Forums > General Industry > Modeling..self validation or true career path?


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

trish wrote:
self validation!!! duh????

i really don't see me being naked on the cover of vogue due to the awesome fan-base i have developed for myself on myspace anytime soon.

and i am PERFECTLY ok with that wink it's called being "realistic".

Count this fashion shooter as one of your big internet fans. smile

Dec 08 06 04:20 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

I see many many validation seekers

Dec 08 06 04:41 pm Link



Posts: 2534

Toledo, Ohio, US

Tiffany Clark wrote:

Leo - I have been keeping on eye on your success and I want to tell you that you are somewhat of inspiration to me.  I am going to be 35 in two weeks and I am a single mom.  By day I am a legal secretary for a law firm in New Orleans and every other weekend (the kids are with their dad) I am somewhere with a GWC taking pics to build a port.  I sometimes get discouraged and wonder if I will just be a "mature" models with "mature" features with a great port and that's it and then other days I feel like this may actually become something someday.  Sorry for the rambling but honestly when is it time to say "ok this is going nowhere and I need to get my head out of clouds and get back to earth?"  I have had ALOT of photographers contact me to work with them but no paid jobs as of yet and I know it takes time but I have run into several models that do use this as self validation and have been "building a port forever".  So when is it time to say "enough is enough"?  Just a thought.

Tiffany.......first of all.......I'm very flattered that you have been following my progress in this biz and to say I'm and "inspiration".....that means alot to me...thank you.

So..........when is it time to say "enough is enough"....? You have to be able to HONESTLY say....."I put forth the time and effort and its just not working". Now running all over and shooting with every GWC on the planet does not count. You need to work with the "right" photogs.....get the "right" images for your port and that are flattering to you....have you contacted on....... ALWAYS remember this IS a business! What have you done to try and attract paying offers your way? You have to step back and look at your port.....ask "what do I NEED for my port.....what are "they" looking for that will bring the offers in...?"

BTW....there IS a market for "mature" models. I'll be 39 in a few days and my phone is almost ringing daily for commercial jobs and auditions....both print and film.

I don't think it's time for you to cry "Uncle" guess it's time for you to go at this a different way...........time to get down to business.

Dec 08 06 10:50 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

It's so easy, just like any other market....

No pics in port = failed "self-validation" = no more modeling

Yes pics in port = growing "self-esteem" = possible modeling career if she is persistent enough

BTW do photogs self-validate themselves by being accepted and begged for a shoot by most of the models ? wink

Dec 08 06 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

TroisCouleurs wrote:
BTW do photogs self-validate themselves by being accepted and begged for a shoot by most of the models ? wink

I am secure-enough in my overinflated ego to answer this: yes. I don't know about others, but yes, I do.

Dec 11 06 11:27 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I see modeling and photography as creative activities much like music or acting.  There are many people who enjoy playing music in their garages and in night clubs.  Also there are many people who act in theater productions at community theaters across the USA.  We do these artistic endeavors because we want to! 

Some of us actually make some sort of money at these activities. How many of us are going to be the next top model, hot photographer, American Idol sensation, or big screen movie star?  Not many!  But there is nothing wrong with "validation" while having fun ... and maybe even making a decent income!

I would be shooting models with my cameras regardless of making money or not ... oh shit!  That's "TFP/TFCD!"  tongue   Ok, I do actually make an income at this thing called photography, but I'm not loaded with money .. at least not yet! wink

Best wishes everyone!

Dec 11 06 11:52 am Link



Posts: 7840


i do know what you mean

the same are usually posing for
look at me how sexy i am type photos
or pin up shows etc
either just starting out and insecure
or troll for fans and like to talk about their ''fans''

when i first came to LA
they certainly did not all not respect them (behind their backs)
i have always thought  grinning & pulling up your skirt ... dumb looking teasing shots and poutingabout in stockings for pics was pathetic behaviour - that makes people look down on you -

but gals here often dont realise this AND use it to feel better about themsleves

Dec 11 06 12:01 pm Link


Mia Mali

Posts: 1638

Los Angeles, California, US

Part time job with a side of self validation.  I model to make some extra money and people telling you that you are beautiful sure beats the hell out of folding clothes at Abercrombie.

Dec 11 06 12:08 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Mia Salen wrote:
Part time job with a side of self validation.  I model to make some extra money and people telling you that you are beautiful sure beats the hell out of folding clothes at Abercrombie.

What if they say you're beautiful whole folding my clothes?

Dec 11 06 12:26 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


DigitalCMH wrote:

What if they say you're beautiful whole folding my clothes?

as opposed to beautiful half.

Dec 11 06 01:15 pm Link