Forums > General Industry > When would you cancel?


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have an upcoming shoot at the send of the month, for which a stylist has been hired. Last week I sent a PM to her here (which she has read), to confirm the shoot, earlier this week I sent her an email to her regular email account, and this morning I left her a voicemail message. Even though a date has been set for the shoot, we didn't set a time yet, and the stylst is waiting for that information. I am hoping she will return my call today, but I am getting frustrated with her lack of response.

How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


See update below

Jan 16 07 11:17 am Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
I have an upcoming shoot at the send of the month, for which a stylist has been hired. Last week I sent a PM to her here (which she has read), to confirm the shoot, earlier this week I sent her an email to her regular email account, and this morning I left her a voicemail message. Even though a date has been set for the shoot, we didn't set a time yet, and the stylst is waiting for that information. I am hoping she will return my call today, but I am getting frustrated with her lack of response.

How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


I will try twice via e-mail/electronic written methods and once on the phone (I leave a message). If I don't hear from you shortly after in response, then you're off the list of people I will work with/hire. This assumes we already had a commitment of some sort and you go flaky on it.

Jan 16 07 11:21 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I would be sure to send a message that says exactly what you mean/need: "Hi, I need to get your confirmation on the date and time for our shoot. I need to let the stylist know so that she can be sure to have a clear schedule. Please get back to me by ___________(date and time) so that I can confirm. Call me at xxx-xxxx. Thanks."

If you leave a message that says "Hey, I need to talk to you, please call me back." It is vague and doesn't actually say what you need, which is time sensitive.

So long as you are communicating clearly, then I wouldn't wait too long. Possibly look into finding another model to work with that day, and be sure to call the first one back after a certain point and say "Hi, since you didn't get back to me in time, I've had to make other arrangements for the day." At that point you can make mention that you're still interested in working with her if you want, or just leave it at that.

It IS possible that things are going on in her life. One never does really know. Giving her the benefit of the doubt is always helpful, though you shouldn't put everything on hold.

Best of luck.

Jan 16 07 11:22 am Link


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This is already a "reschedule" as the first time we were supposed to shoot (and had hired the same stylist) she emailed me the night before to say she was sick and couldn't make it. I would have rather she called, as I could have missed the email and not seen it until the next day.

Both email messages and the voicemail I sent asked her to confirm our scheduled shoot for the date we had set, asked her if starting at 10AM would work since I needed to let the stylist know. I also asked her to get back to me as soon as possible, but I didn't give her a "deadline".

Jan 16 07 11:31 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Send the model one more note saying- if I don't hear from you in 24 hours, the shoot is cancelled-

that'll get you a response.

Jan 16 07 11:34 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I second what Daniela suggests - put a deadline on hearing from her and request that she get back in touch with you even if she doesn't want to follow through with the shoot. Then if you don't hear from her within that amount of time, you can begin looking for someone to take her place, or cancel with the stylist/MUA.

Jan 16 07 11:46 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

This is a flake waiting to happen.  Cancel the shoot and move on.  The small probability that the model will actually go through with it isn't worth the hassle and risk.

Jan 16 07 12:43 pm Link


studio kgm inc

Posts: 727

Nashville, Tennessee, US

id just hire another model and tell her its cancelled.

Jan 16 07 12:54 pm Link


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Thanks for the advice. I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt (maybe she has been really busy), but at the same time, I don't want to be a pushover. If I don't hear back from her by tomorrow, I'll call her one more time and tell her I need to get confirmation within 24 hours, or else I will need to cancel the shoot.

Jan 16 07 01:07 pm Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Find another model. I agree with TX; this is flake waiting to happen.  Consider yourself fortunate that you have some circumstantial evidence to make a sound decision from.

The fact that you had to post this thread and wonder is enough in my mind to cancel the shoot. This is especially true if you are hiring her for the shoot.

If she had read your message and not responded within 24 hours of reading it then move on.

Jan 16 07 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
This is already a "reschedule" as the first time we . . .

FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHE           IS              A             FLAKE         !!!!!!!!!!

(Oh yeah, send her a link to this thread.)

Jan 16 07 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


In today's world, there is only one reason people don't keep in touch: They don't want to.

There are simply too many immediate and redundant methods for it to be anything otherwise.

Jan 16 07 01:23 pm Link


Flip Ashley

Posts: 437

Dallas, Texas, US

The same thing happened to me, I emailed and messaged her 3 or 4 times to both a week before the shoot. She never got back to me. go figure, luckily the girl did a great job on her own makeup and stuff. Shit happens I suppose, just roll with it.

Jan 16 07 01:25 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Mickle Design Werks wrote:
If she had read your message and not responded within 24 hours of reading it then move on.

eh- that's not always true.

I try to respond immediately, but sometimes I'll read through my messages very quickly and respond the next day. Or, in my case right now, I read a bunch of messages on Saturday, and I am just returning them today due to having to shoot on Sunday and then coming down with this awesome flu I have.

However, to the OP, you're in a time crunch, and you've asked the model before what was up and she hasn't, if you *give* her the time limit of "respond in 24 hrs or consider it cancelled" (Guarantee she's gonna get on the forums and start a thread about that in a week) and she doesn't respond, there's your answer.

Jan 16 07 01:26 pm Link


Jeramy Junkie

Posts: 486

Richmond, Virginia, US

Is there anymore room to agree that she's a flake? Because if so, I'd like to support that, haha.

Jan 16 07 01:27 pm Link


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Chip Morton wrote:
(Oh yeah, send her a link to this thread.)

Actually, I almost didn't post this question, since I don't want her coming here and seeing this. I would like her to contact me, but I don't want her to feel "shamed" into replying. All that would accomplish would be to cause negative feelings, whether or not we shoot together, and I don't want to burn any bridges or cause any ill feelings with her.

Whatever her reasons for not getting back to me are, I would still like to conduct myself in a courteous and professional manner.

Thanks again for all the advice.

Jan 16 07 01:38 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
Whatever her reasons for not getting back to me are, I would still like to conduct myself in a courteous and professional manner.

I think you do well to behave like that. Giving her the benefit of the doubt at least gives her the chance to prove to you that she isn't worth the effort. Making the assumption and cancelling prior to actually having a deadline isn't very fair, no matter how much the cards are stacked against her. Making her fate for her isn't very fair.

Best of luck! I believe you'll do well with your attitude!

Jan 16 07 01:49 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
I have an upcoming shoot at the send of the month, for which a stylist has been hired. Last week I sent a PM to her here (which she has read), to confirm the shoot, earlier this week I sent her an email to her regular email account, and this morning I left her a voicemail message. Even though a date has been set for the shoot, we didn't set a time yet, and the stylst is waiting for that information. I am hoping she will return my call today, but I am getting frustrated with her lack of response.

How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


Your OP is a little confusing. To many, "she"s not enough of what they are referring to.

Is the model not responding or the stylist?

Jan 16 07 03:56 pm Link


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
Is the model not responding or the stylist?

Sorry, I was vague in who I was trying to get confirmation from.

It is the model who is not responding. The stylist (and I) need confirmation and a start time.

Jan 16 07 05:57 pm Link


studio kgm inc

Posts: 727

Nashville, Tennessee, US

i think youre in the clear as far as being professional... even in posting this.  to avoid burning future bridges, you may want to be careful how you word your "if you dont respond message."  it could come off sounding a little bitchy.  if you really might want to work with her in the future, you might want to try something a little more passive aggresssive like,  "due to some scheduling conflicts, were really going to need to firm this date up or im going to have to let it go."  at the same time, if shes proving to be a flake, im sure you can find someone else whose more eager to work with you.  just my thoughts.

Jan 16 07 08:33 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

TXPhotog wrote:
This is a flake waiting to happen.  Cancel the shoot and move on.  The small probability that the model will actually go through with it isn't worth the hassle and risk.

All good advice: deadline, hire a new model, and what TX said. Not worth the grief. Tim

Jan 16 07 08:37 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
Sorry, I was vague in who I was trying to get confirmation from.

It is the model who is not responding. The stylist (and I) need confirmation and a start time.

I'd say, "Hi _____, I have not heard back from you regarding a time for our shoot of ___ date. The Stylist and I both need to know by ________ date. I'm very sorry, but if I have not heard from you by ______ the shot will be cancelled.  Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to working with you once I hear back from you.

Your name.

I'd send it out as soon as possible and get another model ready to go in the mean time, but explain to the second model what's up and that she may not be needed because (explain briefly what's happening) but you will let her know as soon as you either hear from the first model or don't.

Cheers, Tim

PS Also call her and see if you can get her. If not, leave the same message.

Jan 16 07 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:

Actually, I almost didn't post this question, since I don't want her coming here and seeing this. I would like her to contact me, but I don't want her to feel "shamed" into replying. All that would accomplish would be to cause negative feelings, whether or not we shoot together, and I don't want to burn any bridges or cause any ill feelings with her.

Whatever her reasons for not getting back to me are, I would still like to conduct myself in a courteous and professional manner.

Thanks again for all the advice.

Do as you see fit, but there is no bridge there to burn in the first place.

Jan 16 07 08:51 pm Link


Prose Photography

Posts: 1419

Glendale, Arizona, US

Daniela V wrote:
Send the model one more note saying- if I don't hear from you in 24 hours, the shoot is cancelled-

that'll get you a response.

I'll bet it doesn't

Jan 16 07 11:56 pm Link


Miguel Book 1

Posts: 1473

Washington, District of Columbia, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
I have an upcoming shoot at the send of the month, for which a stylist has been hired. Last week I sent a PM to her here (which she has read), to confirm the shoot, earlier this week I sent her an email to her regular email account, and this morning I left her a voicemail message. Even though a date has been set for the shoot, we didn't set a time yet, and the stylst is waiting for that information. I am hoping she will return my call today, but I am getting frustrated with her lack of response.

How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


This model look, sound and act like a flake.
Please move on and some someone else.

Jan 17 07 12:02 am Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Sometimes, esp when I'm on the road, busy working and only have cell phone internet access, I will check my urgent messages (shoots for the next day or upcoming week) and leave the others for when I have more computer time...

But I do agree (esp considering she 'flaked' once already) that it's prob best to move on.

Just giving the model the benefit of the doubt.

Jan 17 07 12:02 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

It sounds like a case where you might be more into the shoot than the model is. Unless they've got a darn good excuse (but even so, this is would be the 2nd time they've left you hanging), you might want to move onto a different model who is more professional.

I think you've done all you reasonablely can on your end.

Jan 17 07 09:38 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Fred Prose wrote:

I'll bet it doesn't

Even if it doesn't, it does allow him the forewarning to move on. If she gets back in touch after the appointed cut off time, then he can arrange something new with her (if he chooses). It gives him a difinitive time to move on, and many times thats all people need, both he and the model, to be able to move forward. Often people get too stuck in waiting for someone else, and then the day arrives, no decision has been made, and oh well. It also gives the model the opportunity to be responsible for her schedule and considerate of other people. If she's not, then she'll be learning the hard way.

Jan 17 07 09:44 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Maya Lei wrote:
Sometimes, esp when I'm on the road, busy working and only have cell phone internet access, I will check my urgent messages (shoots for the next day or upcoming week) and leave the others for when I have more computer time...

But I do agree (esp considering she 'flaked' once already) that it's prob best to move on.

Just giving the model the benefit of the doubt.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you would have gotten back to the photographer long ago to set a date and time though... you clearly don't appear to be the irresponsible type! You do great work!

Jan 17 07 09:46 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

NC17 wrote:
It also gives the model the opportunity to be responsible for her schedule and considerate of other people.

Seems to me she has already had that opportunity, and has not used it.

Jan 17 07 10:17 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Fred Prose wrote:

I'll bet it doesn't

sometimes no response, is the response.

Jan 17 07 10:19 am Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

Daniela V wrote:
Send the model one more note saying- if I don't hear from you in 24 hours, the shoot is cancelled-

that'll get you a response.

Ahhh Daniela, beautiful and savvy.  My favorite type of model.

This is great advice.  I had a very similar situation where we scheduled a (paid, non-nude) shoot more than 60 days in advance and at some point she became disinterested.  Finally about a week out (as I was trying to plan final wardrobe) I sent her a message...since she never gave me a contact phone and didn't call me... "I need to hear from you within 48 hours or I'll assume that you are cancelling the shoot."  She read it almost immediately (thank you MM mail) and after the 48 hours I formally cancelled the shoot.

Ironically, it cost her about $250 that day and perhaps another $500 for another project that we had in mind.  Good business decision on her part...LOL.

Jan 17 07 10:30 am Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

TXPhotog wrote:
This is a flake waiting to happen.  Cancel the shoot and move on.  The small probability that the model will actually go through with it isn't worth the hassle and risk.

I beg to differ, this is NOT a flake waiting to happen, this IS a flake in progress... she has already begun to flake, no replies to phone calls or emails.  That's how it all starts.
Consider yourself flaked upon and get another model.

Jan 17 07 10:38 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I was trying to be nice, Howard.  It's just that it happens so rarely, nobody recognizes it.

Jan 17 07 11:15 am Link


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Once again, I appreciate all the input and advice. I have just left her a voicemail message, as well as an email (MM) message, giving her until noon tomorrow to confirm and set a time, and letting her know that if I do not hear back from her by then, I will need to cancel the shoot.

We'll see what happens.
Thanks again.

Jan 17 07 11:21 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Carpe Imago Photography wrote:

Ahhh Daniela, beautiful and savvy.  My favorite type of model.

This is great advice.  I had a very similar situation where we scheduled a (paid, non-nude) shoot more than 60 days in advance and at some point she became disinterested.  Finally about a week out (as I was trying to plan final wardrobe) I sent her a message...since she never gave me a contact phone and didn't call me... "I need to hear from you within 48 hours or I'll assume that you are cancelling the shoot."  She read it almost immediately (thank you MM mail) and after the 48 hours I formally cancelled the shoot.

I've had to do this plenty of times with photographers- some of whom contacted me when I first started out and I thought they were too good for me, but they were willing to do TFP anyway...and then I would correspond, write back and forth, so and and so forth...and then would just stop responding. I wrote them and told them I assumed they were no longer interested and good luck with their future endeavors.

I laugh when they email me now and ask for's like, hello, I didn't forget you, so the answer is no. too bad.

I always make sure that the last email I send is "I haven't heard from you in x amount of days- I assume you're not interested so I'm deleting my emails to you, and will no longer follow up. Good luck for the future."

Jan 17 07 11:22 am Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
I have an upcoming shoot at the send of the month, for which a stylist has been hired. Last week I sent a PM to her here (which she has read), to confirm the shoot, earlier this week I sent her an email to her regular email account, and this morning I left her a voicemail message. Even though a date has been set for the shoot, we didn't set a time yet, and the stylst is waiting for that information. I am hoping she will return my call today, but I am getting frustrated with her lack of response.

How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, bud, but she has already cancelled the shoot.

Now, take that deposit money she paid you and buy yourself a pack of Pilsner Urquells and a nice fat greasy cheese steak and watch a little ESPN!

Jan 17 07 11:59 am Link


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US


I received an email from the model saying that she is unable to keep the shoot.
At least I have an extra 24 hours now to try and find another model for that date.
Thanks again to everyone here.

Jan 17 07 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Seems to me she has already had that opportunity, and has not used it.

Ahh, see his below message though: she just got back to him. When he gave her a deadline, she responded. People often need boundaries to behave under, its amazing how much the results will improve. When you leave someone with an open ended question, they often don't respond because they don't feel like it is pressing enough. Give them a boundary, and there is your answer.

To Erich: Terrific that she responded! I hope you're able to find another model now for the shoot. I also hope that this helps for you to be able to better clarify things in the future. Saying exactly what we mean (or need) sometimes is harder for us humans than you'd suspect...

Best of luck!

Jan 17 07 12:47 pm Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:

I received an email from the model saying that she is unable to keep the shoot.
At least I have an extra 24 hours now to try and find another model for that date.
Thanks again to everyone here.

Please tell us that you are not going to give this whack-job a third chance...

Jan 17 07 01:25 pm Link