Forums > General Industry > The ethics of modelling


Dario Western

Posts: 704

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Check out this site for a discussion on the modelling industry.  I have put my two bobs worth in under the name 'tgg': … eling.html

Dec 14 06 12:03 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

That is a Christian website and forum not exactly an unbiased venue for discussion....

Dec 14 06 12:09 am Link


wirehead arts

Posts: 273

Sunnyvale, California, US

Silly kiddies.

I am quite fond of nude-photography-as-a-recreation-of-Eden. tongue

Dec 14 06 01:31 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
That is a Christian website and forum not exactly an unbiased venue for discussion....

I concur.

Dec 14 06 01:33 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
That is a Christian website and forum not exactly an unbiased venue for discussion....

It's not inherently biased just because it's a Christian website and forum, but it certainly IS biased. smile

The OP ends with a leading question ("I think that it can lead to sexual thoughts which is why I'm thinking that modeling may be frowned upon. ", and the first of the following posts buy into that bias, as do some of the others. Most are speaking the same 'language', but a few are using english words to mean something quite different than their context indicates.

Dec 14 06 02:48 am Link


Mia Mali

Posts: 1638

Los Angeles, California, US

wirehead arts wrote:
Silly kiddies.

I am quite fond of nude-photography-as-a-recreation-of-Eden. tongue


Dec 14 06 02:51 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

So God created something in His image that we are basically supposed to be ashamed of? I fail to understand that logic.

Dec 14 06 03:05 am Link


Mia Mali

Posts: 1638

Los Angeles, California, US

Leonard Gee Photography wrote:
So God created something in His image that we are basically supposed to be ashamed of? I fail to understand that logic.

I don't mind showing off the human body (obviously), it's about how we respect the human being inside of it that matters.
Maybe they should look at that.

Dec 14 06 03:17 am Link


Tom Winstead

Posts: 551

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Maybe the self-appointed moralist types would like it better if ALL women wore burkhas?

Dec 14 06 09:12 am Link