Forums > General Industry > Answers for Good, Bad and Everything between ...


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

First of all,  I want to wish each and everyone here a joyful holiday season and successful New Year!

There are always going to be threads here from photographers who have had it with "flakes" and models who have had it with photographers who are "creeps" .. and everything between! Some models and photographers are wondering why they are not "getting any work" or maybe if their "work stinks!"  One of the longest threads this year has had to do with "escorts" at photo shoots!  It's funny, but this being human nature ... shall never change!

Human nature bleeds over into the forums here with conflicts of personalities.  If we were to divide up the categories of posters here .. the whiners, the meanies, the hard heads, and every thing in between ... where would you be?  If we needed it or not, this is how we ended up having a "Pit" on Model Mayhem.

There are some people who just can't help but whine and complain ... seriously they can't help it.  It's sad, but they find it difficult to be happy. Some model does a "no show" and it's the end of the World!  Or a GWC does something creepy and the model is ready to lash out! And some models and photographers are finding it difficult looking for work during the toughest time of the year to get people motivated to do anything!  "Shit happens!"  Don't be a "whiner!"  If you fall, pick yourself up, learn from it and move on!  You'll be just fine!

Then there are others who feel the need to put others down to compensate for their lack of self-esteem.  They are hurting and strike at others to make themselves feel better. Being mean to others just causes more conflict and hurt feelings.  The "meanies" might feel a little better about themselves for a while, but then they get depressed and need to lash out at others again.  It's like an addiction!  It's easier to be nice than to be mean. It actually feels much better to be nice than to be mean too!

Some folks here are very opinionated and find it difficult to accept that others just might have a difference of opinion.  They will argue until their keyboards are hurting from all the pounding!  But they will not read what the others are writing because they "are right!" and all those who disagree are "dead wrong!"  This goes back to the issue of pride which is the same problem for the "whiners and meanies."  The hard heads can't accept that they could be wrong or that others have a different perspective.  We are NOT all alike!

I can't forget the "white knights" who swoop in to defend those they think are being unfairly treated in the forum.  Sometimes I've even done that!  But what is the motivation behind that?  Could it be self righteous or trying to score points with a certain person?  I don't know about others, but I enjoy writing here and keeping it real.  If I didn't enjoy it, then I wouldn't be here!

Thinking ahead to next year, is it going to effect your life that much if some model flakes on you today that you will hoard that anger through for the next model who does show up?  Is the brand of camera that you have chosen to use going to effect your creativity so much that you wake up in the middle of the night and go "Damn! I should have gotten the Canon instead of the Nikon!?  If you wear MAC make up or real fur coats, you really will go to hell or is that a myth started by religious fundamentalists of the "Mayhem" Gods?  Is it going to effect your life tomorrow, next week, next month or in a year?  I believe in living for the moment, but don't lose the moment over trivial stuff!  So as the saying goes ... "Don't sweat the small stuff!"   

This website is not perfect.  One problem I see that wont be resolved anytime soon is the consistency factor.  I still don't see a consistent way of deciding who gets to have a profile here and who doesn't, nor do I see consistence in how the forum is monitored. That is because much of the rules are subjective, and with multiple moderator's opinions making it even more subject to controversy among the members.  Therefore we have the "Mayhem" that causes us to keep coming back!  I'm glad that we are ALL here!

Maybe rules shouldn't be "written in stone?"  Maybe the Mayhem is perfect just the way it IS?  People ask me how do I choose to work "with certain models?"   Well it's the ones who communicate with me the most.  A "model" who doesn't show up, doesn't return calls or reply to e-mail is not going to work with me anytime soon!  It's the model who calls me nearly on a daily basis, and answers e-mail from me who is going to shoot most often with me.  Right now I have two favorites, and they constantly "bother" me to shoot!  I LOVE IT! 

Are these two favorites the most "attractive" of all the models?  Probably not in many cases, yet they increase their attraction through the hard work and effort they put into modeling.  They are not whining about problems or a lack of work.  They are not being mean to anyone  nor self righteous to the point that their pride will prevent them from working.  These two models are on my top 12 list ... and they are an absolute JOY to work with!  big_smile  I recommend them to any photographer who wants to shoot with a great model.  (I will let you wonder just who those two models are!  LOL) 

So at least the whiners, meanies and hard heads are posting here!  I enjoy them all!  But it is sadly the ones that we never hear from that are losing out. It takes effort and courage to speak out!  For those of you who might come across as whiners, meanies or hard heads, at least you've spoken up.  Those of you who are of the opinion that you are some where in between ... that's all good too!  Nothing to worry about!

Now I could worry about those who are silent, perhaps from being too busy, or maybe scared that the whiners, meanies, or hard heads will not accept you here ... well I could worry, except that I don't even know you are here.  Remember "It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease!"

Hope that this is not too long, but those of you who know me already know I love to write alot!  tongue  Best wishes to everyone!

Dec 15 06 11:46 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Was this too long?

Dec 16 06 04:11 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
Was this too long?

Normally, no.
At4:15 am...hell yes.

Dec 16 06 04:13 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Nemi Bea wrote:

Normally, no.
At4:15 am...hell yes.

Ok, how about now?

Dec 16 06 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

you shouldnt drink alone, epecially tequilla

Dec 16 06 09:36 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Chili wrote:
you shouldnt drink alone, epecially tequilla

Some of these topics cause me to drink alone.  How did you know?

Dec 16 06 11:29 pm Link


Mia Mali

Posts: 1638

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm a sarcastic, non-chalant poster.
There are a good number of us on here, I'm pretty sure.  We like to pretend we're big meanie, smart-asses, but we mean feign those characteristics in good fun.

Dec 16 06 11:33 pm Link