Forums > General Industry > How about so freakin' honesty for ones!!!



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

What is the matter with people here??? When you see a picture that looks like it's taken with a diposable camera and over retouched in Photoshop to make it look even wors, you give a "oh my god what a great picture" comment, and you know that your telling a lie..WHY???
Why can't people be honest and tell these models and photographers that they need alot more practise??


Dec 16 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 6427


When I see a picture like that, I say 'get rid of the myspace stuff and get better pictures'.

Dec 16 06 10:14 am Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

well then we need more peole like you!

Dec 16 06 10:19 am Link


Finearts Photography

Posts: 699

Cleveland, Ohio, US

You need some better headshots. The one holding the cup is really two photos. 1. Your face and 2. Hands holding a cup. #2 dominates the shot. I like the expression in number 16.  Eric

Dec 16 06 10:20 am Link


LB Wallace

Posts: 182

Sarasota, Florida, US

Heidi, I just went through a couple of ports that were on the main page here and I could not believe that there were good comments on the pics.  This is why I dont come around here very often.  I am one to either say something good or nothing at all; much of the time it is nothing at all.

Dec 16 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

Finearts Photography wrote:
You need some better headshots. The one holding the cup is really two photos. 1. Your face and 2. Hands holding a cup. #2 dominates the shot. I like the expression in number 16.  Eric

I know I need better headshots...hard to find good photographers here in Norway, but thanks! smile

Dec 16 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

So be it.. Well.. With that in mind.. Here goes some pure honesty in the form of my opinion only:

1: Blue cast doesn't hide blown highlights.. Expression and hard shadows make your face look mannish.
2: Selective desaturation for it's own sake.... WHY?
3: Snapshot
4: More blown highlights and overburned shadows..  You have the boob shadows of Dolly Parton in this pic.
5: No sky, bland expression, crooked world (even on purpose looks weird), more detail in dark clothing would be appreciated.
6: Prettier than usual, but still makes you look rather harsh..
7: Loss of detail in highlights and shadows.. And the background's more interesting than you are.
8: Chopped at knees & fingers, you look confused, but at least I can see the sweater now.
9: Tell the photogs to STOP shooting you midday in clothes and settings that go from pure black to pure white.. Once again.. No highlights.. Ruins anything else that might be good here.
10: Holy crap, batman.. Did they not notice the rest of your body when photoshopping your face into oblivion?
11: Exposure is good on you and background.. They just don't look like you and background ever met face to face?  Photoshop composite?
12: Blown background again (this guy should just start shooting on white seemless.. Why go through the trouble of getting settings and then obliterating them in the shots). Inconsistent photoshop (if you're going to blur a face.. Blur the body it's connected to.
13: The LEAST blown highlights so far..  The dress pops (almost scarily).. Now if he'd been kind enough to bump your contrast as you're barely even there, and it's one of your prettier expressions.
14: This image has a nice butt..  Once again not detail in the highlights, but.. Photographer has learned at least one of the simple rules: Start with a pretty girl, and end with a pretty girl, and people will let a lot of other issues slide.
15: Interesting, but inconsistent.  One of your better fashion poses.. Halo on one side of the composite (where you were added in), blur on other side.. Harshlight of the background doesn't really match your lighting.. But... Best shot so far..
16: Pretty bikini shot.. You're over softened, but that's standard.. You also look a tad stiff.. But background's mostly not blown (details in the rocks would be nice, but that's minor).. And once again.. Pretty girl in.. Pretty girl out..  Much gets a pass..
17: Another badly blown out snapshot.
18: Nice candid.. Bad makeup.. You look orange and there's banding around your face.. This could have been a nice pic with a little more care given.
19: Bad.. Blown highlights (major theme in your port).. Bad choice of background colors (hides the product you're holding), etc, etc, etc..
20: Not bad.. I don't get pastel girl in grey bathroom.. But at least the colors all show.. Nothing's blown out..  Angle makes your ankles look bigger than your neck..

Now.. There's any number of pics in there I might have liked an aspect or two.. Or how you looked (although you need to work on relaxing and engaging the camera.. Whether you're looking at it or not..) And sent a nice note.. But this is the honesty you claimed is needed for everyone.

One last bit of honesty.

Since your port needs work (as do many, including my own..)  Maybe it's best to focus on that instead of worrying what people you don't know are saying about ports that aren't yours..

I mean.. Does this really affect you?  Is it really a valuable use of your time?

Just an opinion.

Dec 16 06 10:38 am Link


Frank Rehm Studios

Posts: 185

Antioch, California, US

W.G…. you should be the official MM Critique Czar……Do me .. Do me .. Do me !!!

Dec 16 06 10:48 am Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

W.G. Rowland wrote:
So be it.. Well.. With that in mind.. Here goes some pure honesty in the form of my opinion only:

1: Blue cast doesn't hide blown highlights.. Expression and hard shadows make your face look mannish.
2: Selective desaturation for it's own sake.... WHY?
3: Snapshot
4: More blown highlights and overburned shadows..  You have the boob shadows of Dolly Parton in this pic.
5: No sky, bland expression, crooked world (even on purpose looks weird), more detail in dark clothing would be appreciated.
6: Prettier than usual, but still makes you look rather harsh..
7: Loss of detail in highlights and shadows.. And the background's more interesting than you are.
8: Chopped at knees & fingers, you look confused, but at least I can see the sweater now.
9: Tell the photogs to STOP shooting you midday in clothes and settings that go from pure black to pure white.. Once again.. No highlights.. Ruins anything else that might be good here.
10: Holy crap, batman.. Did they not notice the rest of your body when photoshopping your face into oblivion?
11: Exposure is good on you and background.. They just don't look like you and background ever met face to face?  Photoshop composite?
12: Blown background again (this guy should just start shooting on white seemless.. Why go through the trouble of getting settings and then obliterating them in the shots). Inconsistent photoshop (if you're going to blur a face.. Blur the body it's connected to.
13: The LEAST blown highlights so far..  The dress pops (almost scarily).. Now if he'd been kind enough to bump your contrast as you're barely even there, and it's one of your prettier expressions.
14: This image has a nice butt..  Once again not detail in the highlights, but.. Photographer has learned at least one of the simple rules: Start with a pretty girl, and end with a pretty girl, and people will let a lot of other issues slide.
15: Interesting, but inconsistent.  One of your better fashion poses.. Halo on one side of the composite (where you were added in), blur on other side.. Harshlight of the background doesn't really match your lighting.. But... Best shot so far..
16: Pretty bikini shot.. You're over softened, but that's standard.. You also look a tad stiff.. But background's mostly not blown (details in the rocks would be nice, but that's minor).. And once again.. Pretty girl in.. Pretty girl out..  Much gets a pass..
17: Another badly blown out snapshot.
18: Nice candid.. Bad makeup.. You look orange and there's banding around your face.. This could have been a nice pic with a little more care given.
19: Bad.. Blown highlights (major theme in your port).. Bad choice of background colors (hides the product you're holding), etc, etc, etc..
20: Not bad.. I don't get pastel girl in grey bathroom.. But at least the colors all show.. Nothing's blown out..  Angle makes your ankles look bigger than your neck..

Now.. There's any number of pics in there I might have liked an aspect or two.. Or how you looked (although you need to work on relaxing and engaging the camera.. Whether you're looking at it or not..) And sent a nice note.. But this is the honesty you claimed is needed for everyone.

One last bit of honesty.

Since your port needs work (as do many, including my own..)  Maybe it's best to focus on that instead of worrying what people you don't know are saying about ports that aren't yours..

I mean.. Does this really affect you?  Is it really a valuable use of your time?

Just an opinion.

Wow, that's a long of negativity all at once, didn't know that every single one of  the photographers I have worked with sucked..
But your comment on the dude, I was there, I was not cut out and placed there..

And yeah dude, I care what other people say about others work, becuse when they are stait out lying that something looks good, it affects me..

Fortunatly I get work from these pictures, and people seem to like the work that I do. Thank you for you "feedback".


Dec 16 06 12:11 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

I know what you mean. I see because you voiced your opinion, some decided to all out pick on you.
She's right, there is a lot of cell phone looking stuff, and a lot of snap-shot amature looking stuff that gets rave comments because a tit or something is showing.
All i can say is that I only leave a good comment if I find something to be good.

Dec 16 06 12:24 pm Link


Bob Bentley Photography

Posts: 15141

Westcliffe, Colorado, US

Look at the responses I got and critiques I gave on this thread:

NOW! I am going to your port and I'll BE BACK!!

Dec 16 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I must say #3 snapshot can be a good thing. Why would you just want to see a model wiht just the  make-up and fancy lighting? Most photographers I have worked with will ask me to email them a simple snapshot minus the make-up in a white tank with my hair pulled back.

Dec 16 06 12:28 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Waaa. It's called the interenet. We are not here to be honest with you, we are here to get in yer pants. Didn't ya know?

Dec 16 06 12:32 pm Link


Bob Bentley Photography

Posts: 15141

Westcliffe, Colorado, US

Alrighty.  Since W.G. did the technical side of things (mostly, and I value his opinion greatly - now), I tell you the other side of the story.

Dec 16 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

MsHeidi wrote:
Wow, that's a long of negativity all at once, didn't know that every single one of  the photographers I have worked with sucked..
But your comment on the dude, I was there, I was not cut out and placed there..

And yeah dude, I care what other people say about others work, becuse when they are stait out lying that something looks good, it affects me..

Fortunatly I get work from these pictures, and people seem to like the work that I do. Thank you for you "feedback".


What I did, MsHeidi, is called making a point.

The opinions I gave you were honest, but I probably wouldn't have voiced them if you hadn't started this thread.

People have opinions.. They don't always match yours.  I said negative things about your work and you don't agree with that.

Others say positive things about work you don't like..  You call them liars.

That's... What's the word I'm looking for....? Dumb.

I'm glad the work you've done has gotten you work.  I would like to know how comments on other people's ports have kept you from work.

Am I saying I agree with every person who comments on a hands-over-boobs shot or a throwing-sexy-at-my-cell-phone shot?  No..

But I don't call someone a liar because I don't agree with them.

If it's directed at me.  I look at their work.. And decide if their opinion is coming from a place that applies to me.. (If you look at my work.. It's pretty much a different genre.  And therefore my opinion of your pics doesn't matter all that much..)

I still say focusing on improving your own work is a more valuable way to spend time than complaining about other's...

Dec 16 06 12:36 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

two most overworked words on MM:
Generally applied to very weak images... just goes to show you the power of boobs.

Dec 16 06 12:36 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rowland, when do you sleep? 9,445 posts!
like your portfolio, but you need to get some rest, dude.

Dec 16 06 12:38 pm Link


Tiara Lestari

Posts: 11436

Jhanaydāh, Jhanaydāh, Bangladesh

Michael Kirst wrote:

Waaa. It's called the interenet. We are not here to be honest with you, we are here to get in yer pants. Didn't ya know?

Good point;)

Dec 16 06 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MsHeidi wrote:
Wow, that's a long of negativity all at once, didn't know that every single one of  the photographers I have worked with sucked..
But your comment on the dude, I was there, I was not cut out and placed there..

And yeah dude, I care what other people say about others work, becuse when they are stait out lying that something looks good, it affects me..

Fortunatly I get work from these pictures, and people seem to like the work that I do. Thank you for you "feedback".


The negative tone of your response is a good demonstration of why people aren't honest in making comments.  Why bring that on themselves?

Dec 16 06 12:45 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
11: Exposure is good on you and background.. They just don't look like you and background ever met face to face?  Photoshop composite?

I'm calling bullshit on this one too. Studio lighting on the model. Obviously the outdoor marsh shot has natural lighting. Look at the shadows from the blades of grass on the water.... shot at midday would be my guess. Then how is it that the right shoulder of model is totally shaded??

There is a way to produce the picture the way the model says it happened but I want to hear from the model the exact photographers setup. (which I highly doubt he did).

Again... you might have been there but not when the picture was taken.

Dec 16 06 12:48 pm Link


Creativity Farm

Posts: 1772

Westville, New Jersey, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
two most overworked words on MM:
Generally applied to very weak images... just goes to show you the power of boobs.

Awesome, stunning post!  One question... are the powerful boobs in question the one's in the images, or the one's posting the comments.

To the op... I too wonder about some of the comments on images.  But everyone is allowed to have their own opinion.  Chances are those content to post cell phone pics, and the ones willing to gush all over them are a match made in heaven.  But it also has no impact on me (and if it bothers you, don't look).

As for W.G.'s opinion on your portfolio... He makes valid points (and you did make this post in the critique forum).  No picture is perfect, and some of his points may be hyper critical (still, you'd be surprised how some things jump out and "irk" some photographers).  But would you rather he post a "great job" comment when he really didn't mean it?  You have a good portfolio, but I'm not in love with every shot (I don't care for the wading in the surf one at all... pose is awkward, don't like the flash balance, and your hair is off).

Who are we to deny those people looking for complements.  We don't have to give them, but we have no right to argue them either.  Instead, save the honesty for those who are seriously looking to improve.

Dec 16 06 01:04 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
So be it.. Well.. With that in mind.. Here goes some pure honesty in the form of my opinion only:

1: Blue cast doesn't hide blown highlights.. Expression and hard shadows make your face look mannish.
2: Selective desaturation for it's own sake.... WHY?
3: Snapshot
4: More blown highlights and overburned shadows..  You have the boob shadows of Dolly Parton in this pic.
5: No sky, bland expression, crooked world (even on purpose looks weird), more detail in dark clothing would be appreciated.
6: Prettier than usual, but still makes you look rather harsh..
7: Loss of detail in highlights and shadows.. And the background's more interesting than you are.
8: Chopped at knees & fingers, you look confused, but at least I can see the sweater now.
9: Tell the photogs to STOP shooting you midday in clothes and settings that go from pure black to pure white.. Once again.. No highlights.. Ruins anything else that might be good here.
10: Holy crap, batman.. Did they not notice the rest of your body when photoshopping your face into oblivion?
11: Exposure is good on you and background.. They just don't look like you and background ever met face to face?  Photoshop composite?
12: Blown background again (this guy should just start shooting on white seemless.. Why go through the trouble of getting settings and then obliterating them in the shots). Inconsistent photoshop (if you're going to blur a face.. Blur the body it's connected to.
13: The LEAST blown highlights so far..  The dress pops (almost scarily).. Now if he'd been kind enough to bump your contrast as you're barely even there, and it's one of your prettier expressions.
14: This image has a nice butt..  Once again not detail in the highlights, but.. Photographer has learned at least one of the simple rules: Start with a pretty girl, and end with a pretty girl, and people will let a lot of other issues slide.
15: Interesting, but inconsistent.  One of your better fashion poses.. Halo on one side of the composite (where you were added in), blur on other side.. Harshlight of the background doesn't really match your lighting.. But... Best shot so far..
16: Pretty bikini shot.. You're over softened, but that's standard.. You also look a tad stiff.. But background's mostly not blown (details in the rocks would be nice, but that's minor).. And once again.. Pretty girl in.. Pretty girl out..  Much gets a pass..
17: Another badly blown out snapshot.
18: Nice candid.. Bad makeup.. You look orange and there's banding around your face.. This could have been a nice pic with a little more care given.
19: Bad.. Blown highlights (major theme in your port).. Bad choice of background colors (hides the product you're holding), etc, etc, etc..
20: Not bad.. I don't get pastel girl in grey bathroom.. But at least the colors all show.. Nothing's blown out..  Angle makes your ankles look bigger than your neck..

Now.. There's any number of pics in there I might have liked an aspect or two.. Or how you looked (although you need to work on relaxing and engaging the camera.. Whether you're looking at it or not..) And sent a nice note.. But this is the honesty you claimed is needed for everyone.

One last bit of honesty.

Since your port needs work (as do many, including my own..)  Maybe it's best to focus on that instead of worrying what people you don't know are saying about ports that aren't yours..

I mean.. Does this really affect you?  Is it really a valuable use of your time?

Just an opinion.

I don't believe she ever asked for a critique of her port... She simply stated that she's tired of seeing the "Myspace" quality photos (Which none of her images could EVER be compared to) getting unrealistic praises from a variety of members...
Bad form.

Dec 16 06 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

T H Taylor wrote:

I don't believe she ever asked for a critique of her port... She simply stated that she's tired of seeing the "Myspace" quality photos (Which none of her images could EVER be compared to) getting unrealistic praises from a variety of members...
Bad form.

a) She posted in the critique forum.
b) She made a call for honesty. In fact demanded it. (I assumed her title was supposed to be "for ONCE" maybe she only did mean honesty for certain "ones"?)  My HONEST point was that opinions differ.  I did point out that it was only my opinion.. And even that my opinion is coming out of a different style of photography..

Either honesty is good.. Or it's not..

Make up your mind.

Dec 16 06 01:11 pm Link


Doug Vosler

Posts: 932

Redlands, California, US

Critique all mine.... ready.... go!

Dec 16 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Doug Vosler wrote:

Critique all mine.... ready.... go!

Boss, stop.. The whole point I was trying to make was that these were just opinions.. Mine aren't any more right or wrong than hers..

It's annoying when people declare themselves the final arbiters of taste..  You want valuable input.. Get MANY opinions.. Cull out the ones of people who's work you're not moved by..  Find out where the themes lie in the remaining opinions.. Figure out how to apply it to what you do..

If I ever start a "I will give you final judgement on your work threads" and I'm not joking... Please kick me in the nuts.

Dec 16 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 9865

Hollywood, Florida, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
I still say focusing on improving your own work is a more valuable way to spend time than complaining about other's...


Dec 16 06 01:20 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Doug Vosler wrote:

Critique all mine.... ready.... go!

Now..... about my earlier question.... #11?

Heh... funny how the OP disappeared.

Dec 16 06 01:21 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
a) She posted in the critique forum.
b) She made a call for honesty. In fact demanded it. (I assumed her title was supposed to be "for ONCE" maybe she only did mean honesty for certain "ones"?)  My HONEST point was that opinions differ.  I did point out that it was only my opinion.. And even that my opinion is coming out of a different style of photography..

Either honesty is good.. Or it's not..

Make up your mind.

Perhaps this thread was posted in the inappropriate forum but... Even if it is in the Critique fourm, she never stated "Critique me" or, "What's your honest opinion of my port" W.G...?  She was obviously venting and, looking for others who shared her same feelings and distaste for this sort of "gwc phone pic" thing...You offered, in response, a blazing, nitpicking critique arbitrarily and... that's bad form.
Even you stated that "opinions differ..."
That probably would have been enough said, don't you think?

I've seen many of your other post... they're usually pretty insightful and entertaining...

Dec 16 06 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Your photos are great!  The Ones with the bad I mean bad photos are the ones who just go on forums to argue with people..

most of those imposters are gone I noticed..

I'm a fan of yours..

however if have

1. Hands On The Wall
2. Train Tracks
3. Corporate Emo or Gothic Photos
4. Charlie Angels..Hand As Gun Pose
5. Fairy Tale Or Wings Photos--I Will Get Upset..Unless It's Victoria Secrets..

I Will Come In Strong With Pointed Comments..

Your photos are class...

The Edge--GMX


Dec 16 06 01:30 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

So I see that it's situation normal around here. Bad spelling, punctuation and a lot of complaining and no working on the ports.

Dec 16 06 01:36 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Doug Harvey wrote:
So I see that it's situation normal around here. Bad spelling, punctuation and a lot of complaining and no working on the ports.

I changed one of them teacher!

Dec 16 06 01:37 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

theedge wrote:

Your photos are great!  The Ones with the bad I mean bad photos are the ones who just go on forums to argue with people..

most of those imposters are gone I noticed..

I'm a fan of yours..

however if have

1. Hands On The Wall
2. Train Tracks
3. Corporate Emo or Gothic Photos
4. Charlie Angels..Hand As Gun Pose
5. Fairy Tale Or Wings Photos--I Will Get Upset..Unless It's Victoria Secrets..

I Will Come In Strong With Pointed Comments..

Your photos are class...

The Edge--GMX


I have seen a few train tracks shots that I liked. One from a model named Liz Ashley taked by Jarvis....that shot rocks! but I am confused by "hands on the wall" Can someone post a cliche shot of "hands on the wall"
PS....I see you work with she not the best model ever! That girl rocks!!! I like the B&w shot you did with her.

Dec 16 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 1121

Norwalk, California, US

Remember when you point your finger, three fingers point right back at you. 

If one offers a critique of someone other than themself, the door is open for others to scrutinize and criticize.  It's made worse if the opinion one is offering comes off as superior rather than constructive.  Perhaps a criticism can be tempered with praise or an offer of instruction. 

Or we can go by the golden rule: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

Ok, I've fulfilled my two platitude minimum for this post.

Dec 16 06 02:23 pm Link


Miss Nicole

Posts: 1517

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I only leave negative comments on a shot if the member has asked for a critique. Otherwise if the work is crap I leave no comment at all. However, any negative comments I leave are done in the most constructive way possible. We aren't here to tear each other apart.

Dec 16 06 02:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist

KLF Makeup

Posts: 384

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Hearing that everything is not perfect sucks. But in reality, once you cool off you will see that there were some valid points made.

Things even my non photographer eye noticed before I even read "the" critique.

Actually most of my problems with the photos stem from the post processing.

Dec 16 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

I agree with her though- sorry to say it but I do.
I seen this picture the other day on this models port. She has knots in her hair where it hadn't been brushed, she was covered in zits, mud and dirt underneath her fingernails, she wore a red shirt and pink pants, and nasty dirty shoes that were covered in holes. She has 22 comments on that picture- all saying "how beautiful" "i love your creativity" and crap like that. Just because someone leaves something nice on your port doesn't mean you have to find something to leave on theirs. My portfolio sucks- cuz im not really model material i do it cuz its fun- but i do know how to take a bath, brush my hair, and at least wear clothes that match. (the rest of her port was like that too)

Dec 16 06 03:04 pm Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Miss Nicole wrote:
I only leave negative comments on a shot if the member has asked for a critique. Otherwise if the work is crap I leave no comment at all. However, any negative comments I leave are done in the most constructive way possible. We aren't here to tear each other apart.

exactly- thats why i say "nothing at all"

Dec 16 06 03:04 pm Link


Doug Vosler

Posts: 932

Redlands, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:

Boss, stop.. The whole point I was trying to make was that these were just opinions.. Mine aren't any more right or wrong than hers..

It's annoying when people declare themselves the final arbiters of taste..  You want valuable input.. Get MANY opinions.. Cull out the ones of people who's work you're not moved by..  Find out where the themes lie in the remaining opinions.. Figure out how to apply it to what you do..

If I ever start a "I will give you final judgement on your work threads" and I'm not joking... Please kick me in the nuts.

unfortunately, when i have posted workl to get critiqued... I've recieved 1 or two responses.  so, the range of opinions recieved was not very.. varied.

I wasn't crowning you king or anything, you just seemed ready and willing to perform critiques wink

Dec 16 06 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

Michael Kirst wrote:

I'm calling bullshit on this one too. Studio lighting on the model. Obviously the outdoor marsh shot has natural lighting. Look at the shadows from the blades of grass on the water.... shot at midday would be my guess. Then how is it that the right shoulder of model is totally shaded??

There is a way to produce the picture the way the model says it happened but I want to hear from the model the exact photographers setup. (which I highly doubt he did).

Again... you might have been there but not when the picture was taken.

Ok, I can answer this, first of all go to my myspace and look at my blog, there is a picture that I took of the place before we started shooting. The picture was take on a dock at "makeovermajiks" house. The photographer Barry Vaught took the picture. He had me standing on the dock facing the water and had two lights with the white thing on it.. I don't get why you think it's a fake when it isn't...the only pic that I have that I have not been there when the background was shot is the picture of me and the Miami skyline..
Beleive it or not..up to you..

Dec 16 06 04:36 pm Link


Michael R Kihn Studios

Posts: 2559

Erie, Pennsylvania, US

MsHeidi wrote:
What is the matter with people here??? When you see a picture that looks like it's taken with a diposable camera and over retouched in Photoshop to make it look even wors, you give a "oh my god what a great picture" comment, and you know that your telling a lie..WHY???
Why can't people be honest and tell these models and photographers that they need alot more practise??


Those comments are most likely made the perverts who roam the streets of Model Mayhem

Dec 16 06 04:40 pm Link