Forums > General Industry > Can I be a casual "hobbist" without being a GWC?



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

I think my images are better than GWC quality...but I don't see myself as making a living from photography right now...

what makes the difference between GWC and someone who does photography as a hobby? 

Meaning Trade shoots mostly?

Dec 24 06 12:10 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The quality of your images have nothing to do with your designation as a GWC or not.

GWC's shoot with the intent of trying to date/ fuck/ undress and collect spank bank material from their models.  If that's why you shoot you're a GWC, no matter how good or bad your images are.  If not then no matter how good or bad your images are, you are a hobbyist.

Dec 24 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I'd much rather be a hobbyist than a hobbist, myself. But then I'm a gaddam pedant.

Dec 24 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

I'm an enthusiast

Dec 24 06 12:16 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

labels don't really mean much.

When i'm holding a camera i'm a photographer.
When i'm playing with photoshop i'm a manipulator.
When i'm in a darkroom i'm a craftsman.
When i'm on mm i'm a troll

Dec 24 06 12:19 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Ransom J wrote:
The quality of your images have nothing to do with your designation as a GWC or not.

GWC's shoot with the intent of trying to date/ fuck/ undress and collect spank bank material from their models.  If that's why you shoot you're a GWC, no matter how good or bad your images are.  If not then no matter how good or bad your images are, you are a hobbyist.

I'm with Ransom, I consider being a GWC more about attitude.

Dec 24 06 12:20 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
I think my images are better than GWC quality...but I don't see myself as making a living from photography right now...

what makes the difference between GWC and someone who does photography as a hobby? 

Meaning Trade shoots mostly?

Are you trying to sleep/hook-up with your models?  Are you using photography as a means to see girls partially disclothed or nude?  Do you make lewd remarks to your models while shooting and try to find excuses to reposition their arm under their breasts or lotion them up with oil continually "missing" a spot?

Only you can answer these questions.  If the girls come back to you and enjoy their shoots, then No, you're probably not a GWC.  If you wonder why that girl you shot last month isn't returning your calls, then Yeah, you're a GWC.

Dec 24 06 12:21 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

I think the quality of your images has everything to do with the fact if you are a GWC...any photographer\model (should) have the instinct to tell the difference. 

A GWC produces images that point to the fact that they are adding to their spank bank.....

Someone who does it as a hobby produces images that are truly artistic, without the feeling of sexuality or being creepy...

Can anyone seriously tell me that I am a GWC?

or can I comfortably continue my hobby?

Dec 24 06 12:21 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Also note, that just because you happen to date/fuck/undress one of your models that doesn't necessarily make you a GWC either. Again it's the intention. If you book a shoot and you hit it off, great. But if you book a shoot then pack condoms with your camera, just in case... then the label probably fits.

Dec 24 06 12:22 am Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
what makes the difference between GWC and someone who does photography as a hobby?

Unfortunately to some there is none.

There is an obsession to the whole GWC motif here. If you ask the mods they will tell you an GWC is a guy that uses his camera to (try to) get laid. To some others here its anyone who's port they can run down and who hasn't had anything published.

It can get ugly.

In my mind I started as a GWC with a crap camera and desire to get do something better. I made A LOT of technical mistakes which caused me to really take a serious look at those who are considered great (Bourdin is one of my biggest influences) and then take a look at the crap that I was doing and compare that with where I wanted to be. I'm nowhere near there yet....but there is some progress.

Better equipment helped. Working with some kick ass art/fetish/alt models helped even more. 

I've only been in one show/exhibit....but I'm working on it. It's still a hobby.....but at least it's still fun.


Dec 24 06 12:24 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

J n X Photography wrote:

Are you trying to sleep/hook-up with your models?  Are you using photography as a means to see girls partially disclothed or nude?  Do you make lewd remarks to your models while shooting and try to find excuses to reposition their arm under their breasts or lotion them up with oil continually "missing" a spot?

Only you can answer these questions.  If the girls come back to you and enjoy their shoots, then No, you're probably not a GWC.  If you wonder why that girl you shot last month isn't returning your calls, then Yeah, you're a GWC.

No...I have never had the intention of hooking up with my models...can you say that honestly that image quality has notihing to do with GWC status?

Dec 24 06 12:24 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
Can anyone seriously tell me that I am a GWC?

or can I comfortably continue my hobby?

Gwc is a mindset more than an issue of talent.   You have allready been given good definitions.

Are you trying to make art, or using art as an excuse to see boobies?

Dec 24 06 12:25 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Absolutley you can be a Hobbist without being a GWC, you can even be a Hobbyist.

I hate that term GWC, lets call them what they are "Predators" nothing more, nothing less, and it has absolutley nothing to do with being a photographer.

Dec 24 06 12:25 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US


I know that hundreds of photogs on here blow me away....but the last thing I want to be view as is a GWC..

Can anyone tell me if my work reflects that?

Dec 24 06 12:26 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Ransom J wrote:
The quality of your images have nothing to do with your designation as a GWC or not.

GWC's shoot with the intent of trying to date/ fuck/ undress and collect spank bank material from their models.  If that's why you shoot you're a GWC, no matter how good or bad your images are.  If not then no matter how good or bad your images are, you are a hobbyist.

well put

Dec 24 06 12:26 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Ransom J wrote:
The quality of your images have nothing to do with your designation as a GWC or not.

GWC's shoot with the intent of trying to date/ fuck/ undress and collect spank bank material from their models.  If that's why you shoot you're a GWC, no matter how good or bad your images are.  If not then no matter how good or bad your images are, you are a hobbyist.

well put

Dec 24 06 12:26 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

[thread jack]

John Jebbia wrote:
Again it's the intention. If you book a shoot and you hit it off, great. But if you book a shoot then pack condoms with your camera, just in case... then the label probably fits.

condoms make pretty good water balloons when tossed off a 3rd floor.

[/thread jack]

Dec 24 06 12:29 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US


I started this thread to answer a question...

I have found the answer..

I'm not a GWC..

My intentions are pure..not to see someone else put it..

I know there are GWC out there, but I ain't one of them

glad to resolve that..

Dec 24 06 12:30 am Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:

I know that hundreds of photogs on here blow me away....but the last thing I want to be view as is a GWC..

Can anyone tell me if my work reflects that?

In my mind no. The bigger question is:

How many of the models you've worked with would work with you again?

Has any model ever seemed uncomfortable around you?

Have you tried to convince any model to have sex with you?

Do you ever see a model and want to work with her just to see her nude in person or because you have this great artistic concept that you think she would be perfect for?

Do you ever get a 'woody' during a shoot and find yourself just pushing that back in your mind because you're making sure that the ISO and WB is appropriate and that the model is looking convincing in your shots?

There are more questions....but if you can answer these appropriately, I think you can answer you're own question.

Dec 24 06 12:33 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:

I know that hundreds of photogs on here blow me away....but the last thing I want to be view as is a GWC..

Can anyone tell me if my work reflects that?

no- your work imo is awesome and i'd love to shoot with you one day... big_smile
a gwc is basically someone who thinks they are better then everyone else- has no idea what the heck they are doing... and basically are perverts. big_smile

Dec 24 06 12:34 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:

I know that hundreds of photogs on here blow me away....but the last thing I want to be view as is a GWC..

Can anyone tell me if my work reflects that?

there is allways going to be a bigger fish.  look at the work of others you admire, try and incorporate what you like into how you shoot.

there are people here that have been shooting 10, 20, 30, 40 years.   I would dam sure hope there stuff looks better than mine.   Photography is something that requires time, effort and talent.   You have one out of 3 just put in the other 2.

and we can't really tell if your a gwc by looking at your port.

Dec 24 06 12:35 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

Christopher N. wrote:

In my mind no. The bigger question is:

How many of the models you've worked with would work with you again?

Has any model ever seemed uncomfortable around you?

Have you tried to convince any model to have sex with you?

Do you ever see a model and want to work with her just to see her nude in person or because you have this great artistic concept that you think she would be perfect for?

Do you ever get a 'woody' during a shoot and find yourself just pushing that back in your mind because you're making sure that the ISO and WB is appropriate and that the model is looking convincing in your shots?

There are more questions....but if you can answer these appropriately, I think you can answer you're own question.

I can answer no to all of those questions

Dec 24 06 12:39 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

and I'm sorry...but I must be the only one that can tell from someone port if they are a GWC....

Dec 24 06 12:40 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:

No...I have never had the intention of hooking up with my models...can you say that honestly that image quality has notihing to do with GWC status?

my wife has been approached by some photogs who were established professionals with great ports but would only shoot her if she got nekkid.  GWC?  I don't know...I think so.  GWC is more of an attitude I think, not a level of professional competence or photographic experience.  Some guys might suck at taking pics but they are also very innocent and upstanding gentlemen.

your work is pretty solid.  I wouldn't label you a GWC.  I'm a serious hobbyist as well, I happen to live at the beach, and I like shooting girls in bikini when the weather is warm.  Does that make me a GWC?  no.  have I ever slept with one of my models, yes of course!  (she's also my wife)...but all other models I have treated with total respect and professionalism and have never asked them to do something they are not comfortable with.

Dec 24 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 630

Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US

I consider myself a photographer - neither amateur or pro - but that's because most of my artsy/sexy/sensual stuff is done for fun and other stuff I do (catalog work mostly) is paid.  However, I don't do this for a living, just fun for freelance.  In Real Life I alternate between musician and research astronomer.

I consider a GWC someone who takes pictures that are usually of poor taste and quality simply because he/she found a model willing to pose nude for him/her.


Dec 24 06 12:42 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
and I'm sorry...but I must be the only one that can tell from someone port if they are a GWC....

our images reflct our soul, if you are pure of heart so will your images, its all intent

Dec 24 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Let's be realistic - the term "GWC" is merely an arbitrary label invented rather recently by a small subset of the market.

What you're asking is if your portfolio brands you as someone without talent - because, and let's be honest, if you're doing photography just to hit on models, you can be great or not and it won't affect your intentions one way or the other.

Does your portfolio brand you as someone without talent? No, it doesn't. It puts you someplace on the range exhibited by experience and eye, but certainly not at the bottom, and certainly not in the class of work for which someone might say, "you know, I just don't see any value in their images."

Is that what you're after?

Dec 24 06 12:43 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
and I'm sorry...but I must be the only one that can tell from someone port if they are a GWC....

You can look at the port and tell if they are not talented.   You really can't look at the port and figure out if they are a gwc.

Someone can have nothing but crappy t&a pictures.  but as long as they aren't trying to boink the model they really aren't a gwc.

If you snoop around the board you hear horror stories from models who worked with professional photographers who had great work, million dollar studios and their behavior was classic gwc.

So often in life we see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear.

Dec 24 06 12:47 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

J n X Photography wrote:

my wife has been approached by some photogs who were established professionals with great ports but would only shoot her if she got nekkid.  GWC?  I don't know...I think so.  GWC is more of an attitude I think, not a level of professional competence or photographic experience.  Some guys might suck at taking pics but they are also very innocent and upstanding gentlemen.

your work is pretty solid.  I wouldn't label you a GWC.  I'm a serious hobbyist as well, I happen to live at the beach, and I like shooting girls in bikini when the weather is warm.  Does that make me a GWC?  no.  have I ever slept with one of my models, yes of course!  (she's also my wife)...but all other models I have treated with total respect and professionalism and have never asked them to do something they are not comfortable with.

For the first time since I started this thread..I understand.....

image quality does not define GWC status..

thanks for opening my eyes

Dec 24 06 12:49 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

The woman in my avatar will tell will all my models featured in my port...that I was nothing but professional...

again...I am sorry that I confused talent with GWC status

Dec 24 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Honestly, you need to relax. I just read your profile, and it comes off as if you're begging to not be considered a pervert. With apologies to the Bard, thou doth protest too much.

Back off, let the issue go, and chill. All is good :-)

Dec 24 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

Thanks, Chris.

Dec 24 06 01:00 am Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
I'd much rather be a hobbyist than a hobbist, myself. But then I'm a gaddam pedant.

LMAO for some reason that made me laugh at my computer.

Dec 24 06 01:27 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
With apologies to the Bard, thou doth protest too much.

So true of many more on this site as well.

Dec 24 06 01:32 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

no- your work imo is awesome and i'd love to shoot with you one day... big_smile
a gwc is basically someone who thinks they are better then everyone else- has no idea what the heck they are doing... and basically are perverts. big_smile

By that description I am a GWC!


Dec 24 06 02:37 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:

I know that hundreds of photogs on here blow me away....but the last thing I want to be view as is a GWC..

Can anyone tell me if my work reflects that?

i don't think your work reflects gwc behavior. ive seen some shots on this site that i could assume are gwc photos due to lack of artistic intention but then again thats just my assumption .

Dec 24 06 02:49 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Can we use a term other than "hobbyist"?

I watched a news program where guys who frequent hookers and escorts call themselves hobbyists.

Why not amatuer, intermediate, master, professional,apprentice, journeyman, and just plain photographer?

Dec 24 06 11:52 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Can I be a casual "hobbyist" without being a GWC?

Well, in the spirit of the title - gosh, for my sake, I hope so.

Of course, I am a guy with a camera. Photography is my hobby, so I'd be a hobbyist. I do carry a camera and take photographs, so I'm a photographer. I don't get paid, or have turned down pay, so I'm an amateur. I'm not technically adept, but I'm not a rank beginner, so I'd be an intermediate.

Ultimately, I hope that models who consider working with me and the people who want to print any of my stuff will do so primarily on the strengths or weaknesses of my photos.

Dec 24 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Some men breed dogs.  If they're not professional breeders then they must be breeding dogs for their fur.

Some men grow plants.  If they don't own a commercial greenhouse then they must be drug dealers.

Some men own tools.  If they're not professional contractors they must be cat burglers.

Some men have lunch with female coworkers.  If they're not married to them they must be adulterers.

Some men own cameras.  If they're not professional photographers they must be lechers.

When people are afraid of being labeled as a quasi-sex offender simply because they're not full time professional photographers then something is really, really wrong.  The term GWC has become a monster that diminishes our art and insults our intelligence.  Everyone who cares about the integrity and respectability of photography should protest it's use every time it shows up.  Let's kill the monster.

Dec 24 06 12:34 pm Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

I sure hope a casual hobbyist can be considered something more than just a mere GWC.

I guess that is because I'm just a casual hobbyist.

Dec 24 06 12:57 pm Link