Forums > General Industry > Most "interesting" comment received


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

If you had to list the single most "interesting" comment you've received on a photo, what would it be?

The comment can be positive or negetive - it doesn't really matter. Just list one that simply stood out to you, for whatever reasons.

I found my most interesting comment on Flickr, from some cat in Japan.  He said:

"Very Very high sense with your high spiritual Karma in gods. After I jointed flickr a few days ago, I checked many pictures in the world. Your pictures are Very very pure soul, I felt. I am very happy today. But, I hope that your pictures will be able to absorb more stronger spirit energy for people. Not only high tecknology. You can do. Before I worked for the biggest musican groups in the world. So, I can analize your future."

Jan 02 07 05:09 am Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

omg, i'll pass

Jan 02 07 05:17 am Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

About a pic of me crying in the shower, most comments were something like 'sensual' and 'emotionally provoking'...

'This is a Fantastic image for advertizing for the Water and Power company. Pay your Water and Power Bills on time. You don't want to get caught in the shower with cold running water.'

Although it doesn't really top yours, it caught me off gaurd when I first read it...

Jan 02 07 05:32 am Link


Stacey S

Posts: 3131

Long Beach, California, US

haha mine was on this picture

"You look like a lil lost white Ethiopian...I'll adopt you"

I thought it was pretty darn sweet

Jan 02 07 05:38 am Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

Stacey wrote:
haha mine was on this picture

"You look like a lil lost white Ethiopian...I'll adopt you"

I thought it was pretty darn sweet

Now that he mentions it, haven't I seen you in one of those ads?  X)

I already have claims to adopt you! As your sis and all...   wink

Jan 02 07 05:44 am Link



Posts: 1577

Los Angeles, California, US

After being a fan of Anthony Cramer's work for over 3 years on a different site...
never a hello even when we're on the same critique pages...

he commented on one of my photos
he said:

'thats fly'

(i was giddy as a school girl, lol)

Jan 02 07 05:44 am Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Something along the lines of " U R A HOTTIE"

from someone who didnt take the time to notice I was the photographer of the images not the model in them. I contacted him and told him this and he went off on me saying I was gay for pretending to be a girl and he asked why I wanted to try to trick people by making them think I was the girl in the photos.

Um, Hello, Mcfly!

Jan 02 07 05:52 am Link



Posts: 1577

Los Angeles, California, US

I got the same comment, like i was a hot model, just because they see a hot girl on the avi... couldn't they tell i'd have to be 20 different girls?

Just that whole 'myspace-add-me-you're-a-hottie' mentality

Jan 02 07 05:57 am Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

Primal Lens wrote:
Um, Hello, Mcfly!


Jan 02 07 05:57 am Link


Stacey S

Posts: 3131

Long Beach, California, US

KelseyAnn wrote:

Now that he mentions it, haven't I seen you in one of those ads?  X)

I already have claims to adopt you! As your sis and all...   wink

nahh those monies go to the other kids not me
and awhhhh I love my big sis xoxox

Jan 02 07 06:17 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Ah, always happy for the comments..  And I've gotten a few head scratches..

Least favorite are the knuckle draggers who ask things like, "Did you get to fuck her after the shoot?" (Those always get deleted..)

But there was a positive one that, to this day... I don't quite get..

In a picture depicting a man who's committed suicide by pills..

One woman send the one word comment, "HOT!!!!"

Jan 02 07 10:38 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

My fountain pic got for the following comment...

"This is one of the best pictures in the universe throughout the entire history of time, past or future. I thought I'd commented on it already. Maybe I commented in the photographer's port. If you changed one little thing in this picture, the world would be a lesser place and the earth would probably go spiraling toward the sun."

Thanks David Krueger smile

Jan 02 07 10:42 am Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Ah, always happy for the comments..  And I've gotten a few head scratches..

Least favorite are the knuckle draggers who ask things like, "Did you get to fuck her after the shoot?" (Those always get deleted..)

But there was a positive one that, to this day... I don't quite get..

In a picture depicting a man who's committed suicide by pills..

One woman send the one word comment, "HOT!!!!"

People get turned on by different things. Not all of them are palatable to most other people.

Jan 02 07 10:45 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Jessalyn wrote:
My fountain got for the following comment...

"This is one of the best pictures in the universe throughout the entire history of time, past or future. I thought I'd commented on it already. Maybe I commented in the photographer's port. If you changed one little thing in this picture, the world would be a lesser place and the earth would probably go spiraling toward the sun."

Thanks David Krueger smile

Well -- that is an awesome photo to be sure! I'm not sure if it were changed the Earth would go spiraling into the sun, but I wouldn't recommend trying it.

Jan 02 07 10:47 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Well -- that is an awesome photo to be sure! I'm not sure if it were changed the Earth would go spiraling into the sun, but I wouldn't recommend trying it.


Jan 02 07 10:48 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:

People get turned on by different things. Not all of them are palatable to most other people.

Well, she may not have been "turned on" by the photo. She may have just used the word "hot" as an expression to say she liked the shot. People express themselves differently, and especially online the meaning can easily get confused. Or maybe she didn't even notice the pills and was commenting on the model laying on the bed... Who knows?

Jan 02 07 10:50 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Well, she may not have been "turned on" by the photo. She may have just used the word "hot" as an expression to say she liked the shot. People express themselves differently, and especially online the meaning can easily get confused. Or maybe she didn't even notice the pills and was commenting on the model laying on the bed... Who knows?

Actually the subject is a black belt in karate, and while not exposed, was nude in the shot.. I think she just failed to notice the context of the image.

Jan 02 07 10:51 am Link



Posts: 325

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Have not got one yet, but it is my first day here.
Interesting site.

Jan 02 07 10:54 am Link


Writers Eye

Posts: 152

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


That was it.  Someone suggested it meant "Definitely One of a Kind."  But when I asked the poster about it, he said nope, that wasn't it.  And since he wouldn't tell me what he did mean, I deleted the comment. lol

Jan 02 07 10:56 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

okbyme wrote:
Have not got one yet, but it is my first day here.
Interesting site.

You do now.

Jan 02 07 10:57 am Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:

Actually the subject is a black belt in karate, and while not exposed, was nude in the shot.. I think she just failed to notice the context of the image.

Either way, I wouldn't use "hot" to describe this image. At all. Poignant? Perhaps. Thought provoking? Possibly. Rich in emotion, or completely devoid of emotion? Yes, indeed. But not hot.

Jan 02 07 10:57 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US … bc6f8f.jpg

Comment by jdyz:

There's a purity to this(photo)that is awesome and the athleticism of the pose doesn't's just there, part of nature, a tiger stretching nonchalantly
in a pose that other creatures can't do. Lovely. … f59cee.jpg
Comment by David Oscar Flores:

Lie abed Earth's grassy cradle bid welcome her embrace as you lay feel Mother Nature's gentle caress as she breathes life unto a new day. Draw in the offering of her essence let it enfold you as you breath the entrancing perfume of the blossoms the aged aroma of the trees. Gaze upon the canopy of heaven bear aloft your spirit to the sky stars parlous wink as night-tide yields and Mother Earth lets go a sigh. Herald in your heart a joyous song join the birds, sing melodically as one lifting their voices high and pure in serenade to awaken the sun. Cast aside your earth bound burdens sense that creation is yawning revel in the sun, glory in the gifts nature's quickening, a new day dawning.

Jan 02 07 11:00 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

On this pic

This shot reminds me when I was a paperboy and the wife of the home invited me in wearing this, looking exactly like you. She offered me a cool drink and just sat arcoss from me. Oh, I miss my youth. Great shot.

I've had some other strange ones. But this one made me giggle.

Jan 02 07 11:03 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

good stuff, keep it rollin in smile

Jan 04 07 04:40 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

This is the strangest one I've recieved so far:
"Bet that taste good, my favorite flavor. the outfit too. smile"

Jan 04 07 04:43 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Mark Sebastian wrote:
If you had to list the single most "interesting" comment you've received on a photo, what would it be?

The comment can be positive or negetive - it doesn't really matter. Just list one that simply stood out to you, for whatever reasons.

I found my most interesting comment on Flickr, from some cat in Japan.  He said:

"Very Very high sense with your high spiritual Karma in gods. After I jointed flickr a few days ago, I checked many pictures in the world. Your pictures are Very very pure soul, I felt. I am very happy today. But, I hope that your pictures will be able to absorb more stronger spirit energy for people. Not only high tecknology. You can do. Before I worked for the biggest musican groups in the world. So, I can analize your future."

ROFLMA-i can't beat that! Classic! Actually BCG left me a comment I will never forget "this woman's picture should be beemed into space for people in outer-space to know how hot 'earth women' are!" He was a sweetie-too bad he is gone!

Jan 04 07 04:58 am Link



Posts: 99

Shelton, Connecticut, US

An exact quote:

"I love this pose with your appealing face and your very nice bare feet in the same shot. Scintillating. I think you have exceptionally sexy bare feet as well by the way. Very sensual shot indeed with your bare feet in it. (Bare feet being a much unsung erotic and beautiful part of the female anatomy in my humble opinion). "

I feel naked
I will not show my feet again
I promise

LoL smile

Jan 04 07 05:03 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

I thought this one was pretty cool... made my 'Mikie in NorCal' about Gina's Laguna Beach photo on our first page: 

The epitamy of incredible pulchritude... I have NOT seen a more beautiful shot than this on MM.

Jan 04 07 05:05 am Link



Posts: 772

Aldershot, England, United Kingdom

okbyme wrote:
Have not got one yet, but it is my first day here.

I've been here a couple of days and got one comment so far, so I guess by definition it must be the most interesting one I've had wink

Jan 04 07 05:15 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

Re:my winker

Jan 04 07 05:29 am Link


RA Photos

Posts: 386

Sumter, South Carolina, US   

Love this comment on the picture above by little apple blossom MM# 142746

she's like a scared little woodland child who was raised knowing nothing of modern civilization and is just now seeing a plane fly overhead due to big buisness quickly drawing nearer to her forest. That light on her face and eyes is perfectly captured.

Comment not as creative as the one above but still like it by Raven MM# 99736

Love the composition in this shot. The placement of the model. The strong shadow falling on the ground at an angle. The dry cracked surface of the ground really brings out the shot a lot too. Oh yes the mountains in the background give it great depth too.

Jan 04 07 05:33 am Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

Oh, and one time, it wasn't in my comments, it was a critique thread when I put new images up. One girl told me to use a better model. She didn't notice I am the model... OUCH...

Jan 04 07 06:17 am Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

Stacey wrote:

nahh those monies go to the other kids not me
and awhhhh I love my big sis xoxox

Squeeze hug!
I'm sure you make enough on your own with your modelin cuz yer super fantasterrific!
  HART & KISS for my sis

Jan 04 07 06:19 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

KelseyAnn wrote:
Oh, and one time, it wasn't in my comments, it was a critique thread when I put new images up. One girl told me to use a better model. She didn't notice I am the model... OUCH...

(i, for one, think your modeling is quite spiffy)

Jan 05 07 01:15 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 317

Los Angeles, California, US

Primal Lens wrote:
Something along the lines of " U R A HOTTIE"

from someone who didnt take the time to notice I was the photographer of the images not the model in them. I contacted him and told him this and he went off on me saying I was gay for pretending to be a girl and he asked why I wanted to try to trick people by making them think I was the girl in the photos.

Um, Hello, Mcfly!


Jan 05 07 01:51 am Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

i can't get enough of these

Jan 05 07 03:39 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Stephen Nicholls wrote:

That was it.  Someone suggested it meant "Definitely One of a Kind."  But when I asked the poster about it, he said nope, that wasn't it.  And since he wouldn't tell me what he did mean, I deleted the comment. lol

A quick google search tells me that Doak is slang for shit.
I'm gonna go to the men's room and take a massive doak.

Jan 05 07 03:46 am Link


Josh Separzadeh

Posts: 116

Venice, California, US

i got this....

Hey i really like your work... im interested in being a cartoon what do you think......

Jan 05 07 03:51 am Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

Josh Separzadeh wrote:
i got this....

Hey i really like your work... im interested in being a cartoon what do you think......

OMG!!!  That's sooooo funny..  what was the pic?

Jan 05 07 03:53 am Link



Posts: 400

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Jessalyn wrote:
My fountain pic got for the following comment...

"This is one of the best pictures in the universe throughout the entire history of time, past or future. I thought I'd commented on it already. Maybe I commented in the photographer's port. If you changed one little thing in this picture, the world would be a lesser place and the earth would probably go spiraling toward the sun."

Thanks David Krueger smile

Well, at least he held back a little. big_smile

Jan 05 07 03:54 am Link