Crystal Boyer - one more, natural, regular camera shot

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Caption: one more, natural, regular camera shot
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Uploaded: Feb 17, 2011

james f williams

February 07, 2012 6:19am
like the look

Stryker Entertainment

September 12, 2011 6:56pm
We love this look!


July 25, 2011 7:47pm
‘Crystal Boyer’, how does it feel to go to bed PRETTY and wake up beautiful? How does it feel to look in the mirror and then walk away? Only to have the mirror follow you around the room. You know you’ve crossed an unimaginable ‘Threshold of Visual Sweetness’; when even the mirror can’t get enough of you. When engineers created the camera phone? This is exactly what they had in mind. Not a cerebral experience; but a profoundly impactful visual experience. A woman of untold beauty capturing her own image and beaming it to the ‘Space Station’ for the benefit of ‘Space Travelers’. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to be alone on Mars? I don’t even want to imagine what it would feel like? If this is what I left ‘Behind on Earth’...?