Ai Chan - Suicide

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Caption: Suicide
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Location: Studio
Copyright: Community Photography
Uploaded: Aug 19, 2010
Credits:Community Photography (Photographer)

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February 05, 2011 6:08am
In my other life I'm a cinematographer and have been for quite a long time. A couple of years ago I was hired to film a documentary on suicide. We went to four major U.S. campuses and talked to both survivors of suicide attempts and friends and family of suicide victims.

As you can imagine it was deeply disturbing and heartbreaking to see the impact that a suicide has on the ones who were close to the victim. In short, it is an act which is broadly devastating and one which tears a hole in the fabric of the universe that cannot be soon healed. I know this first hand because I have lost friends to suicide. The heartbreak is profound and perhaps unique in it's tragedy because of the circumstances around it and the dreadful reality of the victim's final moments.

I absolutely support your freedom of speech and your need to express your feelings through your art. There is, however one small point I wish to register. While doing the documentary the topic of "normalization" or perhaps romanticization of suicide by the media came up as a topic of discussion. There is some belief among experts that such imagery just might give some young people with the inclination to take their own lives that last little push.

The portrait of anyone with a gun to their head is very sad indeed and the thought that it might contribute, in even a remote way to the self-destruction of a real person with real family and friends or passively encourage such an act is sobering food for thought.

Jessie Melero

December 27, 2010 4:29am
Very cool and hey its all about the art...

Enther Nuem

October 27, 2010 10:57am
this is my favorite picture of you. and i love the contrast between your pale skin black hair and the red background, simple amazing, and you look stunning


October 23, 2010 10:55pm
go ahead. make my day. lol. great pic

Ai Chan

October 14, 2010 6:03pm
Sorry, but not everything is meant to be "cute" or "beautiful" or "sexy". I appreciate all your comments, but disturbing is just the word I wanted. Suicide is a powerful topic, and if you find it disturbing to look at a photo that represents it, then I'm happy.


October 14, 2010 5:59pm
Do not like :( Yes, I know you are "acting" for the sake of the camera but as others have said, this is quite disturbing, and not in a compelling way. Surely there are better ways to showcase your modeling talents and beauty.


September 15, 2010 12:13pm
I agree.."too intense" not cute...rather disturbing..

Brad Z

September 02, 2010 5:44pm
Wow, this is really too intense.