Forums > General Industry > Baffled by models choices



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Usually I do the picking of what images the model gets.  Or I give them a small variety to choose from.  I was having an off day and this time for some reason I said ok to letting the model pick her images from the entire shoot.

And I must say that I am astounded by her choices.  Only 2 of her picks matched mine.  And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

I understand different people like different things,

Anyone else have this occur?

Jan 08 07 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Nope. For trade shoots, I give the models all of the retouched images that I'm prepared to have out there with my name on them. They then can choose from those. None, one, or all, that's fine with me.

If a model asks, I'll let them suggest what they like from the proofs, but that's rare that they ask. Very rare.

Jan 08 07 01:24 pm Link


Ms Jenni

Posts: 218

Springfield, Colorado, US

I'm getting ready to work with a few photographers, that are going to let me choose a handful of images that I like, to be edited.

But just like the photographers, I'm more than happy to not use an image, if it's something they'd feel uncomfortable displaying as a piece of work they've done.

Jan 08 07 01:28 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

SKPhoto wrote:
I understand different people like different things,

females tend to view images far differently than males.  as well, models tend to view shots from an aesthetic and photographers from a technical point of view.  few beyond agents view imaging of models from the vantage of what sells.

--face reality

Jan 08 07 01:30 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Models want photo's which they look good in.  Photographers want photo's that look good.  The two things are different.

Sometimes models make the strangest choices.  But I don't care.  I think it behoves a photographer to let the models choose what pictures they have from  shoots.

Jan 08 07 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 294

Columbus, Ohio, US

From the TFP's i've done, i've asked the photographers to send me the photos that they think would be best for my port. They're more experienced than me, so I trust their judgement.

Jan 08 07 01:40 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

I let the models choose a few and I choose a few.  I try to make sure that anything I wouldn't want the model to use are never seen by the model.  The views a model wants are rarely the ones I want, but often the ones that are finally put up by the model are the ones I chose.

Jan 08 07 01:43 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


SKPhoto wrote:
Usually I do the picking of what images the model gets.  Or I give them a small variety to choose from.  I was having an off day and this time for some reason I said ok to letting the model pick her images from the entire shoot.

And I must say that I am astounded by her choices.  Only 2 of her picks matched mine.  And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

I understand different people like different things,

Anyone else have this occur?

I never ever agree with the photographer on what the best image is.

A model sees one thing, and a photographer sees another.

I've also been allowed to tell the photographer what photo(S) I want retouched on my TFP shoots...anywhere between 2-10.

Jan 08 07 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 69

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

When I do TFPs, the photographer sends me a disk of the proofs, I choose between 8 and 20 that I like and they edit those photos. I pick the ones where I think I personally look good. The photographer may love the lighting in one particular pic, but my thigh might look the size of Texas in it. I dont want that. Of course I always value the photographers opinion, and if they feel quite strongly about a certain image, Ill pick that one over one Im hee-hawing over... smile

Jan 08 07 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Photographers just look at different things than models. Models might like their expression or how his/her body looks in  the pic and a photographer could be looking at the lighting or angles. Each person is looking at their own work.

Jan 08 07 02:02 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I found it's a good idea to roughly censor pics before letting the model choose, just to make sure they don't pick an image you're really uncomfortable with having out there as an example of your work.
But yes, models and I usually end up thinking the other is crazy as far as their choices go. As long as neither of us uses images the other really REALLY can't stand, everybody's happy.

Jan 08 07 05:15 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Short answer:  That's why there's horse tradin'

Obscure answer:  I once was photographing a nude model -- she had just removed all her clothing, we were just getting started, and she was concerned about people seeing the lines on her ankle from her socks.  I had to say to her, "baby, no one is going to be looking at your ankles!"

Long answer:  People have different tastes.  You might make a killer bikini photograph, but the model might feel that she has plenty of bikini images in her portfolio, so she might prefer that head shot instead.  Or you might have a fine photograph of the model's back, and she might think she has a big butt.  It happens.  Why worry?

Jan 08 07 06:13 pm Link



Posts: 417

Seattle, Washington, US

I have only ever had one photographer pick an unflattering picture of me as their favorite. Usually I agree with photographers on personal picks...But then I want pictures with good lighting, niether the photographers or myself want unflattering pictures.
  Because of this I am typically give all the pictures shot so I can work with them.
I have enough respect for my photographers and myself to not put "bad" pictures out for view, I also expect the same respect.

Jan 08 07 06:20 pm Link


Glenn Worton

Posts: 1444

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Happens to me all the time , so I let the models make their own selection but include my choices as well - One thing continues to amaze me though - I always start any TfCd with some plain portraiture, and one of these images is almost always chosen -

Jan 08 07 06:27 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Dawn Winter wrote:
From the TFP's i've done, i've asked the photographers to send me the photos that they think would be best for my port. They're more experienced than me, so I trust their judgement.

Marry me. :-)

Jan 08 07 07:11 pm Link


DHayes Photography

Posts: 4962

Richmond, Virginia, US

Reminds me of an illustration class I took years ago.  The instructor told us that if we came up with two or more ideas for a project, never show the art director or client the one you were least enthused about.  That is the one that invariably gets picked. 


Jan 08 07 07:19 pm Link


Greg Brophy

Posts: 21

New York, New York, US


That wouldn't be Murray Tinkleman at Syracuse U. would it?


Jan 08 07 07:42 pm Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

I usually show all the photos to the models because I like understanding what the other person likes and dislikes. Likewise, the model can also get a feel for how i'm shooting and adjust accordingly.  In my opinion, this approach turns the "shoot" into its own living and breathing entity.

But thats me. I've also got horny muppets and psycho midgets in my portfolio.

Jan 09 07 01:49 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

SKPhoto wrote:
And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

Why would you even allow images that are not up to your standards in circulation?

Jan 09 07 01:54 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Yeah, it's often a surprise. I'll send the "second tier" of photos to the model, the ones that I think are passable but not the best, and she'll fall in love with one of the ones that I almost didn't process.

Jan 09 07 02:44 am Link


Julia B

Posts: 73

Nashville, Tennessee, US

FaceReality wrote:
females tend to view images far differently than males.  as well, models tend to view shots from an aesthetic and photographers from a technical point of view.  few beyond agents view imaging of models from the vantage of what sells.

--face reality

This is so true!  My husband was just explaining this to me not too long ago....we always disagree on my images.  I'm trying to look at my images from a consumer's point of view, but it's difficult.  For example, I always pick the lingerie images with the "come over here" look, but those images look slutty to the average male, therefore putting me in a bad light or whatever you would call it.  I'll tell you what really sucks, when you pay a photographer an assload of money and then he ignores the request to edit ONE image!

Jan 09 07 03:45 am Link



Posts: 7840


SKPhoto wrote:
Usually I do the picking of what images the model gets.  Or I give them a small variety to choose from.  I was having an off day and this time for some reason I said ok to letting the model pick her images from the entire shoot.

And I must say that I am astounded by her choices.  Only 2 of her picks matched mine.  And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

I understand different people like different things,

Anyone else have this occur?

that's why i ask them not to delete stuff

it might be just what i always wanted!! or salvegable anyway/

Jan 09 07 03:48 am Link


Julia B

Posts: 73

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Dawn Winter wrote:
From the TFP's i've done, i've asked the photographers to send me the photos that they think would be best for my port. They're more experienced than me, so I trust their judgement.

That is a friggin great idea.  Although I'm not retarded I suddenly feel like a light bulb has brightened above my head.

Jan 09 07 03:48 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

that is why I only retouch three images now, and give the full sized images to them for them to find a retoucher if they want. I also give them all the images I retouch for myself,


Jan 09 07 03:50 am Link



Posts: 267

Portland, Oregon, US

DHayes Photography wrote:
Reminds me of an illustration class I took years ago.  The instructor told us that if we came up with two or more ideas for a project, never show the art director or client the one you were least enthused about.  That is the one that invariably gets picked.

Oh, not always.  Maybe 80% of the time.  big_smile

Jan 09 07 03:50 am Link


Jak Wad Photography

Posts: 42

Detroit, Michigan, US

Thanks for the post!

Models get the ones available, like you said, None, one or all, makes no difference to me. Sometimes we get flexible though.
Happy New Year!


Jan 09 07 03:51 am Link



Posts: 7840


Dawn Winter wrote:
From the TFP's i've done, i've asked the photographers to send me the photos that they think would be best for my port. They're more experienced than me, so I trust their judgement.

for me its often the reverse

and how would they know what direction i want to go - what style i want to portray - or what i have already, wish to show off??

i have literally hundreds of images fine art nude that are VERY similar
certain looks poses lighting that they want.. that they say...
'' AHA  awesome - THAT'S what i was after!!''

Sometimes i haven't the heart to tell them i have shot that over and over again before; or that type of image is not new in the field

& after all private collections mostly so bring it on!

Jan 09 07 03:52 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Usually I do the picking of what images the model gets.  Or I give them a small variety to choose from.  I was having an off day and this time for some reason I said ok to letting the model pick her images from the entire shoot.

And I must say that I am astounded by her choices.  Only 2 of her picks matched mine.  And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

I understand different people like different things,

Anyone else have this occur?

Even with my best model who has been around for 15 years! She sees things i don't in images of her and I fix them up too so she can be happy too.

Jan 09 07 03:55 am Link



Posts: 7840


all mikes images are awesome

Jan 09 07 03:56 am Link



Posts: 180

Aurora, Illinois, US

Julia B wrote:
I'll tell you what really sucks, when you pay a photographer an assload of money and then he ignores the request to edit ONE image!

Well that certainly adds a twist in the plot. Does whom is paying whom play a role in what shots are candidates for puplic display? Should it? I would think that if you are paying me to shoot you, then you would definitely have dibs on which ones are processed for you. If I'm paying you for the shoot, then I'm going to process the shots I want. If you want different ones, you can offer to pay for them. The work doesn't end when the lens cap goes back on. If Donald Trump is paying us for the shoot, then Donald Trump decides which ones get processed. TFCD? well we're just going to have to make some compromises aren't we?

If the model or photog likes a few shots that you don't care for, is it really going to make or break you to have them out there or not? Not every person is going to like every photo of yours. If having what 'you' think are duds out there causes you to freak, perhaps a trip to therapy is in order.

Give up a little control on what you think is appealing, and you might be surprised. It still baffles me that my most popular photo on flickr was a drunken accident at a bowling alley.

Jan 09 07 04:24 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Only 2 of her picks matched mine.

In that case, I would only give her the 2 you agree upon, and would only use the 2 you agreed upon.  As someone else stated, Models look at pics differently than Photogs.  If you both agree on 2 images, then those 2 are most likely the 'Best of the Bunch'.

Jan 09 07 04:54 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Julia B wrote:

FaceReality wrote:
females tend to view images far differently than males.  as well, models tend to view shots from an aesthetic and photographers from a technical point of view.  few beyond agents view imaging of models from the vantage of what sells.

--face reality

This is so true!  My husband was just explaining this to me not too long ago....we always disagree on my images.  I'm trying to look at my images from a consumer's point of view, but it's difficult.  For example, I always pick the lingerie images with the "come over here" look, but those images look slutty to the average male, therefore putting me in a bad light or whatever you would call it.  I'll tell you what really sucks, when you pay a photographer an assload of money and then he ignores the request to edit ONE image!

You should have had a better contract...

In my world, the client is 'Always Right', therefore I show only what I believe is my best work...that way when they choose from those, we have both agreed.

Jan 09 07 05:17 am Link


Carole Hayes

Posts: 876

Garland, Texas, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Usually I do the picking of what images the model gets.  Or I give them a small variety to choose from.  I was having an off day and this time for some reason I said ok to letting the model pick her images from the entire shoot.

And I must say that I am astounded by her choices.  Only 2 of her picks matched mine.  And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

I understand different people like different things,

Anyone else have this occur?

I'm glad somebody brought this up -- I was just thinking about this yesterday....  (I recently received shots from two recent shoots and, while I was pretty pleased with most of the pics, I was sad to not find some of the ones I was hoping to get.)

It happens quite frequently:  after a shoot, the photographer and I will very quickly glance through the photos and I'll see several that I absolutely love -- and then I never see them again....  I understand that the photographer wants to show the shots that have perfect lighting/composition/etc... and all, but when there are several very similar shots in a row, I find it hard to believe that only the selected one was good enough to show....

I think it comes down to a difference in how he sees me vs how I'd like to be seen.  (Either that, or he's just really not aware that my eye was half-shut, or I bent something funny and caused a skin roll, or my hair was funny looking, or my hand is splayed out and looking weird, or whatever....)

On a shoot where images are part or all of my payment, I'd like to have some say over which images I get -- otherwise, there's no guarantee that I'll get what I want/need out of the shoot, in which case:  why am I accepting these images as partial/full payment?

What I would like would be for the photographer to weed out the shots that he finds unacceptable and then show me the rest; let me weed out facial expressions/poses that I find embarrassing/unflattering, and then have each of us select the shots we want to showcase from those that are left. 

I understand that this would take a bit more time, but if both parties are happier with the end result, isn't it worth it?

Jan 09 07 11:20 pm Link


Carole Hayes

Posts: 876

Garland, Texas, US


Jan 10 07 06:25 pm Link


Fedora el Morro

Posts: 818

Seattle, Washington, US

Sometimes a photographer will choose a shot because it makes him/her look good and via versa for the model.

Jan 10 07 08:10 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

It much is the model paying me?

Jan 10 07 08:12 pm Link


Jami Lea

Posts: 5747

Los Angeles, California, US

When I do shoots, I have the photographer upload all my images onto my laptop, but I let him pick which ones I post.  The rest, I give to family because I know regardless of how bad they look, my mother will cherish them smile  Aren't moms great for that? lol

Jan 10 07 08:13 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

I don't mind the model choosing the photos she likes. Normally though it is more a collaboration of what we both like. A model is going to be her/his own worst critic so they are normally checking themselves out while you are looking at the lighting, etc..

Jan 10 07 08:17 pm Link


charles kafka

Posts: 109

Burlington, Vermont, US

Thats why some people become models, others become photographers.
Successful photographers know what they like, what looks good, and how to pull it out of a scene, and then the raw image.

However in this day and age, Im learning to give the customer what they want, just remember you are putting your name on the image.
Just as the model has to remember she is putting her image, on your picture.

hopefully we all come out of this looking good :-)

charles kafka

SKPhoto wrote:
Usually I do the picking of what images the model gets.  Or I give them a small variety to choose from.  I was having an off day and this time for some reason I said ok to letting the model pick her images from the entire shoot.

And I must say that I am astounded by her choices.  Only 2 of her picks matched mine.  And most of what she chose I'm not even considering keeping.

I understand different people like different things,

Anyone else have this occur?

Jan 10 07 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Carole Hayes wrote:
On a shoot where images are part or all of my payment, I'd like to have some say over which images I get -- otherwise, there's no guarantee that I'll get what I want/need out of the shoot, in which case:  why am I accepting these images as partial/full payment?

Because life is not always fair and there are Never any guarantees...  If the Photographer is accepting those same images as partial/full payment what is his guarantee that he will get anything he wants?

Carole Hayes wrote:
What I would like would be for the photographer to weed out the shots that he finds unacceptable and then show me the rest; let me weed out facial expressions/poses that I find embarrassing/unflattering, and then have each of us select the shots we want to showcase from those that are left.

This is the only way to do it for everyone to be happy...

Carole Hayes wrote:
I understand that this would take a bit more time, but if both parties are happier with the end result, isn't it worth it?

Absolutely most definitely!

Jan 10 07 09:39 pm Link