Forums > General Industry > Be afraid... be VERY afraid: We will ban YOU!!!


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

PapaVic Photography wrote:
what's all the fuss


They are banning people left and right !

Dec 15 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

carlo Di Paolo wrote:
They are banning people left and right !


We don't care if someone is a liberal or conservative wink , they violate the rules and get time out... or when they just don't want to learn that personal attacks are a no no... it's bye bye.

Dec 15 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 3241

San Diego, California, US

UdoR wrote:


We don't care if someone is a liberal or conservative wink , they violate the rules and get time out... or when they just don't want to learn that personal attacks are a no no... it's bye bye.

You're so sexy when you discipline!

Dec 15 06 10:27 am Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Go ahead... ban me!  It would get me away from this damn screen to do more productive things.  Go ahead... I'm begging you!  BAN ME... BAN ME DAMMIT!!!

Dec 15 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Miya wrote:

You're so sexy when you discipline!

Dec 15 06 10:30 am Link


Mr Maki

Posts: 633

Tallahassee, Florida, US

i did not know people were getting banned

Dec 15 06 11:25 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

UdoR wrote:
Guys... MM'ers...

What the f#@K is going on???

Wrong forum. Please move and send UdoR to the Brig!

Dec 15 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 7840


i had a back up profile suggested by a mod as i was being attacked and ''stalked'' under Anjel Britt
but that back up  TAKE2  which was clearly marked as such since august
was deleted today

is there Noooo Safety??

Dec 15 06 07:47 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

UdoR...I get what you're saying.

Please don't ban me.

But can Garry K be put back on time out for his Tape Her Up and Daniela V Make Me Laugh thread since it had derogatory undertones?  (Yes, yes, yes...I know it was already locked!)

Dec 15 06 07:55 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

Holy mother of God!
They are banning people left and right!
Watch what you say, hide your good pics.
There are some that never get banned, no matter what, but the rest of us must be careful.
I'm sure to get banned after speaking out.

Dec 15 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 923

Hudson, Florida, US

Free Willy!!!!!

Dec 15 06 09:17 pm Link


Ed Stringbourne

Posts: 16319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
UdoR...I get what you're saying.

Please don't ban me.

But can Garry K be put back on time out for his Tape Her Up and Daniela V Make Me Laugh thread since it had derogatory undertones?  (Yes, yes, yes...I know it was already locked!)

Dude, just let it go. It'll end up making you look bad too, y'know?

Dec 15 06 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 131

Austin, Indiana, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Ban all the regulars on April Fool's day 2007. Just for a few hours. That would be a good one.

haha that actually would be kind of funny

Dec 15 06 09:37 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

UdoR for President!  Let's amend the constitution and get out and VOTE FOR UDO!

Dec 15 06 09:40 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

UdoR wrote:
Guys... MM'ers...

What the f#@K is going on???

Even John is making a silly disclaimer about "please don't ban me"... and then, a benign message follows.

I saw a few other threads, posts and remarks like that...

PEOPLE! Are you friggin' NUTS?

Granted... some moderators are rather short fused in the past few weeks, especially since the inception of the Pit and the result in the overall tone that developed afterwards and a handfull of members who became repeat offenders in rule violations.

Granted also, it may appear as that the rules are not applied to everybody equally... but that is unintentionally.

You have to understand that there are regulars, who KNOW the rules, but try to circumvent those and working against the community and against the moderators who are trying to keep this community civil... and those repeat offenders are often dealt a tougher hand, because they are doing it on purpose and hence making our work as moderators even more difficult.

Yes, there have been disciplinary actions being taken that don't look fair to the affected and outside members... and there is ALWAYS the CAM feature to make your case in the moderator section of MM.

But... c'mon... you will (usually!) not being banned, or thrown into the Brig unless you are violating the rules as stated in our TOS... and those temporary actions are intended to make clear to the offenders that we are serious about enforcing our rules.

It appears that you guys have the impression that it is so overmoderated now, that you are afraid of wrong punctuation in a paragraph and you will be banned.

Get... a... friggin'... grip... on... reality!

Follow the rules of MM and you don't have to fear to be banned.

There are several top professionals on MM, models, photographers and stylists who seem to be able to interact with other members of this community without resorting to name calling, flaming etc... but either contribute lighthearted comments... or solid advise in their particular field.

Let those people be an example of what we are looking for, here on MM...

All the best


P.S.: To the mods: I posted it on purpose in General Mayhem and not in Site Related Discussions. Don't move it and don't ban me(!) for posting in the "wrong" forum... PLEAZZEEE... big_smile

very well handled

Dec 15 06 10:42 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

where is Steven Bigler when you need him most

Dec 15 06 10:43 pm Link


Ed Stringbourne

Posts: 16319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Banned, probably. What is Ched's malfunction?

Dec 15 06 11:31 pm Link