Forums > General Industry > What is it with the children?



Posts: 2151

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I came into this site at 6:00 on a Sunday morning and now I have these children telling me that I don't know what I am doing..  I don't have time for this.  You may ask yourself "Why am I here?"  This is an experment and I might close the "experiment" at anytime.  There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot" FYI: on occation (very sometimes they are, but not often).  I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

May 10 05 10:53 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

With all due respect, if you don't like it here, leave.   Nobody is forcing you to be here.

May 10 05 10:59 pm Link


Valerie Rose

Posts: 129

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
I came into this site at 6:00 on a Sunday morning and now I have these children telling me that I don't know what I am doing..  I don't have time for this.  You may ask yourself "Why am I here?"  This is an experment and I might close the "experiment" at anytime.  There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot" FYI: on occation (very sometimes they are, but not often).  I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

you have a bad attitude. It dosnt fuckin matter what kinda camera someone uses it is how they use it. Im sorry for cussing but your comment really pissed me off. Your an asshole.

May 10 05 11:03 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

May 10 05 11:07 pm Link


John Lavery

Posts: 304

Manchester, Connecticut, US

What's wrong with owning a D70? Some of us don't make enough money to buy the higher end cameras, but that doesn't mean we're not decent photographers or any less serious about it than you.  One of the photos I'm most proud of was taken under a highway overpass using a Ricoh KR-5 Super II.  Not a great camera, but it was what I could afford at the time, and it gave me great results. Some of us can actually get great results without using a $5000 camera and lighting setup.  No, I'm not a great photographer, but I love photography, I love my D70, and I take offense at being called "pond scum" because of the camera I use.

Tell you what.  I'll give you an opportunity to show me a great picture. I'm waiting...

May 10 05 11:09 pm Link


Alli B

Posts: 906

Syracuse, New York, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes:


May 10 05 11:11 pm Link


Alli B

Posts: 906

Syracuse, New York, US

Ya know for a college student, I happen to LOVE my fiance shoots with a D70, and other photogs I have worked with shoot with the same camera, its all about you use it, and apply your style to photography, when I shoot something it is on the basis of art and because I am artist people can tell that in my photos....and being a designer it helps to have these kind of skills....I don't like that reference of "pond scum" it is very inappropriate

May 10 05 11:13 pm Link


Valerie Rose

Posts: 129

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Also I shoot with a D70 and a lot of my images in my model portfolio are self portraits done with the d70, I think they were rather well done. Like I said it dosnt matter what camera the photographer is using it is how he/she uses it.

May 10 05 11:18 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

With an shitty attitude like that, this "Chuck" sounds like he doesn't belong here. It does not matter what kind of camera anyone uses. If you are good, you can use a disposable if that is what it takes to get the picture!

Don't like it here? Well, you may as well delete your membership here before it's done for you!

May 11 05 12:05 am Link


Lesley Brown

Posts: 172

Marfa, Texas, US

wow, i don't even own a dslr yet.  i am still working with my point and must really suck then smile

there are a lot of photographers on here that are just starting out, me being one of them.  i can't afford a fancy camera yet.  i am here to learn as much as i can.  i hope to build my portfolio by being here, and i hope to learn from other photographers on here.  i have already received valuable information just reading these forums.  no, i am not a fantastic photographer.....yet!  but someday soon i will be.

chuck, you had to start somewhere too.  maybe you forgot that.

May 11 05 12:24 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

I think you should go first with the great shot  smile

May 11 05 12:56 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Wow!  This is the guy that messaged me this morning saying...

"Hey bro, your photos are not good and the model's look like they would rather be somewhere else. Gee could that be because that is how they feel?"

I must of had did something to piss him off.  That is so unlike me, lol.  He must be jealous because my balls are bigger than his.  Wait a minute!  I've never even talked to this guy before, let alone heard of him.


May 11 05 01:01 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So I used to play vampire (yes I know I am a big old geek) well actually LARP vampire (bigger geek, she's a bigger geek, hey I did for a cute guy) but there were these people who spent their whole time being some great thingimgummy in a pretend world. This guy sounds like those people. I think it was the austentatious (spelled wrong) use of the word children. I don't know, doesn't this thread seem a bit fishy? Like going to a born again fund raiser dressed as an abortion clinic nurse. I think this person is trying to see if they can get a rise out of people,

that's just my opinion I could be wrong,


May 11 05 01:02 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

What is it with grown-ups puffing out their chests like pretentious gits?

May 11 05 01:07 am Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by theda: 
What is it with grown-ups puffing out their chests like pretentious gits?

Got me, Theda.

May 11 05 01:54 am Link


Duck Photography

Posts: 80

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
I came into this site at 6:00 on a Sunday morning and now I have these children telling me that I don't know what I am doing..  I don't have time for this.  You may ask yourself "Why am I here?"  This is an experment and I might close the "experiment" at anytime.  There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot" FYI: on occation (very sometimes they are, but not often).  I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

Bite me Asswipe

May 11 05 02:09 am Link


Duck Photography

Posts: 80

San Diego, California, US

Oh and for the record I can't even afford D70

May 11 05 02:10 am Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
I came into this site at 6:00 on a Sunday morning and now I have these children telling me that I don't know what I am doing..  I don't have time for this.  You may ask yourself "Why am I here?"  This is an experment and I might close the "experiment" at anytime.  There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot" FYI: on occation (very sometimes they are, but not often).  I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

woah dude did you wake up on the wrong side of the pond scum?

You don't have the time for this? Obviously you do, because you took your aggressions out on everyone and put them down based on experiences you had with some people you refer to as children.
Being a professional as you state would tell you this is not a way to converse with those you possibly would consider working with at one time. Nor does it give your reputation as someone that people would want to be related with in their portfolios. (lowers head, yeah I worked with the guy that calls others pond scum).
So you don't agree with what ever these people said, so that gives you the right to call most on here pond scum and children?
There are many people in the profession that may fit that category I’m sure. I'd say someone that puts others down for doing what they love as a job, or pursuing what they want to become, or fulfilling a dream of doing something they enjoy is someone you could classify in that category.
I don't agree with what everyone says on a site, I also don't lash out at everyone when my temper soars because someone critiqued my work in a negative manner.
If I did I'd be in a nut house.

Maybe a response in private would of been more practical then slamming everyone on a site and calling them names. At least that would of been more professional.

Well I'm a child tho so what do I know. tongue

May 11 05 02:46 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Yo!  Find a new occupation or something...I use a D10...Who cares...It works good for me...I've used a Holga, A Seagal and I still to this day do all the B&W wedding pix with a ZX-30 and some Ilford...Models, clients...they all seemed to have loved what I produced for them, so if clients happy, I'm happy...Oh...and by the way...Have a nice day...

May 11 05 02:58 am Link


Jim Karczewski

Posts: 34

Hammond, Indiana, US

Put in the capable (CAPABLE being the key word!) hands of a good photographer, ANY camera is a tool that can make stunning pictures.  I don't care if it's a $10 disposable or a $20k Mamiya with a Leaf digital back.   If I gave the Mamiya + Leaf to say, my best friend the accountant, would he be taking pictures that would be ready to go into Vouge just from using that camera?   No.. HIGHLY unlikely.  Don't be so quick to judge what equipment people use.  Look at the IMAGES they produce.

May 11 05 03:16 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
  I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

You can look them up if you'd like, but with such a gracious invitation, I'm hard pressed to see why I'd bother doing anything to help you find them.

You're a fine photojournalist--no doubt about that: you've got the "f/8 and be there" part down pat. But you really need to work on your social skills.

May 11 05 04:07 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by theda: 
What is it with grown-ups puffing out their chests like pretentious gits?

Blame the edumacation "system"--it's an easy target.

Or the poor guy's parents, for letting him grow up without the fundamental social abilities needed to function in polite society.

Or maybe he's just, um, well, I can't say it.

May 11 05 04:10 am Link



Posts: 145

London, England, United Kingdom

yes bad attitude, everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has a right to express themselves. Theres a lot of pics i don't love on this site but they might not be the same ones as you don't like anyway. It's all subjective at the end of the day.

May 11 05 04:41 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot"

Thanks for the classification! I bought my D70 after shooting NYC Fashionweek (with N90s) for a TV station. The D70 was there independently and highly recommended to me by two other "pond scum" colleagues, one shooting for Wire Images and the other for Getty Image, both of course using that camera.

If, after 20 years in the business, you still think that the CAMERA is what makes you professional and an above "pond scum" shooter... then you didn't realize yet that a camera is a little black box that keeps light off the film/sensor plus some little extra gadget to let light in on a controllled basis.

I encountered that most of my US colleagues are very curteous and polite, a very few who had bad attitude won't make it long in this industry, at least as runway shooters.

I know one particular one, who was shooting at some of the fashionshows I was involved in, who was a prick there, is not being invited back... and at Fashionweek, the same guy, bad attitude was virtually BLOCKED on the raiser.

If you don't know what he raiser is, take a look at my profile photos and you see the press corps. People with bad attitude being blocked, shooters with a nice professional attitude help each other out.

Best regards

Udo "Pond Scum" Photography

May 11 05 05:00 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Jim Karr: 
Put in the capable (CAPABLE being the key word!) hands of a good photographer, ANY camera is a tool that can make stunning pictures. 


May 11 05 06:12 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot"

hey... I like my d70, and honestly, even if i wanted better equipment right now, that's the best i could afford.

plus, everyone's got to start somewhere, even "children." I haven't looked at your portfolio, and I don't know how capable you are or are not as a photographer; to be honest, I really don't care. I understand that this was probably provoked by something, but it comes off as a really rude generalization.

May 11 05 06:31 am Link


James Berglie

Posts: 102

Nottingham, Maryland, US

I think maybe this guy's comment was not meant to be so harsh, and I think maybe not meant to attack the equipment photographers use as much as the photographers themselves.  --  which really... makes it worse!--  but then again, maybe Im being too nice to the guy.  heres my attempt at a great picture...  keep in mind Ive taken many pictures, and this is one of the very few I consider to be great. 

May 11 05 06:34 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Children are good i spend most of my life working with children..
Insight is good from any age!
As for the camera "if it works use it"

May 11 05 06:34 am Link


James Berglie

Posts: 102

Nottingham, Maryland, US

ahh damn... now why didnt that work?

May 11 05 06:36 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Wow...I'm a little embarrrased...I don't usually miss a good fight, and this one went on without my even knowing about it until now!  How I'm not losing my touch...

May 11 05 07:00 am Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 
Wow...I'm a little embarrrased...I don't usually miss a good fight, and this one went on without my even knowing about it until now!  How I'm not losing my touch...

Still time to jump in the mix Melvin.

Photography is not about equipment, it's about artistry. With that said you could make awesome images with anything from an ultra high-end digital setup to a cheap disposable or pinhole camera. I've taken great images with a B&W disposable and horrible image with my new 20D and visa versa.

Stop being an equipment snob.

May 11 05 07:11 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
  There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" 

Troll.  Why is he still here?

May 11 05 07:24 am Link


Myla Chenoa

Posts: 48

Phoenix, Arizona, US

LOL Larry, I was thinking that exact same thing

May 11 05 07:38 am Link



Posts: 633

Milltown, Wisconsin, US

Howdy Folks !

My response to this arrogant wannabe-stillGWC- egotistical numbnut, comes from the words of the immortal MM member Chelsea who is both one of the most dynamic expressive models AND photographers on MM...  and I quote...

       " Your an Asshole !"

Happy Holidays,


May 11 05 07:43 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Um...does anyone know what ranking is below "pond scum"? 
My digital of choice is a $300 HP Photosmart 850, which I really only use so i can give the models a disc of images in short REAL cameras of choice are my Agfa Clack circa 1949, my Agfa Isoly-Mat circa 1964 and my Canonet 28 rangefinder circa 1969.  As you can see, all this "D" talk is way above me.

May 11 05 07:52 am Link



Posts: 145

London, England, United Kingdom

lol dunno but i have a powershot canon g6 so wherever you are i'm there with you!

May 11 05 07:59 am Link


Tito Trelles-MADE IN NY

Posts: 960

Miami, Florida, US

Dear Mr Nacke, all these years working for God , and publishing on heavenly magazines have hurt your ego...too big for this place. If we are not tall enough to play with you...leave... this is our park.
Good photographers?  check Jeffery Scott...Derek Caballero...Denis Galante....and look both ways before crossing the street.

May 11 05 08:13 am Link


Norris Carden

Posts: 128

Tullahoma, Tennessee, US

Just looked at his site. Definitely an impressive resume. Wish he had a more positive role in sharing that accumulated knowledge.

My one comment...  many of what he calls "portraits" on his site are merely PJ snapshots a high school kid given the same access coulda taken with a point and shoot. Yeah they're powerful news subjects, but they're NOT portraits.

May 11 05 08:21 am Link


Rik Bowman

Posts: 285

Taos, New Mexico, US

Can't wait to post my Holga pics.

Oh crap, it's a toy camera!!!

Certainily isn't even a D70



May 11 05 08:27 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Well for a guy who is bitching about peoples equipment, why does the camera he's using have a built in flash??  Last time I checked, there are no Nikon  "Professional" cameras that have a built in flash.. In fact, it looks like he's using an N80 which is really kind of the basis for the D70..

You can see the pic in his port titled, "shooting on a California beach".

I guess it's only shitty equipment when it's not in his God like hands... 

May 11 05 08:34 am Link