Forums > General Industry > Rude Response or am I wrong?



Posts: 243

I have been modeling since quiet a while now and never did one of those NO SHOWS.
Only once did I have to cancel a shoot and  it was because of a family emergency.
I did contact the photographer in this  case and explained myself in a very nice manner!
Why did I get a rude response from him about not wanting to reschedule?
Any words of advice?

Jan 08 07 03:56 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

He`s a jerk, move on smile

Jan 08 07 04:00 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

well what was the emergency and how soon did you notify him?

Just today I had to cancel my shoot for this saturday because I have strep throat and mono and I'm not qyuite sure how soon I will be better.The photographer who I have shoot with several times wasn't mad at all.

Also how did you notify him about this? were you at all rude in your response? How big of an emergency was this?

Jan 08 07 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 243

Primal Lens wrote:
He`s a jerk, move on smile

thanks :-)

Jan 08 07 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

It's because some people use emaergencies as excuses when they never really happened soooo often, photographers start to get jaded.

My grandmother almost had a massive stroke and I had to go out of town (Georgia) last minute with my mom. I had to call the photographer 3 hours before the shoot, in the morning, and let him know what had happened. He then goes around telling people that I was a no call/no show... It got really ridiculous.... But, that's the life of an internet model/photogrpaher.

Jan 08 07 04:01 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
well what was the emergency and how soon did you notify him?

If it is a family emergency thats all that needs to be said. Not all family emergencies happen in time to give a lot of notice smile

Jan 08 07 04:01 pm Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

He might have been a jerk, or he maybe thought you were lying...anyways you did what you could and there's not much you can do now so find someone else to shoot with wink

Jan 08 07 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 243

Nora_Neko wrote:
well what was the emergency and how soon did you notify him?

Just today I had to cancel my shoot for this saturday because I have strep throat and mono and I'm not qyuite sure how soon I will be better.The photographer who I have shoot with several times wasn't mad at all.

Also how did you notify him about this? were you at all rude in your response? How big of an emergency was this?

I let him know hours before the shoot...
right after i got the call about my family..
i dont want to talk about it because its bothering me right now....
I didnt call and JUST cancel i called and asked if i could reschedule ...

Jan 08 07 04:02 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

NancyJ wrote:
I have been modeling since quiet a while now and never did one of those NO SHOWS.
Only once did I have to cancel a shoot and  it was because of a family emergency.
I did contact the photographer in this  case and explained myself in a very nice manner!
Why did I get a rude response from him about not wanting to reschedule?
Any words of advice?

Probably because you weren't the only model that had done that to him.  If he had to lay out money for studio rental or other expenses, he's not going to want to deal with possibly getting burned again.

Jan 08 07 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 243

Lamonica wrote:
It's because some people use emaergencies as excuses when they never really happened soooo often, photographers start to get jaded.

My grandmother almost had a massive stroke and I had to go out of town (Georgia) last minute with my mom. I had to call the photographer 3 hours before the shoot, in the morning, and let him know what had happened. He then goes around telling people that I was a no call/no show... It got really ridiculous.... But, that's the life of an internet model/photogrpaher.

Its not that i didnt want to go because is work is REALLY good and i have been wanting to work with him but right now family means a lot more

Jan 08 07 04:05 pm Link


Darwin Young

Posts: 996

Atlanta, Georgia, US

A TRUE family emergency is a perfect reason for a reschedule, if he wont reschedule move on to someone else! Now if the family emergency was due to a bad hair day or something trivial like that then shame on you!

Jan 08 07 04:06 pm Link


William Milberry

Posts: 63

Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan

He sounds Jaded.  Perhaps he's had people flake out on for non-legit reasons so now he assumes any cancellation is just an excuse.

Jan 08 07 04:07 pm Link


Jak Wad Photography

Posts: 42

Detroit, Michigan, US

Because He/She obviously has issues with them self, you ARE NOT the blame. Their loss!!

Happy New Year!


Jan 08 07 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 243

Darwin Young wrote:
A TRUE family emergency is a perfect reason for a reschedule, if he wont reschedule move on to someone else! Now if the family emergency was due to a bad hair day or something trivial like that then shame on you!

I was already set to go .... sitting here with my hair in curlers and everything...
i dont just cancel because i have a bad hair day...
If i set something up its because i truley wantto work with that person ..

Jan 08 07 04:09 pm Link


visual mirage

Posts: 390

Nashville, Arkansas, US

Nancy, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Though you have never flaked in the past and tried to do everything right, it seems you feel it has bitten you. Photographers here have to deal with no shows all the time, some more than others. Last month I had 4 no shows and only one of those to call, twice at the last minute to cancel. A lot goes into setting up a shoot, which I'm sure you know. Maybe you caught this photographer after a series of no-shows and he/she was extra ill at the time. The bottom line is when you put a lot of effort into setting up a shot and end up with a no show--for whatever reason--it becomes a trust factor. If you know the photographer, he/she would probably be more understanding. If you don't know them, then the question they ask themselves is "do I want to go through all this again for another no-show. Try to look at this from both sides and try to put yourself in the photographer's shoes. We all have bad days, especially after models flaking on shoots. And if he had recently had to deal with a no-show or a series of no-shows, you could have definitely caught that person at a bad moment. When things calm down, they may want to reschedule with you.

Jan 08 07 04:09 pm Link


Billy Monday

Posts: 2745

Frederick, Maryland, US

Come shoot with me instead.  Still working on the pool...

Jan 08 07 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

NancyJ wrote:

Its not that i didnt want to go because is work is REALLY good and i have been wanting to work with him but right now family means a lot more

Yeah, I feel you on that.... I told the photographer that no one is above my family. My grandmother lives alone and was terrified.... No shoot is worth possibly not seeing my grandmother before something drastic happens.

Jan 08 07 04:12 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Primal Lens wrote:

If it is a family emergency thats all that needs to be said. Not all family emergencies happen in time to give a lot of notice smile

We all have cancellation/reschedule needs now and then.
...his loss.

Jan 08 07 04:13 pm Link


Darwin Young

Posts: 996

Atlanta, Georgia, US

NancyJ wrote:

I was already set to go .... sitting here with my hair in curlers and everything...
i dont just cancel because i have a bad hair day...
If i set something up its because i truley wantto work with that person ..

Honestly, stop beating yourself up over it! Things happen, and they are beyond our control! Keep your head high and book with someone else! Sometimes things happen for a reason, have a wonderful day!

Jan 08 07 04:15 pm Link


Kelly Talele

Posts: 196

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm sorry to hear about your family emergency.  I hope everything's ok.  sad

I'm also sorry to hear that the photographer was rude to you when you called to reschedule.  I think someone else hit the nail on the head when they said this guy has probably had other models flake out on him.  We all know it happens frequently around here regardless of the reason given.  Often people do use the "family emergency" excuse to get out of something which makes it hard on those people who really do have one.

I don't know what his situation is, but some of us have to rent studios, hire MuAs, etc. and put a lot of time into a shoot before it actually happens.  This does not excuse his behavior, but I'm hoping maybe it helps explain it.

And everyone else is right...just move on.  I'm sure there are plenty of other photographers who would be more than happy to shoot with you.  :-)

Jan 08 07 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

With the number of last minute emergencies models seem to have it's surprising anyone would be willing to insure them or their friends and famliy.  I mean really, surprising they live long enough to reproduce. smile

Jan 08 07 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 243

Bill Brittain wrote:
Come shoot with me instead.  Still working on the pool...

I CANT WAIT *wink*

Jan 08 07 04:23 pm Link


Billy Monday

Posts: 2745

Frederick, Maryland, US

NancyJ wrote:

I CANT WAIT *wink*

Great.  And if you cancel on me I'll throw you in the pool with your clothes on!  Oh, wait....

Jan 08 07 04:29 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Primal Lens wrote:

If it is a family emergency thats all that needs to be said. Not all family emergencies happen in time to give a lot of notice smile

I wouldn't be satisfied without a real answer.I wouldn't take "family emergency" either but that doesn't give him a reason to be rude.Honestly it's just way to easy to say oh I had a family emergency and get out of something you didn't want to do.

Jan 08 07 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Nora_Neko wrote:

I wouldn't be satisfied without a real answer.I wouldn't take "family emergency" either but that doesn't give him a reason to be rude.Honestly it's just way to easy to say oh I had a family emergency and get out of something you didn't want to do.

Screw that.... if I had family emergency that was very painful, I wouldn't want to discuss the details with a stranger.

Jan 08 07 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Did you tell him exactly what the family emergency was?

If you did, perhaps he didn't view it as a cancelable reason. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. To some people, their sister getting a tooth pulled is reason to stop the world. People call out of work if their Mom stubbed her toe and has to be brought to the podiatrist (by someone else). Some people, on the other hand, will go to work while their brother or sister make their father's funeral arrangements. Now, I'm not saying your reason wasn't "good enough", just that since we don't know what it was, we really shouldn't judge his reaction yet.

Jan 08 07 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 243

Nora_Neko wrote:

I wouldn't be satisfied without a real answer.I wouldn't take "family emergency" either but that doesn't give him a reason to be rude.Honestly it's just way to easy to say oh I had a family emergency and get out of something you didn't want to do.

I never told him that it was a family emergency i told him EXACTLY what was going on...

Jan 08 07 04:34 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
I wouldn't be satisfied without a real answer.I wouldn't take "family emergency" either but that doesn't give him a reason to be rude.

Why is an emergency not a real answer? Unless the person says this often you have no reason not to believe her unless you`re just being a jerk. Why is it any of his business what the familyemergency is?It`s family business.

I bet If your favorite photographer came to you and wanted to shoot you and cancelled on short notice  and said  suddenly had a family emergency you would be perfectly fine with it and not expect him to tell you what the emergency was. In family emergencies you have enough on your mind without having to give personal details.

Jan 08 07 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Primal Lens wrote:

Why is an emergency not a real answer? Unless the person says this often you have no reason not to believe her unless you`re just being a jerk. Why is it any of his business what the familyemergency is?It`s family business.

I bet If your favorite photographer came to you and wanted to shoot you and cancelled on short notice  and said  suddenly had a family emergency you would be perfectly fine with it and not expect him to tell you what the emergency was. In family emergencies you have enough on your mind without having to give personal details.

Very well said...

Jan 08 07 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Primal Lens wrote:
Why is an emergency not a real answer? Unless the person says this often you have no reason not to believe her unless you`re just being a jerk. Why is it any of his business what the familyemergency is?It`s family business.

Why it's his business. First, as someone else said, he may have invested a nice amount of money in that shoot. Second, since the OP said she explained exactly what the "emergency" was, he may have not thought (right or wrong) that it was something that should have made the model cancel. At 17, what you think is important is not what you think is important at 25, or 25, or 45. It may have been, but until the OP reveals (not that she has to) what the nature of the emergency was, we shouldn't judge the photographer.

Jan 08 07 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 243

I have had photographers cancel on me before andi never took it as a lie...
I love what I do and I would never cancel on a photogapher to make myself look bad
yes I do feel bad about having to cancel but I told him what it was why I couldnt make it and I called hours before the shoot.
   I feel really bad right now because I never has to deal with this before but I guess its part of the business

Jan 08 07 04:39 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

It shouldn't matter whether or not that person thinks it is important, if it counts as an emergency to them, then that should be accepted. Compassion for one, is a virtue, life is full of unknowns, and sometimes these things happen, regardless of monetary matters.

No one is the moral authority on which to judge others. Therefore, being a jerk rather than being understanding shall only reflect poorly on yourself.

Jan 08 07 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 243

Vito wrote:

Why it's his business. First, as someone else said, he may have invested a nice amount of money in that shoot. Second, since the OP said she explained exactly what the "emergency" was, he may have not thought (right or wrong) that it was something that made the model cancel. At 17, what you think is important is not what you think is important at 25, or 25, or 45. It may have been, but until the OP reveals (not that she has to) what the nature of the emergency was, we shouldn't judge the photographer.

Im not judging the photographer i just never got a respons like this

Jan 08 07 04:44 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

NancyJ wrote:
I have been modeling since quiet a while now and never did one of those NO SHOWS.
Only once did I have to cancel a shoot and  it was because of a family emergency.
I did contact the photographer in this  case and explained myself in a very nice manner!
Why did I get a rude response from him about not wanting to reschedule?
Any words of advice?

Well... "family emergency" is impossibly vague, and "rude response" is a matter of opinion. Semantic content=zero. How could anybody offer an informed opinion?

Jan 08 07 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Miles Chandler wrote:

Well... "family emergency" is impossibly vague, and "rude response" is a matter of opinion. Semantic content=zero. How could anybody offer an informed opinion?

That's why if you read the entire thread, you would know that she didn't say it was a "family emergency", she actually told the photographer what the situation was.

Jan 08 07 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 9219

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

NancyJ wrote:
I have been modeling since quiet a while now and never did one of those NO SHOWS.
Only once did I have to cancel a shoot and  it was because of a family emergency.
I did contact the photographer in this  case and explained myself in a very nice manner!
Why did I get a rude response from him about not wanting to reschedule?
Any words of advice?

Just move on.  If you already called and explained, then you have done all you can.  If he doesn't understand that, just move on.  You wouldn't want to work with someone who is rude anyway.


Jan 08 07 04:49 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Lamonica wrote:

That's why if you read the entire thread, you would know that she didn't say it was a "family emergency", she actually told the photographer what the situation was.

The confusion comes from where she mentions it being a family emergency in the IP.

Jan 08 07 04:50 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I read the whole thread, and I know she gave the photographer specifics. But she didn't give US any, or tell us his response in any detail. So nobody here could possibly tell her if she's "wrong" about the photographer being unreasonable or rude. The thread is pointless- all we can do is pat her on the back:-)

Jan 08 07 04:50 pm Link


visual mirage

Posts: 390

Nashville, Arkansas, US

Basically, if you really want to get back on good terms with the photographer, offer to pay for what the shoot cost him. Call me old school, but my father was a successful businessman and I still cherish the years I had to watch him operate. One of the simple rules he followed was if you can't live up to your end of an agreement, offer to make it right. Family emergencies are a part of life, however, when we choose to deal with them--as most of us do--we can't expect others to eat the costs. I offering to make it right financially is always an investment for the future.

Jan 08 07 04:51 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Here's what I'd suggest.  Work with other photographers, post great images, wait a year and then talk to the photographer again. In the meantime, visit Minnesota, bring warm clothes.

Jan 08 07 04:54 pm Link