Forums > General Industry > When would you cancel?



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

NC17 wrote:
Ahh, see his below message though: she just got back to him.

She did respond (I never said she wouldn't).  She flaked.  That is what I predicted.  It was obvious - no additional communication needed.

Jan 19 07 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

NC17 wrote:
When you leave someone with an open ended question, they often don't respond because they don't feel like it is pressing enough.

Just like they don't feel that the responsibility to do the shoot is pressing enough.  Behavior patterns rhyme.

Jan 19 07 12:45 pm Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

ErichDrazen Photography wrote:
I have an upcoming shoot at the send of the month, for which a stylist has been hired. Last week I sent a PM to her here (which she has read), to confirm the shoot, earlier this week I sent her an email to her regular email account, and this morning I left her a voicemail message. Even though a date has been set for the shoot, we didn't set a time yet, and the stylst is waiting for that information. I am hoping she will return my call today, but I am getting frustrated with her lack of response.

How many messages would you send and how long would you wait before leaving one last message that the shoot is canceled, and letting the stylist know that she can schedule other appointments for that day?


See update below

Lack of response equals lack of interest.As long as you have held up your part of the arrangement and attempted to contact the other party via all possible methods you are absolved of all guilt.

Jan 19 07 01:55 pm Link