Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Writing "My try" in a post



Posts: 176

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Hello, retouchers. You've worked so hard to get an image retouched. Some of you ( spent hours in details, which cannot be seen in a first glance. Never mind. Why do you still keep on writing MY TRY in your posts. You do NOT try anything. "My try" is insulting - like you've tried, but things didn't come up well. This is your EDIT or your POST, not your try. TRY to think over it smile

Jul 26 17 11:38 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Jul 27 17 12:50 am Link


Nadege Colomina

Posts: 60

Nouméa, Sud, New Caledonia

I couldn't agree more. Well said. 👍🏻

Jul 28 17 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 280

Houston, Texas, US

I agree with you Emillio. I think the reason behind people putting "My Try" is due to criticism and critique. It's kind of a heads up to others that this is my interpretation so don't judge too harshly. It could also be a way of letting others know that there are things in my retouch work that could be better but I am not going to point it out unless it is brought up in critique. There are so many talented retouch artists all with a different eye for what they like and don't like. I tend to look at my photos over and over after retouching them and I always tend to find things that could be done differently or ways that the image could be improved. Sometimes it's just a matter of stepping away for a few hours or even a day and then reintroducing yourself to the image to see if anything changes in how you view your work.

Sep 04 17 09:06 am Link


Motordrive Photography

Posts: 7092

Lodi, California, US

you are free to intro your edit any way wanted but, I think you are reading too much into
a simple post heading. some do view it as an experiment of sorts.

Sep 04 17 09:40 am Link