model, so you should use that taste to find other photographers in your area that you respect in terms of style, etc. and contact them.

Nov 19 05 11:21 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

In your case, it's fine.  You have good diversity, you've worked with good photographers.  It would require a look at the individual image copyright info to tell if there were a limited number of photographers.  If you ever need to document having worked with a lot of photographers, you can always post a list of credits, or state that it can be provided upon request.  I'd say quality comes first.

As a qualifier, there are plenty of other portfolios out there where the images clearly are all from the same shoot.  Those are the people who should really be asking this question; or better yet, scrambling to set up their next few shoots.

As an example, there was a post by a photographer on another site a couple of years ago.  He was particularly arrogant, even by online standards; and his images were all of the same model, same lighting, same background, same outfit... almost certainly all from the same CF card.  Let's just say no one took him very seriously.

Nov 19 05 11:32 am Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Katarina wrote:
Is it bad to have most of the pics in my portfolio by the same person? Does it look like I've only had one shoot or doesn't anyone care?

I've had quite few shoots but I prefer the pictures fron one of the photographers I've worked woth a couple of times.

Help a newbie...

it's bad if they look all the same.
i think if you can work with the same photographer and come out with entirely different pictures each time-it shows awesome range for you and the photographer.

Nov 19 05 11:34 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I agree with what everyone else is saying.

If one photographer can provide you with many different looks and styles and variety, then it is fine to work with just one.

But, it is usually easier to achieve many different looks and styles and diversity by working with many different photographers.

Nov 19 05 11:37 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:
I agree with what everyone else is saying.

If one photographer can provide you with many different looks and styles and variety, then it is fine to work with just one.

But, it is usually easier to achieve many different looks and styles and diversity by working with many different photographers.

I also think that even if you don't show the pics in your portfolio, you will GROW as a model by working with a variety of GOOD photographers.

Nov 19 05 11:39 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

I think it is smart for a model to work with has many photographers as possible. Not only will you get a big variety but you will gain experience working with others. If you work with only 1 photographer for 2 years and then get hired by a company for a shoot, it could be overwhelming to all of a sudden be in front of strangers who are doing things so differently than you have been used to.
Plus a new photographer might shoot in a style or capture you in a way that you or the other photographer would of never thought of.
I would work with as many people as possible in the start of your career.

Nov 19 05 11:42 am Link



Posts: 405


My standard reply is both models and photographers should try to work as much as possible  with others to get a variety of looks. But then of course there is the muse effect, where the model and photographer bring out so much creativity out of each other that they become a team. So there is no pat answer. Trust everyone, but always cut the deck.

Nov 19 05 01:04 pm Link


Inamourada Flux

Posts: 238

Cheshunt, England, United Kingdom

Quality, not quantity.

Nov 19 05 01:21 pm Link


Reflective Images

Posts: 8

Columbus, Ohio, US

In my experience as a model and now as a photographer....Yes, it is bad to have a folio of images from only one photographer.  I fnd the best portfolios are a creative mixture of many photographers that can show your talent in many different lights.  You want a diverse portfolio that gives you as many different looks as possible.  That's what will get you the most looks professionally.


Nov 20 05 10:10 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

If all the photos are with the same photographer it is hard to judge how much is brought to the table by you vs the photographer, MUA etc or how you work with different people. Work with a variety of photographers brings out different parts of your ability and personality .
Model with one photographer (or photographer with one model) on there port could be a one hit wonder. On a TFP shoot photographers will take a chance but less likely on a paid shoot for a client. Now if all the photos are very different in style and character it is less of a problem.

Nov 20 05 10:30 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

After checking out your MM photo page, I cant agree with most of posters here who are telling you that you have enough 'variety'.  You have a majority of studio images, with a limited number of location shots.  I would also recommend one or two great headshots, which you dont have.  And yes... get out and work with ALOT more photographers, for when you do, the versatility that you seek will become apparent in the new images you create... wink

Nov 20 05 10:53 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
If the photographs of the one photographer have a consistent style, and they usually do, then you shouldn't show more than a few of the most different ones.  Your portfolio should reflect both your flexibility (for possible work) and your taste (for your own satisfaction).


I agree.

Nov 21 05 05:15 am Link