Forums > General Industry > They say I should quit


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

A couple of people suggested that I should start modeling to get my face out there, and then I can venture into the acting business much easier.

I'm not quite sure it works that way anywhere outside of Los Angeles, FWIW.

Ask yourself a few things. Do you feel like you are wasting your time? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you achieveing anything that you set out to acheive?


I don't model for pay, so according to many people, I am definitely wasting my time.  However, I enjoy it, so I continue to do it on the side for fun.  I have pretty realistic expectations though.  I'm very short, and am unwilling to become anorexic or move to a bigger market area, so... it is what it is.  Coincidentally, one of the reasons I model is because I don't have enough spare time for musical theater anymore.  Shoots are much more time-efficient.

Dec 14 06 07:01 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US


First things first, there are some people who  -no matter how hard they try-  will never be "successful" in what they do.  Admittedly, that could even include me, as I might not acheive the things I want as a photographer.  Take that as a given.

Second, there are always people who will be negative.  There might be people who do not understand what you do or why and will be against it despite the fact.  They don't help your cause because they can't make a realistic assessment of what you do.  How could they if they don't really know about or are overly negative regardless of what you say?  Take that as a given, too.

Third (and closely related to the second), is a flip side of that.  To me, they're most dangerous.  These are the people who hate to see quitters and will pump you full of hope-juice (that sounds a little... naughty) no matter what.  They don't want to see you quit no matter how much time you've wasted.  Or money you've wasted.  Or how much you get stressed.  They will always tell you to keep going or trying or whatever.

The key, in my opinion, is to be able to recognize people in the second two groups so that they don't lead you astray.  You should be realistic enough with yourself to see when you fall into the first group.  Normally, my response to anyone who is seriously considering quitting is to go ahead and do it... before someone with some drive eats you for breakfast.  But that might be consider a bit... Darwinian.

So I'll say this: Be aggressive in your learning and your approach.  Be realistic about your target market and how you fit in.  Then assess your progress by way of clear goals.  Don't just drift. 

And take the time to relax and enjoy what you do.  You might just find some fun with this completely by accident.  And if you have fun and enjoy this, then your friends and family are crazy to tell you to stop.

Unless, of course, you're having fun because you've started sniffing glue or whatever new drug models are into now because at that point your friends and family would have a point but I digress...

Dec 14 06 07:36 pm Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

i think you're doing swell.  people often feel resentful when someone close to them changes direction.  in the begining, they were supportive because it sounded like a great idea. but now that you're begining to gain traction, they're realizing you're going somewhere. often times, people take it personally, as if you're ditching them in favor of something new.

if you're asking for my advice, i think you should continue to do what makes you happy... and surround yourself with people accordingly.

Dec 14 06 09:35 pm Link