Forums > General Industry > Photographer wants me to model nude...


Stan Simmons

Posts: 23

Lansing, Michigan, US

Never shoot something that you are not comfortable with, ever.

Jan 12 07 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

The fact that she is asking for advice makes me wonder how strong that stance really is..  Elephants or not..

If no really means no, there is no need for a discussion..
Often it doesnt, so him saying what he said had the desired effect.. she is thinking about it so her no seems more like a maybe.. which opens the door enough to get asked...

Jan 12 07 07:52 pm Link


Jennifer Lauren

Posts: 261

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

You are a very intelligent woman. Go with what you feel inside. If you do not feel comfortable do not let anyone sway you into something you do not want to do.

There's plenty of model's that make it big without doing nudity. They, are smart business woman that keep high morals and standards.

In the long run, depending on your client. You, will earn a lot of respect. Everyone loves a brainy, sexy woman (without nudity).

Best of Luck!

Jan 12 07 07:54 pm Link


Ailgif Studios

Posts: 181

Portland, Arkansas, US

Searcher wrote:
Actresses who don't want to be photographed nude, I can understand that, but models who don't want to be nude... it's your frigging job!

If you are a model, your job is to be a body. Stop overthinking it.

If you don't want to be embarassed or have problems in the future because you have pictures of yourself out there, then don't try to be a model at all.

Picasso would throw his brushes at you, and he would be right to do so. If you're going to put yourself out here and say "I'm a model," then be a model, and don't tell a professional photographer you're not going to do something because you're nervous. If you're nervous get the hell out of the game, because it's all about confidence. It is a choice, to be a puritanical two bit actress or to be a serious confident model.

For the record, yes I know you don't have to be naked to be a model, but I am in fact saying "fuck the JC Penny catalog" here.

I reject the idea that just because you wear clothes then you are a model. A model has to be at the disposal of an artist. No artist, no model. Risk makes the picture worth taking.

WOW!  based on your response to her, it really doesn't seem like you have respect what so ever for the models that are out there working.  She's more than a body, and not every one inspires to be a nude model.  The photographer that refuses to acknowledge that there are all kinds of models with limitations on what they will do is the one in the wrong, not the model who is looking to do something else with her career.

You made a comment about her being a two bit model because she refuses to take her clothes off...Maybe the only two bit anything here, is the photographer that doesn't respect his models and only sees them as bodies..

I'm curious when a model comes in for a shoot, do you just say, stand over there Bitch and do what I say...After all your just a body!

My opinion, a respecful, reputable photographer will respect what it is you are willing to do and find models that will do other types of photographs he is looking for.

An unreputable photographer will treat you like you are less than human and pathetic for not showing him your body!  If that is what they want, let them go to models that will pose that way...

You will go far with out posing nude.  Trust me, there a lot of photographers and agency that don't expect that.

Jan 12 07 08:01 pm Link


Kelvin Hammond

Posts: 17397

Billings, Montana, US

I guess I'm okay with YOU not getting naked in a photoshoot, BUT what about me? Doesn't anyone ever think about ME? For once I'd like to shoot in the nude. is THAT too much to ask? wink

Jan 12 07 08:04 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Adrienne J wrote:
He says I may not make it very far, except for some local stuff unless I do some nudity...What do you think models and photographers?? HELP ASAP..thanks!

I think you should definitely go nude then. Actually as nude as possible.
You can try some fishnet stockings with red stilletto heels.
That would be cool.
Also, make the photographer go nude too.
I hope I solved your problem in time.
(You said you needed help ASAP)

Jan 12 07 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Do what the person in the mirror tell's you to do, you have to live with them smile

Jan 12 07 10:10 pm Link


Studio 3-1-oh

Posts: 493

Katherine Heigle on Gray's Anatomy posed nude when she was going through med school to pay her bills, you think you are better than her now huh?

Adrienne J wrote:
Hi MM!

Okay....sigh....I got an offer to do a full day shoot with an AMAZING photographer in my area. However, he suggested that along with a few unique and creative themes, I should do some partial nudity to help my portfolio. However as stated in my bio, I DO NOT do nudity. For one, I am a new model, and two I am pre-med and it may come back to haunt me later...He says I may not make it very far, except for some local stuff unless I do some nudity...What do you think models and photographers?? HELP ASAP..thanks!

Jan 12 07 10:55 pm Link


Miko Was Here

Posts: 4033

Ventura, California, US

If you aren't comfortable with it, there is no point in doing it. I did a lot of X rated photography up untill about 1995. I am no longer comfortable shooting it... and it shows in the work I have done that bordered on X since.

Jan 12 07 11:05 pm Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

why are you even asking this on a public internet forum?

i would think that a young lady smart enough to be in a pre-med undergrad program that you would not need the additional affirmation of hundreds of unknown posters on that.

do what you think is right. don't do what you think is wrong.

Jan 12 07 11:11 pm Link


Dobias Fine Art Photo

Posts: 1697

Haddon Heights, New Jersey, US

The Hampton Roads area has PLENTY of perfectly acceptable photographers.  There is no such beast as ONE "amazing photographer" in the Hampton Roads area.  There are good schools in the area, just not a lot of industry work to go around.  In other words, there really isn't much work there for either the photographers OR the models, unless you are happy with a dorky swimsuit calendar to promote one of the stores at Virginia Beach.

If you are pre-med in the Hampton Roads area, does that mean ODU?  If so, go to the Ghent District and hang out at Fairgrounds Cafe.  That's where the artists hang out.  The tone of your query makes it sound like you really don't know anyone.

Nude.  Eh.  Some are nude models and some aren't.  If you don't have the disposition for it, the photographer can always get someone else.

Jan 12 07 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 104

Escondido, California, US

The photographer should be in the nude when shooting, that'd greatly enhance his art. However, he/she should not be totally nude, wear a hat, a tie, a ring, or something...

Jan 12 07 11:26 pm Link



Posts: 750

Brick, New Jersey, US

Even if he is right...he is wrong. Your port is your port and up to you alone. Judging from what I viewed, you will do just fine. Best of luck and hang in there smile))

Jan 12 07 11:32 pm Link


DB Imagery

Posts: 156

Altadena, California, US

If I memory serves me correctly, Playboy has edtions with med students, doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. It did not ruin their career aspirations.

Jan 12 07 11:49 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

I know that I'm not going to be popular for saying this, but he was probably right.

Before I see anymore, I am in no way suggesting you do a nude shoot.  In fact, I would recommend NOT doing it, if for no other reason than your hesitancy which would ruin the shoot anyway.  In this world you have to be true to yourself, if your ever going to compromise your integrity, do it for some worthy cause, like the well-being of your family or saving a life, not so some photographer can take nude shots of you.

Now, back to the part that makes me unpopular...

I have also told certain models this - and I was right.  When faced with a 5'1" model who weighs 115 and has tits the size of Texas (and she was very pretty as well) who wanted to be a professional model, I told her the truth.  And the truth is for a model of her build and looks to make a "very good living" (her words) modeling, it would in all likelihood require her to do nude modeling.  She won't be a fashion model or a commercial model.  The only thing she was truly suited for is glamour modeling.  There are a million hot girls who want to do glamour modeling and most are willing to pose, with clothing, for free.  If you want to make a "very good living" as a glamour model, that means getting naked.

I'm not saying the same thing applies to you or that it doesn't.  But based on your stats and location, there may be some truth to what he's saying.  If your only aspiration in this life was to earn your living solely by modeling, I would agree with him.  But it's not.  You're going to be a doctor, and save peoples lives or deliver babies or cure cancer or something.  So don't worry about it, do what makes you happy, study hard, take some nice pictures you will be proud to show your future kids and enjoy your life.

You will find that it starts going by very, very quickly...



Jan 13 07 12:27 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

Any photographer who pressures models to do nudity when there's a clear statement that it's not an interest... that photographer has some insecurity issues of their own to deal with.  There are plenty of models willing to do nudity.  Pushing somebody who isn't interested, or even just not ready, that's just a pathetic little power trip.  He's just collecting notches.  Either that, or he's just clueless.

But then you're the one smart enough to get into med school.  I'm guessing he's not.

Jan 13 07 12:51 am Link



Posts: 7840


plenty of us that are ok with this sort of thing if he needs models 
otherwise hes just harrassing you

Jan 14 07 04:08 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Adrienne J wrote:
Hi MM!

Okay....sigh....I got an offer to do a full day shoot with an AMAZING photographer in my area. However, he suggested that along with a few unique and creative themes, I should do some partial nudity to help my portfolio. However as stated in my bio, I DO NOT do nudity. For one, I am a new model, and two I am pre-med and it may come back to haunt me later...He says I may not make it very far, except for some local stuff unless I do some nudity...What do you think models and photographers?? HELP ASAP..thanks!

Adrienne, if you don't want to do nude now, then don't.

Doing nude for this one guy won't make or break your career, so that's just his sales blah-blah. He wants you to get nude for him at this moment, and he's not listening to your wishes.

He's not making your career for you. In fact, I seriously doubt that he has the success of your career in mind when he's asking you to take your clothes off. I doubt he cares much about that, beyond the present photo shoot. Building your career is your job, not his. You are the CEO of you.

You can do nude anytime you want. Save it for the future when you are sure that's the direction you want to go. With your good looks, and at 18 you have lots of time to decide.

Nudity in photos is fun and expressive for many of us around here, but it's certainly not a requirement.

It's a non issue for what you are doing. Just Say No and error on the side of caution.

PS - there are lots of AMAZING photographers out there, and many of those who are amazing will listen carefully about how you want to present yourself for TFP situations. TFP should be a two-way street, and it should be to help each other promote themselves the way they want to. Don't feel star-struck by one guy. Go with your own feelings and everything else will fall in place for you. No need to compromise anything.

Jan 14 07 04:15 pm Link


Model Gisele

Posts: 8

Adrienne J wrote:
Hi MM!

Okay....sigh....I got an offer to do a full day shoot with an AMAZING photographer in my area. However, he suggested that along with a few unique and creative themes, I should do some partial nudity to help my portfolio. However as stated in my bio, I DO NOT do nudity. For one, I am a new model, and two I am pre-med and it may come back to haunt me later...He says I may not make it very far, except for some local stuff unless I do some nudity...What do you think models and photographers?? HELP ASAP..thanks!

I say don't work with him because you said you don't do nudes. And if you do go to the shoot and he happens to pressure you into it, guess what - you're probably going to end up with photos that are unuseable because you look uncomfortable, like a deer caught in head lights. And I can't imagine how you'll feel afterwards - you stated your limitations, now stick to them!

And who the hell does he think he is, telling you how far you can go? He doesn't sound too amazing to me- seriously, leave this man alone. Don't even go to the shoot or have any further discussion about it.

As for being pre-med, you do need to consider what modeling nude now can mean for the future. I'm pre-law (though I don't intend to be a lawyer...whole other story), but what I intend to do with my degrees, my modeling nude won't hurt. I also do it because I'm comfortable with it, and was never pressured into it.

Jan 16 07 12:44 am Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

Amazingly enough, everyone is nude under their clothes.

Jan 16 07 12:46 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Adrienne J wrote:
Hi MM!

Okay....sigh....I got an offer to do a full day shoot with an AMAZING photographer in my area. However, he suggested that along with a few unique and creative themes, I should do some partial nudity to help my portfolio. However as stated in my bio, I DO NOT do nudity. For one, I am a new model, and two I am pre-med and it may come back to haunt me later...He says I may not make it very far, except for some local stuff unless I do some nudity...What do you think models and photographers?? HELP ASAP..thanks!

Even if he is amazing, that attitude is not. If he's going to make nudity a condition of your shoot, I'd be inclined to cancel. Even if he changes his mind, I'm willing to bet these nude shots he wants to do will come up in conversation plenty during your shoot. It's a shame he can't have more respect for your views but his loss. Don't do anything you're not comfortable with!

Jan 16 07 06:53 am Link



Posts: 435

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw baby girl...

I have seen plenty of outstanding work on this site and many others that didn't require any nudity.

Jan 16 07 07:03 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Politiely tell the photographer that you prefer not to do any nudity.  Perhaps tell them why.  You have every right to do only the modeling styles you are comfortable with.  There are other photographers who will shoot you the way you are comfortable with.

Jan 16 07 07:38 am Link


CSP Photography

Posts: 293

Orlando, Florida, US

Do not do it...

Jan 16 07 07:53 am Link


Juan Stevens

Posts: 175

Fort Washington, Maryland, US

hahahahahah. can't believe someone actually used that line. depressing thing is, lots of women fall for it all the time. Sounds like he wants to notch his belt. Do what feels right to you. If you want to try nudes, find someone you trust(don't know how you do that one) that won't release them. Would love to know who around here used that line though. That was priceless. All I can say is that he can't be that good where it would worth causing you to worry about the consequences of taking them. He sounds shady to me.

Jan 16 07 04:25 pm Link