Forums > General Industry > Models that read but never reply!


Christopher Corn

Posts: 20

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Why do they have time to read stuff but not even acknowledge what you have said?  Even just to say "not interested" or whatever.  I could really care less if they said, "booo" but so often you get the initial excitement for a job and then you never hear from someone again.  Are the indicators in the mail box that say "message read" actually wrong and the models aren't actually reading them? 

You can wait months between e-mails then I guess you assume they arent interested or that the model has changed their mind (or whatever the case may be).  It's far more professional if models just reply being as honest as possible.  A model ultimately never knows what kind of opportunity they are missing out on and what a small world this is.  Doing one job often leads to other stuff and better pay.  But it seems like most models just dont care to be professional and honest.

If you have time to read it, you have time to respond!  Especially if you read two messages in a row without responding, since if you responded to the first, it would save time having to read the second (which you obviously had the time to do)!

Jan 17 07 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

No answer is your answer.

You'll also find as you read the forums that many models do try to be polite and respond, even if the answer is no, and take quite a beating for it.  (You'd be amazed how childish some photographers can be.)  Many of them eventually stop consistently replying, because it's better than saying, "No thank you" and being on the receiving end of a tirade of hurt feelings and outrage.

Which brings us back to my opening line.  No answer is your answer.  wink

Jan 17 07 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
No answer is your answer.

You'll also find as you read the forums that many models do try to be polite and respond, even if the answer is no, and take quite a beating for it.  (You'd be amazed how childish some photographers can be.)  Many of them eventually stop consistently replying, because it's better than saying, "No thank you" and being on the receiving end of a tirade of hurt feelings and outrage.

Which brings us back to my opening line.  No answer is your answer.  wink

Ding Ding Ding.... It's called the Primadonna Photographer Syndrome.

Jan 17 07 07:06 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Wow.  I never knew that this kinda stuff happened to anyone other than me. I was beginning know...I was begining to feel like there was something "wrong" with me. I would lie awake nights wondering if the reason a model didn't respond might have something to do with the fact that I was old, gray and, well, you know....ugly. I felt that people just needed to understand that ugly, gray, old people have feelings too. Feelings of deep insecurity began to set in for me. After a while, the only social inter-action I had with the outside world was Model Mayhem.  If it weren't for the Shout Box and these forums, I'd be a total recluse.  All this really stems from the fact that I felt I was the only person who sent messages, which people read, then never responded to.  I can see now that this must happen to others. Hoooooraaayyyyy!  Maybe I'm not so ugly!  Uh oh...or maybe... you're as ugly as I am.  If so, it sucks to be you.  :-)
Greetings from Minnesota.  Come, visit.  Bring warm clothes.

Jan 17 07 07:08 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
No answer is your answer.

You'll also find as you read the forums that many models do try to be polite and respond, even if the answer is no, and take quite a beating for it.  (You'd be amazed how childish some photographers can be.)  Many of them eventually stop consistently replying, because it's better than saying, "No thank you" and being on the receiving end of a tirade of hurt feelings and outrage.

Which brings us back to my opening line.  No answer is your answer.  wink

Very well-put smile

I always try to answer my emails... but sometimes I get distracted and forgot which ones need

Jan 17 07 07:09 pm Link


Bryanna Nova

Posts: 186

Milford, New Jersey, US

It matters little what genre one belongs to - the end result is the same.

Some people answer emails, personal messages and/or return phone calls.. some people don't.

I'd bet a buck it's got to do with procrastination somewhere along the line, or perhaps it's got something to do with ego - who knows, all I know is I've dealt with my fair share of "read" messages that have gone unanswered/unresponded to.

Responsibility, respect and drive are what urges us to reply -

Like I said..  Some people have it, some people don't

Jan 17 07 07:11 pm Link


Christopher Corn

Posts: 20

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

That's the most rediculous things I've ever read lol.  How about they say "not interested" then ignore the rest of the messages, especially after an initial positive response by the model.  If models are so worried about being baraged by negative comments, why do they keep reading the messages after they have stopped replying....

Obviously if a photographer is ignored more then once they are going to wonder what's going on, and if they started to set things up for a shoot because a model said they were interested, they are going to be PO'ed that the model wont respond anymore.  It keeps things much simpler if the model just fesses up to it and says, not interested anymore.

Jan 17 07 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 174

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
No answer is your answer.

You'll also find as you read the forums that many models do try to be polite and respond, even if the answer is no, and take quite a beating for it.  (You'd be amazed how childish some photographers can be.)  Many of them eventually stop consistently replying, because it's better than saying, "No thank you" and being on the receiving end of a tirade of hurt feelings and outrage.

Which brings us back to my opening line.  No answer is your answer.  wink

Certainly that's an explanation for one part of the population, but what's to be said for models who have only been members for a few days?

Jan 17 07 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
Which brings us back to my opening line.  No answer is your answer.  wink

While I may be in the minority, I agree. Unless caredfully thought out, a "no" response can close the door to later opportunities or even invoke the wrath of insecure photographers.

No response should be taken as a sanitized "Not at this time. Perhaps later".

Once dialouge has been initiated, not responding is unprofessional.

Jan 17 07 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
No answer is your answer.

You'll also find as you read the forums that many models do try to be polite and respond, even if the answer is no, and take quite a beating for it.  (You'd be amazed how childish some photographers can be.)  Many of them eventually stop consistently replying, because it's better than saying, "No thank you" and being on the receiving end of a tirade of hurt feelings and outrage.

Which brings us back to my opening line.  No answer is your answer.  wink

Yeah, thats it!

Jan 17 07 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

No answer is your answer.... I only partly agree with that. I've contacted models and have been contacted by models that they or I have [read] the email but didn't respond in a timely fashion. Some people really are that busy... but none the less if a model does not reply in quite a while after noticing the msg has infact been read then I move on and don't think twice about it. But on that note I do infact appreciate as a professional to hear a response regardless of what it is. If a model and I do not agree on terms and they politely delcine any offers made I would still recommend them for other work with other photogs and projects later on that I might feel the models ters would be better suited. Those models that follow the "no answer is your answer" I do not refer nor recommend them to anyone. So maybe that makes a different for some, maybe not.

Jan 17 07 07:15 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Bryanna Nicole wrote:
I've dealt with my fair share of "read" messages that have gone unanswered/unresponded to.

Ditto. It's no biggie.  I don't get worked up about it.  I'll send another email if I really want to work with the person, but never take it personally.

Much like dating... smile

Jan 17 07 07:15 pm Link


Christopher Corn

Posts: 20

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bryanna Nicole wrote:
It matters little what genre one belongs to - the end result is the same.

Some people answer emails, personal messages and/or return phone calls.. some people don't.

I'd bet a buck it's got to do with procrastination somewhere along the line, or perhaps it's got something to do with ego - who knows, all I know is I've dealt with my fair share of "read" messages that have gone unanswered/unresponded to.

Responsibility, respect and drive are what urges us to reply -

Like I said..  Some people have it, some people don't

This makes the most sense....its about professionalism and responsibility.  I really do think we need to have a rating system for MM.  It would make for a much more productive site.  Unfortunately it would destroy the site as we know it!

Jan 17 07 07:16 pm Link


Donovan Johnson

Posts: 22

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It's definitely NOT always a "no answer is your answer," because there are plenty of times when dayssssss go by with no reply with models that I've been talking to and/or working with and then all of a sudden they pop back in 2 weeks later like nothing happened.

I think a lot of times it's just the fact that on average - and I'm guessing - that the average model is 15 or 20 years younger than the average photographer. Priorities and work ethics are a lot different when you're only 20 years old. (This of course doesn't apply to every model or every 20 year old....) Just the ones we're talking about.

Jan 17 07 07:18 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US


Jan 17 07 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
No answer is your answer.... I only partly agree with that. I've contacted models and have been contacted by models that they or I have [read] the email but didn't respond in a timely fashion. Some people really are that busy... but none the less if a model does not reply in quite a while after noticing the msg has infact been read then I move on and don't think twice about it. But on that note I do infact appreciate as a professional to hear a response regardless of what it is. If a model and I do not agree on terms and they politely delcine any offers made I would still recommend them for other work with other photogs and projects later on that I might feel the models ters would be better suited. Those models that follow the "no answer is your answer" I do not refer nor recommend them to anyone. So maybe that makes a different for some, maybe not.

Well I disagree. It's been the case where I have taken the time to reply with a no thank you. Then I got "Why not?" And then I instantly regret having responded at all. Because I now have to explain to this person that I do not wish to work with them because It would be of no benefit (due to of the quality or their work, style, etc.) I don't want to offend them, but I also do not want to make up some bogus lie to get me off the hook. So I feel No answer is your answer.

Jan 17 07 07:22 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

When I'm home (like now), I check my email compulsively and spend way too much time on MM... when I'm traveling (like tomorrow and for the next 3 weeks) I only have internet access on my phone, then only check messages that require immediate attention... that is my excuse smile

Jan 17 07 07:22 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Welcome to the World of Internet Modelling.
I am lucky if I get a 10% response rate.

Jan 17 07 07:24 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Wrath Child wrote:
Well I disagree. It's been the case where I have taken the time to reply with a no thank you. Then I got "Why not?" And then I instantly regret having responded at all. Because I now have to explain to this person that I do not wish to work with them because It would be of no benefit (due to of the quality or their work, style, etc.) I don't want to offend them, but I also do not want to make up some bogus lie to get me off the hook. So I feel No answer is your answer.

Yes... I have come across this also. When I get the vague 'hey let's work together' email and I'm not crazy about the photog's port, I will respond with 'thanks, but I'm not looking for your style in my port' then I get 'okay, what do you want to do then?' and the conversation goes on for like 10 messages cause I'm too nice to not respond, esp when a question is asked (and all the while MM is ridiculously slow) and in the end it's just wasted time spent not burning a bridge with someone I MOST LIKELY will never even meet smile

And of course, the more pro photogs are the ones that will give you a concise answer - yes or no.  It's the more amateur photogs that will continue the conversation (as in, there is an inverse relationship between the amount of time spent corresponding versus the likelihood that I will want to work with the photog).

Jan 17 07 07:27 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Cardillo Photography wrote:
I am lucky if I get a 10% response rate.

You are doing well!

Jan 17 07 07:33 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

I recently got a reply from a two month old message, and it had been read very shortly after I had sent it.  Must need money now or something.

I think a lot of it has to do with, what's in it for me. If the model does not think it's something she wants, or is not being paid what she thinks Klum or Turlington would have been offered, then they just don't respond, treating the inquiry like they just got a mail order catalog.

A hint on selfishness, irresponsibility and flaky-ness.

Jan 17 07 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Wrath Child wrote:

Well I disagree. It's been the case where I have taken the time to reply with a no thank you. Then I got "Why not?" And then I instantly regret having responded at all. Because I now have to explain to this person that I do not wish to work with them because It would be of no benefit (due to of the quality or their work, style, etc.) I don't want to offend them, but I also do not want to make up some bogus lie to get me off the hook. So I feel No answer is your answer.

Well at least by replying with "no thank you" and making that attempt to remain professional at least you find out which photogs are not? lol
I agree there are A LOT of babies here! Possesive, controlling, and annoying photogs... I've delt with my fair share of them when I was more into the modeling. But like I said, I still find it pleasing when models reply even if they're not interested, and it is those models that I still refer back to with more work or to other photogs that ask me for referrals based on professionalism...

Jan 17 07 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

carlo Di Paolo wrote:
I recently got a reply from a two month old message, and it had been read very shortly after I had sent it.  Must need money now or something.

I think a lot of it has to do with, what's in it for me. If the model does not think it's something she wants, or is not being paid what she thinks Klum or Turlington would have been offered, then they just don't respond, treating the inquiry like they just got a mail order catalog.

A hint on selfishness, irresponsibility and flaky-ness.

haha yea, the famous WII FM radio station, What's In It For Me lol

Jan 17 07 07:38 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

that always tells me they just aint in the same bag that Im currently in

Jan 17 07 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I guess I'm alone here, but it doesn't bother me.  Photographers read and don't reply to me all the time.  I figure it's probably the more polite route than whatever they're actually thinking.  LOL!  I'm okay with that.  wink

I figure it's like interviewing for any other job.  They only call you if they're interested.

Jan 17 07 07:41 pm Link



Posts: 5

Folsom, California, US

Well, if I see in my Outbox that the message is "(Unread)" for a week and model is online - does it mean that I'm in her Block list? Just curious ...

Jan 17 07 07:41 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

I used to respond whenever I got a private message. Because I stopped doing it, some photographers went crazy on me. So, I'd rather not reply at all.

No answer is no photo shoot or go-see either.

Jan 17 07 07:42 pm Link


Exposed Imaging

Posts: 195

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i get stuff every day that i don't respond to. welcome to the internet. no accountability and that's the way its supposed to work. if you want professionalism and responsiveness call and agency and open your wallet.

Jan 17 07 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Photographers do it too, not just models.

Jan 17 07 07:51 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Also, not replying is safer than saying no thanks...
Otherwise, you would burn your bridge with others...

Let me tell you something that is based on a true story...

A model replied with, "No thanks" or whatever after reading your message and looking at your work. She thought it was not in her boat. A couple of days (weeks, months, or years) later, your work got improved and recognized. She changed her mind about wanting to shoot with you. What would your answer be? If no, she blew her chance. If yes, then that'd be awesome.

Jan 17 07 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

Corey Wellman wrote:

Well at least by replying with "no thank you" and making that attempt to remain professional at least you find out which photogs are not? lol
I agree there are A LOT of babies here! Possesive, controlling, and annoying photogs... I've delt with my fair share of them when I was more into the modeling. But like I said, I still find it pleasing when models reply even if they're not interested, and it is those models that I still refer back to with more work or to other photogs that ask me for referrals based on professionalism...

If the photog ASKS me to reply whether I'm interested or not, of course I reply. The last thing I want to do is waste people's time. It's as simple as that. When someone does not reply to MY messages I assume they are too busy, or simply do not want to work with me. No biggie, I either message them again or move on.

Jan 17 07 07:52 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

I can understand when people don't respond to the first message.  I take it as a no and move on, no biggie.  Would be nice if they responded, but that's the 'net so why worry about it.

The other situation - when someone responds to your first message possitively, and even enthusiastically, then after some arbitrary number of messages later suddenly stops - I take it as they're a flake and not worth the time, so I move on and don't worry about it.  Better to find out during a few internet messages than when you've setup all your equipment and are sitting around waiting.....

Now, when someone responds to your messages in a positive and professional manner, that's when you can feel fairly confident you've got a winner. wink

Jan 17 07 07:54 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

carlo Di Paolo wrote:
I recently got a reply from a two month old message, and it had been read very shortly after I had sent it.  Must need money now or something.

I think a lot of it has to do with, what's in it for me. If the model does not think it's something she wants, or is not being paid what she thinks Klum or Turlington would have been offered, then they just don't respond, treating the inquiry like they just got a mail order catalog.

A hint on selfishness, irresponsibility and flaky-ness.

Really? So you think that I should take a day off from my two jobs (which I work btw so that I can do all the TFCD my heart desires) to work with someone who will not compensate me for my time by at least giving me images that I like?

Jan 17 07 07:55 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

lol... This is so funny!  I have been dealing with this all day.  I have some models booked for a really great opportunity via tfcd.. I have an mua, hair and yes an incredible designer collaborating on this project.  2 of the models have not responed after showing interest... Really it's their loss and they have already been replaced with models that probably have a better look for the style shoot.   And don't get me started on the mua with cell phone pics that said she doesn't come unless there is $ involved...haha then I resent her the initial email with all the participants and the designer's www. And wow did she have a change of heart.... But where she failed to see value many others did so she is not needed anymore.  I do go bk and check if the mail has been read...   and I take note.  Responding is just polite and I do usually get responses but I think once you express interest and say 'yup lets do it'  you really need to follow through on the communication. Otherwise I replace you quickly!


Jan 17 07 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 275

Wichita, Kansas, US

Cardillo Photography wrote:
Welcome to the World of Internet Modelling.
I am lucky if I get a 10% response rate.

10% ????? teach me your secret!!!

I have had several models not respond to my messages.  Once I post a job (paying) all the sudden they come out of the woodwork and want to work with me.  They get a response but they get a "thanks but no thanks"

Jan 17 07 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

Project Photography wrote:
Responding is just polite and I do usually get responses but I think once you express interest and say 'yup lets do it'  you really need to follow through on the communication. Otherwise I replace you quickly!


I totally agree with that. Once interest has been expressed, it's just plain rude not to respond. That's just another form of flakiness in my eyes.

Jan 17 07 08:00 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

It just depends on the model. don't take one point of view and sum it up as the only answer. Some will state no. Well I guess. I never had it happen.

Others are inconsiderate. Those are the flakes that come your way and talk with you about shooting. And if there is a hiatus, it's not always about not interested, but sometimes it's about not really caring. Many of them will come back months later. Ignore them and move on, which is my next point. Move on.

Don't let that stuff occupy your mind. Think of it as a paying gig. You have a time deadline that you have to meet, you call a model, you two talk back n forth, if you don't hear from her or him, certain frame, you have to move on to the next model. This keeps the respect that you want and it keeps you sane and keeps you from typing up long 'Dear Abby' post on why, who and how. It's a waste of time. Keep back up models aka stock.

Jan 17 07 08:01 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Bryanna Nicole wrote:
It matters little what genre one belongs to - the end result is the same.

Some people answer emails, personal messages and/or return phone calls.. some people don't.

I'd bet a buck it's got to do with procrastination somewhere along the line, or perhaps it's got something to do with ego - who knows, all I know is I've dealt with my fair share of "read" messages that have gone unanswered/unresponded to.

Responsibility, respect and drive are what urges us to reply -

Like I said..  Some people have it, some people don't


Jan 17 07 08:03 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Wrath Child wrote:

Well I disagree. It's been the case where I have taken the time to reply with a no thank you. Then I got "Why not?" And then I instantly regret having responded at all. Because I now have to explain to this person that I do not wish to work with them because It would be of no benefit (due to of the quality or their work, style, etc.) I don't want to offend them, but I also do not want to make up some bogus lie to get me off the hook. So I feel No answer is your answer.

Disagree or not, the fact is that each model and photographer's experience isn't the same, which is why I suggested that the o.p. don't just take that advice as the sole reason to why. But move on is the only way. Even if he or she gets the answer to the question, it still isn't going to resolve the problem.

Jan 17 07 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Well this is kinda revealing. However.
If someone messages me , and I ignore the query, I really don't expect they'll respond favorably if I wait 2 months to reply.  Fortunately most models aren't prima donnas about this stuff, and accept a gracious apology, as do I, if she drops the ball.
  However if it's friend, or model I've worked with, I do expect a small measure of courtesy if they at all care about our relationship.
  Internet or not, human relations do require a certain measure of consideration if one want to appear at all professional.
   Magababes on the other hand do whatever they wish. Somethings never change.

Jan 17 07 08:08 pm Link