Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Restricting the PS Healing Brush to a Selection


Berlin Imagery

Posts: 8

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I'm a photographer with intermediate PS skills retouching my own work. I want to apply the healing brush tool next to a prominent change in tone, texture and color. Normally, the healing brush at its destination samples a few pixels beyond its cursor edge and blends tone, texture and color for a smooth result. But I want to retouch skin that is right next to underwear without the destination cursor seeing beyond its edge and contaminating the skin with the underwear colors and tone.

With the Stamp Tool I just make a selection and the cloning is restricted to within the selection. The healing brush, an otherwise better tool for my purposes, doesn't work this way and at the selection edges it still looks beyond its cursor edge and incorporates those colors and tones as it paints.

I found a reference in a book to using a selection to constrain the healing brush, which I couldn't make work, and when I wrote the author about it he said I needed to modify the selection and reduce it by 1-5 pixels and it would work okay. I tried that and still can't make it work.

I'm using a healing brush with 100% hardness with normal mode, no pattern.

What am I doing wrong, how do I constrain the healing brush from contamination from outside a selection? Thanks very much.

May 06 17 12:50 pm Link


Motordrive Photography

Posts: 7092

Lodi, California, US

I find it better to use the clone stamp close to the edge of something, plenty of ways to get that
spot to match tone and texture of surrounding area.

May 06 17 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

1. I am not in front of computer so I cannot be very specific but there is a setting for the brush size to show the actual working border. Try to find that.

2. Make sure your brush is of similar size to what you are healing.

3. The healing brush doesn't work well on border areas because it is based on internal frequency separation which PS does inside the brush area. So cloning is a better choice. Or you have to be very skillful in not touching adjacent zones which may cause tone bleeding.

4. Hard selection does work if made properly.

May 06 17 09:58 pm Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

Berlin Imagery wrote:
What am I doing wrong, how do I constrain the healing brush from contamination from outside a selection? Thanks very much.

You're not doing anything wrong. Making a selection can reduce the unwanted bleed, but it won't fix it completely.
If you definitely want to use the healing brush for the job then you might find this process helpful....

1  Make a selection of the area you wish to heal (say skin)
2  Save the selection and close it
3  Create a new layer and use the clone tool to extend a temporary area of skin beyond the problem edge.
4 Create another new layer and load the saved selection. Work on this layer with the healing brush in All Layers mode.

When you're done you can chuck the  temporary skin layer.

May 07 17 03:07 am Link


Berlin Imagery

Posts: 8

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Thanks everyone, very helpful.

May 07 17 11:20 pm Link