Forums > General Industry > LA Market?



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I am thinking of moving to the LA area in September, can anyone help me with what the fashion/advertising market is like out there, anything that would persuade me to move there or not to move there. Just curious. I don't really want to move there blindly. I would love any feedback I can get.

Dec 13 06 05:01 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Like an open Rose

Posts: 9754

Los Angeles, California, US

It is the place to be. well besides New York. But its warm.

Dec 13 06 05:03 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

L.A. is the place to be.
(Maybe Singapore is nice too)

Dec 13 06 05:16 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I think your biggest incentive of packing up all your things and moving to L.A. is that
ClassActPhotography is situated out there. I heard he was the best!
He's pretty much considered the best photographer in L.A.
(if not the world)

Well then I will have to  look you up when I get there and do lunch.

Dec 13 06 05:20 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

Any help out there at all? There has to be more to the LA area market than the weather?

Dec 13 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I really really could use some valuable info....anyone? Or is it that the market out there is so saturated that there is no market at all?

Dec 13 06 05:10 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

Um there are more people to work with, the cost of living it WAY TO much you will find your self packing up again and heading back home.

Dec 13 06 05:14 pm Link


Elana Rachel

Posts: 266

Boston, Massachusetts, US

The cost of living is pretty high. There are also a lot of people out here to work with/a lot of people vying for the same jobs you are. LA really is a small town where who you know actually does get you work...

I'd say come for an extended visit before packing everything and moving out here. That way you can meet some people and establish a few jobs/connections before uprooting.

I must say, LA is a great place to live and everyone should try it at least once in their life smile

Dec 13 06 05:19 pm Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I don't think I will be heading back home, "home" is the middle of KS, living there is insentive for anyone to move. I am in Denver now and the cost seems quite comparable atleast for the crazy lifestyle I live.

Dec 13 06 05:20 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US


we know nothing but live in L.A

Dec 13 06 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I didn't mean it that way, i just ment that finances really are not a problem for me.

Dec 13 06 05:25 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

Make a trip down here, and if you already have ur mind set, on it.  Are you planning on moving in the heart of L.A or the out skirts of L.A.

Where I live, I live in a house with a few other people and pay rent, I looked into a appt, the cheapest where I live and this is in the ghetto its 1200 a month.  There not very nice at all.

Dec 13 06 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Shane_Photo wrote:
I didn't mean it that way, i just ment that finances really are not a problem for me.

Then LA baby is your kind of town!

I loved living in LA, wished I was back there, and probably will be again soon. I never paid a lot of attention to commercial modeling and photography out there, but there appeared to be a lot of it, and a lot of modeling agencies separate from the talent agencies.

I don't really know how it compares to New York and Miami as far as opportunities for a model, but it has to beat nearly everything else.

Dec 13 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Oops, just noticed you're a photographer, not a model. Probably not as rosy a picture then, since in addition to the commercial and fashion photographers there are also tons of celebrity shooters and thousands and thousands of guys shooting actor headshots while waiting for their own big break. A lot of these tend to cross over.

And when people talk about the cost of living, if you're coming from the middle of the country, prepare to stagger backward and gasp.

Dec 13 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

I am surpised you are questioning something like that.

Just simply check out other photographers work and rates.  If their work is better then yours and the hardly have any work(credits) then it is most likely that you wouldn't get whole-bunch-of-paid-work either.

Of course there is always client-photog relationship.  Some photographers aren't necessarily that good, the are just "that smart" smile

Dec 13 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

Well in all actuality this survey is for school I have not been able to get LA photographers to return my phone calls or e-mails and I have contacted just under 200 photographers. So this was a last min desperation thing. So if any one has any other info it would be greatly appreciated.

As for the prices of rent...I have housing taken care of when I get out there through the same company I am renting from now. I am in good standing with the company and they are willing to make a deal with me in which ever suburb I decide to live in. I will not live downtown LA. I like to drive and I like to take the bus, so either mode of transportation will be fine with me. I would like to know some more of what will help me to break into the market, or add agencies, or fashion houses I should look into. If anyone has experience, or knowledge I would love that kind of stuff. Or just explain the energy from your shoots. Every little bit helps.

Dec 13 06 11:04 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

WELL C'mon already people!
What nobody lives in CA? smile

Dec 13 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

Fashion work in LA is nothing like fashion work in NY or Europe.  You want to shoot fashion go somewhere else.  You want to shoot advertising or celebrities come to LA.  Ofcourse you can't put on a blindfold, spin around in a cirlce, and spit, without hitting a photographer here.  There quite a few.  I've lived all over and I keep coming back to LA, you should at least check it out.

Dec 13 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I definitely plan too Check out LA I want to assist for a year, and see where I am then either stay and go for the gusto, or move to a new market possibly assist another year, then definitely start out on my own. I am doing freelance stuff here in Denver so I am getting a small taste of what the game is about, but Denver is a really small market.

Dec 13 06 11:34 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Shane_Photo wrote:
and I like to take the bus

You've never been to LA have you?

Dec 13 06 11:43 pm Link


ejen chuang

Posts: 25

Los Angeles, California, US


I echo the advice mention by the other replies. Try it out for a while - give it a year or so. For photography (and this is only my opinion), the top three markets would be Los Angeles, Miami and New York. I suggest New York since you're will be 5 hours from Los Angeles and 7 hours from London. That puts you smack in the middle of the action.

As for fashion - New York would be it. Despite what people says fashion isn't LA's strong suit. For edgy fashion work, the model would be flown in from New York. For lifestyle look, they get them from agencies here. At least that's what I saw when I started assisting here.

I suggest moving here for a while and assisting to see what interest you. What you may like in school may be different once you get into the business of it and assisting gives you a pretty good idea of checking out what goes on in the different fields.

I also suggest whichever place you move to, to get a job at a rental house. Not only do you get to have hands-on with all the Profoto, Speedos and other gadgets, you'll meet photographers (or at least their first assistants) and you'll get a lay of the land. The downside is they usually don't pay that much at this houses but the experience you'll get will be well worth it. I say I learn MUCH more assisting & working at a rental house than I learn at school.

....also take business courses - photography is actually 90% paperwork, marketing, business and 10% shooting - you'll need it ! Plus join APA and Editorial Photographers - they have great online forums which you can hear what's concerning the industry.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me off-board.



Dec 14 06 12:00 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

I drove a truck full of cows there once (Long Story...In short I am one of those people who is a Jack of all trades) that is about my experience in LA. I, however, have spent lots of time in most of the nations other large cities such as Atlanta, Washington DC, Dallas, New York, Orlando, Miami, Seattle, etc. I usually don't stay in 1 place very long, in fact, living in Denver for 3 years actually surprises me, I can't remember living anywhere that long outside of my childhood. I love to travel and try new things.

Dec 14 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

Ok 1 last chance to tell me bout LA before I wright this report.

Dec 14 06 12:36 am Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Shane_Photo wrote:
Ok 1 last chance to tell me bout LA before I wright this report.

It's the shit! Can't beat the weather. Can beat the cost of living. It's saturated.  Better have a backup plan.

Let's see, what else?

Dec 14 06 12:45 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Ah, LA. Be careful not to trip over any models or actresses there. It'll be hard because as you zig to miss them a photographer will zag into you.

You'll be facing tough competition & great talent. And it you want to work with an ad agency, you'd better get a decent book together.

Dec 14 06 01:11 am Link



Posts: 255

Valencia, California, US

The market is SATURATED with photographers, wanna be photographers, and's getting harder and harder to break into the scene, and rates are being driven down....the best way is to assist the best fashion photographers you can..which again will be a tough gig to can be done it is NOT easy....

when there's a will there's a way!


Dec 14 06 01:17 am Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

Thank you to everyone that has helped me out, the paper has been written. Feel free to keep giving me info, as to it is quite enlightening, and will most definitely help upon my arrival in LA.

Dec 14 06 01:39 am Link


Fotographic Aspirations

Posts: 1966

Long Beach, California, US

Dog eat dog in LA !  Throw a rock in any direction and a good chance you will hit a model or someone who wants to be one .....

Go out for a casting call to a good paying gig and expect 100 other girls all wanting the job.

It can be an ugly place.

But lots of great photographers / networking and action.


Dec 14 06 01:45 am Link


Michelle Renee

Posts: 1073

Los Angeles, California, US

I have lived here (L.A.) for the past 14 years and I do love it. Taking the bus really is not feasible here. Driving is an absolute must. (After living in New York right before L.A., it was a drastic change.)

The cost of living is high in some aspects (rent, car insurance is really high) but I think many other cities are catching up. I have a pretty high standard of living, (have owned a home here, have 3 vehicles) and I am a teacher in my full time job, and I have never had issue making ends meet, and we all know what teachers make.

As for a photographer, yes, there are a million, but you never know until you try. I say just move here for the weather anyway, lol!

Dec 14 06 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

The weather is definitely one of LA,s selling points. The warm temperatures sound really good in comparison to the fact I have been looking at ice and snow for the last 14 days. When does summer get here again? Lol.

Dec 14 06 10:27 pm Link


aon duine

Posts: 1063

There are too many people in LA. Don't come.

The city is full of smog and crime and shallow people and you will get lost everywhere you go. It's not that warm either.

If one more person adds to the traffic on the 405, they're gonna get shot.

Dec 14 06 11:21 pm Link



Posts: 153

Denver, Colorado, US

Eric Zoolander wrote:
There are too many people in LA. Don't come.

The city is full of smog and crime and shallow people and you will get lost everywhere you go. It's not that warm either.

If one more person adds to the traffic on the 405, they're gonna get shot.

Sounds like my kind of place. See you on the 405

Dec 15 06 06:46 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

I think it's fairly common knowledge that the most beautiful and humble women in the world live in L.A.
Enough said.

Dec 15 06 07:07 am Link


Emmie Levieux

Posts: 163

Sacramento, California, US

i find la to be much more media oriented than fashion oriented, especially when comparing it to new york.  its a lot younger than new york (not necessarily the models/photogs themselves, but the industry) and things are a lot can it say this?...spastic? all about fifteen minutes of fame? and in my opinion a lot less serious and professional than new york.

like i said, this is my opinion, based on my own experiences, and the experiences of those close to me.

Dec 15 06 09:24 am Link