Forums > General Industry > Embarassed...but seeking help...


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

OK...this is something that very few people know...even my closest friends...and I have decided to bring it out on this forum because while I have been embarassed and debilitated from this for years, I'm tired of it "owning" me in terms of creativity....

I am fully prepared for juvenile comments, harassment and general mean-spirited-ness that comes with almost each and every post here on this forum, but I also know that I have met some wonderful people here and I know that there is someone out there who would be willing to help me...I think the good people here far outweigh the bad ones... goes...when I was 29 years old I suffered from bacterial spinal meningitis.  Besides the fact that it caused me to almost lose my life, it also caused some permanent learning disabilities that I am unable to overcome.  For instance, I can't read a map, or find my way through a building with a lot of hallways.  I have to have my faucets marked with "HOT" or "COLD" because I can't remember simply that you turn hot one way and cold the other.  I have never been able to learn how to operate my camera manually or learn how to use lighting properly...everything I do takes me 5 times longer than the average photographer.  I can live with the camera problem, but what I really am longing to know how to do is Layers in Photoshop.

Thus...the problem that I am requesting help for... I have bought probably a dozen books on photoshop and downloaded lots of directions from the internet, but I have yet to come up with a way of it being explained to me so that I can understand it.  I have tried to follow step by step instructions and even ones with the illustration...but always I get to a point where I get confused and can't go any further.  I have tried to find classes in my area to learn...but nothing is available.

I know this might just seem like a minor inconvenience to some...but for me, it would mean everything if someone would take the time to spell it out as if you are spelling out to a 5 year old how to use layers.  I would even pay someone a reasonable fee if they could help me.  I feel quite ridiculous and ashamed as I write this, to let the entire community here in on my secret....but I have hopes that someone will be able to help. 

Thanks so much for any help you can give!  wink


Dec 08 06 02:36 pm Link



Posts: 259

Emeryville, California, US

Aww, don't feel ashamed.  We all have our issues.  Sadly I don't know anything about PS other than how to rotate a pic, hehe.  I'm sure there will be someone on here that can help ya' out ; )  If you're willing to pay someone maybe you can hire a college student in your area to tutor you or something?  Just a thought.

Dec 08 06 02:40 pm Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


I don't want to embarrass you or make you think I am taking pity on you, but I think this is really brave to just come out and say. You shouldn't be ashamed by any means but I know I would feel too self conscious to come out and say it here.

Dec 08 06 02:41 pm Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

Kiddo, I can't help you, but I can tell you that at 54 years old I can't figure it out either.  I have tried and tried and have all the books, but I don't get it.  You are not alone in this.  All those pallete things are off my screen, because I don't know how they work.

Dec 08 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 413

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

If you know nothing about PS than who did all your photo work in your portfolio, They seem pretty good at it, ask them to help you out?

Dec 08 06 02:43 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

has a photoshop tutorial section...

Dec 08 06 02:43 pm Link


RoadRunner Photography

Posts: 5197

Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, US

Toria wrote:
OK...this is something that very few people know...even my closest friends...and I have decided to bring it out on this forum because while I have been embarassed and debilitated from this for years, I'm tired of it "owning" me in terms of creativity....

I am fully prepared for juvenile comments, harassment and general mean-spirited-ness that comes with almost each and every post here on this forum, but I also know that I have met some wonderful people here and I know that there is someone out there who would be willing to help me...I think the good people here far outweigh the bad ones... goes...when I was 29 years old I suffered from bacterial spinal meningitis.  Besides the fact that it caused me to almost lose my life, it also caused some permanent learning disabilities that I am unable to overcome.  For instance, I can't read a map, or find my way through a building with a lot of hallways.  I have to have my faucets marked with "HOT" or "COLD" because I can't remember simply that you turn hot one way and cold the other.  I have never been able to learn how to operate my camera manually or learn how to use lighting properly...everything I do takes me 5 times longer than the average photographer.  I can live with the camera problem, but what I really am longing to know how to do is Layers in Photoshop.

Thus...the problem that I am requesting help for... I have bought probably a dozen books on photoshop and downloaded lots of directions from the internet, but I have yet to come up with a way of it being explained to me so that I can understand it.  I have tried to follow step by step instructions and even ones with the illustration...but always I get to a point where I get confused and can't go any further.  I have tried to find classes in my area to learn...but nothing is available.

I know this might just seem like a minor inconvenience to some...but for me, it would mean everything if someone would take the time to spell it out as if you are spelling out to a 5 year old how to use layers.  I would even pay someone a reasonable fee if they could help me.  I feel quite ridiculous and ashamed as I write this, to let the entire community here in on my secret....but I have hopes that someone will be able to help. 

Thanks so much for any help you can give!  wink


Okay ~ heres the deal...  Rarely am I ever serious, about anything.  HOWEVER ~ as one who has suffered 5 concussions, I have to write stuff down all the time or it goes kaput.  Not only that as a PPA memeber, we encouraged to help others learn to do things they may not know.  Instead of dealing with all of the silliness here, if you like PM me, and lets see what we can't do to get you up and running.


Dec 08 06 02:44 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

jasontheartist wrote:
If you know nothing about PS than who did all your photo work in your portfolio, They seem pretty good at it, ask them to help you out?

I agree

Dec 08 06 02:44 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

I love you big_smile Simply because I admire you to be able to face your fears.

Dec 08 06 02:44 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

Toria wrote:
OK...this is something that very few people know...even my closest friends...and I have decided to bring it out on this forum because while I have been embarassed and debilitated from this for years, I'm tired of it "owning" me in terms of creativity....

I am fully prepared for juvenile comments, harassment and general mean-spirited-ness that comes with almost each and every post here on this forum, but I also know that I have met some wonderful people here and I know that there is someone out there who would be willing to help me...I think the good people here far outweigh the bad ones... goes...when I was 29 years old I suffered from bacterial spinal meningitis.  Besides the fact that it caused me to almost lose my life, it also caused some permanent learning disabilities that I am unable to overcome.  For instance, I can't read a map, or find my way through a building with a lot of hallways.  I have to have my faucets marked with "HOT" or "COLD" because I can't remember simply that you turn hot one way and cold the other.  I have never been able to learn how to operate my camera manually or learn how to use lighting properly...everything I do takes me 5 times longer than the average photographer.  I can live with the camera problem, but what I really am longing to know how to do is Layers in Photoshop.

Thus...the problem that I am requesting help for... I have bought probably a dozen books on photoshop and downloaded lots of directions from the internet, but I have yet to come up with a way of it being explained to me so that I can understand it.  I have tried to follow step by step instructions and even ones with the illustration...but always I get to a point where I get confused and can't go any further.  I have tried to find classes in my area to learn...but nothing is available.

I know this might just seem like a minor inconvenience to some...but for me, it would mean everything if someone would take the time to spell it out as if you are spelling out to a 5 year old how to use layers.  I would even pay someone a reasonable fee if they could help me.  I feel quite ridiculous and ashamed as I write this, to let the entire community here in on my secret....but I have hopes that someone will be able to help. 

Thanks so much for any help you can give!  wink


why dont you make a cheat sheet just like what you do with
the faucets hot and cold ? maybe that will help ?

Dec 08 06 02:45 pm Link


RoadRunner Photography

Posts: 5197

Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, US

Shadowscape Studio wrote:
Kiddo, I can't help you, but I can tell you that at 54 years old I can't figure it out either.  I have tried and tried and have all the books, but I don't get it.  You are not alone in this.  All those pallete things are off my screen, because I don't know how they work.

Sure you can ~ first tip ~ before blowing HUGE money for Photoshop CS2, Get Photoshop Elements 3  (I don't think 4 is all that they crack it up to be, it has more issues than anything).  PE 3 has 75 perecent of CS2 does, costs a fraction, and is way easier to use.  Hung up someplace using it?  Gimme a shout, always glad to help!

Dec 08 06 02:47 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Toria wrote:
I can't read a map, or find my way through a building with a lot of hallways.  I have to have my faucets marked with "HOT" or "COLD" because I can't remember simply that you turn hot one way and cold the other.  I have never been able to learn how to operate my camera manually or learn how to use lighting properly...everything I do takes me 5 times longer than the average photographer.

You just described the average male big_smile.. jk

Post here and on free sites (craigslist, myspace.. etc) for a one-on-one tutor to sit down with you and go over it.

I'll bet you get the hang of it quicker than you think.

Good luck!

Dec 08 06 02:48 pm Link


Lelah G

Posts: 956

Inglewood, California, US

That's actually a good idea.  Always try to have someone with you when you're shooting.  Someone who's dedicated and willing to spend his/her time.  What you'd do great with is a PA:  photog assistant, like a production assistant.  Lots of people are looking for experience becoming an assistant.

I admire you for sharing this information.  Even with all the idiots on MM who find nothing better to do than make a harmless forum thread more than it should be.

Your work is great!!


Dec 08 06 02:49 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

check your mail...I sent you my phone # and would be glad to help you for a few


Dec 08 06 02:52 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Is there someone near you that can actually sit at a computer with you, and talk you through it?  I doubt that any books will deal with the problem in a way that meets your particular needs, but a knowledgeable Photoshop user could.

Dec 08 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Oh, god, honey, PLEASE don't be embarrassed! Hell, I'd be happy to teach you layers if I knew how (I know how to do it in PSP, but not PS; let me know if you're interested in learning how to do that. I'm LOCAL! big_smile) I've got PScs open right now re-familiarizing myself with the program...

*hug for you*

Dec 08 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

I don't have have those issues, and I am still struggling to learn PS...  lol  Personally, I get the most benefit from just watching photographer friends work with the program, and just learn by osmosis...

Dec 08 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Is there someone near you that can actually sit at a computer with you, and talk you through it?  I doubt that any books will deal with the problem in a way that meets your particular needs, but a knowledgeable Photoshop user could.

That was my first thought, too.  Failing that, is it the learning to master it yourself that's the most important to you, or the final image looking a certain way that's most important to you?  It might be worth hiring a retoucher sometimes if you have a specific vision but can't learn how to realize it.

Best of luck to you.

Dec 08 06 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

Bravo for you bringing this out and asking for help; especially here on MM. 
However, your problem could be helped along with some simple things. 
Let me explain and maybe something will help you along.

I had a stroke at 32 and suffered much with motor skills and reading and yes remembering things.  Here is something that I found worked for me long term.  Buy a digital recorder and use it.  Great way to remind yourself to do things and also to relearn things.  It is difficult I know because if you may know how to do something right now and in four hours not have a clue.  I don't know if your illness impacted your life the way mine did and of course I realize you had something completely different from a stroke. However, the brain is amazing. 

Have you tried rehab services?  Even on your own. Learning centers can help. I have found that relearning is something I do over and over again but if you keep up with something that does work, like writing things down or using the recorder or even having someone call you on the phone or visit with you and assist you in learning or relearning that over time it becomes much easier.

Oh and one more thing.  Please do not think you can't overcome or at least learn to live fully with these problems.  They are only as big as you make it.  You do have the power to turn this around.  I KNOW how difficult it is and how depressing it can be but once I made my mind up to live the work began for sure, but the determination drives me daily.

good luck

Dec 08 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Toria wrote:
I have to have my faucets marked with "HOT" or "COLD" because I can't remember simply that you turn hot one way and cold the other.

I don't have any learning disabilities... but am kinda glad to know that I'm not the only one that can't remember which way to turn the handle!!!

Toria wrote:
I have never been able to learn how to operate my camera manually or learn how to use lighting properly.

I've met 'professional photographers' that have spent many years in the business that don't know how to operate their cameras, and have no clue about lighting!

I remember first seeing your work at another photography/ modeling website and seeing how you've advanced from 'ok' photos to showing some really outstanding work in an extremely short amount of time!  So don't be so hard on yourself.  You may not know the technicalities of how a certain light works, but it's obvious that you do understand when the lighting is correct... and that's the key to success.

Toria wrote:
I can live with the camera problem, but what I really am longing to know how to do is Layers in Photoshop.

Thus...the problem that I am requesting help for... I know this might just seem like a minor inconvenience to some...but for me, it would mean everything if someone would take the time to spell it out as if you are spelling out to a 5 year old how to use layers.

I wish we lived closer together.  I'm pretty good at taking very technical terms and translating 'em into concepts that everyone can understand.  (I've taught people how to use a computer without having a computer anywhere around us)!

In any case... photoshop layers.   A little bit of history may help clear up the confusion, so here goes.

Any BASIC photo editing program allows you to add and remove objects from it.  For instance, if you want to add a title to a picture, you'd simply type a title onto the picture, and it's done!

However, if you decided that you want to change where the title is located on the picture, you'll have to erase the title, and re-type the title on the correct part of the picture.

ADVANCED photo editing programs (such as Photoshop) have different 'layers' to help make corrections easier.
A layer is like a clear sheet of plastic that covers the photo.  You can scribble, draw, and type all over the clear plastic sheet... and it will look like you're actually drawing on the picture... but the original photo will still remain there, untouched and unharmed.

When you type a title on the clear plastic 'layer', it will look like it's part of the original photo.  If you need to change the position of the title, all you need to do is move the clear plastic sheet around until the title is located where you want it to be.

If you decide that you don't want the title at all... all you have to do is remove the clear plastic layer and throw it in the garbage!

That's the basics to understanding layers.  Once you understand those concepts, then you'll start to understand some of the other features such as 'viewing', 'merging', and 'arranging' layers... but for now, play around with the basics, and don't worry about the more technical stuff until then.

Hope this helps.

Dec 08 06 03:12 pm Link


Ronald Paulsen

Posts: 152

Cedar Falls, Iowa, US

I doubt I can help you in Photoshop, pissed away my 600 bucks and I'm clueless.
Just wanted to say when a person is brave, honest and humble it really brings out the best in all of us. Thank You. heart heart

Ron Paulsen

Dec 08 06 03:16 pm Link


Mark Heaps

Posts: 786

Austin, Texas, US

Well I will offer you this...feel free to message me whenever you have any type of question at all, and you can send me emails with the images if you are confused.  I can even send your files back to you.  Send me a message with your personal email address and I'll send you some of my tutorials that I give my students and maybe some that I can make just for you.

the biggest thing to remember with layers is that which ever layer is on top...that's the image that is closest to stacking pictures in a pile...the top of the pile is the one you see most.

that's a good start for understanding layers.


Dec 08 06 03:20 pm Link


Riedel Photography

Posts: 182

Indianola, Washington, US

Message me and I'll give you my # I teach PS at AIS here in Seattle.

BTW I was born in KC MO


Dec 08 06 03:21 pm Link


Finearts Photography

Posts: 699

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Layers is like looking through 2 or more slides. You can change the color or exposure or contrast or many other things to each slide. The other slides are not effected.   Eric

Dec 08 06 03:28 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Is there someone near you that can actually sit at a computer with you, and talk you through it?  I doubt that any books will deal with the problem in a way that meets your particular needs, but a knowledgeable Photoshop user could.

Me...I just sent you an email with my number...use it...I will sit down with you and help you go through it....not a problem...we can get layers working for you!

Dec 08 06 03:29 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

And to this point not one single negative or silly comment...bravo!

Apart from the subject of your request for help which many capable people have addressed and expressed an interest in assisting you...I would have to say that even though the forums are a breeding ground for sarcasm (I count myself as one of the culprits), there are caring people who I certainly hope are above insulting someone with a true disability of any type. I think you're seeing that MM'ers CAN rise above the mayhem.

And for what it's worth, it's not a learning disability to struggle with Photoshop. Actually, I think it's a necessity.

Good luck...

Dec 08 06 03:30 pm Link


David Gabel Photography

Posts: 454

Skippack, Pennsylvania, US

Toria wrote:
but always I get to a point where I get confused and can't go any further.

I have not read every post, so if this was said I do not know. I want you to really think about this as an approach.

A wise man knows his limitations. You have found yours. Do what every successfull billionaire has ever done and create yourself a team of professionals and delegate authority! You are the photographer, but that doesn't mean you MUST be the photoshop guru as well! Find yourself a talented PS expert and hire him/her to do the work for you. Honestly think about this. Stop working yourself to death over PS and let someone else do it. You might find they are better than you might have been yourself, because it is what they want to do, just as photography is what you want to do. Together you make a stronger force than just you trying to do everything.

I'm at the point where I need an assistant. The more I try to do myself the less productive I become. Do you see my point? Just let it go and give it over to someone else. Your work will improve and you'll be happier. Try it anyway.



Dec 08 06 03:31 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Trust me when I say we all struggled with PS. It is nearly impossible to learn on your own. The obvious paths to take are often the worst. I think it is a conspiracy!

Let me know if I can help.


Dec 08 06 03:54 pm Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US is very helpful for this as well. For about $20 you can watch all the movies you want for a month.

Dec 08 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 158

Columbus, Ohio, US

lotusphoto wrote:

has a photoshop tutorial section...

yes yes and It is also a fun web site to get involved with

Dec 08 06 04:18 pm Link


Fotographic Aspirations

Posts: 1966

Long Beach, California, US

"Press on, nothing in the world can take the place of persistence, talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men and women with talent; genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb; education will not, the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination are omnipotent."

These are the wise words spoken long ago that are so applicable to becoming a successful photographer !

Remember " Persistence and Determination are omnipotent ", with it you WILL succeeded in everything you do.


Dec 08 06 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

get the photoshop that you can REPLAY it over and over.

And you are way smarter the 90% of the numbnuts here.

Dec 08 06 04:28 pm Link


Michael Newbern

Posts: 80

Columbus, Ohio, US

My number is on my profile.  Call me and I'll be glad you help you.

Dec 08 06 04:31 pm Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

jasontheartist and the don mon have some good suggestions, as well as TX.   And you should definitely call Scott Anderson (anderson artwork) he is awesome with PS and has taught me a few things even when I worked with him!

And you have nothing to be embarrassed about smile

Dec 08 06 04:35 pm Link


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I tell ya what guys...I am totally and completely overwhelmed with everyone's responses and kindness through this forum and my email.  I am at the point of almost being speechless...and for those who know me...well THAT takes something big!

I plan on getting back to each and every one of you individually within the next couple of days and I have had so many wonderful offers and ideas, that it's going to be hard to choose even how to pick someone to help me.  But, I wanted to tell you all how very much I want to thank you for showing what kind and wonderful people you are.  I have often been disillusioned by these forums because of some of the ways the threads turn out, but everyone who answered here sure did raise above and beyond what I ever imagined I would get from this.  And, I know that I will make several new friends...people who care about others...and that really makes me happy.

For those who asked about the work on my site presently...except for a very few manipulations that digital artist friends have done for me (and labeled so if it is in my portfolio)...I have done it all myself through trial and error...but never layers.  I do have several methods that I am comfortable with...but layers has always been this distant thing that I have not been able to achieve.  (Sounds sappy and corny...I

For those who asked about other disabilities and would never know a thing was wrong if it wasn't for this part of my brain that was damaged.  Oh...I forgot to mention that I can't do math either...but hell...most of the population can't I don't care about that! 

Anyway, I wanted to thank you all and I promise to get back to each of you individually and we will go from there.  You guys are completely wonderful!!!!  wink

Dec 08 06 08:13 pm Link



Posts: 78

Annandale, Virginia, US

P.S. Layers really isn't all that difficult  / mind-over-matter.
Step by step

Dec 08 06 08:21 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
In any case... photoshop layers.   A little bit of history may help clear up the confusion, so here goes.

Any BASIC photo editing program allows you to add and remove objects from it.  For instance, if you want to add a title to a picture, you'd simply type a title onto the picture, and it's done!

However, if you decided that you want to change where the title is located on the picture, you'll have to erase the title, and re-type the title on the correct part of the picture.

ADVANCED photo editing programs (such as Photoshop) have different 'layers' to help make corrections easier.
A layer is like a clear sheet of plastic that covers the photo.  You can scribble, draw, and type all over the clear plastic sheet... and it will look like you're actually drawing on the picture... but the original photo will still remain there, untouched and unharmed.

When you type a title on the clear plastic 'layer', it will look like it's part of the original photo.  If you need to change the position of the title, all you need to do is move the clear plastic sheet around until the title is located where you want it to be.

If you decide that you don't want the title at all... all you have to do is remove the clear plastic layer and throw it in the garbage!

That's the basics to understanding layers.  Once you understand those concepts, then you'll start to understand some of the other features such as 'viewing', 'merging', and 'arranging' layers... but for now, play around with the basics, and don't worry about the more technical stuff until then.

Hope this helps.

Excellent layman's description. This could be in "PhotoShop for Dummies". The only thing I would add here is this: one of the cool things about layers is that with each layer your create (whether it's a new text or effect layer, or a duplicate of an existing layer image) you have the ability to apply any or all of PhotoShop's other tools, styles, and techniques to that one, specific layer.

Dec 08 06 08:24 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

When I hear about how MM is deteriorating, and the rudeness is out of control...

I will read this thread.

A lot of classy people are still here.

Nicely done, MMers!

Dec 08 06 08:30 pm Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
get the photoshop that you can REPLAY it over and over.

And you are way smarter the 90% of the numbnuts here.

There are actually several companies that do them, and they will vary in quality and level of difficulty. The local libraries here at least, have several PhotoShop DVDs.

Hmm, she can spell and knows when to end a paragraph, and what a period is. Yup, much smarter....

Dec 08 06 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I can't say enough good stuff about that site...

The first few movies of each subject are free so try a few and see if you like it...the site let's you stream unlimited training videos each month for a whopping $25.00 a month...

Good luck...hopefully you have the full Photoshop and can use layer masks as well...

Dec 08 06 08:34 pm Link