Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Looking for 'fine art' retoucher in this style...


Photo Art by LJ

Posts: 224

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm a big fan of Gornakova Art's retouching style, and am looking for a retoucher who can do a similar style. Examples: … amp;type=3 … mp;theater … mp;theater

I love the 'glow' added in images like this: … mp;theater

I am looking for someone who still leaves the people looking 'human' -- i.e. the skin is not overdone, and the environment is not changed so radically that it looks unreal. At the same time, this is 'fine art' so more liberty is allowed than doing normal fashion retouching.

If you think you can do a 'fine art' style similar to Gornakova's style, please post here:
a) your rates
b) One or more images you have retouched that you think show a style similar to what I am looking for.

I am open to other 'fine art' styles as well, for instance I think this guy's style is nice:

Nov 14 17 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Nov 14 17 08:16 pm Link


Photo Art by LJ

Posts: 224

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Pictus wrote:
Wrong place, try here

Thanks -- I didn't even know that sub-forums existed. Looks like an interesting/useful place.

But I don't understand... the rules state in bold: "It is not a forum to have your retouching done for you. "

I am looking to display the retouched work in my portfolio, and also to share with the model and MUA for their portfolio use as well. The forum you linked is for that purpose, or not? (Because the text in bold makes it sound like not?)

Nov 14 17 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

You are welcome, this "It is not a forum to have your retouching done for you."
means photographers looking for free work, not your case.

Nov 15 17 07:21 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Create a casting call and list your requirements.
Forums are for discussion, not for hiring people (with or without payment).

Nov 15 17 07:43 am Link



Posts: 836

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Ask her, she does retouching.

Nov 15 17 08:26 pm Link