Forums > General Industry > On "fishing for compliments"


Sassy Shelli

Posts: 62

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Ok, so we all know why we are on this website. We want to get ourselves out there, network, make money etc. and of course we want feedback on our work. But most of all, as human beings we want to know that people like us (or our work). So every time we get our avatar posted somewhere on the website we are hoping someone (hopefully many someones) will take notice of us and say something nice to us, right? Don't you think it is then redundant to make an announcement asking (or telling) people to check out your work? We are all creative people here (well, most of us) so can't we come up with a way to get people interested in looking at our profiles without actually asking them to? What I find really silly is when people say "leave a comment for me and I promise I will leave one for you" (or something like that). Well, let's say that someone tells you that they absolutely LOVE your work (or you), then you go to their profile and you think they SUCK. Now you are forced to either lie or break your promise. Let's avoid this situation by trying to be a little more creative and a little less needy (yes, I said it, sorry ahead of time to everyone that is going to offend). I promise that if your avatar is good then you will get at least one person to come visit without even asking.

Jan 08 07 12:57 am Link


Julia B

Posts: 73

Nashville, Tennessee, US

No.  New comments are fun.  It's human nature for us to want recognition.  And it is a great way to network.  I say keep it up.  I enjoy getting new comments and returning the favor.  I never lie about an image that I don't like, because it's WRONG and I absolutely HATE liars.  No one is forced to do anything, unlike what you said.  Just thank them for the comment and move on.  So, if you don't like the comment game then don't participate in it....just ignore it.  Easy enough, right?

Jan 08 07 01:05 am Link



Posts: 4897

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Jan 08 07 01:14 am Link


Jennifer Tyler

Posts: 532

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

really...... stop fishing for compliments... its my biggest peeve when people make an announcement "please leave me a comment"
if we wanted to, we would!

Jan 08 07 01:24 am Link

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Julia B wrote:
No.  New comments are fun.  It's human nature for us to want recognition.  And it is a great way to network.  I say keep it up.  I enjoy getting new comments and returning the favor.  I never lie about an image that I don't like, because it's WRONG and I absolutely HATE liars.  No one is forced to do anything, unlike what you said.  Just thank them for the comment and move on.  So, if you don't like the comment game then don't participate in it....just ignore it.  Easy enough, right?

She is not saying we shouldn't comment or want people to comment she's just saying "don't ask for it". We don't walk around our every day life asking people to compliment us, do we? So, why do it here. Keep getting your image out there but be original with your announcements and people will visit and comment.

Jan 08 07 01:32 am Link


bijan studio

Posts: 1854

TARZANA, California, US

I rarely ask people to give me comment. I think that's why I barely have any comment on my work.  Hope it's not my work. smile
But for people who do,  I know they really mean it.

Jan 08 07 01:36 am Link


Sassy Shelli

Posts: 62

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

bijan studio wrote:
I rarely ask people to give me comment. I think that's why I barely have any comment on my work.  Hope it's not my work. smile
But for people who do,  I know they really mean it.

Exactly, it's always going to be more genuine coming from someone you didn't ask to compliment you.

Jan 08 07 01:38 am Link


Sassy Shelli

Posts: 62

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

LOVE the pic Marker!!

Jan 08 07 01:38 am Link



Posts: 4897

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Ahh, thanks... see what fishing will get me?

Jan 08 07 01:41 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

free drinks for everyone who posts in this thread!!!!

Jan 08 07 01:48 am Link


Kay Thom

Posts: 725

New York, New York, US

Koray wrote:
free drinks for everyone who posts in this thread!!!!

i'll have grape koolaid, what would you like?

and to keep some relevance going, i agree.

Jan 08 07 01:54 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

bijan studio wrote:
I rarely ask people to give me comment. I think that's why I barely have any comment on my work.  Hope it's not my work. smile
But for people who do,  I know they really mean it.

Not true. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've publicly asked for a critique ( not comments but a review of my work ) or made an announcement on the main page. I still manage to get comments. I don't ask for them because I would prefer someone  give me an unsolicited honest opinion on my work and not blow smoke up my ass.

Jan 08 07 01:56 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Kam Photography wrote:

i'll have grape koolaid, what would you like?

and to keep some relevance going, i agree.

grape koolaid for spider senses are tingling...I think I'm getting tags right now...dangerous ones tongue

Jan 08 07 01:58 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Koray wrote:
free drinks for everyone who posts in this thread!!!!

I want grape drink.

Jan 08 07 01:59 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Envy wrote:

I want grape drink.

I like mine black & white...artistic...any matches?

Jan 08 07 02:02 am Link



Posts: 617

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Please leave me comments on the comments I am about to leave – Yeah baby! OP – No coffee for you before bed….

Jan 08 07 02:04 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

I have never asked for comments on my work..

I figure with the amount of talent on this site You gotta put something up that makes em comment!!

If they dont...

Get back to work!!

And keep up the good work!!



Jan 08 07 02:04 am Link



Posts: 377

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Thank the lord someone else feels the same way I do about this.  I HATE HATE HATE when people beg and beg and beg for stupid comments on their pictures.  I rather here you what you ate for dinner on the announcement page than pestering for comments...

Jan 08 07 02:09 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

punk is not dead by the way...just metamorphed tongue

Jan 08 07 02:09 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

Comments always appreciated and returned!

Jan 08 07 02:10 am Link


Jennifer Tyler

Posts: 532

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

speakin of dinner......  i  just ate an entire mcdonald's extra value meal..... :X

Jan 08 07 02:11 am Link



Posts: 624

Kissimmee, Florida, US

Samantha, I only agree with you about people saying, "that they will comment you back if you comment 1st." I don't want to obligate people to comment on my work just because I commented on theres, which you're right, it's not as genuine in some cases. If they do fine, if they don't fine too. But, in many respects i do condone letting people know when I have a new picture up. This community is so huge and people are always busy looking at all the new talent that gets added everyday. In that respect, if people have seen your port only once (outsiders, not the people on your friends list), they will never know if you have anything new, unless you prompt them to return to see the "newness." Otherwise, they think they've seen everything you had already.

Jan 08 07 02:11 am Link

Makeup Artist

Riannan the Artist

Posts: 99

Punta Gorda, Florida, US

I think it does help to get other opinions on your work.  However I do agree that you shouldn't really ask to get complimented.  I tell people how it is.  If they have a great picture, i'll say so.  If not, I probably won't comment, or tell them something they could fix, etc.

I think posting on the main page is a great way to get a chance to talk to other people that you don't work with in your area or on a regular basis.  Good times. 
Keep the comments true!

Jan 08 07 02:11 am Link



Posts: 624

Kissimmee, Florida, US

Michelle72183 wrote:
Thank the lord someone else feels the same way I do about this.  I HATE HATE HATE when people beg and beg and beg for stupid comments on their pictures.  I rather here you what you ate for dinner on the announcement page than pestering for comments...

ROFLMAO Michelle! Nice... ;-)

Jan 08 07 02:12 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

Yeah! It's almost a crazy as a politician saying May I have your vote?

Jan 08 07 02:12 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Hooters and McDonalds should merge I say...good for business big_smile

Jan 08 07 02:13 am Link


Sassy Shelli

Posts: 62

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Michelle72183 wrote:
Thank the lord someone else feels the same way I do about this.  I HATE HATE HATE when people beg and beg and beg for stupid comments on their pictures.  I rather here you what you ate for dinner on the announcement page than pestering for comments...

Hi Five, girl!! I couldn't sleep until I got that off my chest! That probably sounds kind of pathetic like MM is my whole life. I swear it's not, I've just been home sick for a few days spending every waking hour online cause I don't have cable and I watched every damn DVD here.

Jan 08 07 02:14 am Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

PLEASE leave me a comment! I need to feel validated as an artist!


Jan 08 07 02:16 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

We all as artist and people like a good ego boost. I am nt a fn of the comment whore, however, who am I to judge if it's right to ask or not. I personally do not ask. I'm with Hugh, if you shoot it they will come.

If you really want people to see your work on MM, the best thing to do is make yourself known. Post in the forums, exchange ideas and network. Build a base of friends and models and you can be sure your name will get around. If you happen to be good, people will return and comment and views will mount.

Happy Shooting...


Jan 08 07 02:16 am Link


Sassy Shelli

Posts: 62

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Clarence aka  Big C wrote:
Samantha, I only agree with you about people saying, "that they will comment you back if you comment 1st." I don't want to obligate people to comment on my work just because I commented on theres, which you're right, it's not as genuine in some cases. If they do fine, if they don't fine too. But, in many respects i do condone letting people know when I have a new picture up. This community is so huge and people are always busy looking at all the new talent that gets added everyday. In that respect, if people have seen your port only once (outsiders, not the people on your friends list), they will never know if you have anything new, unless you prompt them to return to see the "newness." Otherwise, they think they've seen everything you had already.

Well, hear is a solution: put one of your new pics as your avatar then they will notice.

Jan 08 07 02:16 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Samantha Morgan wrote:

Well, hear is a solution: put one of your new pics as your avatar then they will notice.

Or ask if you look like Marisa Tome? Just kidding. Yo don't REALLY think the announcement feature is going to be used for anything other than fishing for views and there by MAYBE work (models in my case cause I LIKE being poor) do you?

Jan 08 07 02:20 am Link



Posts: 624

Kissimmee, Florida, US

Samantha Morgan wrote:

Well, hear is a solution: put one of your new pics as your avatar then they will notice.

Not always true. And many times, you have more than one new pic that you posted at a time,which is why I still think new pics are fair game for advertising, and many would agree. But like I said b4 I agree with you to a certain extent on your posting.

Jan 08 07 02:22 am Link


Kay Thom

Posts: 725

New York, New York, US

Envy wrote:

I want grape drink.

i gotta get this t-shirt!!! reminds of "knee-high" soda. i lurve the flavored sodas.

Jan 08 07 02:23 am Link


Sassy Shelli

Posts: 62

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Mike Walker wrote:
Or ask if you look like Marisa Tome? Just kidding. Yo don't REALLY think the announcement feature is going to be used for anything other than fishing for views and there by MAYBE work (models in my case cause I LIKE being poor) do you?

Of course I don't like being poor (but I have another job that pays the bills). It's just how you fish. Be creative "like asking if you look like Marisa Tomei" to get someone's attention. Makes it more interesting instead of reading a million posts that all say "check out my pics blah, blah, blah"

Btw, people really do tell me I look like Marisa Tomei and Cher and Monica Belucci and their next door neighbour all the time.

Jan 08 07 02:29 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

hey I'm not getting even a single view count from this thread...what am I doing wrong?

Jan 08 07 02:33 am Link


Jami Lea

Posts: 5747

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't think it matters either way.  Some ppl are more secure about themselves than others could be one reason, but it could also be b/c they want an honest comment to gain a sense of progress.  After all, we are models, photographers, muas, stylists, artists.  Our line of work is image, creativity, passion.  I think it is nice that we all network this way, comment each other, help each other out.  This is the main reason I came here is to get some honest input.  I mean, I have great self esteem.  I wouldn't be in this business if I didn't have that.  I don't know.  It's just nice to get feedback.  You can give it or ignore it.  Your call.

Jan 08 07 02:34 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I constantly fish for compliments, in every part of my life. It helps balance the amount I hate myself,


Jan 08 07 02:37 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

I just copied this from the main page: "Hit Me... Feel Me... Tag Me... Love Me... Feed Me... Take Me... Tell Me... I always return comments"

wish I was that brave tongue

Jan 08 07 02:41 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

It all depends on how sophisticated you are when you promote yourself. Blatent hardcore pushy salespeople bother me, no matter what field they are in. Mention your merchandise (or portfolio/work/ideas), and let the consumer decide. I buy a lot more if the salepeople leave me alone, and I buy it a lot more if I get compliments, comments, or messages that are not begged for. I have a lot less comments than many shoutbox members and announcement whores (I do put forth the occasional announcement if I have new pics....right now I have 4, so don't even bother looking....), but I notice the quality of pic comments and tags I get is a lot higher. Quality beats quantity for me.

Now, when it comes to selling my corsets however....

Jan 08 07 02:56 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

bijan studio wrote:
I rarely ask people to give me comment. I think that's why I barely have any comment on my work.  Hope it's not my work. smile
But for people who do,  I know they really mean it.

Envy wrote:
Not true. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've publicly asked for a critique ( not comments but a review of my work ) or made an announcement on the main page. I still manage to get comments. I don't ask for them because I would prefer someone  give me an unsolicited honest opinion on my work and not blow smoke up my ass.

You are a little bit of an infair comparison, m'dear. smile

Jan 08 07 02:59 am Link