Forums > General Industry > Page Views - vs. - Comments ?


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Some people will say that the number of page views or comments an image gets in your Model Mayhem portfolio doesn't matter at all. For those people, you can stop reading here. Please go to another thread that will interest you more.  smile

My questions here are directed toward those people who do place some meaning or value on page views and comments.

Which is generally considered better or most important:

A photo with a far larger number of page views than your average, but fewer comments than the average image in your port.

The opposite condition:  A photo with a larger number of comments than your average, but fewer page views than the average image in your port.

Also, what weight would you place on the ratio of comments to page views?

I personally think that's a fairly good measure of an image's success. If most of the page views resulted in a comment (a very rare situation), I would say that image was very successful in "selling itself" to the Model Mayhem public, and motivating them enough to make a comment.

On the other hand, an image with a staggering number of page views, but only one or two comments, might be considered mediocre, or even a failure, in comparison to the image with a high ratio of comments, even if the high-ratio image has fewer page views. This is because the image with the very low ratio of comments failed to motivate the audience sufficiently to make a comment. They might actually like the image with the low ratio, but it still failed to motivate them as much as the image with the higher ratio of comments.

One last thing: 
For the sake of discussion, let's assume that all hypothetical images have been in the portfolio for the same amount of time, and that all of them have had an equal chance to be seen by the public. It's obviously harder to compare an image that's only been in your portfolio for a few hours with one that has been there for an entire year.  smile

Like I said earlier, for those people that think page views and comments are irrelevant, just let this thread pass on by. I realize how the number of page views can be manipulated, and I realize that even at best, this is the realm of nebulous speculation. I also realize that page views doesn't put rent money in your pocket, or models in front of your camera (at least, not directly.) So, please don't waste your time reminding me of all this.

I happen to think there is some statistical value to be gleaned from the views and comments. I realize it's nebulous, but I do believe it has a certain value.

I look forward to hearing people's comments.


Dec 09 06 10:24 am Link


Steve M

Posts: 114

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

I think the content of the image has a lot to to with views, for instance my photos with the most views tend to be those of scantily clad or nude models. These have very few comments.

Portraits for instance tend to get more comments with a much lower amount of views than those outlined above.

So I often wonder just what type of person is viewing the photographs here?

For me comments are more important than views because I can learn from them as long as they say more than "hot model" "who is she?" or "like it!"

Dec 09 06 10:36 am Link


mr. wizard

Posts: 251

Alameda, California, US

the subjectivity of page views and comments frustrates me, but I don't have a better solution to offer.

most of my comments have been of the "return the favor" variety, after I've said something nice about someone's work.  that's cool, but not always useful.  most of my page views come after I've posted a link in a forum.  I wouldn't expect many comments then, because people are bouncing around a lot.

page views at least show me that people are looking.  what matters most, to me, at least, are comments with substance, however they come.

funny, my shot that has the most comments is maybe the strongest artistically and also one of my weakest technically.

while we're on the subject, it would be nice to have a way to read comments without increasing my own page view count.

Dec 09 06 10:39 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

Some people like to get an eyeful of certain images but are afraid to leave evidence of it

Dec 09 06 10:45 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

How about the picture that has high page views in both the photographers and models portfolio, but no comments in one port and lots of comments in the other port.
What does this say"?
Or does it mean nothing at all?

Dec 09 06 10:49 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

mr. wizard wrote:
while we're on the subject, it would be nice to have a way to read comments without increasing my own page view count.

That would indeed be a great improvement on the current system. I've wished for such a thing since I first started using Model Mayhem.

Dec 09 06 10:52 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

digital Artform wrote:
Some people like to get an eyeful of certain images but are afraid to leave evidence of it

Yes, I think that happens with a lot of bondage portfolios, and with images that really push the sexual envelope of what can be shown here on Model Mayhem. Such images often get lots of hits, but a relatively low ratio of comments for all those hits. I often wonder if many people are too self-conscious or embarrased to make a comment on such an image, even if they really like the image?

Dec 09 06 10:56 am Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

It is interesting to see the differences when the photographer & model have the identical photo in their portfolios.  I have a photo in my portfolio that has received 100 views and a couple of comments.  The identical photo in the model's portfolio has over 600 views and 18 comments. smile

Dec 09 06 11:02 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Chris Macan wrote:
How about the picture that has high page views in both the photographers and models portfolio, but no comments in one port and lots of comments in the other port.
What does this say"?
Or does it mean nothing at all?

I've seen that happen before with sexy glamour images. The photographer would get fewer hits, and practically no comments. My theory is, the photo probably wasn't a technical or creative tour de force on the part of the photographer, but everyone thought the model was sexy and they wanted to shoot with her. So, the photographer gets a lot of views, because everyone wants to see the hot model up close and personal, (and they might be looking for the model's link as well), but they don't comment on the photography, because it's the model that has their attention, and not the photographer's skills. Meanwhile, on the model's portfolio, she gets a lot of views AND comments, because lots of people are wanting to shoot with her next, hoping their images will also look as sexy as that one.

I've also seen the reverse situation, where the photographer got most of the hits and comments. In that case, the photo was more of a quirky art-nude piece, but not a glamourous image. The model is indeed a sexy model, but not portrayed in a glamourous manner in this instance. I believe that most of the people viewing this image were attracted to the concept of the photo, and to it's photographic qualities. The model's body and attractiveness were not the main focal points of the image, and the concept and artistic qualities won out in this case.

take care,

Dec 09 06 11:06 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Jim Ball wrote:
It is interesting to see the differences when the photographer & model have the identical photo in their portfolios.  I have a photo in my portfolio that has received 100 views and a couple of comments.  The identical photo in the model's portfolio has over 600 views and 18 comments. smile

Photographers are mostly looking for models to work with and will comment more on a models port than a photographers port as that is someone they wish to work with.

Dec 09 06 11:19 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

A few other factors that affect the number of views and comments on images that exist in more than one portfolio:

One of the portfolios could simply have more visitors in general. Maybe the model, the MUA, or the photographer is simply more established and more well-known? Maybe their portfolio just gets more traffic in general?

Maybe one of the people involved does a better job of "promoting" their work? Some people post a lot in forums, make announcements on the main page, spend time in the Shout Box, send out lots of MM messages to friends and prospective collaborators, etc. All of these things will tend to get your portfolio more attention. If the image in question happens to be your avatar, this can especially be the case.

One person uses the image as their avatar, while the other person doesn't. Using the image as an avatar is a good way to get it noticed.

Dec 09 06 11:28 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Glen Berry wrote:
I've seen that happen before with sexy glamour images. The photographer would get fewer hits, and practically no comments. My theory is, the photo probably wasn't a technical or creative tour de force on the part of the photographer, but everyone thought the model was sexy and they wanted to shoot with her. So, the photographer gets a lot of views, because everyone wants to see the hot model up close and personal, (and they might be looking for the model's link as well), but they don't comment on the photography, because it's the model that has their attention, and not the photographer's skills. Meanwhile, on the model's portfolio, she gets a lot of views AND comments, because lots of people are wanting to shoot with her next, hoping their images will also look as sexy as that one.

I've also seen the reverse situation, where the photographer got most of the hits and comments. In that case, the photo was more of a quirky art-nude piece, but not a glamourous image. The model is indeed a sexy model, but not portrayed in a glamourous manner in this instance. I believe that most of the people viewing this image were attracted to the concept of the photo, and to it's photographic qualities. The model's body and attractiveness were not the main focal points of the image, and the concept and artistic qualities won out in this case.

take care,

Interestingly in my case all of the comments are on the models page (zero on the photographers (my) page)
But if you read the comments 2/3rds are about the photographs style and not about how the model looks.
It's kind of a combo of your two senerios

Dec 09 06 11:49 am Link



Posts: 982

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

to me its more who left the comment.   i had a model leave a nice comment after we disagreed in a thread.   so i know she was honest.     i also had a really awesome proffesional photographer leave a nice comment and that made my day.    some of the people who leave comments basically saying nothing i dont find a plus or minus , just a waste of time.   i havent had that in my port but ive seen it in other ports alot.

Dec 09 06 12:55 pm Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

If I have an image with comments that are mostly 'hot!' or 'we should get together sometime babe' or if I get a lot more male models giving me comments instead of photographers or makeup artists then I know the image has passed artistic and is headed in the wrong direction. I apply this especially to nudes.

  And I do put more weight on an image that has more comments but less views. The whole point of the image is to be provoking, if it's not then it shouldn't be up.

Dec 09 06 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Certain photos I've posted in the "your favorite" kind of threads have had the views skyrocket astonishingly due to the exposure traffic wink (I already took down the one with about 850 views)

Dec 09 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 184

Washington, District of Columbia, US

from my experiences ppl usually gravitate to the images that show the most skin...

Dec 09 06 03:26 pm Link


Studio Spike

Posts: 978

New York, New York, US

there are two horizontal images in the middle of your port page.....same setting, same model.

Image on the left doesn't show boobs:  76 views.
Image on the right shows boobs:  367 views.

Do you reeeaaaaally need the pattern pointed out to you?

Dec 09 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Chris Macan wrote:
How about the picture that has high page views in both the photographers and models portfolio, but no comments in one port and lots of comments in the other port.
What does this say"?
Or does it mean nothing at all?

Yeah I've wondered that too.  I have an image on my page that has comments on it, but on the photog's page, no comments at all.

It makes me wonder if maybe my image made his profile worse sad

Dec 09 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 279

Palo Alto, California, US

My girlfriend is an accomplished artist.......She has said a few times that if eveyone likes your work then you are just average and that is not what you want....Meaning that the majority of people do not have a high artistic sense, kind of like (hope I am not offending anyone here but) Brittney Spears, millions of admirers but how much talent..........So if less people appreciate your work, but those few have a high sense of art, then that is what you are looking for.

Dec 09 06 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Jim Ball wrote:
It is interesting to see the differences when the photographer & model have the identical photo in their portfolios.  I have a photo in my portfolio that has received 100 views and a couple of comments.  The identical photo in the model's portfolio has over 600 views and 18 comments. smile

You can't be serious....everyone hits on hot models, and wants their attention.
   Hot (great) photogs get tons of models tags, friends.
   Hot models get....well you know

Dec 09 06 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Funny, I wondering the same thing on the way home...if I should pay ANY attention to these things....images I really love get few or no comments, and others, cute or stylish get lots.
I've see God awful, & unflattering images on other's pages get raves.... and really wonder what folks are seeing.
   Then again I regularly notice (womens) magazine covers, that feature dull,unflattering celebrity images....and wonder if the actor's publicist is brain dead.

Dec 09 06 07:59 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Studio Spike wrote:
there are two horizontal images in the middle of your port page.....same setting, same model.

Image on the left doesn't show boobs:  76 views.
Image on the right shows boobs:  367 views.

Do you reeeaaaaally need the pattern pointed out to you?

Thanks for visiting, but what does that have to do with my original questions concerning the relative importance or meaning of the ratio of page views versus comments?

I think we all know that an image which shows nudity will usually get more page views than a similar image whis contains no nudity. Although, I've also seen the image with nudity garner fewer views and comments in some cases. It's definitely just a tendency, and not a rule.

To put you a little closer on topic, look at row #4, photo #4 of my portfolio. It shows a blonde model with red bra and g-string. The next image, on row #5, image #1, shows the same model in the same setting, but now topless, and with one hand tucked in her red leather pants.

The image without any nudity currently has 133 views, and the image which shows breasts currently had 354 views. The image with the exposed breasts has over twice the number of views.

However, if we look that the number of comments, the image that does not show breasts has 9 comments, and the image that does show breasts only has 3 comments. When looking at the number of comments only, the image with no nudity now seems more popular than the image with exposed breasts. In fact, it appears to be 3 times more poplular!

Judging from the number of views and comments, which image is more popular? Which image is more valuable to the portfolio? Do we go by the number of views and declare the topless shot the winner, or do we go by the number of comments and declare the clothed shot with the red bra to be the winner?

take care,

Dec 09 06 09:03 pm Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

digital Artform wrote:
Some people like to get an eyeful of certain images but are afraid to leave evidence of it

VERY nicely put

Dec 09 06 09:06 pm Link


Studio Spike

Posts: 978

New York, New York, US

Glen Berry wrote:
Judging from the number of views and comments, which image is more popular? Which image is more valuable to the portfolio?

even the the most horrific, awful, amateurish shots here on MM manage to garner comments ( "that's hot!", "when are we doing a shoot together!" , etc. ).  I think you need to give up on the idea of extrapolating any useful data from these numbers.

Dec 09 06 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan


"Some people like to get an eyeful of certain images but are afraid to leave evidence of it"

"Yes, I think that happens with a lot of bondage portfolios, and with images that really push the sexual envelope of what can be shown here on Model Mayhem. Such images often get lots of hits, but a relatively low ratio of comments for all those hits. I often wonder if many people are too self-conscious or embarrased to make a comment on such an image, even if they really like the image?"

big_smile  This is true - voyeurs welcome!

Dec 12 06 02:10 pm Link


John W Cochran

Posts: 1266

Auburn, Alabama, US

I find the numbers interesting, and most the points I would bring up have been brought up already.

I probably comment more on model images, not sure, if I follow links to a photographer and like some of his work or the concepts I generally will leave a comment or a tag.  I generally try to point out what or why I feel the image is good and why I'm taking the time to comment on it.

The thing I like to do when I have to time to browse is to look at the photo comments of say a medium to low quality shot (imho) but thats lots of comments like "you so hot",  "great shot", etc... and view the profile of those people.

Now I know I need to work on several issues in my port, so I'm not dissing people its just fun to see.


Dec 12 06 02:40 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Really depends on whos looking at your pictures and why

ir If a Photog like Talbot or were to look at /comment one of my photos - I would 100 x the weight of the average GWC

Dec 12 06 04:20 pm Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

It is simply a wank meter with a brown nose.

So sad but true.

Dec 12 06 04:44 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

Like any stat it requires interpertation, Nudes always get lot of hits, hot models ditto and nudes of hot models go off the chart but a great portrait with awxome lighting and composition will get few hits but maybe some thoughtful comments

Dec 12 06 06:09 pm Link


Guy Daniels

Posts: 423

New York, New York, US

my pics that get the most views are the underwear/nude shots......

yet i barely get any GOOD criticism because it's usually smokeblowers...wont say any names...

a few have been real honest about what i could change, and what else i need.

Dec 12 06 06:33 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

This has always been of interest to me. My highest hit images (All of mine are pretty much nudes BTW) has 2215 hits and 7 Comments. . Except for a row of new images my lowest hit image (488) has 32 comments on it? And a new image with only 323 hits has 13 comments on it already! go figure? And like another mentioned I do weight the comments on my perception of the model or photographer's talent. But I pretty much appreciate them all... Even "pretty cool" long as it's not something like "nice tits' or "fat cow" which I of course delete.

Jan 04 07 05:08 am Link