Forums > General Industry > The Model & the B/F


Gregory - GCUI

Posts: 218

Milford, Connecticut, US

Issue: Model states AFTER the shoot, "don't send bikini & lingerie" images on the same CD as the fashion & glamour".
In the last 3 days I have done 2 shoots where both models knew we would be doing SS and lingerie. They brought the outfits they wore, they wanted good photos, as did I, and agreed to all the poses.

Now I get calls & e-mails, requesting those images not be put on the web and keep seperate on the CD.  And "please don't you use them on your web site!"  So I have had to work an additional 2+ hours to keep these girls happy....

I'm thinking of setting policy where if a model has a B/F, she should find another photog. Extreme, maybe, but it will save hours of post-production work.

Comments, suggestions, thoughts welcome!

Jan 19 07 10:41 am Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

All that should be discussed beforehand and outlined in your release. No surprises! As far as restricting your usage..... Talk to the Hand!

Jan 19 07 10:44 am Link


Eli Ceballos

Posts: 208

Brooklyn, New York, US

I had a Similar situation occur with a 19yo model, but she clearly told me her mom was the issue.  I hated doing the extra work but i refused to agree to me not putting the images on the web.

A new trend??

BTW i love the title of the thread...should be the title of a horror movie. 

...has a ring to it like A Horse and his Boy


Jan 19 07 10:48 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Meehan wrote:
All that should be discussed beforehand and outlined in your release. No surprises! As far as restricting your usage..... Talk to the Hand!

No model release, no photo session...simple.

Jan 19 07 10:51 am Link


TRPn Pics

Posts: 10435

Silver Springs Shores, Florida, US

Agreed, if you make it clear and she signs on the bottem line, nothing she says after the fact should effect the way you use the shots. Now if your just being Mr.Niceguy, thats fine too. I've had this delima before myself and I imagine alot if not all photographers shooting Glamour have as well at one point or another. I if requested have always been Mr.Niceguy as usually they come back and want to shoot again.

Some models/women shoot glamour the first time just to piss their bf off I think. It's like "Don't tell me what to do" or something.

Jan 19 07 10:54 am Link


Gregory - GCUI

Posts: 218

Milford, Connecticut, US

TeddyRay wrote:
Some models/women shoot glamour the first time just to piss their bf off I think. It's like "Don't tell me what to do" or something.

I think you have it dialed-in on that one! The Modeling Release is solid, I hate there to be "issues".....

Still the policy of, "if you have a B/F, go someplace else", is less stress.

Jan 19 07 11:00 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

I'm assuming the existence of model release, usage, etc. and look at it from another standpoint.

If you had the same agreement with a celebrity and/or supermodel and days later were asked not to submit them to that magazine, would you oblige?

Perhaps she should have thought for a moment about any implications or social inconveniences any photos would have caused PRIOR to the shoot. You should not be limited because a girl had a change of heart (that's why contracts exist in the first place).

Jan 19 07 11:00 am Link


TRPn Pics

Posts: 10435

Silver Springs Shores, Florida, US

and then there's the thread about bringing escorts ie: bf's to a shoot, go figure

Jan 19 07 11:08 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Gregeiger Company wrote:
Issue: Model states AFTER the shoot, "don't send bikini & lingerie" images on the same CD as the fashion & glamour".
In the last 3 days I have done 2 shoots where both models knew we would be doing SS and lingerie. They brought the outfits they wore, they wanted good photos, as did I, and agreed to all the poses.

Now I get calls & e-mails, requesting those images not be put on the web and keep seperate on the CD.  And "please don't you use them on your web site!"  So I have had to work an additional 2+ hours to keep these girls happy....

I'm thinking of setting policy where if a model has a B/F, she should find another photog. Extreme, maybe, but it will save hours of post-production work.

Comments, suggestions, thoughts welcome!

Send both CD's, but label them identically with only the model's name.  If she signed your release, web use is determined by your desire to work with her again.

Jan 19 07 11:10 am Link


Alex Kinkead

Posts: 211

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Gregeiger Company wrote:
Issue: Model states AFTER the shoot, "don't send bikini & lingerie" images on the same CD as the fashion & glamour".
In the last 3 days I have done 2 shoots where both models knew we would be doing SS and lingerie. They brought the outfits they wore, they wanted good photos, as did I, and agreed to all the poses.

Now I get calls & e-mails, requesting those images not be put on the web and keep seperate on the CD.  And "please don't you use them on your web site!"  So I have had to work an additional 2+ hours to keep these girls happy....

I'm thinking of setting policy where if a model has a B/F, she should find another photog. Extreme, maybe, but it will save hours of post-production work.

Comments, suggestions, thoughts welcome!

I've had the same thing happen to me often enough that I'm kinda used to it.

I have no problem at all in burning 2 separate cd's for the model, its only an extra 5 mins work for me, so no big deal.

As for the model dictating to me what I can do with my intellectual property....

talk to the hand for sure.... smile

Unless its a joint project and the conditions of use were agreed to prior to the shoot by all parties involved.


The Model was paying me which makes him/her my client and therefor I was working for them.

Jan 19 07 11:18 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

At the risk of piling on, I'll add that I suppose I could be talked into a separate CD for the lingerie images, but there's no way I would be talked out of using a good image that came out of the photo session.

UNLESS, she comes across with enough greenbacks to buy all the rights to the images.  That's a different story entirely.  Also generally pure fiction, since it doesn't happen often.

Jan 19 07 11:27 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Gregeiger Company wrote:
Issue: Model states AFTER the shoot, "don't send bikini & lingerie" images on the same CD as the fashion & glamour".
In the last 3 days I have done 2 shoots where both models knew we would be doing SS and lingerie. They brought the outfits they wore, they wanted good photos, as did I, and agreed to all the poses.

Now I get calls & e-mails, requesting those images not be put on the web and keep seperate on the CD.  And "please don't you use them on your web site!"  So I have had to work an additional 2+ hours to keep these girls happy....

I'm thinking of setting policy where if a model has a B/F, she should find another photog. Extreme, maybe, but it will save hours of post-production work.

Comments, suggestions, thoughts welcome!

It has nothing to do with a boyfriend. Some boyfriends are obsessive control freaks, some are supportive. You can't make rules just because someone has a BF.

Just make your rules clear beforehand.

Jan 19 07 11:28 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Oh, the tangled webs we weave
When we practice to deceive.

Click's Rule: don't drag me into this childish game playing and squabbles between girlfriends and boyfriends.

It's low level Soap Opera mentality. No thanks.

Jan 19 07 11:32 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i had a model who wanted me to change the electronic date on the images, so her fiancee wouldnt know when she shot them

the day we shot, she was only suppose to be doing makeup

i told her she had to fess up, cuz i wouldnt do it

Jan 19 07 11:32 am Link


RH Hayes Images

Posts: 5

Royal Oak, Michigan, US

I JUST had the very same issue happen to me this week!!!!  The model didn't ask for two CD's, but she did request that I not use her nudes on my website.

With signed model release in hand, I explained that, as a courtesy, I will honor her request to not publish her nudes, but I retain the ability (and responsibility) to use them as I see fit professionally.

The necessity of a well-crafted, SIGNED model release cannot be over-stated....

Jan 19 07 11:35 am Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

This has happened to me in the last couple of months.  Model did the requested  pics but we also did some test images of another style, the results were great, model loves them but...... BF does not approve of her doing topless or nudes and does not know she did this.  I have the release, I could post them but I worked with the model and came to a compomise that worked for me and her.  Images are being used, but you can not tell who the model is and there is no link to the model.  At a later time, or new BF - that might change.

The only reason I did that with this model is that I have worked with her in the past and she has gone out of her way to help me in the past!   Would i do that for a model I have never worked with, well time will tell!

Jan 19 07 11:37 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

crypticarts wrote:
I had a Similar situation occur with a 19yo model, but she clearly told me her mom was the issue.

Simple solution:  never shoot with a model who has a mother!

Or consider the possibility that simple solutions are rarely the best.

Jan 19 07 12:16 pm Link


Chris Beyond

Posts: 1526

Tustin, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
It has nothing to do with a boyfriend. Some boyfriends are obsessive control freaks, some are supportive. You can't make rules just because someone has a BF.

Just make your rules clear beforehand.

EXACTLY. And some photographers are control freaks as well. Models not allowed to have boyfriends? Do you really want to put yourself in a position where the model either has to lie to you to shoot or not shoot at all? That is beyond silly. You have a contract/model release. She signs it. That's all you need. Don't be silly.

Jan 19 07 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Simple solution:  never shoot with a model who has a mother!

But! But! That would eliminate at LEAST 20% of them!!!!

Jan 19 07 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

I wish everyone on this site would treat photography and modeling like work ...

Show up when you're supposed to.
Do what you're supposed to.
If you don't like what's in the employee handbook, don't work for that employer.
If you don't like the salary that's offered to you, don't work for that employer.
If the employer or employee seems shady, unsafe, doesn't have your best interests in mind, don't hire or be hired by them.
Have the right supplies, the right dress code, and be knowledgeable of your tasks.
Don't let your family and friends drama interfere with your work.
Decide what means more to you, the jealous family or boyfriend, or your work ...
If your work loses out to your personal life ... time to find a new job.
If the work on either side (photographer or model) is half caliber, you probably don't wanna work with 'em again. 
No call no shows are considered desertion. Fill the position with someone else.  You don't make money (both photographer or model) by being "nice". 

And above all else, act like responsible, mature adults. In your personal life, people may kiss your ass, but this is work ... don't hold up the sign that says "will work for food" then tell us "but I won't do ..." ...


Jan 19 07 12:28 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

I just tell them that they need to read what they sign, before they sign it.

Jan 19 07 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Aaron S wrote:
I just tell them that they need to read what they sign, before they sign it.

I go one farther than that.

The first time I work with a model, I give her my fake release. It's my typical release, with an added clause right in the middle:

H) Model agrees to purchase and deliver to photographer, upon demand by photographer, one double-scoop ice cream sundae. This agreement shall remain in force for one calendar year after the execution of this agreement.

To date, I've had only one model notice this. All others sign, and then I point it out, hand them the real release (without clause "H") and ask them to read it and sign.

Amazingly, none of them have gotten mad at me for being an ass in this way.

Jan 19 07 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Look your not a model's secret lover. No secrets I'm sorry. I'd be pissed if I wasted my time doing a shoot that I couldn't use the work. WASTE OF TIME< And my time is valuable. Is yours not? Post the best work you have. Your work SHOULD NOT suffer because of some models b.f. What are you thinking?? Are you a photographer or a damn relationship counselor.

Jan 19 07 12:38 pm Link


215 Studios

Posts: 3453

Center Point, Texas, US

Aaron S wrote:
I just tell them that they need to read what they sign, before they sign it.

So, I guess that means I need to start giving the models my actual releases, instead of just having them sign a blank piece of paper....?  Well, that's going to hurt business!!!!



Jan 19 07 12:44 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

I go one farther than that.

The first time I work with a model, I give her my fake release. It's my typical release, with an added clause right in the middle:

H) Model agrees to purchase and deliver to photographer, upon demand by photographer, one double-scoop ice cream sundae. This agreement shall remain in force for one calendar year after the execution of this agreement.

To date, I've had only one model notice this. All others sign, and then I point it out, hand them the real release (without clause "H") and ask them to read it and sign.

Amazingly, none of them have gotten mad at me for being an ass in this way.

But, the important question here many have gotten you one double-scoop ice cream sundae?

Jan 19 07 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Aaron S wrote:
But, the important question here many have gotten you one double-scoop ice cream sundae?

Ah! One actually did show up with ice cream on our second shoot, believe it or not! But she's turned out to be a real sweetheart in general.

Jan 19 07 12:51 pm Link


aesthetix photo

Posts: 10558

Macon, Georgia, US

I had a model ask me to shoot some erotic nudes with her partner a few months ago, very hardcore stuff for her personal use.  I did, she paid me quite well, and when she came to pick up the CD she said "Be sure to put all the photos with my partner on a separate CD for me.  I don't want my husband to ever find them."

Silly me, I should have known that "partner" and "husband" weren't the same thing  tongue

Jan 19 07 12:51 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Gregeiger Company wrote:
I'm thinking of setting policy where if a model has a B/F, she should find another photog.

GWC = Gregeiger With Camera.

Jan 19 07 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

I go one farther than that.

The first time I work with a model, I give her my fake release. It's my typical release, with an added clause right in the middle:

H) Model agrees to purchase and deliver to photographer, upon demand by photographer, one double-scoop ice cream sundae. This agreement shall remain in force for one calendar year after the execution of this agreement.

To date, I've had only one model notice this. All others sign, and then I point it out, hand them the real release (without clause "H") and ask them to read it and sign.

Amazingly, none of them have gotten mad at me for being an ass in this way.

Clause "H" sounds like a good idea but only if the ice cream is actually whiskey flavored...oh no wait that just whiskey. I had a model threaten to take me to Judge Judy as leagal recourse because she did not like the retouching on her photo's.Needless to say I don't shoot domanatrices or wannabe fetish models anymore. Hell don't dare ask me for TFP I don't come to the dungeon ever and ask them to beat my ass for free. Perhaps if I was into that kind of thing the ice cream would come in handy to soothe burn.

Jan 19 07 01:04 pm Link


RoadRunner Photography

Posts: 5197

Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, US

Nemesis73 wrote:
I wish everyone on this site would treat photography and modeling like work ...

Show up when you're supposed to.
Do what you're supposed to.
If you don't like what's in the employee handbook, don't work for that employer.
If you don't like the salary that's offered to you, don't work for that employer.
If the employer or employee seems shady, unsafe, doesn't have your best interests in mind, don't hire or be hired by them.
Have the right supplies, the right dress code, and be knowledgeable of your tasks.
Don't let your family and friends drama interfere with your work.
Decide what means more to you, the jealous family or boyfriend, or your work ...
If your work loses out to your personal life ... time to find a new job.
If the work on either side (photographer or model) is half caliber, you probably don't wanna work with 'em again. 
No call no shows are considered desertion. Fill the position with someone else.  You don't make money (both photographer or model) by being "nice". 

And above all else, act like responsible, mature adults. In your personal life, people may kiss your ass, but this is work ... don't hold up the sign that says "will work for food" then tell us "but I won't do ..." ...


Well put!

Jan 19 07 01:18 pm Link


Rose Noir

Posts: 591

Chicago, Illinois, US

Gregeiger Company wrote:
Issue: Model states AFTER the shoot, "don't send bikini & lingerie" images on the same CD as the fashion & glamour".
In the last 3 days I have done 2 shoots where both models knew we would be doing SS and lingerie. They brought the outfits they wore, they wanted good photos, as did I, and agreed to all the poses.

Now I get calls & e-mails, requesting those images not be put on the web and keep seperate on the CD.  And "please don't you use them on your web site!"  So I have had to work an additional 2+ hours to keep these girls happy....

I'm thinking of setting policy where if a model has a B/F, she should find another photog. Extreme, maybe, but it will save hours of post-production work.

Comments, suggestions, thoughts welcome!

Silly models *shakes my head* why would you even bother if you're not going to use the photos? *Shrugs*

Jan 19 07 01:22 pm Link