Forums > General Industry > Is it appropriate? Is it true?


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I was recently told by a photog (that I have not worked with) that the only way to up my marketability was to do nudes. And I'm not quite sure how to take it, to be honest. I'm very upfront that I'm not interested in topless or full nudes currently, but I open to sheer and implied images. Was it appropriate for this photographer to make the comment? Do other photogs feel the same? Should I consider doing nudes or not?

I'm not trying to start a big thing, so please don't be defense. I'd just like some simple answers. Thanks.
-Tiia S.-

Jan 17 07 02:47 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Discuss here:
(wondering if it's the same photographer that caused the other person to post the same question).

Jan 17 07 02:49 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US


Jan 17 07 03:53 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Tiia Something wrote:
I was recently told by a photog (that I have not worked with) that the only way to up my marketability was to do nudes. And I'm not quite sure how to take it, to be honest. I'm very upfront that I'm not interested in topless or full nudes currently, but I open to sheer and implied images. Was it appropriate for this photographer to make the comment? Do other photogs feel the same? Should I consider doing nudes or not?

I'm not trying to start a big thing, so please don't be defense. I'd just like some simple answers. Thanks.
-Tiia S.-

Simple answer: NO
Long answer: Hell No

Jan 17 07 03:55 am Link



Posts: 973

Houston, Texas, US

Do want U want to do.....

Jan 17 07 03:56 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

She knew that.

Jan 17 07 04:03 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I dunno , but I like your tattoos !

Jan 17 07 04:04 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Don't let anybody tell you what to do.
If you feel pressured into nudes, Don't do em, it will reflect in your posture and they will suck anyway.

Go as far as you are comfortable going, and no further.

Jan 17 07 04:11 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Tiia Something wrote:
I was recently told by a photog (that I have not worked with) that the only way to up my marketability was to do nudes. And I'm not quite sure how to take it, to be honest. I'm very upfront that I'm not interested in topless or full nudes currently, but I open to sheer and implied images. Was it appropriate for this photographer to make the comment? Do other photogs feel the same? Should I consider doing nudes or not?

I'm not trying to start a big thing, so please don't be defense. I'd just like some simple answers. Thanks.
-Tiia S.-

Well, it does open up a lot more paying jobs for you but it's not the only thing.  If I were a photographer looking at your port to consider you for a job, I'd also look at this pic and assume you didn't mean it about no topless photos.

Jan 17 07 04:29 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Nemi Bea wrote:
Don't let anybody tell you what to do. If you feel pressured into nudes, Don't do em, it will reflect in your posture and they will suck anyway.

Go as far as you are comfortable going, and no further.

Leave the GWCs alone!  Damn Nemi!

Jan 17 07 04:40 am Link


Lorin A Edmonds

Posts: 1181

Eugene, Oregon, US

Interesting question.

I am in a small town.

I tried to teach a basic lighting class. No students.

Offered class with nude models -- filled class for 3 years straight.

The night, I was going to do products - no one showed.

Jan 17 07 04:43 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

ED Edmonds wrote:
Interesting question.

I am in a small town.

I tried to teach a basic lighting class. No students.

Offered class with nude models -- filled class for 3 years straight.

The night, I was going to do products - no one showed.



Jan 17 07 06:01 am Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

Tiia Something wrote:
Should I consider doing nudes or not?
-Tiia S.-

I think someone should always consider something. Nude modeling is a market that is always looking for fresh faces (and more). Is it for everyone? Of course not. Is it possible to be a successful model without doing nudes? Of course it is. Is it for you? I don't know.

Now for a little reality check. Your a very lovely, 5 foot model, with major body art in a very small, conservative market. What does that leave you when it comes to paying modeling jobs.

Sure there are people that will want to photograph you and a few will be willing to pay. What types of photographers are they and what will they be looking for in a model? What kind of projects will they be working on when using you.? What do you bring to the table for someone to consider when they want to work with you?

The likelihood of you be making it as a main stream model is slim. As an art model I think you have real potential. Will you increase that potential by being willing to do nude work? I think that is likely.

Of course ultimately that is a choice you and only you should make. When you make that decision go after your dreams with a burning passion. Oh, and, your female so you can always change your mind whenever you want to ;^)


Jan 17 07 10:34 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Tiia Something wrote:
Was it appropriate for this photographer to make the comment? Do other photogs feel the same? Should I consider doing nudes or not?

1. Hell No.

2. I don't know, I'm not a photographer.

3. You should consider it, just like you should consider everything that is thrown at you. Should you do it? Only if you want to.

Jan 17 07 10:40 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Bill Bates wrote:

I think someone should always consider something. Nude modeling is a market that is always looking for fresh faces (and more). Is it for everyone? Of course not. Is it possible to be a successful model without doing nudes? Of course it is. Is it for you? I don't know.

Now for a little reality check. Your a very lovely, 5 foot model, with major body art in a very small, conservative market. What does that leave you when it comes to paying modeling jobs.

Sure there are people that will want to photograph you and a few will be willing to pay. What types of photographers are they and what will they be looking for in a model? What kind of projects will they be working on when using you.? What do you bring to the table for someone to consider when they want to work with you?

The likelihood of you be making it as a main stream model is slim. As an art model I think you have real potential. Will you increase that potential by being willing to do nude work? I think that is likely.

Of course ultimately that is a choice you and only you should make. When you make that decision go after your dreams with a burning passion. Oh, and, your female so you can always change your mind whenever you want to ;^)


LOL and well said, Bill... Just to add, it's important for anyone (regardless of which side of the lens one shoots on) to get real about why one is modeling or photographiing.  For me, modeling is a means of self expression. If I get paid here and there, I welcome this, but I don't expect to ever be a professional model.  I am too old, have way too many scars from reconstructive surgeries, etc.  As a photographer, I hope to go professional some day doing portraits. Will it happen?  I don't know, but I am certainly going to try!  As for modeling nude or shooting nudes, personally, I love the challenge of it and when done right, the body is a wonderful landscape for which to use light (available or via strobes/flash).  Artistically, I see nudity as truth, and I don't see it as pornographic.
smile Caroline
-225 lbs

Jan 17 07 10:42 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

SLE Photography wrote:

Well, it does open up a lot more paying jobs for you but it's not the only thing.  If I were a photographer looking at your port to consider you for a job, I'd also look at this pic and assume you didn't mean it about no topless photos.

I'd also read her port and it clearly says no topless/nude but open to sheer and implied. The pic that you linked to is sheer. She has her reasons, whatever they are, but she is consistent. I personally don't see the difference between that sheer shot and if it were topless, but cest la vie

Jan 17 07 10:46 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Tiia Something wrote:
I was recently told by a photog (that I have not worked with) that the only way to up my marketability was to do nudes. And I'm not quite sure how to take it, to be honest. I'm very upfront that I'm not interested in topless or full nudes currently, but I open to sheer and implied images. Was it appropriate for this photographer to make the comment? Do other photogs feel the same? Should I consider doing nudes or not?

I'm not trying to start a big thing, so please don't be defense. I'd just like some simple answers. Thanks.
-Tiia S.-

Nevermind what he thinks.

First, ask yourself this question: What do I want to do with my modeling?

When you answer that question, I think you'll then have your answer as to whether or not you need to do nudes. 

For example, you want to do Victoria Secret?  You want to do Old Navy ads?  I really doubt doing nudes is going to get you any closer to either of those goals.  You want to get into Playboy?  Hell, you don't even need to do nudes to do that!!  Send them a headshot and a bikini shot and they'll decide from that.

If your goal is merely to have fun and put some spare money into your pockets.  It's probably EASIER to find nude paid work from artists (photographers etc) vs non-nude.

This is just my opinion and I suspect I'll be fairly right because I usually am, even when I make stuff up.

Jan 17 07 10:54 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Nude modeling, as we think of it here, is principally an internet market.  There is nudity in the mainstream, but not what most people are doing here.  It relates more to fashion and editorial and is much less about glamour.

So if you are going to be an Internet model, it may well be true that you are more marketable if you do nudes.  A lot of girls don't want to be Internet models, in which case it is an entirely different issue.

By the same token, a lot of girls like working on the net but don't want to be nude models on the net.  That is fine as well.

The answer to your question is to do whatever you want.  You are the boss.

Jan 17 07 10:59 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Tiia Something wrote:
I was recently told by a photog (that I have not worked with) that the only way to up my marketability was to do nudes. And I'm not quite sure how to take it, to be honest. I'm very upfront that I'm not interested in topless or full nudes currently, but I open to sheer and implied images. Was it appropriate for this photographer to make the comment? Do other photogs feel the same? Should I consider doing nudes or not?

I'm not trying to start a big thing, so please don't be defense. I'd just like some simple answers. Thanks.
-Tiia S.-

I think what he meant is that "the only way to make it in the biz is to screw the photographer." Glad to see the casting couch is alive and well. What am I doing wrong if comments like this really have models thinking, "hmmm...maybe he's right. I should be getting nude."

Jan 17 07 11:05 am Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

ED Edmonds wrote:
Interesting question.

I am in a small town.

I tried to teach a basic lighting class. No students.

Offered class with nude models -- filled class for 3 years straight.

The night, I was going to do products - no one showed.

Human beings like to look at other human beings, especially nude. Men in particular, since they are biologically wired for response. Whether or not said people will admit this in a public forum is another matter. Whether or not said people have a healthy attitude about their skin, or other peoples' is completely up for debate. Obviously, many do not, for various reasons.

Jan 17 07 11:05 am Link


Manda Mercure

Posts: 506

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Vito wrote:
I'd also read her port and it clearly says no topless/nude but open to sheer and implied. The pic that you linked to is sheer. She has her reasons, whatever they are, but she is consistent. I personally don't see the difference between that sheer shot and if it were topless, but cest la vie

she also says that she will consider nude for artistic works that will be displayed in a gallery or book, or for playboy.

i think the op should do whatever she wants, but would like to add my personal opinion that nudes are fun and help to understand your body more and appreciate it.

Jan 17 07 11:06 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Well, it does open up a lot more paying jobs for you but it's not the only thing.  If I were a photographer looking at your port to consider you for a job, I'd also look at this pic and assume you didn't mean it about no topless photos.

Vito wrote:
I'd also read her port and it clearly says no topless/nude but open to sheer and implied. The pic that you linked to is sheer. She has her reasons, whatever they are, but she is consistent. I personally don't see the difference between that sheer shot and if it were topless, but cest la vie

I understand, and there is a difference, albeit a silly one, between a hand bra with nothing showing in an implied shot & actual topless.  There's MUCH less of a diffference with the degree of sheer in the picture I posted where everything is clearly visible.  My point was that a number of people are going to look at that & feel she's being disingenuous.  We've all seen numerous models post in the forums saying they put "no nudes" in their ports to scare away GWCs when in reality they're willing to do them.  What I was trying to indicate to her was that people will look at an image where both her breasts are very clearly visible and assume she doesn't mean it about "no nudes" regardless of the thinn layer of cloth.

Jan 17 07 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Nude modeling, as we think of it here, is principally an internet market.  There is nudity in the mainstream, but not what most people are doing here.  It relates more to fashion and editorial and is much less about glamour.

So if you are going to be an Internet model, it may well be true that you are more marketable if you do nudes.  A lot of girls don't want to be Internet models, in which case it is an entirely different issue.

By the same token, a lot of girls like working on the net but don't want to be nude models on the net.  That is fine as well.

The answer to your question is to do whatever you want.  You are the boss.

Read what Alan said again. He said it as well, if not better than I could.

That said, based on your look (and, let's be honest, you have one sheer shot in your portfolio here that may as well be topless), if you did do nudes in my area, I'd talk to you about my projects, if that's any indication of marketability.

You say, in your profile, that you're not interested in nudes unless the photographer "can guarantee publication in a book, art gallery, or other art related endeavor."

Indeed, I could. So it does seem as if you do want to do nudes, just not Internet porn. Fair enough.

Jan 17 07 12:49 pm Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
So it does seem as if you do want to do nudes, just not Internet porn. Fair enough.

That would be more accurate.... I'm becoming more secure/comfortable with my body and am VERY selective on how I'd like to be portray in the buff(but that's a whole other topic). I like art nudes, but I was waiting to be ready... not pushed. I had stated that I was interested in art nudes before and got flooded with emails, but since I was new and stated that I prefer to work with a photog a couple times to build a working repore[sp?] prior to ensure comfort and quality images everything nose dived. So I changed my profile and bided my time.
So I guess my point was more should I consider jumping or stick with wading into art nude work?
Which leads me to the one sheer image that could have been topless, but it's not and for a few a reasons. None of which are anyone's business really... but mainly it was my first try at it (meaning something more exposed that just a bra and panties) and the fabric, albeit thin, was enough to keep me comfortable the shoot. Ok.

Jan 17 07 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

The only advice I could give you is to never do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

Beyond that, you're the only one who can decide for you. You can get tons of opinions, but the only one that matters is yours.

Jan 17 07 10:49 pm Link


Whetzel Photos

Posts: 67

Longwood, Florida, US

You should not do anything that you are not comfortable with. There are a lot of models that have made it without doing nude. Suspect that this is probably the same photographer from last weeks post that model was from Hampton not too far from you.

Jan 17 07 10:50 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

there is a point here ...

nude photos do generally generate more interest, and usually are easier to market,
than clothed ones. 

that being said, no one should pressure you outside your comfort zone,
explore it yes, make you uncomfortable no.

i like your tats as well and they would be interesting for me to photograph.

however outside of my portfolio, i don't see much of a secure market for portraits
of people who are not famous, so i would probably not find it marketable enough to pay you
just to shoot.(third party clients aside) 

you can do things to upgrade your marketability without taking your clothes off.

what they are vary from model to model, so it would be hard to spell out for you.
the best i could say would be to find a really good photographer and build a body of work
that makes everybody really want to work with you.

kind of what we all are trying to do.

good luck,


ED Edmonds wrote:
Interesting question.

I am in a small town.

I tried to teach a basic lighting class. No students.

Offered class with nude models -- filled class for 3 years straight.

The night, I was going to do products - no one showed.

Jan 18 07 12:24 am Link