Forums > General Industry > no-show models...any thoughts


matt h

Posts: 138

Oakland, California, US

I wish i could say this was a first for me....I had a trip with a shoot planned as part of it, so i brought extra gear, lights, etc. I had spoken  with the model to confirm the day before, and show....calls ignored....

Is there value in outing this model (probably not....)?

But in any case, it is JUST BAD MANNERS.

ok, I feel better now.

Nov 08 05 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

It sucks that things suck.

Nov 08 05 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

arno wrote:
I wish i could say this was a first for me....I had a trip with a shoot planned as part of it, so i brought extra gear, lights, etc. I had spoken  with the model to confirm the day before, and show....calls ignored....

Is there value in outing this model (probably not....)?

But in any case, it is JUST BAD MANNERS.

ok, I feel better now.

Simply put she will "out" herself and develop a reputation all on her own if she continues to do this with potential photographers.

Bad manners yes, worth putting yourself in a strained situation when she finds out you black balled her? No.

Nov 08 05 10:38 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Welcome to the world of Internet modeling.  But before you bash the model too much, photographers can be no-shows as well.

We have this thread every week.  What she did was wrong but about all you can do is buck up and move forward. 

The Internet will gain respect when everyone learns to behave like professionals.

Nov 09 05 12:35 am Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Bummer man.  We've all been there.

Nov 09 05 12:43 am Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

flaky models give us all bad reps.  same with photographers.
we all spend money preparing and when someone flakes damages more than our bank accounts.  it hurts emotionally and i don't think that people see that.
i try not to cancel shoots last minute.
i've done them hungover and extremely ill. i fell asleep at one recently cuz my iron was low-feminin issues.  i did a nude shoot once the day i got my rag.
the reasons i've cancelled were very bad food poisoning-that was for a fitting-the designer cancelled on me last minute and chose another model-i saw the pic and yea-the girl had no range-i tried to explain that i was even throwing up water! i had a fashion show later that day too.  i did the show-almost passed out-but in my opinion-that was more important than the fitting-i rescheduled it for the next day(the shoot was in a few days)-and the show was through one of my agents.
i also had to cancel a shoot last time i was in LA cuz the person who was gona do it with me didn't tell me they decided to work that.  i felt so bad emailing-no phone-and no clue how to get to the location.  luckily the photographer understood!
blah-there's my story:)

Nov 09 05 12:44 am Link



Posts: 198

Denver, Colorado, US

You know what is even funnier? I had several problems like this and I got upset one day and I put their name and MM number on my page. Guess what, they were outraged!!!! How do I dare to blacklist them...they called me nasty names and all. I have tried to explain that it is rather unprofessional to do such thing and in return they said I am a crybaby and immature...what do you think about this?

Nov 09 05 12:55 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Pitaru wrote:
You know what is even funnier? I had several problems like this and I got upset one day and I put their name and MM number on my page. Guess what, they were outraged!!!! How do I dare to blacklist them...they called me nasty names and all. I have tried to explain that it is rather unprofessional to do such thing and in return they said I am a crybaby and immature...what do you think about this?

The truth hurts: they are immature and a crybaby. If you don't want a bad rep. don't create one for yourself. There are legitimate reasons for not doing a shoot on a given day. However, not calling or otherwise informing  the  photographer < or model as the case may be> is at the very least unprofessional, inconsiderate, and ultimately self defeating.


Nov 09 05 04:22 am Link



Posts: 2566

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

If this was a perfect world this sort of thing would not happen. However, it is not and it does. It is of course unprofessional not to phone to explain the reason for a no-show. It has happened to me in the past so I changed my method of working. I no longer shoot any model that has not done a test shoot with me or at the least had a face to face meeting before the shoot for which i pay expenses. If they do not turn up for the test or the meeting they get no further. I realise that in the USA distance travelled can make the problem a bit different. After all the UK is smaller than California.

Nov 09 05 04:39 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I used to get upset in the early goings, now I don't care. I just simply make a mental note and move on to someone more mature and responsible. If anyone asks me about that model, I simply tell them the truth about my experience with them.

Maybe I should start listing them on my profile.
In fact....

Nov 09 05 06:33 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

awww that sucks,
are you back from your trip??
she missed a great photo sesion her loss.

Really, I need to get my bottom in gear and organize that emergency models idea.
Emergency models "We fill in when they flake"

Nov 09 05 11:25 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I tried to form an opinion, but it didn't show up.

Nov 09 05 11:55 am Link


Mystic Princess

Posts: 279

Atascadero, California, US

I'm sorry about your no show. The only times I have no-showed to a shoot is when the car broke down and I did not have a # to call. I also was not close to internet to email them telling them what is up. But when I finally got home I did scan and email them the tow truck paper so that they for sure knew why I did not show up. But now I have a cell with internet so I'm good now.

Nov 09 05 12:08 pm Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

First off, not all internet models have their head in their ass. I for one take this as serious as a "real job" although I have never seen 1 dollar come if it. I do it because I am passionate about it.  I am respectful of other's time and talent and would ask the same in return.

I am always amazed at what a small world it is and how quickly one can get a bad reputation.  I'm sure this model you're referring to will make a bad name for herself if she hasn't already.  Please don't lump us all together, there's still some good ones out there. Sorry this happened to you.


Nov 09 05 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Elle wrote:
First off, not all internet models have their head in their ass.

Delusional is a more apt description, but either way the view isn't very clear.

Nov 09 05 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

arno wrote:
I wish i could say this was a first for me....I had a trip with a shoot planned as part of it, so i brought extra gear, lights, etc. I had spoken  with the model to confirm the day before, and show....calls ignored....

Is there value in outing this model (probably not....)?

But in any case, it is JUST BAD MANNERS.

ok, I feel better now.

Don't get your hopes up for an out-of-town shoot.  Be prepared to shoot, and be equally prepared not to shoot.  No-shows happen to all of us, models included.

Nov 09 05 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I have found that most models do try to make their appointments and show up and do their best.

That being said, psychologically, we humans mostly remember the jerks in our life.  Consider the act of going into a store.  If someone holds the door for you, we thank them and usually forget them.  But if someone doesn't hold the door, then we remember *that* most pointedly. 

Another example, driving along the highway, are you more likely to remember the hundreds of drivers and cars that all behave nicely and drive defensively, or the one guy who cuts you off and merges in front of you at a busy off ramp? 

We tend to remember people in a collective by the jerks who are part of the collective.  Just how humans are programmed. 

Always remember, most people aren't jerks, it's just that the jerks go out of their way to call attention to themselves.  smile

Nov 09 05 12:22 pm Link


Dean Johnson

Posts: 263

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Elle wrote:
First off, not all internet models have their head in their ass. I for one take this as serious as a "real job" although I have never seen 1 dollar come if it......


You've not made any money yet? You should be making money are beautiful and if I paid models as a general practice I'd hire you! . Go get an agency!
Don't rely on the web .....

Nov 09 05 12:30 pm Link


H. Robert Holmes

Posts: 104


I had a no-show model this past weekend.  On Monday, he e-mailed me with a quite legitimate reason for not showing and for not contacting me, and apologized.  That was a welcome change from some other no-shows!

So, I will give him another opportunity.  Not so, the ones who never contacted me again!

Nov 09 05 01:42 pm Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US

I can relate.

I'm sitting in the studio RIGHT NOW waiting for a model that's 30 minutes late.  No call, nothin.

From our e-mails, I kind of got the impression that Nov. 9th might just be next week, but that's not what the calendar says :-)

Oh well, and here I took the day off work for nuttin.

Nov 09 05 02:00 pm Link



Posts: 15

Thurmont, Maryland, US

I have only ever had one model pull a no show on me. What really bothered me was no phone call and no email with an excuse or an apology. Might have not been that bad if I hadn't rearranged an entire day to fit her schedule.
  Though I must admit I thought about telling the world I later thought best not to. Photographers, just as models "talk." I'm sure her reputation will get the best of her if she were to continue doing no shows.

Nov 09 05 03:05 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Had one yesterday. Move on to the next wink

Nov 09 05 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 77

Midlothian, Illinois, US

Get over it and move on.

Nov 09 05 03:22 pm Link


Mystic Princess

Posts: 279

Atascadero, California, US

Do you think pageants are good to enter?

Nov 09 05 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

How about the models who are interested in having you shoot them, ask you when is a good time, you throw out a few dates....a week or two goes by ...... then you hear from them. Dates are no good. So you respond by saying, "just let me know when you would like to have me fit you in" and nothing. Classic. At least I am quick to say when something isn't going to work out.

Nov 09 05 03:27 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

I jump on and list their ass faster than they can say “the cops are interviewing me because a balcony broke last nightâ€?… wink

Unfortunately I just had my first flake coming up this Saturday, so I might list and might not.

Legit models and photographers work hard to keep shoots.

Ironically it’s the younger models (17-21) who do most of the flaking.

Nov 09 05 03:31 pm Link


cookie monster

Posts: 132

Alamo Heights, Texas, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
How about the models who are interested in having you shoot them, ask you when is a good time, you throw out a few dates....a week or two goes by ...... then you hear from them. Dates are no good. So you respond by saying, "just let me know when you would like to have me fit you in" and nothing. Classic. At least I am quick to say when something isn't going to work out.

Dawn, I will leave an open appointment for you here in the WalMart photo studio. I will make sure we have all 4 exciting backgrounds available thet day.

Nov 09 05 03:32 pm Link


Elaine Dunn

Posts: 1463

New York, New York, US

I had to cancel a shoot a few years ago (as a model) because I had a crippling migraine and needed a doctor. Even though I called him to cancel, he was SO MAD! I apologized with utmost sincerity, but I was put-off by his reaction.

At least I called. There is a certain model in my current MM portfolio that showed up two and a half hours late for her shoot. That's bad manners as well. As much as I think it would be hilarious to swap stories about her, I think the previous posters have quite accurately pointed out that she will create a reputation on her own. Photographers talk. So do models. It's too bad I can't warn you all in advance about her unprofessionalism...but her pictures turned out great!

Nov 09 05 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

cookie monster wrote:

Dawn, I will leave an open appointment for you here in the WalMart photo studio. I will make sure we have all 4 exciting backgrounds available thet day.

You know, I would laugh at that comment, but I actually think that there is some potential for the WalMart backgrounds....yeah, I'm a dork.

Nov 09 05 03:36 pm Link


cookie monster

Posts: 132

Alamo Heights, Texas, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:

You know, I would laugh at that comment, but I actually think that there is some potential for the WalMart backgrounds....yeah, I'm a dork.

I think you would look good with the Christmas with Shrek II background. The Red and Green will bring out your eyes!

Nov 09 05 03:42 pm Link


Sarah Levine

Posts: 11

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

The worst thing a model can do for his/her career or potential career is to not show up, whether it be a shoot, a fitting...whatever.  Things happen, and that's okay...but what's not okay is to neglect to call or apologize if the situation did not warrant a phone call. 

If it were me I wouldn't widely display their mistake/rudeness/etc, but if anyone asked me what it was like working with them, I would be 100% honest and say "good luck, they didn't show and offered no apologies or explanations." 
I can understand the frustration, and I think it's the experience I have as a photographer that keeps me annoyingly considerate when it comes to shoots. 
Maybe if more people were shafted we would be less inclined to do the shafting....or...something..

Nov 09 05 05:06 pm Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

Image #2 and #3 in my port was taken by Mike Brouwer a few weeks ago. When I woke up that morning I was sicker than a dog! I had no idea how I was physcially going to drag my tush to that shoot. I called my sweet MUA, told her my skin looked literally green and that she was going to have to work some serious magic!  She did (at least I hope you can't tell I'm incredibly ill in those images! LOL) But Mike was kind enough to drive all the way from MI to shoot and I was going to show up come hell or high water. There were several times I thought I was going to faint while shooting but I'll be damned if I cancelled on this wonderful man. I did apologize several times for being under the weather and the beautiful thing was he had no idea. Committment is something I take very seriously. As hard as it was showing up feeling like hell, I'm so glad I did.  If I ended up hurling on the set, at least Mike knew I made every effort in the world to show up and gave it everything I had.  Turned out to be a nice day afterall.  : )


Nov 09 05 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 55

Greensboro, Georgia, US

I am learning that it comes with being a photographer. I used to dwell on it and leave all of my horror stories here on these boards. Now, I just move on to the next model. I have even started to double book models knowing that one will not show up.

Keep your chin up and keep shooting!

Nov 09 05 05:48 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Well, there's this model/moderator/photogpher on MM that I won't mention her name...but she agreed verbally to shoot with me exclusively.

She cheats on me all the time.  She blames it on her husband and something about her kids being important.  If she wasn't so hot, I'd tell her she'd never find work again.

Nov 09 05 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 609

Los Angeles, California, US

Good thread. For me flaking only bothers me once a rapport has been established and I've inconvenienced myself as a result of a scheduled shoot. I don't care if a MM member doesn't get back to me after a few emails about us potentially shooting. It does make me wonder, but no offence is taken.

Now, the flake out with no call, email, voicemail, nothing after a shoot has been scheduled--that's just plain unacceptable. And yes, I would probably out them. I'm an eye-for-an-eye type of guy, for better or worse.

Nov 09 05 06:57 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

I would out her. If I made a habit of flaking on models I would think that models would want to help eachother out and warn eachother about working with me. It's the only way that MM as a community can get rid of people that give this business a bad name. I do not flake....but if I do.....tell the world. So if this model flaked......tell us. Even if you save one other photographer from dealing with the headache of being cancelled on, you have made this site better.

Nov 09 05 07:35 pm Link


cookie monster

Posts: 132

Alamo Heights, Texas, US

Thomas B wrote:
I would out her. If I made a habit of flaking on models I would think that models would want to help eachother out and warn eachother about working with me. It's the only way that MM as a community can get rid of people that give this business a bad name. I do not flake....but if I do.....tell the world. So if this model flaked......tell us. Even if you save one other photographer from dealing with the headache of being cancelled on, you have made this site better.

What is next for the young woman? Would you like to crucify this woman? This crowd mentality scares me. Do you know all the variables in her life that may cause her to act and behave the way she allegedly did? How many more Eva's do we need to lose to quench your thirst of "justice"?

Nov 09 05 07:43 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Where to report no-shows:

Nov 09 05 08:16 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
I used to get upset in the early goings, now I don't care. I just simply make a mental note and move on to someone more mature and responsible. If anyone asks me about that model, I simply tell them the truth about my experience with them.

Maybe I should start listing them on my profile.
In fact....

I will be doing that for all the flakey, lying, cancelling photographers I have run into

Nov 09 05 08:19 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

cookie monster wrote:
What is next for the young woman? Would you like to crucify this woman? This crowd mentality scares me. Do you know all the variables in her life that may cause her to act and behave the way she allegedly did? How many more Eva's do we need to lose to quench your thirst of "justice"?

Give me a break......if a business screws you over what do you do? Well maybe you sit back and take it. I file a report with the BBB. Doing these kind of things warns and protects other people for dealing with flakes and people who conduct business in a crappy way. We can agree to disagree. This business if full of flaky models and photographers. In my opinion they all need to go away and do something else for a living. And the only way for me and my fellow MM'ers to know who these people are, is to report them. If the model or photographer has a legit reason for not showing or calling like death in the family or car broke down.....fine. It is a one time thing and it happens to everyone. But if you start seeing reports of the same name over and over and find that they are attending funerals twice a week.........chances are good that this person is a flake and needs to go waste someone else's time. I love everyone I have worked with on this site and I would like to help keep it clear of the bad apples. Too bad you are not willing to do the same.

Nov 09 05 10:45 pm Link