Forums > General Industry > I haven't given her the photos...or the money


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

A slight twist on the usual story.

On June 23rd I did a shoot with a young lady that was TFCD and payment on spec. The specific terms were that she would receive some edited photos and half of any net profits made on her photos.

I have tried every week for two months to get her to come in and select the photos she would like. I gave up as September approached. She is partying very heavily and even dropped out of school. I've seen her at bars a couple of times and told her she needs to get in touch with me, even gave her my card in case she "lost" my number. Still haven't heard from her and her cell phone number is now disconnected. Emails go unanswered. She was very friendly, hugging me several times and talking for a long time but still hasn't collected what is rightfully hers.

The kicker is that her photos actually did bring in a profit. I do not want to comingle money that is legally hers with my own funds, so I opened a savings account so that at least the money would accrue a tiny bit of interest.

Nice guy that I am, I sent her a message on MySpace explaining the situation (once again) and invited her to come over and verify the account balance and I would write her a check and give her the photos. She hasn't logged in for a while, but I do not know how else to contact her.

So what am I to do? Keep the money in an interest bearing account? Donate it to charity? I don't even know where she lives anymore, so should I send her a check and hope the Post Office forwards it?

Dec 09 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 85

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

As far as Im concerened, youve done everythgin a reasonable and prudent person would do. Its yours now, just document everything in case she tries to pull some crap whens he sobers up.

Dec 09 06 09:15 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Hopefully you included a clause stating that the model needs to keep her address current and that 2 failed attempts to reach her by certified mail negates any income due her.

Make sure you deduct these contact costs from an monies due her.

Also document how and when you tried to reach her for possible later liability.

Dec 09 06 09:17 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

THis happened to me two summers ago....i still have prints and cd for this model.....i actually started a thread about how to get her photos to her or why she doesnt seem to care about it.

She now wants to do a shoot again (2yrs later), I said sure, and by the way I have your pics from 2 yrs ago! LOL! So she should be getting them eventually.

Dec 09 06 09:18 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Crazy.. well you're being very nice. If it's under $200 I wouldn't worry about the account, just write yourself a note and give her cash if she ever resurfaces. Otherwise you seem to have done everything you can. Let her be, and if she doesn't show up in a year, take the money back. That's more than fair- she has to forfeit it eventually, and 1 year from date signed is when cheques become non-negotiable, so it seems like a good policy.

Dec 09 06 09:24 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Although this isn't legal advice, here's a lawyer answer - find out what the statute of limitations on contracts of this type is in your state. When it runs, take the money and buy yourself something nice with it. smile


Dec 09 06 09:25 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

StMarc wrote:
Although this isn't legal advice, here's a lawyer answer - find out what the statute of limitations on contracts of this type is in your state. When it runs, take the money and buy yourself something nice with it. smile


In the mean time, keep it in escrow and have such a document to prove it.
A money order will do just fine since it is recorded by the gov as to when it is spent. And Keep ALL of the paper trail of your efforts to contact her.

Dec 09 06 09:28 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Hopefully you included a clause stating that the model needs to keep her address current and that 2 failed attempts to reach her by certified mail negates any income due her.

Make sure you deduct these contact costs from an monies due her.

Also document how and when you tried to reach her for possible later liability.

Yep. My releases include one of these.

Dec 09 06 09:35 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

I don't have that clause. I will look into it. I do have her file with copy of her ID, model release, print outs of my emails to her and I can add my phone bill showing calls I made. I'm just doing my best to not look like a ripoff artist.

Dec 09 06 09:45 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Hmmmmmm, if you have her address, I would send her a certified letter telling her that she has money waiting for her to show that you made an attempt. Advise her that you don't want to send the money without contact since you are unsure if this is her current address because her phone, etc is disconnected.  Beyond that, there is nothing else you can do.  Just hang onto the money and wait to see if she surfaces.

I have had models dissappear before.  You sound like you are being very reasonable to me.

Dec 09 06 10:06 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

You have gone above and beyond being reasonable, I think you should keep it, if you hear anything from her in the future, cool, but you've done way more than most would to go out of your way to give her everything.

Dec 09 06 12:13 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

Lacking the failed contact clause on your release, post a small announcement on the newspaper stating that you have tried to contact her to deliver images and monies that are due to her, and if she doesn't contact you by a certain date those monies are forefeit and the images will be disposed of appropriately.

I think that should CYA if she ever shows up again looking for stuff.

Dec 09 06 12:29 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

This is exactly why I never do profit sharing.  My life's complex enough without trying to keep track of all of these people!

Dec 09 06 04:47 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
A slight twist on the usual story.

On June 23rd I did a shoot with a young lady that was TFCD and payment on spec. The specific terms were that she would receive some edited photos and half of any net profits made on her photos.

I have tried every week for two months to get her to come in and select the photos she would like. I gave up as September approached. She is partying very heavily and even dropped out of school. I've seen her at bars a couple of times and told her she needs to get in touch with me, even gave her my card in case she "lost" my number. Still haven't heard from her and her cell phone number is now disconnected. Emails go unanswered. She was very friendly, hugging me several times and talking for a long time but still hasn't collected what is rightfully hers.

The kicker is that her photos actually did bring in a profit. I do not want to comingle money that is legally hers with my own funds, so I opened a savings account so that at least the money would accrue a tiny bit of interest.

Nice guy that I am, I sent her a message on MySpace explaining the situation (once again) and invited her to come over and verify the account balance and I would write her a check and give her the photos. She hasn't logged in for a while, but I do not know how else to contact her.

So what am I to do? Keep the money in an interest bearing account? Donate it to charity? I don't even know where she lives anymore, so should I send her a check and hope the Post Office forwards it?

You are a lot like me, very caring, sympathetic and patent! 

The information others have given you is helpful, but it has not been really that long that you need to go for any thing too extreme.  So if it is not a problem for you to leave the savings account open, and to continue documenting any attempts to contact her, you should be fine.  Do not destroy or delete any of the images that you have of her because these do belong to you!  So you should be able to continue using her images without worry.  If at all possible, keep making money with 'em!   

I've been in a similar situation to you, so I would give her a year to contact you about the money.  With it being in a savings account, it's far better there than in her hands! If she comes around to collect, you have it.  But after one year, then post something in a newspaper and claim the money for yourself.  I base this on the fact that most verbal contracts are valid for a year. Depending on what the contract she signed says, and your efforts ... a year is long enough in most courts of law.  Don't worry about her causing any problems over it, she would have much grounds for any legal actions after a year.

Follow your gut instinct on this one.  You have already done some of the right things.  Sadly, it sounds like she needs some intervention.  I'll say a prayer for her!

Best wishes!

Dec 09 06 05:14 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
This is exactly why I never do profit sharing.  My life's complex enough without trying to keep track of all of these people!

Yes, it is better to make a one time payment for modeling fees rather than have to keep such long term records as for profit sharing.

Dec 09 06 05:15 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Stop tracking her down and enjoy the profits. She can enjoy waking up in a strange guy's apartment with a belly full of Jagermeister and a strange itch.

Dec 09 06 05:18 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

If you have her current address why not send her a personal check for what
she's owed.  If it comes back because she's moved, etc.  Then put the letter
unopened with the check somewhere safe.  Make sure you have placed a letter
with what the money was for and forget about it.  I know people want to be
helpful but forget going through lots of changes for people.  You've done enough.

Dec 09 06 06:04 pm Link