Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > What are Your Expectations of Retoucher?


Tia Jones Retoucher

Posts: 39

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Photographers, do you see a value in retouchers?
What would you expect from a retoucher skill wise?
What type of rates do you consider reasonable for quality work?
Do you retouch your own photos?

I'm a retoucher, and I haven't been offering a lot of paid work lately because I am not exactly sure of what is expected of a retoucher. And I've backed away from TF work because some photographers try to pressure for more work as if they are paying for it (even when you've clearly stated your limits before proceeding). Sometimes I wonder if it's a field worth staying in (for me at least) because most photographers want "reasonable" rates that are so low, I'd probably make more money working at McDonald's lol. I understand some retouchers can afford to charge that much because of their location, while others can't. It's just when we keep lowering our rates, I think it is a very rapid race to the bottom.

I'm  a photographer too, and I still see the value of outsourcing retouching work. And I respect all pricing even if I may not be able to afford it at the time. I just want to hear the opinions of various other photographers...

Jun 03 17 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

I will allow myself to answer as I am a photographer too.

Tia Jones Retoucher wrote:
Photographers, do you see a value in retouchers?

Otherwise there wouldn't be any.

What would you expect from a retoucher skill wise?

Professional ethics.
Ability to see.
Technical proficiency.

What type of rates do you consider reasonable for quality work?

The meaning of quality is quite stretchy nowadays. The right answer here (business-wise) is: the retoucher should be able to deliver the quality the client needs within client's budget (which can vary by job).

Do you retouch your own photos?

And those of others too.

I'm a retoucher, and I haven't been offering a lot of paid work lately because I am not exactly sure of what is expected of a retoucher.

First find what you expect from it. Then what you can really offer.

And I've backed away from TF work because some photographers try to pressure for more work as if they are paying for it (even when you've clearly stated your limits before proceeding).

TF is a courtesy, not an obligation.

Sometimes I wonder if it's a field worth staying in (for me at least) because most photographers want "reasonable" rates that are so low, I'd probably make more money working at McDonald's lol. I understand some retouchers can afford to charge that much because of their location, while others can't. It's just when we keep lowering our rates, I think it is a very rapid race to the bottom.

In a few years machines will be doing all the operative part of the job, so all those racers will be out of business. Then the meaning of value and skill will be quite different.

Jun 04 17 01:10 am Link


Selena Jain

Posts: 102

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

This will be a very helpful post for all retouchers like me. Looking forward to responses from the photographers!

Jun 09 17 02:42 am Link


Mike Needham Retouching

Posts: 385

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Getting the job done with the minimum of fuss and the maximum imapact.

Why did you post this in the retoucning section of the forum?  wink

Oh and I like four figure payourts per image?!?

Jun 20 17 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

I expect the retoucher to act as a professional with the associated behaviors and constraints.

Jun 20 17 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 280

Houston, Texas, US

I retouch my own images and enjoy it but I do see value in retouchers also. I think if I were to outsource my images for retouching I would look for a retouch artist that has the eye for detail and I would do this by looking at their work. Before and after work is the selling point when looking at an artists work. If I were to contact them or if they were to contact me I would expect them to give me a clear idea of what they do in their process and how they would manipulate the image that I would need retouched so that the communication for what my wants and needs are. The biggest factor is the price range and if I feel it is worthy of what they say they are willing to do. I have gotten to a point in my retouching where I can determine the amount of time that will be needed to retouch certain images. Images with a lot of skin and hair work require a lot of time depending on the image. Images that require digital art and compositing also require a lot of time and are out of my realm of retouching.

Sep 04 17 08:21 am Link