Forums > General Industry > Honest Photographer Survey...



Posts: 447

San Francisco, California, US

Okay here goes:

30% - Travel & Editorial Pictures (Paid and Unpaid)
40% - Boring People Pictures (Mostly Paid)
10% - Event Pictures (Paid and Non-Profit Charities)
10% - Landscape (Unpaid)
5% - Pictures of Bugs (Unpaid)
5% - Pictures of Hunks & Babes (Paid and Mostly Unpaid)

Jan 08 07 08:27 pm Link


Robert Olding

Posts: 140

Los Angeles, California, US

"X" subject = "X" photo

Jan 08 07 08:50 pm Link


toan thai photography

Posts: 697

Montgomery Village, Maryland, US

i like travel photography and high fashion photography. when i travel, i tend to shoot photojournalistic style so it doesn't matter whom i shoot. when i want to do a high fashion shoot, i want the model to look like a high fashion model. (this explains why i don't have too many fashion photos).

Jan 08 07 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

carlo Di Paolo wrote:
Shooting pretty and naked women is fun, but it's bubble gum photography. Unless your someone like vonUnworth pulling in the big clients and bucks. Even then, even with some cool shots, it's never really important photography.

Everyone seems to be doing the same thing with the nudie pics, nothing groundbreaking.

If you would enjoy seeing some of the most visually stunning fashion photos check this guy out.....absolutely incredible!

Jan 08 07 09:21 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

If you would enjoy seeing some of the most visually stunning fashion photos check this guy out.....absolutely incredible!

It is eye catching yes, but much computer manipulation. Catchy for fashion, yes, but this is not what I'm talking about. Stop by a Barnes and Noble and look through Haskins book, better yet buy a copy, and see what an imaginative photographic artist did with a model, camera, film, light and a darkroom.

I am a fan of the fashion greats like Newton, vonUnworth, Lindenberg and others but Haskins has them beat on certain levels.

Jan 08 07 10:14 pm Link


Foto di Giacomo

Posts: 49

Las Cruces, New Mexico, US

I enjoy taking or better creating photos with pretty models but I also enjoy photographing nature and just about anything else that catches my eye.

Jan 08 07 10:18 pm Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
For how many photographers out there is the goal of photography simply to make pictures of pretty girls?


Jan 08 07 10:18 pm Link


215 Studios

Posts: 3453

Center Point, Texas, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
"Pretty girls" are less than 10% of my business. I like getting paid. Money can always buy "pretty."

"Pretty Girls" are more than 10% of my business, but no more than 20%.  Money is definately why I work with clients.  The stuff I shoot for myself as my art IS for myself.  If there is a pretty girl involved, that's just kind of an added bonus.  Most of it is Landscape/still life.


Jan 08 07 10:26 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
For how many photographers out there is the goal of photography simply to make pictures of pretty girls?

…Maybe a substantial amount but not me.
I like making money and great images; pretty girls are just a bonus… big_smile

Jan 08 07 11:54 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

If I am shooting females outside of some artistic theme I am working on, that is my goal.

Jan 09 07 12:04 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

I like taking photos and making videos of pretty women.
Pretty women are wonderful and lovely to look at.
If I had my choice of photographing a penguin, an ocean sunset,
a mountain stream, Niagra Falls, the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids,
a snowflake, a red rose, a cheetah running, a robin giving birth,
a solar eclipse, Mel Gibson having a tirade, astronauts in space,
Eskimos making an igloo, a killer whale jumping to eat an oreo,
the Dalai Lama, the smile of an innocent child, a grizzly bear,
the Great Wall of China, or a gorgeous woman, I would pick
the gorgeous woman every time. My goal is to take as many
photos of beautiful women as is humanly possible before I die.
If this makes me wrong, well...I don't want to be right.

Jan 09 07 12:25 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

I shoot for revenge.

Jan 09 07 01:26 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Mark Sebastian wrote:
I shoot for revenge.

I like that!! ...

Ah, revenge for what?

Jan 09 07 01:36 am Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

obviously thats why i shoot,  to meet the babes,  why else?   

My secret formula for turning on the models,  wear a beret, bring a bottle of wine, a camera and a fan,  then say suave things like "purr for daddy"   "show me the love"  and  "can i rub this against you".

Jan 09 07 01:43 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
No harm in this, so answer honestly or don't answer..

For how many photographers out there is the goal of photography simply to make pictures of pretty girls?

I just like taking pretty pictures...

Jan 09 07 02:19 am Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Iris Swope wrote:

I just like taking pretty pictures...


Jan 09 07 02:22 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

A pretty girl, like a pretty valley or a pretty flower, can tell a story.

A lonely man, like a windswept desert, or a ice-encrusted twig, can tell a story.

I want to tell stories that I see with my eyes. Sometimes those stories include pretty girls. It also happens that the pretty-girl stories are the ones that people seem to appreciate the most. So it goes.

Jan 09 07 02:24 am Link


Richmond Body Art

Posts: 159

Richmond, Virginia, US

50% Horse Shows (Paid)
20% Children (paid)
20% Female Models 18 to 80 blind cripple or crazzy large or small ( Paid__Unpaid)
10% Male Models same as above

Just Kidding with the Blind and Cripple but lord not the crazzy

Jan 09 07 02:29 am Link


Kris Perry Photography

Posts: 872

Placentia, California, US

I don't really shoot models.

What you  can see in my port was all paid work. Shooting models pay from time to time, but I didn't get in to this to shoot them.I mainly shoot events, landscape, and pretty much stuff I like to see documented.

If a model comes my way male or female that I just love the look, then i'll try and shoot with them.

Jan 09 07 02:31 am Link



Posts: 31

Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

My goal isnt to shot pretty girls, But I do however enjoy it. But as with alot of the other photographers there is alot of other stuff I do do and enjoy. potentially to a lesser extent but still enjoy

Jan 09 07 02:34 am Link



Posts: 223


mcStudio wrote:
"pretty" is all i care about.  why would i shoot anything else?  if you want reality, just look around.

Now we should all remember that there is no such a thing as ugly people, some just look better than others...

Jan 09 07 02:35 am Link



Posts: 10

Los Angeles, California, US

pretty images over pretty girls. since im not into girls...

Jan 09 07 03:30 am Link



Posts: 7840


artists are rare.

Jan 09 07 03:34 am Link


Jak Wad Photography

Posts: 42

Detroit, Michigan, US

Nice post. Honestly I enjoy shooting @ all hours. Nothing brings shots to life like reflections off the water or the natural beauty of natural moonlighting. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", each is different. Thanks for the post!


Jan 09 07 03:35 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Not a goal, but definitely a perk.

Jan 09 07 03:49 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

There are well over 30 different branches of photography, not all of which include photographing human models. Granted this site is going to primarily attract photographers that photograph people,  mainly because it is hard to get a building, or an Ice Cream Sunday of some sort to respond to a casting call.
   Another factor in the thought that photography is just about working with beautiful female models is because there seems to be an abundance of female models willing to work. My preference is photographing female models, but like my page says I will never turn a male away and on occasion my image requires a male model. My personal experience with casting calls between genders is I sign 10 of each, 8/10 females show up for the shoot, and 2/10 males show up for the shoot. I am trying to get a portfolio that is better than what I am currently displaying together, so I accept a lot of models in a 3 month time period, and try to turn out 12 new pieces. Male models are just frustrating, not all of them, but the ones who confirm and don't show.

Jan 09 07 03:52 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Was specifically talking about photographers on this site..

It's hard to survey, on a site like this, people who aren't actually ON a site like this.

Jan 09 07 04:02 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Anthony Wallace wrote:
duh. what else is there? guys? no thanks.

What's wrong with shooting guys? Guys are people too smile

Jan 09 07 04:07 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Since I am up answering a back log of emails.

I take pictures of what I see and what I feel. Women, buildings, children, water, whatever.


Jan 09 07 04:09 am Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

i'm in this for a check. i'll play into anybodies vanity if i can make a profit..

Jan 09 07 04:11 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
No harm in this, so answer honestly or don't answer..

For how many photographers out there is the goal of photography simply to make pictures of pretty girls?

close but no cigar:I make pretty pictures of girls, there is a differance. I prefer cityscapes but no one really has an interest to see those images so I will continue making pretty pictures of girls another few months before its time for the kid to take a break

Jan 09 07 04:20 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
artists are rare.

only becouse we tend to hate artist and call them crazy so its not a good thing to explore your artistic side when you will be ridiculed for it by a bunch a copy cats and controll freaks...and oh I love anjel for being strong and pretty...she reminds me of annie lennox

Jan 09 07 04:25 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

business. just business.

~ F

Jan 09 07 04:28 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

Daguerre wrote:
I like that!! ...

Ah, revenge for what?

A little while back, I realized that The Man and The System don't actually exist!

The System is nothing more than a bubble created by people that share the same laws of reality!

The Man is nothing more than self-imposed doubt and uncertainty!

Destroy The Man and The System by focusing your thoughts beyond the bubble!

Seriously though, many people spend their entire lives searching for the correct path in life when all they had to do is create themselves.  I pry inward with my camera to reveal the soul. And if that particular soul happens to be one hot piece of ass, then so be it. ::shakes fist::

Jan 09 07 04:41 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
For how many photographers out there is the goal of photography simply to make pictures of pretty girls?

Correct me if I'm wrong, when you say Pretty Girls, you means 'Starting a Photograph' using a "Pretty Model".  If this is the case, then the answer is No!

To shoot someone that is already Pretty is not a great challenge, but to make someone 'The Prettiest They've Ever Looked', now that's a challenge and a great satisfaction when you achieve it... 

I will never forget the first time a girl cried because of how I made her look in my pictures (Bring on the sarcasm fuckers!).  She was a friend of mine and I had asked her to shoot with me for around a year.  She kept telling me she was NOT photogenic.  I tried to reassure her that she was Beautiful and that she had only worked with 'Bad' photographers in the past.  After a year of constantly bugging her to shoot, she agreed.  We went to the beach, no MUA, no Stylist, just my assistant and her.  I had the Slides (go ahead let me have it), developed within the hour ad Dugals, she started to look through the slides and then started crying. 

I looked at my assistant and he was puzzled, we didn't see anything wrong.  I asked her what was wrong and she told me, and I quote, "You were right, I am beautiful!".  I can't tell you how big my ego got at that moment.  The satisfaction was beyond what I can express here in words to you.  The picture in question, here it is...

No photoshop either...

Jan 09 07 04:42 am Link


prophet sound

Posts: 62

Lawrence, Indiana, US

50% to create intriguing, dark, and stunning images of people of any gender
20% to create images that fuse subject and location in a manner that seems impossible
30% to create images that simply reflect something i see that i find amazing...

Jan 09 07 09:02 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
For how many photographers out there is the goal of photography simply to make pictures of pretty girls?

*raises hand*


Jan 09 07 09:43 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Iris Swope wrote:

I just like taking pretty pictures...

of pretty girls?

Jan 09 07 04:33 pm Link


Old Ska Punk

Posts: 2677

Crivitz, Wisconsin, US


I am a whore. You pay me. I'll shoot it.
I spent the day shooting plastic storage boxes. Boring as hell, but pays the bills.

Pretty girls would be a definite improvement.

Jan 09 07 05:45 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

I'm a lot more interested in (and turned on), by the clothes, than the models.

Jan 09 07 05:49 pm Link