Forums > General Industry > What is it with the children?


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot" 

You are wrong.  There are quite a few people "pon" this site that are quite talented and produce great work with their D70's and DRebels and don't come off sounding like a complete jackass like yourself.

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

Thanks for the "oppertunity" which is much appreciated.  Now go back into your cave.

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
"Why am I here?"  This is an experment and I might close the "experiment" at anytime.

The great things you bring to this site are priceless.  We children are blessed with your "experment."  It and you will be truly missed.

May 11 05 09:01 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I have a confession to make.

There have been times on other messages boards when I've been a troll.

It is fun sometimes. You post ONE thing and just watch the people argue and bicker and defend themselves for page after page after page. It's a fascinating social experiment to see just how EASY it is to manipulate people and push their buttons and get them all riled up.

And, as always, it is working in this thread too.

This instigator never made a second post and it is already on page 2.

And I'll bet that THIS post I'm making right now won't stop the wildfire either. I bet all of you will keep on defending yourselves and getting upset with this troll fella. Because drama is more powerful than logic ...

... Gee, I sounded like a Vulcan just then.

May 11 05 10:14 am Link


Tanya O

Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If that post made any sense, grammatically speaking, I just *might* be able to reply...

(By the way, my measly Pentax K1000, and my little school darkroom, give me lovely images smile )

May 11 05 10:32 am Link



Posts: 64

Brattleboro, Vermont, US

Wow, I love how some people are so insecure with themselves that they feel it nessicary to pick on others and what they do to feel better about themselves.

I also like how he has not responded again after posting this.  He was probably looking to start a fight and is sitting back laughing at us all.


If we are the children, why is it that you are the one who seems to need lessons in proper etiquette and how to treat people? 


May 11 05 10:34 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
I have a confession to make.

There have been times on other messages boards when I've been a troll.

It is fun sometimes. You post ONE thing and just watch the people argue and bicker and defend themselves for page after page after page. It's a fascinating social experiment to see just how EASY it is to manipulate people and push their buttons and get them all riled up.

And, as always, it is working in this thread too.

This instigator never made a second post and it is already on page 2.

And I'll bet that THIS post I'm making right now won't stop the wildfire either. I bet all of you will keep on defending yourselves and getting upset with this troll fella. Because drama is more powerful than logic ...

... Gee, I sounded like a Vulcan just then.

And you are most likely correct.. But allow me to issue this question, Why is there such joy in creating such bad energy? Particularly in an enviroment that is suppose to foster creativity and professionalism? To me, that is really the greatest childish act one can perform. After all, would you not abmonish a child for such poor behaviour?

At a certain age, it is time to grow up and be mature..

May 11 05 10:38 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Keith Baumbaugh: 

At a certain age, it is time to grow up and be mature..

I want to learn and share that is why i am here anybody else?

May 11 05 10:46 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

I want to learn and share that is why i am here anybody else?

So am I..  And well put, Hugh...

May 11 05 11:47 am Link


Valerie Rose

Posts: 129

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Posted by MikeyBoy43: 
Howdy Folks !

My response to this arrogant wannabe-stillGWC- egotistical numbnut, comes from the words of the immortal MM member Chelsea who is both one of the most dynamic expressive models AND photographers on MM...  and I quote...

       " Your an Asshole !"

Happy Holidays,


lol not very lady like but what can I say? the guy pissed me off. I guess he isnt going to respond because he is just too good for all of us pond scum. lol.

xo Chelsea

May 11 05 11:51 am Link



Posts: 23

Carbondale, Colorado, US

I don't care for your comment at all.  I think it was very unprofessional of you to say what type of camera people should use or to say bad things about anyone.  I think that anyone can make it as a photographer or as a model all they need is ambition.  So I disagree with what you said and I don't appreciate it.

May 11 05 06:02 pm Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

wow. his expurrment werked! no second post and now watch all the defensive ramblings appear like crrraaazy! um...what were we talking about again?

yaaay holga!

May 11 05 06:22 pm Link



Posts: 135

Harrisburg, Arkansas, US

It's the digital mentality to think that the bigger the camera is, the better photographer you are. Couldn't be further from the truth. Put a 10,000.00 camera in a newbie's hands and you get newbie images.

I have seen amazing work come from people with disposables.

Stop the insanity and just make great photos.

May 11 05 06:26 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Wow Chuck...

You come to a fine (and totally free) portfolio hosting location on the web, and toss out a blanket insult to it's participants.  I know for a fact that there's dozens of talented and beautiful models and photographers here at MM, because many of them have attended our SM events.  Granted, there are some members of MM that are 'students of the industry', and if you ask the administrator of this site, you will find that one of MM's goals is to provide those beginning members with the ability to increase their level of expertise thru the contacts that they make here.  After your snide and insulting remarks, do you think that ANYONE here would feel comfortable in contacting you?... that's debatable!  And no doubt, there's many here that I'm quite sure can put your level of expertize to shame mister.  (And what's up with takin pictures of maniquin heads with eye-patches on them... LOL... that's a lost talent my friend... HaHa... and rightfully so!).  It's kinda like the waters of life Chucky... there's minnows and sharks everywhere.  My recommendation... swim around in your little pond that suits you best... GROW AND LEARN... and don't migrate to the ocean until you can conduct yourself in a mature enough manner to swim with the big fish... nuf said!   

May 11 05 06:57 pm Link


Wendi April

Posts: 240

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Don't pick on other photographers about their cameras and I won't pick on you about your spelling and grammar!

Posted by Chuck Nacke: 
I came into this site at 6:00 on a Sunday morning and now I have these children telling me that I don't know what I am doing..  I don't have time for this.  You may ask yourself "Why am I here?"  This is an experment and I might close the "experiment" at anytime.  There is a very small number of people pon this site that are really talented and then there is a lot of "Pond scum" the ones that bought their Digital Rebels and their D70's and they think that they are "Hot" FYI: on occation (very sometimes they are, but not often).  I will give all an oppertunity to show me a great picture. Do it....

May 11 05 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 1920

Lancaster, Ohio, US

Ya know?   I'm currently using a Fuji FinePix 602z, and love it for most the work I do.  Yes, I see a few limitations to it, but still. 
Oh, and btw,  if by chance you can view the shows for the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Editon, watch a few from one or two years ago.  There is one photographer that was shooting a model along the edge of a swimming pool.  Guess what he was using..........  a FRIGGIN Kodak Instamatic.  He showed it to the cameraman/person.  And stated that, that camera is the ONLY thing he uses.  Guess that is why he only got ONE photo in the issue that year, eh?

May 11 05 07:04 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3

Pasadena, California, US

You might want to learn how to spell before you come on here and insult people... j-a-c-k-a-s-s

May 11 05 07:23 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I think his experiment is to see how riled up he can get people by insulting them. He looks to have been fairly successful.

I still classify myself as an amateur photographer. I'd LIKE to get paid to do it, but I'm still learning and having fun in the process.

I know there are probably a lot of photographers (like this Chuck character) that hate the advent of digital cameras and Internet where anyone can go out and take pics, alter them in Photoshop, and post them on a forum for all to see. I happen to think it's a good thing for 2 reasons: 1) It gave me a chance to explore an opporunity I otherwise wouldn't have been able to due to the costs of high-end camera equipment, and 2) It gives all of us a chance to see the work of photographers who otherwise woulnd't have seen the light of day.

In other words, up yours Chuck. smile

May 11 05 11:23 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Posted by Sleepy Weasel: 
I think his experiment is to see how riled up he can get people by insulting them. He looks to have been fairly successful.

I still classify myself as an amateur photographer. I'd LIKE to get paid to do it, but I'm still learning and having fun in the process.

I know there are probably a lot of photographers (like this Chuck character) that hate the advent of digital cameras and Internet where anyone can go out and take pics, alter them in Photoshop, and post them on a forum for all to see. I happen to think it's a good thing for 2 reasons: 1) It gave me a chance to explore an opporunity I otherwise wouldn't have been able to due to the costs of high-end camera equipment, and 2) It gives all of us a chance to see the work of photographers who otherwise woulnd't have seen the light of day.

In other words, up yours Chuck. smile

Chuck doesn't like the competition from us pond scum.  He should be very afraid!  ;->

and I also thought he was just trolling to see how much reaction he could get.    But trolling by insulting everyone on the site.......very childish.

May 11 05 11:34 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

He hasn't ever replied and this thread is still going?  lol

May 12 05 01:24 pm Link