May 13, 2008 1:11am Very creative portfolio. This may not be the best, but I like it the most ; ) Great use of color here, and though I find the form of the tub a little distracting the concept really works with it included -- the water being replaced by the cloth, and the person submerging themselves being substituted by the eyes being wrapped. I really like the nuanced pose here, especially with the turning of the head (perfect angle!) and the use of the right hand and right arm. Normally I would like a less limp hand but right here it's perfect. The texture of the hair imitating that of the dress is cool, too-- reminds me of a Siren.
Still I would prefer that either the background be completely burnt out or have the tub reigned in a bit to get more use out of it in terms of the composition, but really nice job with this. Very intriguing, and well conceived.