Forums > General Industry > In the beginning...


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

I was having some fun with the internet Wayback Machine, and used it to take a look at the very early days of ModelMayhem. 

In the beginning, ModelMayhem was a very different place entirely. It wasn't even a model & photographer networking site:

Mayhem 2002 Home Page

Then, Tyler came along and created the ModelMayhem we all know today. Sure, it looks a little different, but I think this early version is interesting.

Mayhem 2004 Home Page

Hey, I wonder who the "Hawtest Hawtie on MM" would be today?  wink

Take a look at this early forum page. Notice that the "most users ever online" is listed as being only "3" at this point in time! Notice also, there were only 2 threads and 3 posts in the entire forum. (This was October 11, 2004.) My, how things have grown!  wink

Mayhem 2004 forum

I hope you enjoyed this short trip in the Wayback Machine. I just wish someone would invent an internet "Wayforward Machine"! I could make some really good use of one of those!  smile

take care,

Dec 14 06 11:05 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Wow! That's pretty cool!

Dec 14 06 11:22 pm Link