

Posts: 135

New York, New York, US

I already asked this question from other forum but they recommended me to post here so here I am.

I have Mac Pro 2010(I bought it for $70 from my school) with custom upgrade parts. It works fine but quite slower than Mac Pro 2013 that I used before. I hope to use my Mac Pro 2010 as long as possible but I may need to get a new desktop within 2 years since I need a faster computer in order to deal with A7rii's files and artworks.

I used both Mac and PC before and I built PC by myself. Im quite hesitating to pick which computer system to use. I love Mac computers but Mac Pro will be too expansive and iMac is not what I wanted due to the cooling system. On the other hand, PC would be a great choice since I can customize all parts but Im quite doubt about Windows 10 since Im more familiar with Mac OS and I heard a lot of issues from Windows 10.

Any thoughts?

Oct 25 17 10:41 pm Link


2thestudio - Ivan

Posts: 11

Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia

You have a great machine, there is no difference in performance for retouching.

Oct 25 17 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

You have 2 other topics about the same/similar thing:

Considering the many replies given, I wonder what kind of answer you are looking for.

Think about it like this:

1. OSX and Win10 are not the only OSs (and definitely not the best)
2. You are the only person who knows what your exact needs are
3. Based on 2 - find the software you need
4. Based on 3 - find the hardware you need

Generally for post-production work a lot of RAM is always a good idea.

Oct 26 17 01:17 am Link