Forums > General Industry > Models that read but never reply!



Posts: 98

Long Beach, California, US

Christopher Corn wrote:
Why do they have time to read stuff but not even acknowledge what you have said?  Even just to say "not interested" or whatever.  I could really care less if they said, "booo" but so often you get the initial excitement for a job and then you never hear from someone again.  Are the indicators in the mail box that say "message read" actually wrong and the models aren't actually reading them? 

You can wait months between e-mails then I guess you assume they arent interested or that the model has changed their mind (or whatever the case may be).  It's far more professional if models just reply being as honest as possible.  A model ultimately never knows what kind of opportunity they are missing out on and what a small world this is.  Doing one job often leads to other stuff and better pay.  But it seems like most models just dont care to be professional and honest.

If you have time to read it, you have time to respond!  Especially if you read two messages in a row without responding, since if you responded to the first, it would save time having to read the second (which you obviously had the time to do)!

Sometimes they just get a ton of messages. I always type in a "hello?" and then they respond back. Like most models on here, this site has its share of pseudo photographers so as a model they get a ton of messages. Most are nude requests from the models I've spoken to.

Jan 19 07 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

carlo Di Paolo wrote:

Perhaps little Freudian signs of "issues", and the creation of drama in ones mind. It's the little things that give things away. It's not surprising that we are hearing justification for non professional and poor mannered judgement.


Jan 19 07 05:41 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

I generally take that as destiny, if the model is not into it I dont wanna shoot her, generally if they want to work with me they answer or sometimes they write me first and then its my choice to answer or not.

Jan 19 07 05:43 pm Link