Forums > General Industry > Show me the money



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

This is what I expect will be the lead in to a long and heatedly debated subject. I am hoping at least.

I see a lot of models and photographers on here going about the day to day discusions of shooting and working and etc.... and so forth. I am still unclear if anyone is actually making any money at this game?????

It looks like to me that most models are on here because they "want to be" famous glamour or runway or something like that models. When in truth, they will never be. I expect vanity is the primary motivation?

It looks like to me that a lot of photographers are on here because they like to look at pretty young girls (or boys) in half naked poses. Horniness is the primary motivator.

I've seen enough sites (OMP, ModelPlace. etc....) that this seems to be the prevelant motivation regardless of which sites you use.

Sooner or later you need to do a reality check and ask yourself, does this whole thing really work?

If models, muas and photographers are getting paying jobs, then apparently it does but I am not seeing any real evidence to that.

If your half naked pictures have actually gotten you any paying work, I'd like to hear about it. For that matter, I'd like to hear about any good work you've gotten, regardless of rather you were half naked or not and rather you are a photographer, model, mua or not.

I love hanging out and chatting with you guys, I really do but sometimes you need to justify that what you are doing is actually advancing your career goals in one form or another.

So bring it on .... show me where you've really made any money with all the time and effort you have spent on this or any other similar web site.

Do it.

Dec 08 06 01:11 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Yes I do work for pay, on both sides of the camera...
My tax returns however, are none of your buisness.

Dec 08 06 01:15 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

UneekArts wrote:
sometimes you need to justify that what you are doing is actually advancing your career goals in one form or another.

So bring it on .... show me


Being the center of the universe is probably a burden sometimes.  Should folks confess their sins to you while they are proving their worth?


Dec 08 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:


Being the center of the universe is probably a burden sometimes.  Should folks confess their sins to you while they are proving their worth?


Sure, why not, it's winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. I have more time to refelct on life and and my centricity. ( I am pretty sure that is not a word but what the heck, I'll just create it.) :::___))) Many smiles.

Dec 08 06 01:23 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

I have zero intention of making money directly off of MM.  This is however one of my main sources for models for the print selling/book part of my business, and I do pay a good percentage of the models cash, so they're making something off of it in a direct fashion.  (The others are getting some combination of prints or portfolio development or whatever).

The guys who seem to be here to charge for portfolio development - there seem to be an awful lot of them - I can't believe there are enough wannabe models with enough cash to pay them enough to be worth the time some of them seem to be putting in here.  I bet they'd make more if they just called it a portrait business and went after the general population...

Dec 08 06 01:28 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


UneekArts wrote:
If models, muas and photographers are getting paying jobs, then apparently it does but I am not seeing any real evidence to that.

Then you need to look around more.

Dec 08 06 01:34 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

UneekArts wrote:
I love hanging out and chatting with you guys, I really do but sometimes you need to justify that what you are doing is actually advancing your career goals in one form or another.

Please either re-phrase or explain why I need to justify my being a member on MM effects of the advancement of my career to you?

I, like most photographers on here use this as a networking platform.

I’m not sure why you are here, so please explain that as well.

Dec 08 06 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
I have zero intention of making money directly off of MM.  This is however one of my main sources for models for the print selling/book part of my business, and I do pay a good percentage of the models cash, so they're making something off of it in a direct fashion.  (The others are getting some combination of prints or portfolio development or whatever).

The guys who seem to be here to charge for portfolio development - there seem to be an awful lot of them - I can't believe there are enough wannabe models with enough cash to pay them enough to be worth the time some of them seem to be putting in here.  I bet they'd make more if they just called it a portrait business and went after the general population...

Good answer. In response to your last paragraph I'll make a sexist comment, I think vanity can pull a dollar out of a woman's pocket as fast as a glimpse of cootchie will pull it out of a man's. Yeah, I said it.

Dec 08 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

C R Photography wrote:
Please either re-phrase or explain why I need to justify my being a member on MM effects of the advancement of my career to you?

I, like most photographers on here use this as a networking platform.

I’m not sure why you are here, so please explain that as well.

1. You don't, it was just a question.

2. Agreed, as do I.

3. To learn how websites like this can advance careers.

I think you are reading more negativity towards sites like this in my original post than I intended. I think sites like this are great for #2. I just don't see a lot of evidence that the collaboration pays off. I am asking for some of that evidence, not attacking the site or the people that use it.

Dec 08 06 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

I did a test shoot with a model used to be a MM member. One of the photos will be an editorial image in a boating magazine. It was her first and last shoot, however, as her job doesn't allow her to be seen in swimsuit. It could have helped her. . .

Dec 08 06 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

Leo Chan wrote:
I did a test shoot with a model used to be a MM member. One of the photos will be an editorial image in a boating magazine. It was her first and last shoot, however, as her job doesn't allow her to be seen in swimsuit. It could have helped her. . .

Congratulations to the both of you. These examples are exactly what I am wanting to hear about.

Dec 08 06 01:46 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

UneekArts wrote:
I love hanging out and chatting with you guys, I really do but sometimes you need to justify that what you are doing is actually advancing your career goals in one form or another.

UneekArts wrote:
1. You don't, it was just a question.

I am asking for some of that evidence, not attacking the site or the people that use it.

Maybe you should consider a career in AM Talk Radio big_smile

Dec 08 06 01:56 pm Link



Posts: 722

Santa Monica, California, US

although i did not get the job on mm, i hired two models (for the job) from the site, laurie or lori and christine and they were paid money and they are both great and professional models (images can been seen in my port)!  is this what you are looking for?
also, i know, persoanlly, models on this site who make a lot of money, primarily from the site and others like it.

Dec 08 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

C R Photography wrote:
Maybe you should consider a career in AM Talk Radio big_smile

You have a good point I sound better than a lot of the one's I hear but I listen to mostly rock & roll and hit the next channel as soon as they start talking.

Dec 08 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

saverio wrote:
although i did not get the job on mm, i hired two models (for the job) from the site, laurie or lori and christine and they were paid money and they are both great and professional models (images can been seen in my port)!  is this what you are looking for?
also, i know, persoanlly, models on this site who make a lot of money, primarily from the site and others like it.

Yes, it is. I know it is asking a lot but would you be willing to give some info about what the job entailed and this is really stretching it but some general idea of how much was made by you, the models or both.

This is essentially the purpose of the whole post, to determine what money can be made, doing what, how much and by whom.

Dec 08 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

So. Is horniness a primary motivater for you? I mean. You are on here too.

Dec 08 06 02:17 pm Link


Seth Mitchell

Posts: 1457

Long Beach, California, US

I think it is a good time to be asking this question since (at least for me) the time is coming to tally up my paid shoots for the year and prepare the list so I can have an intelligent discussions with my accountant regarding my Schedule C.

Do I make money off of modeling:  Yes

Is it enough to effect my taxes?  Yup, hence I track expenses, mileage to shoots, etc.

Will I be quitting my day job any time soon: Probably not .  wink

I think it is harder for a male to make a living off of modeling because there is simply less work out there for the guys, but some do manage to do it.

Dec 08 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 7840


nothing else pays my bills

Dec 08 06 02:19 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

Stacy wrote:
So. Is horniness a primary motivater for you? I mean. You are on here too.

Valid question. No, it is secondary. I am a red-blooded male advancing rapidly into the fall of life. Pretty girls are still pretty to me. Naked girls still get my attention.

But the reality of it is that I have daughters as old as a lot of the models on here and I have been married to the same woman, and happy about it for over 28 years so I have no desire to shoot models just for the glimpse of T&A.

I am trying to determine how to make money for me and everyone else concerned and asking honestly for others to share their experiences if they have any.

Back to a previous post, there can be no doubt that the networking capability is here. No question about it. But what are the results of the networking?

Dec 08 06 02:25 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

If you're point in probing individuals for proof of paid work is to request advice on how to obtain paid work, there are better ways, especially with the incessant references to photographers' motivations being half-naked girls (or boys).

I personally don't think anybody in any career needs to justify their motivation to anybody but themselves. Is someone less talented of a photographer if they haven't made one cent in the profession?

Dec 08 06 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

UneekArts wrote:
Valid question. No, it is secondary. I am a red-blooded male advancing rapidly into the fall of life. Pretty girls are still pretty to me. Naked girls still get my attention.

But the reality of it is that I have daughters as old as a lot of the models on here and I have been married to the same woman, and happy about it for over 28 years so I have no desire to shoot models just for the glimpse of T&A.

I am trying to determine how to make money for me and everyone else concerned and asking honestly for others to share their experiences if they have any.

Back to a previous post, there can be no doubt that the networking capability is here. No question about it. But what are the results of the networking?

I make money.. That's all you need to know. From an under 25 yr old model like me.  smile

Dec 08 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 7840


i bet she's making more money than me

fresh meat 

Maaaaaaaoaowww ha hah ha!

Dec 08 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
i bet she's making more money than me

fresh meat 

Maaaaaaaoaowww ha hah ha!


Dec 08 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

Stacy wrote:
I make money.. That's all you need to know. From an under 25 yr old model like me.  smile

Congratulations, honestly, may you continue to do so.

Dec 08 06 02:41 pm Link


Marty Lowman

Posts: 61

Windsor, California, US

The 80/20 rule is alive an well in every business.  Only 20 percent do, the other 80 percent dream about it.


Dec 08 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I generally make enough modeling to pay the rent...and I don't take my clothes off.  I model part-time because I am a full-time college student and have another job too.  I model because it is fun, I have met a lot of friends I wouldn't have otherwise, and I make some money.  Oh, and because I love to travel too!  I have no desire to be rich or famous...I would much rather be happy. I will continue to model as long as I have jobs and it is fun...after that, I will walk away and be content that it was great while it lasted!

Edit:  I will say that most of my paying jobs have been from OMP and not here, though.

Dec 08 06 02:49 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

UneekArts wrote:
This is what I expect will be the lead in to a long and heatedly debated subject. I am hoping at least.

I see a lot of models and photographers on here going about the day to day discusions of shooting and working and etc.... and so forth. I am still unclear if anyone is actually making any money at this game?????

It looks like to me that most models are on here because they "want to be" famous glamour or runway or something like that models. When in truth, they will never be. I expect vanity is the primary motivation?

It looks like to me that a lot of photographers are on here because they like to look at pretty young girls (or boys) in half naked poses. Horniness is the primary motivator.

I've seen enough sites (OMP, ModelPlace. etc....) that this seems to be the prevelant motivation regardless of which sites you use.

Sooner or later you need to do a reality check and ask yourself, does this whole thing really work?

If models, muas and photographers are getting paying jobs, then apparently it does but I am not seeing any real evidence to that.

If your half naked pictures have actually gotten you any paying work, I'd like to hear about it. For that matter, I'd like to hear about any good work you've gotten, regardless of rather you were half naked or not and rather you are a photographer, model, mua or not.

I love hanging out and chatting with you guys, I really do but sometimes you need to justify that what you are doing is actually advancing your career goals in one form or another.

So bring it on .... show me where you've really made any money with all the time and effort you have spent on this or any other similar web site.

Do it.

i have ....i do ....still do ......
and im not ever gonna not shooting as much right now
but im not stopping....i have seen models on these type sites move on to more
if you dont see it maybe its something your doing or in the area your doing it.
maybe the market in your area doesnt really have the drive like down here....
who knows...

wilmington nc,,, i have lived there for about 1 yr your in a college //
military town...with almost nothing to do....with a beach..

Dec 08 06 02:56 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

Kizzy  wrote:
I generally make enough modeling to pay the rent...and I don't take my clothes off.  I model part-time because I am a full-time college student and have another job too.  I model because it is fun, I have met a lot of friends I wouldn't have otherwise, and I make some money.  Oh, and because I love to travel too!  I have no desire to be rich or famous...I would much rather be happy. I will continue to model as long as I have jobs and it is fun...after that, I will walk away and be content that it was great while it lasted!

Edit:  I will say that most of my paying jobs have been from OMP and not here, though.

You have a very balanced and professional looking portfolio and I congratulate you on your ability to do that and I am frankly amazed that you have done it at such a young age.

Dec 08 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 108

Wadesboro, North Carolina, US

The Don Mon wrote:
i have ....i do ....still do ......
and im not ever gonna not shooting as much right now
but im not stopping....i have seen models on these type sites move on to more
if you dont see it maybe its something your doing or in the area your doing it.
maybe the market in your area doesnt really have the drive like down here....
who knows...

wilmington nc,,, i have lived there for about 1 yr your in a college //
military town...with almost nothing to do....with a beach..

Yes, there is a lot of difference between here and there. I think Texas, Florida, NY, California and maybe around Chicago are the hot spots for business with dwindling work as you drift away into other states.

Dec 08 06 03:05 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Depends on who you network with.

Dec 08 06 03:10 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

'course, those of us who make money, even earn a living, with photography or modeling probably don't depend on just one site to do it for us ...

business, man, just business.

~ F

Dec 08 06 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

UneekArts wrote:

You have a very balanced and professional looking portfolio and I congratulate you on your ability to do that and I am frankly amazed that you have done it at such a young age.

Thank you!  I have worked with some amazing photographers that have been very nice to me and for that, I am thankful.

Dec 08 06 03:15 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

1)Is my motivation to see half naked girls?  No.  That thrill died quite a while ago.

2)Do I make money?  Yes.  Not enough to quit the day job yet, but I make money.

3)How much money?  None of your damn business.

Dec 08 06 03:50 pm Link


Antonella Castaldo

Posts: 363

Apple Valley, California, US

UneekArts wrote:
This is what I expect will be the lead in to a long and heatedly debated subject. I am hoping at least.

I see a lot of models and photographers on here going about the day to day discusions of shooting and working and etc.... and so forth. I am still unclear if anyone is actually making any money at this game?????

It looks like to me that most models are on here because they "want to be" famous glamour or runway or something like that models. When in truth, they will never be. I expect vanity is the primary motivation?

It looks like to me that a lot of photographers are on here because they like to look at pretty young girls (or boys) in half naked poses. Horniness is the primary motivator.

I've seen enough sites (OMP, ModelPlace. etc....) that this seems to be the prevelant motivation regardless of which sites you use.

Sooner or later you need to do a reality check and ask yourself, does this whole thing really work?

If models, muas and photographers are getting paying jobs, then apparently it does but I am not seeing any real evidence to that.

If your half naked pictures have actually gotten you any paying work, I'd like to hear about it. For that matter, I'd like to hear about any good work you've gotten, regardless of rather you were half naked or not and rather you are a photographer, model, mua or not.

I love hanging out and chatting with you guys, I really do but sometimes you need to justify that what you are doing is actually advancing your career goals in one form or another.

So bring it on .... show me where you've really made any money with all the time and effort you have spent on this or any other similar web site.

Do it.

Well, do you seriously think that the real money making people are here chatting all day?....and do you seriously think that, if they are, they are willing to explain in a forum the base of their marketing and skills?....some people here make good money...they are very skilled, but their marketing goes beyond MM. As the most of the site, this is just networking with hope and possibilities of something more...your question should probably be :how do you market yourself and where do you find your inspirations and connections?

Dec 08 06 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 982

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

i have my phone number on my port.   i have had 3 paying jobs all people who do not belong to this site.   all portraits of children  , im not as dumb as i look.

Dec 08 06 05:07 pm Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

I make enough money to keep myself going. For me it's not all about the money though. I enjoy what I do. I haven't made money from shoots on this site, but through this site I met a photographer that helped me get into an agency. And of course through my agency I have gotten a few magazines, a lookbook, and some (boring) hair shows (but at least I got a paycheck).

Hopefully by March next year I'll be in NY or Paris for the fashion weeks. Right now I am happy with the few things I've done. You have to learn how to walk before you can run.

Dec 08 06 05:10 pm Link