Forums > General Industry > Why can't people on here be honest?



Posts: 248

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, US

Why?  Everyone talks about Reliable and Unreliable.. but do you actually know what is going on in other peoples lives?  You say someone is unreliable because of one incident.  That just aggrivates me for some reason.. Maybe I am wrong or maybe I just had too much to drink.  I want to hear stories from people... why are they unreliable?  Can you say that you haven't been unreliable before?  Well I'm going to sleep now.  Prove me wrong!  Everyone is unreliable at one time in their life.

Dec 29 06 05:29 am Link



Posts: 294

Columbus, Ohio, US

Because if you don't have the common courtesy to take the time out to make a quick phone call or an e-mail, leaving someone else high and dry with a "screw them" attitude,  why should you be counted on as being reliable?

Dec 29 06 07:47 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

I'll be honest with anyone who contacts me in a PM to check references.
The world is full of problems, and everyone deserves a break once in awhile, but there is such thing as downright unprofessional.

Dec 29 06 07:59 am Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

The "reliability" issue of models and, to a lesser degree, photographers, is a reflection of our society as a whole - which is getting more and more impolite all the time.

Stupid TV shows like America's Top Model and that other runway whatever show don't help either.  They put the notion in these aspiring models' heads that they are divas deluxe - with predictable results.

Chicago models are pretty notorious for their lack of reliability.  I had one tell me one time that showing up for a shoot was "optional."

Photographers are greatly to blame for this.  So many photogs let these so called models get away with that behavior.  It often seems that, the more unreliable a model is, the more some of these guys are willing to bend over backwards for them.

The key to increasing reliability is for photogs to take deposits for all shoots.  If the model doesn't show, you keep the deposit.  Given the unreliabilty of models, deposits are easy money.  If they refuse to pay a deposit, then no shoot.  Let them stand someone else up.

Dec 29 06 08:07 am Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Josh Dil wrote:
Why?  Everyone talks about Reliable and Unreliable.. but do you actually know what is going on in other peoples lives?  You say someone is unreliable because of one incident.  That just aggrivates me for some reason.. Maybe I am wrong or maybe I just had too much to drink.  I want to hear stories from people... why are they unreliable?  Can you say that you haven't been unreliable before?  Well I'm going to sleep now.  Prove me wrong!  Everyone is unreliable at one time in their life.

OK... you posted this at 5:30 this morning... you had too much to're just going to bed from last night

Let me guess... you got a shoot at 9AM today which you're going to sleep through!     

Dec 29 06 08:11 am Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

Dawn Winter wrote:
Because if you don't have the common courtesy to take the time out to make a quick phone call or an e-mail, leaving someone else high and dry with a "screw them" attitude,  why should you be counted on as being reliable?

I think Dawn summed it up, a 30 second phone call to say, "I'm sorry something came up I'll call you later to explain". Heck that is 5 seconds. Rather than have someone sit around an hour wondering. There is no excuse, unless you are unconscious.

Dec 29 06 08:12 am Link


Glenn Worton

Posts: 1444

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Ed Goodwin wrote -

"The key to increasing reliability is for photogs to take deposits for all shoots.  If the model doesn't show, you keep the deposit.  Given the unreliabilty of models, deposits are easy money.  If they refuse to pay a deposit, then no shoot.  Let them stand someone else up."

I've never had a model pay me for a shoot, why would they ? - the clients do that, and pay the model -, and "agency" models are VERY reliable - or they don't work -

However, "internet" models seem to be a different breed, no-shows, for "new" models especially are common, On Saturday the 16th I was left holding a four hour studio rental when the model didn't show, and I had confirmed the night before, no answer on her phone or e-mail since -thats unreliable, unprofessional and just plain rude, and it was a paid shoot to boot -

Dec 29 06 08:20 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

The debate really isn't about unreliability of an individual, it is about unreliability in general.  It isn't the one model or phtographer who "no shows" for the first time.  It is the fact that any booking, paid or not, is a crap shoot.  There is really only one thing I can depend on in this business is that I can't depend on anything.

There are many, many fantastic models out there, and if you read my writings, I am the first to be supportive of talent.  But the net will never be a part of the mainstream industry so long as we can't book a shoot and count on it happening.

The truth is, when I have something important, that has to happen on a date certain, I go to agencies and pay the tab.  It costs me more, but I know the talent will show. 

If I have wiggle room, I book from the net.  I often double or triple book.  If I need five models for a paid shoot, I generally book 8-10, expecting to get five.

All of that having been said, I think that most models are teriffic.   The ones that are a problem are a minority, it just makes it more difficult for all of us.  I get soooo tired of the threads on MM, bashing models for unreliability.  Too much time is spent bashing when so many models are teriffic.

What there is is a balance here.  Hopefully, over time, things will balance out.

Dec 29 06 09:36 am Link



Posts: 91

Miami, Arizona, US

"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." - Dennis Wholey

Dec 29 06 09:43 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


being honest has never been one of my problems....

Dec 29 06 09:57 am Link


Michael Anthony

Posts: 2290

Glendale, California, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
OK... you posted this at 5:30 this morning... you had too much to're just going to bed from last night

Let me guess... you got a shoot at 9AM today which you're going to sleep through!     

according to his profile, he has never done a photoshoot, so that's unlikely he had a shoot at 9am, right? 

just teasing the OP... don't get all mad smile

Dec 29 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

I don't think you've got the point down 100%.  Most photographers will get angry (which is understandable) if you don't show up for a shoot and don't call.  If something comes up, which is unavoidable at times, taking the time to call the photographer and let him/her know what happened is just being responsible.  The only issue is when people flake and don't even bother to call or explain themselves.

Dec 29 06 10:18 am Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Michael Anthony wrote:

according to his profile, he has never done a photoshoot, so that's unlikely he had a shoot at 9am, right? 

just teasing the OP... don't get all mad smile

He seems quite upset over some type of incident, considering he hasn't done a photoshoot before.  Perhaps he didn't show up to a shoot and the photographer called him "unreliable"?  Is there a story behind this, Josh?

Dec 29 06 10:20 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

_Alexandra wrote:
I don't think you've got the point down 100%.  Most photographers will get angry (which is understandable) if you don't show up for a shoot and don't call.  If something comes up, which is unavoidable at times, taking the time to call the photographer and let him/her know what happened is just being responsible.  The only issue is when people flake and don't even bother to call or explain themselves.


Dec 29 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 268

Dublin, Georgia, US

Ed Goodwin Photography wrote:
The "reliability" issue of models and, to a lesser degree, photographers, is a reflection of our society as a whole - which is getting more and more impolite all the time.

Stupid TV shows like America's Top Model and that other runway whatever show don't help either.  They put the notion in these aspiring models' heads that they are divas deluxe - with predictable results.

Chicago models are pretty notorious for their lack of reliability.  I had one tell me one time that showing up for a shoot was "optional."

Photographers are greatly to blame for this.  So many photogs let these so called models get away with that behavior.  It often seems that, the more unreliable a model is, the more some of these guys are willing to bend over backwards for them.

The key to increasing reliability is for photogs to take deposits for all shoots.  If the model doesn't show, you keep the deposit.  Given the unreliabilty of models, deposits are easy money.  If they refuse to pay a deposit, then no shoot.  Let them stand someone else up.


Dec 29 06 10:25 am Link



Posts: 323

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Double Bingo!

Just a simple call to say that I cannot make it is a zillion times better than no call.

There is no need to make up an excuse (the most popular is the death of a grandparent), just tell the photographer that you must cancel.


Dec 29 06 10:25 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

hmmm.  i'm sorry folks, i don't have this problem of no-shows.  then again, i don't play the tfp game of let's get together to take some pictures and pretend we are all about the modeling business. 

anyone else think there is a direct correlation between not showing up for playtime and showing up for actual work?  it isn't the model or photographer that blame should be placed, it's the approach to the process and choosing the right people to work with.

--face reality

Dec 29 06 10:25 am Link


Allure by LH Taylor

Posts: 633

Austin, Texas, US

_Alexandra wrote:
I don't think you've got the point down 100%.  Most photographers will get angry (which is understandable) if you don't show up for a shoot and don't call.  If something comes up, which is unavoidable at times, taking the time to call the photographer and let him/her know what happened is just being responsible.  The only issue is when people flake and don't even bother to call or explain themselves.

Hit the nail on the head.

Dec 29 06 10:26 am Link



Posts: 248

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
OK... you posted this at 5:30 this morning... you had too much to're just going to bed from last night

Let me guess... you got a shoot at 9AM today which you're going to sleep through!     

Actually no I didn't have a shoot... I was just trying to figure why everyone keeps calling people out.. I know some people are unreliable and are making bad names for everyone.

Dec 30 06 03:34 am Link



Posts: 248

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, US

George Butler wrote:

I think Dawn summed it up, a 30 second phone call to say, "I'm sorry something came up I'll call you later to explain". Heck that is 5 seconds. Rather than have someone sit around an hour wondering. There is no excuse, unless you are unconscious.

I totally agree it is wrong to not say anything.. That is one of the things that aggrivates me most.. When someone doesn't have the common courtesy to say "  Hey, sorry I'm not gonna make it.."

Dec 30 06 03:36 am Link



Posts: 248

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, US

Michael Anthony wrote:
according to his profile, he has never done a photoshoot, so that's unlikely he had a shoot at 9am, right? 

just teasing the OP... don't get all mad smile

I'm glad someone noticed.. I actually was meeting with a photog at 7pm..

Dec 30 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 248

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, US

FaceReality wrote:
hmmm.  i'm sorry folks, i don't have this problem of no-shows.  then again, i don't play the tfp game of let's get together to take some pictures and pretend we are all about the modeling business. 

anyone else think there is a direct correlation between not showing up for playtime and showing up for actual work?  it isn't the model or photographer that blame should be placed, it's the approach to the process and choosing the right people to work with.

--face reality

It is more of someone being irresponsible..  paid or not.. It is still setting a name for yourself.. I was late for my first meeting because I had to change a tire but I let the photog I was running late because of that.. Does that me unreliable?  I don't think so.. Like most people have said it is as simple as a phone call.. On the other hand I am sure some photog's wouldn't want to work with me because I was late..

Dec 30 06 03:40 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I'm so reliable and honest, it's amazing.  I don't cancel shoots, and I never missed a day of college classes all semester either.  I'm not like most teenagers...

Dec 30 06 03:43 am Link



Posts: 248

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, US

Kizzy  wrote:
I'm so reliable and honest, it's amazing.  I don't cancel shoots, and I never missed a day of college classes all semester either.  I'm not like most teenagers...

I believe you but some people just can't be reliable no matter how hard they try..

Dec 30 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I know...I get disappointed in people all the time.

Dec 30 06 04:06 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US


I had one male model ask for a tfp and I thought he might ad some different looks for my book so I said yes.

He didn't show so he's toast.  Why?  He didn't call, he had a day off from his job, scheduled a shoot which is my job and time, even if it is for tfp and then blew me off.


One model who I expect to work with, contacted me, I contacted her back later because I didn't see her email until a few days later.  She contacted me again, called on a phone, yes a phone! Recommended we meet which is great!

Now my schedule is crazy with some commercial work and she has a family thing to take care of, but she emailed me about this so that is cool with me.

Keeping in touch, letting you know what is happening, I'm sure this shoot will come off and that is being reliable to me, I'm very pleased with her so far and we didn't even meet!

This is how people should treat one another even for tfp, as you would like to be treated. 

Not just well the sun was shinning today so I decided to go swimming even though you took time out of your schedule for me and spent money buying more seamless etc. and my work isn't worth anything, and there is no need to contact you because this isn't a paid shoot so it doesn't matter, your time doesn't matter and you don't matter.

That is why sometimes people say one person is un reliable see the difference between the two people above?

You can tell, the woman even though the session was post poned I feel confident it will take place and when it does she will show.

I also had another model meet me twice to discuss details before a shoot and it created a great shoot.  Everyone knew what was to happen and we got some great stuff!

Love working with people like that.  Treat every shoot as if it were paid and everyone will be happy, that goes for photographers as well.

Dec 30 06 04:07 am Link



Posts: 1312

Santa Cruz, California, US

life is unreliable

Dec 30 06 05:04 am Link


Tom Winstead

Posts: 551

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Ed Goodwin Photography wrote:
Chicago models are pretty notorious for their lack of reliability.  I had one tell me one time that showing up for a shoot was "optional."

Photographers are greatly to blame for this.  So many photogs let these so called models get away with that behavior.  It often seems that, the more unreliable a model is, the more some of these guys are willing to bend over backwards for them.

The key to increasing reliability is for photogs to take deposits for all shoots.  If the model doesn't show, you keep the deposit.  Given the unreliabilty of models, deposits are easy money.  If they refuse to pay a deposit, then no shoot.  Let them stand someone else up.

Wow, I hope all Chicago models aren't like that.

I don't know if deposits are the solution though. I'd rather just take the time to find reliable models...

Dec 30 06 11:32 am Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

I'm quite honest, and as such, not very popular, lol. 

People don't seem to value honesty much anymore.  At least not in an ego filled world such as this.

Dec 30 06 11:34 am Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

You're right. I think if memory serves me correctly, I was unreliable once when I was 5. Never happen again. Now I just do as I please and some people might call that unreliable but it's a lie damnit!!!!

Dec 30 06 11:41 am Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

I'm honest. I've been reliable up until October of this year. Now I'm unreliable and I don't recommend anyone shooting with me.

Dec 30 06 11:44 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Dawn Winter wrote:
Because if you don't have the common courtesy to take the time out to make a quick phone call or an e-mail, leaving someone else high and dry with a "screw them" attitude,  why should you be counted on as being reliable?

She has a point...regardless of who it is...male/female...photographer/mua/model.

I mean as easy as communication is these days..I mean people have VAST and NUMEROUS ways to is a clear sign saying they could care less about your time.

text message, email, instant message, cell phone, payphone, letter, through a friend or collegue, blogs, etc etc etc....websites ...

the only time I do not communicate is when i am sick as a dog...and even then some times ill shoot a quick text message when I regain composure ...many people are just rude...plain and simple...I think we all have to just get used to it. lol

Dec 30 06 11:47 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

The definition of unreliable -

As model you apply for a paid shoot.
You work out the details via email.
You confirm the details by phone.
The location is booked and paid for.
You confirm the night before by email.
You confirm the day of by email.
You call by phone the day of and mention that your car won't start and ask if the photogapher would be so kind as to pick you up at BART.

Unreliable is when the photographer waits at BART for an hour and you don't show up.  You also fail to answer your cell phone. 

Photographer left wondering if he should call the police and report a missing person.

Photographer never hears from model again.

Dec 30 06 11:48 am Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

SKPhoto wrote:
The definition of unreliable -

As model you apply for a paid shoot.
You work out the details via email.
You confirm the details by phone.
The location is booked and paid for.
You confirm the night before by email.
You confirm the day of by email.
You call by phone the day of and mention that your car won't start and ask if the photogapher would be so kind as to pick you up at BART.

Unreliable is when the photographer waits at BART for an hour and you don't show up.  You also fail to answer your cell phone. 

Photographer left wondering if he should call the police and report a missing person.

Photographer never hears from model again.

Wow.  That is pretty bad.  I just don't get why on earth anyone would do that.

Dec 30 06 11:52 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Inferi wrote:

Wow.  That is pretty bad.  I just don't get why on earth anyone would do that.

People are every industry.
I find it so irritating...even in dating...i don't see how people accomplish it...people are rude and unreliable in general in America...I hear is the new American fad to be rude and obnoxiously late to everything.

I have family members who do that...I know it is by habit...I just start everything without them and hopefully they won't miss out. lol

Dec 30 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

CUnique wrote:

People are every industry.
I find it so irritating...even in dating...i don't see how people accomplish it...people are rude and unreliable in general in America...I hear is the new American fad to be rude and obnoxiously late to everything.

I have family members who do that...I know it is by habit...I just start everything without them and hopefully they won't miss out. lol

I think the best way to fix this is to knock them back off of the pedestal...thats what people really need...let them be replaced as soon as they show a tendency towards sudden amnesia when they were supposed to show up for something...replace them...or use them only for a backup in the first place. lol

Dec 30 06 11:59 am Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

FaceReality wrote:
hmmm.  i'm sorry folks, i don't have this problem of no-shows.  then again, i don't play the tfp game of let's get together to take some pictures and pretend we are all about the modeling business. 

anyone else think there is a direct correlation between not showing up for playtime and showing up for actual work?  it isn't the model or photographer that blame should be placed, it's the approach to the process and choosing the right people to work with.

--face reality

one of the most profound things i've ever heard anyone say on here.



Dec 30 06 12:03 pm Link


Dave Blecman

Posts: 1080

Annapolis, Maryland, US

It just blows my mind how often, just before a shoot:

A car dies
A grandmother dies
A dog dies
An alarm clock died
A child needs to be picked up from school
A tire is flat
The flu arrived
Food poisoning set in
Pink eye arrived
An ankle got sprained
Someone's mom needs a ride to work
The boyfriend stole the car keys
The power went out and the cell phone died and the homing pidgeon is pregnant and can't fly

Dec 30 06 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Kizzy  wrote:
I'm so reliable and honest, it's amazing.  I don't cancel shoots, and I never missed a day of college classes all semester either.  I'm not like most teenagers...

Hey Kizzy , WE photogs need you to host a MM show...introducing new models to a glimpse of how a professional model handles her life.  A role model model.  REALLY.  Even I cut classes when a student... and admire your ethic.  I've met a few, very few models... who are as realiable as you. And really value their attitude towards collaborative that any director, photog appreciates.
    All it takes is a courtesy phone call, to keep my respect... when a model has a need to reschedule.

Dec 30 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

On the plus side, I had a pre-meet at the local coffeeshop scheduled for this morning with a newbie model to show her my book, let her look at all the paperwork and talk.   5 minutes ago she called me, family emergency, can't make it.

I said no problem, shoot me an email when it's more convenient.

Now, I don't believe there was a family emergency for a minute.  I think she got shy.

But at least she called me over an hour before the meet and let me know she wouldn't be there.

FYI - this is the first model who has ever done that for me.  Usually they just don't show and I can't reach them again.

But on the plus side I have a hsoot scheduled this afternoon with someone who has been an excellent communicator via email and on the phone.

Cross my fingers.

Dec 30 06 12:41 pm Link