Forums > General Industry > pervert alert


Jefferson Dorsey

Posts: 648

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Yep-, a lot of sicko's in AZ. hehehe

Dec 27 06 12:09 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Über Dami wrote:

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Uber D, no one is going to mess with you.

damn right, because people know i am not afraid to fight

You're 88 pounds! I think I could take you. wink

Dec 27 06 12:13 am Link


kerri taylor

Posts: 198

Hawley, Pennsylvania, US

this message is for shadowscape.. if you must know.. .the reason i didnt answer the original post.. was because  i didn't check the responses  till  now.  i went to dinner and a movie..with my best friend..  sorry but i wasnt about to let this jerk bother me and sit on my butt all night..  i RARELY go on forums. and i when i do.. i rarely "follow up" with answers because i am EXTREMLY busy.. .if i answered every post it would take me FOREVER>.  i posted because I explained what happend to me.. so people would know i dont put up with this kind of behavoir. I am a full time professional model. I AM NOT AN ESCORT...  OR ANYTHING OF THAT NATURE.. and yah.. i did report him and blocked him.. .. and fyi  I dont need to get people to look at my portfolio. everyone who knows me knows I am one of the few models that shoots why would i need to drive traffic to my port?/ the traffic is already there. .. I am already SWAMPED with work.. I dont need to "make something up" so people will look at my portfolio. and I am offended you would even think this.. I just want people to know this type of behavoir will not be tolerated.  This is a professional site for models.. Its not myspace or a place to "bust a move"


Dec 27 06 12:20 am Link


kerri taylor

Posts: 198

Hawley, Pennsylvania, US

and fyi. they deleted this perv off of here. so my mission was accomplished.. :)This is a site for proffesionals.. use it as such.. its not a dating service or an escort service. just because i mostly do nudes, doesnt make me a prostitute.

Dec 27 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

kerri taylor wrote:
and fyi. they deleted this perv off of here. so my mission was accomplished.. :)This is a site for proffesionals.. use it as such.. its not a dating service or an escort service. just because i mostly do nudes, doesnt make me a prostitute.

you dont have to apologize for what you do.  So you met one idiot. you might meet another.

when it happens, take care of it and move on.   peace!

Dec 27 06 01:04 am Link


Daniel Leon

Posts: 1389

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

...Stacy wrote:

try "too", you moron, not "to".  someone find him and slap him.  If you're going to be a pervert, at least correct your spelling.

Youre right,this doofus gives all perverts a bad name!

Dec 27 06 01:09 am Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Normal Human Man seeks Normal Human Woman

(and yes, I ran my spell-checker this time for Stacy)

Click, you should know better....if you run spell-checker, it will not pic it up.  Weather it is spelled to, too or two, it will not pick it up.  Same thing with whether, wither and weather.  LOL

Dec 27 06 01:10 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Thanks, but so sorry. I can't know better. I can't spell. My brain doesn't work that way. Woe is me. I'm dependent on spell-checkers. My ESP and communication skills are pretty good, but my language, spelling and grammar skills suck eggs.


I accept.

Dec 27 06 01:26 am Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

ok, I know this is the internet but WHY SO MANY DAMN PERVS??? Is this the only place they can REALLY say what's on their mind???  (It would be nice if we could see the world  and all its contents for how they really are)

Dec 27 06 02:04 am Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Ed Goodwin Photography wrote:

A great woman with very bad skin once said, "These things must be done delicately..."  (10 points for the first person to identify that woman)

Just respond to the guy, tell him that you indeed please your photographers sexually...beyond their wildest dreams.  Tell him how turned on his email has made you and that you would like to "f his stops" and "finger his command dial."  Invite him to your place for a "special shoot" then when he gets there, have a bunch of your friends beat the crap out of him.  That's the only way these guys will learn.

Hmm, so your response would be one of dishonesty?  Interesting.  From what I can see, the guy is being rude but totally honest with his questions.  And you want to physically punish someone because of a few indelicate words.  Very interesting.

Dec 27 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 7840


all those threads about 'do you get hot with your photographer' etc Tomas Huhgh posted here were exactly the same

yet they were allowed


Dec 27 06 05:32 am Link



Posts: 7840


Click Hamilton wrote:

Lots of hookers model too. To. Two. Potato. Potatoe. Three.




Dec 27 06 05:34 am Link


Brendan Barry

Posts: 157

Boston, Georgia, US

I think that email is fantastic. He's telling you UP FRONT that he's a loser. Easy to avoid. The problem ones are the guys who get your confidence and then freak on you. Heard more scary stories like that. That's why I encourage first-timers to learn self-defense and let people know where they are at all times.

Dec 27 06 09:36 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
all those threads about 'do you get hot with your photographer' etc Tomas Huhgh posted here were exactly the same

yet they were allowed


Not exacty the same, it is the viewer's choice to read the post, answer it or ignore it. It is also not aimed at anyone in particular. If any model answered that post in a positive manner, she is opening herself to pervs coming out the woodwork. It is about crossing the line.

"I looked at your portfolio and I like your look and your work and if you are ever in NY, I would love to work with you. I also think you have a beautiful body and a stunning face and I would love to have your images in my portfolio."

Nothing wrong with what I said, it is one professional talking to another about a professional collaboration. Now, if I said "I love your breasts, tell me do you allow photographers to touch them, play with them, lick them? Be honest." THAT is crossing the line. No model would ever be insulted at comments about her looks and body. Modeling is a shallow business and it is all about looks, beauty, body but just because you are a nude model doesn't automatically make you a "boy toy".

Dec 27 06 09:36 am Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Report him! Guys like that make us all look bad!

Dec 27 06 09:40 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Jerry Bennett wrote:
Report him! Guys like that make us all look bad!

She did report him and his profile was deleted.

Dec 27 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 294

Columbus, Ohio, US

kerri taylor wrote:
so i was just checking my email and this PERV sent me this email.. so not cool.. (i deletedd his name for the forum posting..) sad

Subject: hi

12/26/06 8:03 AM
do you please your photographer in every aspect? sexually to? be honest.

Should have said yes, play up to him to get his information and then send "Molly The 12 Inch Tranny" to his place with the explicit instructions that he likes his "suprise" lovers to be rough and to ignore his cries of "no, stop, get off me" because they're all part of the game he likes to play.

Dec 27 06 11:20 am Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Most of us men are perverts.  Some of us just know when to not act perverted, and some don't.  smile

Dec 27 06 11:48 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
Most of us men are perverts.  Some of us just know when to not act perverted, and some don't.  smile


somebody whose sexual behavior is unacceptable

somebody whose sexual behavior is considered unacceptably deviant

sexually deviant person; more often a disparaging appellation for a person exhibiting sexual-behaviors considered abnormal and socially unacceptable

one given to some form of sexual perversion

to divert to a wrong end or purpose (GWC?)

Sorry if I don't think most men are perverts. At the very least, the definition does not fit me.

Dec 27 06 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
Most of us men are perverts.  Some of us just know when to not act perverted, and some don't.  smile

Timing is everything.

Dec 27 06 01:28 pm Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Dawn Winter wrote:

Should have said yes, play up to him to get his information and then send "Molly The 12 Inch Tranny" to his place with the explicit instructions that he likes his "suprise" lovers to be rough and to ignore his cries of "no, stop, get off me" because they're all part of the game he likes to play.

You know, that is really sick, I like the way you think.

Dec 27 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

kerri taylor wrote:
i RARELY go on forums.

kerri taylor wrote:
This is a professional site for models..

The latter quote can only be explained by the former!!

Dec 27 06 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 7840




my point was why encourage / allow the borderlines to write these things here on forums thus promoting the ideas to readers and then be surprised when the posts like that to models might increase!!


Dec 27 06 02:53 pm Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

That's messed up.  Probably not much of a photographer anyway...

Dec 27 06 03:10 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
It's art

Now that I think about it, women  seem to always be sitting on me.
I can't tell you why.


Oh my gosh... Click, you are just too cute.

Dec 27 06 03:20 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
It's art

I wanna grow up to be like you except in color

Dec 27 06 03:27 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

I'm always FREE!

Dec 27 06 03:51 pm Link


Miranda Cole

Posts: 286

Monterey, California, US

Dude! I just got my first perv message yesturday. It was horrible! I deleted it without hesitation so I cant quote it.

Dec 27 06 03:53 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
Most of us men are perverts.  Some of us just know when to not act perverted, and some don't.  smile

Vivus, please speak for yourself.

I'm a gentleman and my intentions are good quality. WYSIWYG

Dec 27 06 03:55 pm Link


Miranda Cole

Posts: 286

Monterey, California, US

I found it in my trash. The subject it Im sleepy

Photographer says: Wow port looks great - your breasts are so sexy

I know its not so bad but I dont even know the guy.

Dec 27 06 03:57 pm Link


R A Photography

Posts: 2698

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

Miranduuuhh wrote:
I found it in my trash. The subject it Im sleepy

Photographer says: Wow port looks great - your breasts are so sexy

I know its not so bad but I dont even know the guy.

Some people are just jerks. It's no worse than an e-mail I got once from a so-called photographer who wanted to know if I would take photos of him "doing his thing with Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters"...needless to say, I reported him, and he got taken off the site. I wouldn't be shocked if it were the same guy, only with a different name.

Dec 27 06 04:06 pm Link


visual mirage

Posts: 390

Nashville, Arkansas, US

I always get a laugh out of these forums...yet they inspire shots so I have to keep coming back...thanks for the concepts everyone!

Dec 27 06 04:16 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Miranduuuhh wrote:
I found it in my trash. The subject it Im sleepy

Photographer says: Wow port looks great - your breasts are so sexy

I know its not so bad but I dont even know the guy.

I bet if he said "your eyes are so sexy" you wouldn't complain.

But he mentioned breasts, so he must be a pervert?

Whatever. It's just a body part. Get over it.

Dec 27 06 05:00 pm Link


Tampa Glamour

Posts: 22

Tampa, Florida, US

Shadowscape Studio wrote:
As the OP has never responded after the orig post, even after being asked lots of questions, I would guess she has accomplished her task of getting people to look at her port.

You don't know Kerri. She would not do that. She was warning others about a perv and had his profile deleted. Kerri is strictly professional and works almost every day. She is one of the most honest people I know and making the above comment without even knowing her was uncalled for.

Dec 27 06 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Dawn Winter wrote:

Should have said yes, play up to him to get his information and then send "Molly The 12 Inch Tranny" to his place with the explicit instructions that he likes his "suprise" lovers to be rough and to ignore his cries of "no, stop, get off me" because they're all part of the game he likes to play.

I really wanted to see that profile, but I can't find anything related to "Molly The 12 Inch Tranny" here. I was hoping to see exclusive shots in the port of Molly meeting "pervs" - does that make me sick? tongue

Dec 27 06 07:55 pm Link



Posts: 19585

Great Neck, New York, US

curious what purpose does it serve if you cannot mention who it is?  Why not just have a place (forum) where you can list your email address, so other models can email you for a listing of perverts?

Stephen Eastwood

Dec 27 06 08:19 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

kerri taylor wrote:
so i was just checking my email and this PERV sent me this email.. so not cool.. (i deletedd his name for the forum posting..) sad

Subject: hi

12/26/06 8:03 AM
do you please your photographer in every aspect? sexually to? be honest.

A long time ago, wanting to get laid was considered normal.  Nowadays, it makes you a perverted misogynist felony serial sex predator.  That is, unless the woman just happens to be "available" and the guy is rich or really hot looking.  Then it's just called playful flirting.

Dec 27 06 08:19 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Shadowscape Studio wrote:
As the OP has never responded after the orig post, even after being asked lots of questions, I would guess she has accomplished her task of getting people to look at her port.

You haven't a clue.

Dec 27 06 08:31 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Jeff Fiore wrote:

Vivus Denuo wrote:
Most of us men are perverts.  Some of us just know when to not act perverted, and some don't.  smile


somebody whose sexual behavior is unacceptable

somebody whose sexual behavior is considered unacceptably deviant

sexually deviant person; more often a disparaging appellation for a person exhibiting sexual-behaviors considered abnormal and socially unacceptable

one given to some form of sexual perversion

to divert to a wrong end or purpose (GWC?)

Sorry if I don't think most men are perverts. At the very least, the definition does not fit me.

That's one way to look at it.  Unfortunately the term pervert is handed out on MM so freely that the label is rarely limited to the definition you've quoted.   But even if it were, there are a lot of behaviors that are publicly considered "abnormal and socially unacceptable" (by someone's definition), but aren't really deviant.  Come down and live in Alabama for a while, and you'll see what I mean.

The line between perverted and erotically exciting moves depending on whether you're attracted or repelled by someone.

People whip out the word pervert whenever they want to get everyone to side with them against someone else.  After all, who is going to defend a "pervert"? 

Having said all that, I'm like you.  I have never had a perverted thought in my life.  Nope.  Not me.

Dec 27 06 08:48 pm Link


Brendan Barry

Posts: 157

Boston, Georgia, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

That's one way to look at it.  Unfortunately the term pervert is handed out on MM so freely that the label is rarely limited to the definition you've quoted.   But even if it were, there are a lot of behaviors that are publicly considered "abnormal and socially unacceptable" (by someone's definition), but aren't really deviant.  Come down and live in Alabama for a while, and you'll see what I mean.

The line between perverted and erotically exciting moves depending on whether you're attracted or repelled by someone.

People whip out the word pervert whenever they want to get everyone to side with them against someone else.  After all, who is going to defend a "pervert"? 

Having said all that, I'm like you.  I have never had a perverted thought in my life.  Nope.  Not me.

Probably the most literate point in this thread. Good post.

Dec 27 06 10:06 pm Link