Forums > General Industry > It goes both ways


Francisco Castro

Posts: 2630

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I occasionally see models on social media complaining that no one has asked then to shoot in a while. I casually remind them that they can instigate the conversation and approach photographers whose work they like.

Even then some don't understand what I just said.

Oct 31 23 09:12 pm Link


Roaring 20s

Posts: 141

Los Angeles, California, US

Francisco Castro wrote:
I occasionally see models on social media complaining that no one has asked then to shoot in a while. I casually remind them that they can instigate the conversation and approach photographers whose work they like.

Even then some don't understand what I just said.

that's funny, yeah reminds me how useful the availability notice feature is when its being used. other networks don't have that specifically, but there are ways to accomplish something similar.

Nov 11 23 06:12 pm Link


Angel House Portraits

Posts: 323

Orlando, Florida, US

Just about any female model posting in FB will get 30 or more replies in less than 24 hours. More if the model has a nice look. If it’s for paid work that’s another matter.

Nov 12 23 01:47 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Angel House Portraits wrote:
Just about any female model posting in FB will get 30 or more replies in less than 24 hours. More if the model has a nice look. If it’s for paid work that’s another matter.

Most models, and people in general, on Facebook have friends/followers all across the US and the rest of the world.
It isn't particularly effective to post availability on FB if most of her followers are no where near her area.

That's why the MM Casting Calls Forum is so useful. I see posts there for both paid and trade.

Nov 13 23 08:14 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45264

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Red Sky Photography wrote:
Most models, and people in general, on Facebook have friends/followers all across the US and the rest of the world.
It isn't particularly effective to post availability on FB if most of her followers are no where near her area.

That's why the MM Casting Calls Forum is so useful. I see posts there for both paid and trade.

There are plenty of Groups that are geographical in nature for models and photographers on both Facebook and Instagram.  The search function kicks MM's you know what.  Most of the models that travel post in those groups too.  You can easily focus on the region you want with the search engine there.  It is effective.

Nov 13 23 10:34 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

There are plenty of Groups that are geographical in nature for models and photographers on both Facebook and Instagram.  The search function kicks MM's you know what.  Most of the models that travel post in those groups too.  You can easily focus on the region you want with the search engine there.  It is effective.

I'm a member of four local model/photographer groups and one East Coast group. It's rare that any model posts an availability notice on there, and none of the traveling models I know post on there. Your mileage may vary smile

Nov 15 23 07:55 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Good models will always be able to find paid work, there will always be a demand from the fashion/clothing and advertising industries.

Nov 16 23 08:41 am Link



Posts: 2818

Los Angeles, California, US

JSouthworth wrote:
Good models will always be able to find paid work, there will always be a demand from the fashion/clothing and advertising industries.

I am sure models all over the world are comforted and consoled by your assurance, but the more grounded ones have to look at the onset of generative AI imagery with extreme trepidation.

Nov 16 23 09:30 am Link



Posts: 20631

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Francisco Castro wrote:
I occasionally see models on social media complaining that no one has asked then to shoot in a while. I casually remind them that they can instigate the conversation and approach photographers whose work they like.

Even then some don't understand what I just said.

The internet is finally catching up!
My pet peeve is when people don't reply to emails sent to them as THEY requested.
(they think they're either too good or they're too lazy to reply even thought it's to politely decline)
I personally block them so I never make the mistake of wasting my time replying to them again.

Finally, yesterday on a FB group that I monitor a model posted a message asking for TFP.
3 hours later there wasn't one response.  Most posts like hers would have at least a half dozen in that amount of time.(Another model that posted after she did got almost 50 replies so far albeit the second model is much more marketable and experienced)

Fearing, yet hoping to start a bit of trouble I made a comment that if she would have at least replied to the people that responded to her last post asking for TFP, maybe she'd have a few offers.

I thought the white knights would be out in force trying to skewer me.

As of now there are a couple of people that 'like' my comment, and one person offering her to do a TFP.

Nov 16 23 09:54 am Link


Beyond Boudoir Photo

Posts: 416

Portland, Oregon, US

Since MM has slowed down, I've been spending way too much time trying to make Instagram perform like MM.  A lot of women on IG who I believe are models don't bother to list their location or even state that they are models.  It's horribly inefficient.

I'd love to hear how other photographers find models on IG.  I don't seem to have a lot of luck searching.  What works for you?

Is there "one weird trick" that works?

Nov 16 23 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 41

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Beyond Boudoir Photo wrote:
Since MM has slowed down, I've been spending way too much time trying to make Instagram perform like MM.  A lot of women on IG who I believe are models don't bother to list their location or even state that they are models.  It's horribly inefficient.

I'd love to hear how other photographers find models on IG.  I don't seem to have a lot of luck searching.  What works for you?

Is there "one weird trick" that works?

I only just figured this out recently (I am a bit dull and slow on such things) but a little cross reference helps.

If the model links in at least one other site, I go check that out. (As in, if the model on MM links IG, I go check out the depth of posts there versus the posts on MM). It isn't hard, or even time consuming.

I have recently discovered another site similar in principle to MM with out the forums, where models list some of their portfolio, plus links to IG and TicTok. If one claims to have over a thousand followers (particularly over 10K), but had exactly the same limited folio (despite apparent years since creation of account), yeah it isn't worth trying to establish a link...

Nov 17 23 12:12 am Link


Eternal Photos

Posts: 88

Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Beyond Boudoir Photo wrote:
Since MM has slowed down, I've been spending way too much time trying to make Instagram perform like MM.  A lot of women on IG who I believe are models don't bother to list their location or even state that they are models.  It's horribly inefficient.

I'd love to hear how other photographers find models on IG.  I don't seem to have a lot of luck searching.  What works for you?

Is there "one weird trick" that works?

One trick is to find photographers that shoot similar themes (Beach shots, art nudes... whatever) as you do in your area and go to their IG account.  Scroll through their photos (looking at tags) and friends followers/following.  Yes there will be some out of town, many family and friends. but you will find local talent that way as well and most (not all) models will have photos that look like they are into modeling as their profile pic.

Nov 17 23 01:26 pm Link