Forums > General Industry > Dos and Donts on your profile text


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

   List a minimum rate.  We know you wont stick to it unless it is something you dont want to shoot with a photographer you dont like.  Besides, clients determine pay...not models. 

    State your mission.  Are you on a mission to show people like you can
succeed in modeling?  Thats nice but it will make no difference in whether or not I will hire you.  If I disagree with your mission I wont hire you.  Do you want to model or be a spokesperson?

    Dont do nudes.  Dont state you wont do nudes if you have nude shots in your profile?  What is the point if you do?  Show examples of what you will do and not what you wont.

   Be demanding.  We know there are some who will approach you for porn, but most are not shooting it and wont approach you for it.  Dont spend a paragaph telling us what you wont do.  Tell us and show us what you will do and how good you are at it.  Let potential clients (photographers or whoever) look at your profile and determine what you fit into.

   Information.  Tell us the city you are near.  How far you will travel.  What your interets are.  Include your age and physical attributes.  Include your tats and piercing info.

    Remember, you can say what you want in your profile...but in the end it is up to those who are looking at you that determine whether or not you will be offered work.  Use some marketing and advertising common sense basics to attract business and see how much better the offers are.

Dec 25 06 11:29 am Link


Wet Ltd

Posts: 1936

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Thank you Allen..........The don't do nudes thing with nude photos just makes me laugh everytime I see it.  Tells me the model has no clue what their goal is.  I don't waste my time reading any further in the profile if I see that.  Models I look at your photos first, then read the profile if I like what I have seen that might work i na project I have, so please consider the great advice Allen gives,,,

Dec 25 06 11:33 am Link


Tiara Lestari

Posts: 11436

Jhanaydāh, Jhanaydāh, Bangladesh

Great tips. Thanks

Dec 25 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

"Will travel with expenses paid." So if I pay for your gas, a room at Motel 6, and a couple of chili dogs, you'll drive a thousand miles to shoot porn TFP, but if I offer you $10,000 for a day's work on the runway at a major New York show, but you have to get there on your own, you're not interested?

Dec 25 06 12:42 pm Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

Don't tell photographers to go die.

Dec 25 06 01:32 pm Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

amen to the paragraph about porn.

i'm sorry but when i see someone who just joined two days ago and they have a paragraph that reads:


um....ok...maybe you WISH people were sending you 500 requests a day for porn on here. but puhlease. we know they aren't

Dec 25 06 01:39 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

photographers who say

i don't pay models

and models who say

i don't pay photographers..

the correct word is hire

'i don't hire models for pay'

if you say

i dont pay models you clump yourself with skalywags

Dec 25 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
Don't tell photographers to go die.

crap, now I have to change my profile....

Dec 25 06 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

lotusphoto wrote:
photographers who say

i don't pay models

and models who say

i don't pay photographers..

the correct word is hire

'i don't hire models for pay'

if you say

i dont pay models you clump yourself with skalywags

Skalywags?  Why I do declare!

Dec 25 06 02:41 pm Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
Don't tell photographers to go die.

We are going to eventually why remind us?

Dec 25 06 07:53 pm Link


The Dave

Posts: 8848

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US


Also, Dave hates it when he sees models profiles that are written in the 3rd person, he thinks the model can not write for themselves, Dave has a policy of passing any profiles when he sees either of these two things.

Dec 25 06 08:07 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

How about a couple of Do's:

Tell us what you've done
Tell us what you'd like to do in the near future

I've recently passed over a couple of otherwise attractive people because there was nothing beyond "i'd love to be in front of the camera."  That tells me nothing.  Art, fashion, glam, editorial, are all very different things.

I don't mind answering questions, even a little mentoring.  But you need to have some clue where you'd like to go with this, and be able to communicate it.  What type of shoot(s) are you actively seeking?  If you're just taking whatever comes along, you're going to end up with a lowest common denominator portfolio.

Dec 25 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 150

Orlando, Florida, US

These are all great tips!  I'll have to re-do the information listed in my profile.

Dec 25 06 10:59 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:

Skalywags?  Why I do declare!

yes i said skalywags dadgumit, and i'll say it agin

Dec 25 06 11:03 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
   List a minimum rate.  We know you wont stick to it unless it is something you dont want to shoot with a photographer you dont like.  Besides, clients determine pay...not models.

Sometimes, sometimes not.  If a client wants a model and the model is busy or does not want to work for that pay then who decides.  If a client wants a model from an agency and the agency does not want the model working that job for that money then who decides,  the agency or the model. They tell the client to take it or leave it so often it would make your head spin.
There is such a thing as a bottom end, a bottom of the barrel that we all do not wish to go to.  Noone wants to swim in a toilet.

Allen Coefield wrote:
State your mission.  Are you on a mission to show people like you can
succeed in modeling?  Thats nice but it will make no difference in whether or not I will hire you.  If I disagree with your mission I wont hire you.  Do you want to model or be a spokesperson?

    Dont do nudes.  Dont state you wont do nudes if you have nude shots in your profile?  What is the point if you do?  Show examples of what you will do and not what you wont.

Mission?  Who gives a poop about a mission statement.  What she will do or not do is more valueable then her dreams of what she wants to do as a model.  I do not need the jibberjabber.  I want hard facts and info so I will not waste time as an art director.

NUDES, or no nudes.
why not?  It shows that the model has limits that she or he is not a naked ho just for cash no matter if you suck or not.  No matter if the shots are for private use or a worthy project or for a lame scummy web site.  Why do humans complain about this?
If the model thinks you suck then maybe you do suck?
Pay the model now or shut up.
Many models have done nudes, they just may not do them with you or me.

Allen Coefield wrote:
Be demanding.  We know there are some who will approach you for porn, but most are not shooting it and wont approach you for it.  Dont spend a paragaph telling us what you wont do.  Tell us and show us what you will do and how good you are at it.  Let potential clients (photographers or whoever) look at your profile and determine what you fit into.

Good logic in this but for some models who will never be in the main market place and are asked constantly and harassed not by paying clients but by porn kings then yes, it can be useful

Allen Coefield wrote:
Information.  Tell us the city you are near.  How far you will travel.  What your interets are.  Include your age and physical attributes.  Include your tats and piercing info.

I assume you mean stats, tatoos, and piercings.  Yes, this info on a profile is needed.

Allen Coefield wrote:
Remember, you can say what you want in your profile...but in the end it is up to those who are looking at you that determine whether or not you will be offered work.  Use some marketing and advertising common sense basics to attract business and see how much better the offers are.

Sure but depends on the market place.  If you are a glamour net model and never will be a agency fashion model then why promote yourself as one?

Dec 25 06 11:14 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

on another note..

Putting your age at 99 or 100 or even 106 or 2000 is stupid!  if I am doing a search for models of a certain age, I wont see your profile.

Also.. get your measurements right. I am willing to bet a large majority of female models here dont have the correct measurements listed... mostly.. because they dont really know them... they have mostly not been measured properly. I have in the past, and hopefully in the future had a few clients that provided outfits or swimsuits or other clothes for a shoot, and the models didnt fit into them.

just my 1.5 cents

Dec 26 06 12:01 am Link



Posts: 625

Newark, New Jersey, US

Don't use the words "snapshoot" or "photoshot" ..

Dec 26 06 12:15 am Link


Doug Vosler

Posts: 932

Redlands, California, US

Here is a DO  for models....

DO look for photographers you'd liek to work with rather than waiting for the good ones to come to you.

Otherwise, you'll end up shooting primarily with gwc's.

Dec 26 06 12:20 am Link


Eric Haywood

Posts: 8247

DO spellcheck/proofread your profile!  First impressions last.

Dec 26 06 02:48 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

DO project your personality in your port.

DO tell of any acting you've done (I've generally found the best models to have been actors or have acting experience).

DON'T Say you're experienced or semi-experienced if you've only shot with two or three photographers.

DON'T list your Myspace account as your website. God, do you really want a potential photographer, agent, or person who wants to hire you to read that stuff?

One comment regarding the Tatoo info - I prefer to know about it in advance, especially I'm shooting for a project where a tatoo might be seen.

Otherwise, good job.

Dec 26 06 03:03 am Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

How about, don't type in all CAPS LIKE THIS

Dec 26 06 03:06 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

I think all photographers should list what kind of camera they shoot with on their port smile

Dec 26 06 03:12 am Link


David Pankhurst Photo

Posts: 893

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Allen Coefield wrote:
   List a minimum rate.  We know you wont stick to it unless it is something you dont want to shoot with a photographer you dont like.  Besides, clients determine pay...not models. 

    State your mission.  Are you on a mission to show people like you can
succeed in modeling?  Thats nice but it will make no difference in whether or not I will hire you.  If I disagree with your mission I wont hire you.  Do you want to model or be a spokesperson?

    Dont do nudes.  Dont state you wont do nudes if you have nude shots in your profile?  What is the point if you do?  Show examples of what you will do and not what you wont.

   Be demanding.  We know there are some who will approach you for porn, but most are not shooting it and wont approach you for it.  Dont spend a paragaph telling us what you wont do.  Tell us and show us what you will do and how good you are at it.  Let potential clients (photographers or whoever) look at your profile and determine what you fit into.

   Information.  Tell us the city you are near.  How far you will travel.  What your interets are.  Include your age and physical attributes.  Include your tats and piercing info.

    Remember, you can say what you want in your profile...but in the end it is up to those who are looking at you that determine whether or not you will be offered work.  Use some marketing and advertising common sense basics to attract business and see how much better the offers are.

Have to agree with everything except the very first don't.  You should list your rate if you have enough experience to have one. And stick to it. Don't let a photographer badger you down.  Of course, if its too high, you may lose job opportunities.  And clients DON"T determine pay..they determine the budget for everything including modelling usually bsed on what the photographer has calculated and proposed for the job.  Whether a model gets included in a shoot partially depends on whether the job can afford them..That would be like my telling my garage that I determine the pay, not the mechanic who sets the hourly rate...sheer nonsense.  They set the rate..I decide if I want to pay it.

Dec 26 06 03:18 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Alix Andrea wrote:
I think all photographers should list what kind of camera they shoot with on their port smile

Don't need that, do we. The good ports will obviously be shot with Nikon gear wink

Dec 26 06 03:23 am Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

Alix Andrea wrote:
I think all photographers should list what kind of camera they shoot with on their port smile

Why? Not trying to start a fight here.. just really wonder why it would matter to the model.

The photographer is using a camera that was able to produce the level of quality that you saw in his/her portfolio (unless they are cheating at which point they will lie to you anyway).

Dec 26 06 03:25 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

Bryan Benoit wrote:

Why? Not trying to start a fight here.. just really wonder why it would matter to the model.

The photographer is using a camera that was able to produce the level of quality that you saw in his/her portfolio (unless they are cheating at which point they will lie to you anyway).

Because when I first started shooting the best advice one of the first phtographers who shot me gave me was to ask what kind of camera the photographer shoots with and that usually determines the quality of the pics. So far he has been right, and I always ask. It would be nice for it to be on the portfolio, and more convenient, a lot of phtographers so this anyway.
Also just beause Im a mdoel not a photographer doesnt mean I dont know anything about cameras, and I learn more at every shoot. It's nice to know what kind of equipement is capturing my images.

Dec 26 06 03:31 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

Oooh, I guess some dont like that, lol

Dec 26 06 03:32 am Link


David Pankhurst Photo

Posts: 893

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Tim Baker wrote:

Don't need that, do we. The good ports will obviously be shot with Nikon gear wink

I agree.  But I think we should take it a step further.  List all our cameras, lenses, lighting equipment etc. probably with approx. $ value to show what WE have invested in getting the job done. Not that it makes any difference if the skill isn't there.  OH..and while we are at it, I am sure some models would like to kmow what kind of vehicle we drive, any property or investments and maybe our net worth...probably make more sense than all that new-fangled technical information smile

Dec 26 06 03:32 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

Tim Baker wrote:

Don't need that, do we. The good ports will obviously be shot with Nikon gear wink

I can tell! big_smile

Dec 26 06 03:32 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

David Pankhurst Photo wrote:

I agree.  But I think we should take it a step further.  List all our cameras, lenses, lighting equipment etc. probably with approx. $ value to show what WE have invested in getting the job done. Not that it makes any difference if the skill isn't there.  OH..and while we are at it, I am sure some models would like to kmow what kind of vehicle we drive, any property or investments and maybe our net worth...probably make more sense than all that new-fangled technical information smile

Hah, now thats just over kill.

Dec 26 06 03:32 am Link


David Pankhurst Photo

Posts: 893

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alix Andrea wrote:

Hah, now thats just over kill.

But some models may be worth it smile

Dec 26 06 03:37 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

David Pankhurst Photo wrote:

But some models may be worth it smile


Dec 26 06 03:38 am Link


David Pankhurst Photo

Posts: 893

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alix Andrea wrote:


wow..quick and bright too! and still my beating heart smile

Dec 26 06 03:40 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

big_smile I have a new friend...

Dec 26 06 03:47 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alix Andrea wrote:

Because when I first started shooting the best advice one of the first phtographers who shot me gave me was to ask what kind of camera the photographer shoots with and that usually determines the quality of the pics. So far he has been right, and I always ask. It would be nice for it to be on the portfolio, and more convenient, a lot of phtographers so this anyway.
Also just beause Im a mdoel not a photographer doesnt mean I dont know anything about cameras, and I learn more at every shoot. It's nice to know what kind of equipement is capturing my images.

You'd be surprised what some of us can do with very little.

Dec 26 06 03:56 am Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

Alix Andrea wrote:

Because when I first started shooting the best advice one of the first phtographers who shot me gave me was to ask what kind of camera the photographer shoots with and that usually determines the quality of the pics. So far he has been right, and I always ask. It would be nice for it to be on the portfolio, and more convenient, a lot of phtographers so this anyway.
Also just beause Im a mdoel not a photographer doesnt mean I dont know anything about cameras, and I learn more at every shoot. It's nice to know what kind of equipement is capturing my images.

So what cameras are in the 'right' and 'wrong' lists to use?

Dec 26 06 03:58 am Link


Eric Haywood

Posts: 8247

Alix Andrea wrote:
Oooh, I guess some dont like that, lol

Yeah!  Don't ask me about my camera!  Just show up and be pretty!

Dec 26 06 04:01 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

David Pankhurst Photo wrote:

I agree.  But I think we should take it a step further.  List all our cameras, lenses, lighting equipment etc. probably with approx. $ value to show what WE have invested in getting the job done. Not that it makes any difference if the skill isn't there.  OH..and while we are at it, I am sure some models would like to kmow what kind of vehicle we drive, any property or investments and maybe our net worth...probably make more sense than all that new-fangled technical information smile

HAHAHA ... yep, all good stuff - and if our checks clear the bank!

Dec 26 06 04:03 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Bryan Benoit wrote:

So what cameras are in the 'right' and 'wrong' lists to use?

Good question. I'm curious too.  Think my Kodak Barbi Digital counts?

Dec 26 06 04:03 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Alix Andrea wrote:

I can tell! big_smile

Has Two new friends!

Dec 26 06 04:05 am Link