Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > My tips - How to level up your retouching.



Posts: 115

New York, New York, US

Hi to all. I wrote post in my blog How to level up retouching. It's about some useful techniques to level up your photo retouching skills. What you need to do for be a great retoucher!
I will be glad to feedback.
How do you improve your retouching skills? Youtube tutorials, a lot of practise, or something else?

Mar 11 17 12:34 am Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

I enjoyed your blog and looked at your website--a car campaign, which is pretty snazzy. I have retouched for a few things but my retouching approach is built around beauty and, of course, since I am the shooter, what I start with is very different from what you start with in your before and afters. So, I have less work. Makeup is my friend. In commercial work I am often showing images to the client right there on set so I need a really great photo to excite them. Until 2014 I was almost a pure lightroom devotee. Photoshop gives more options. I hope those who have more intense interest in retouching and, in retouching as a profession,  have a look at your blog and website.

Mar 11 17 09:20 am Link


Lili Fey

Posts: 6

Homjel', Homjel', Belarus

Thank you for sharing!
It's very useful, especially for such newbie as me wink

Mar 18 17 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Sergretouch wrote:
Hi to all. I wrote post in my blog How to level up retouching. It's about some useful techniques to level up your photo retouching skills. What you need to do for be a great retoucher!
I will be glad to feedback.
How do you improve your retouching skills? Youtube tutorials, a lot of practise, or something else?

I don't want to be great, so I do nothing about it.

Mar 18 17 04:41 pm Link


Tia Jones Retoucher

Posts: 39

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Excellent point about copying someone's retouch. It reminds me of the advice one of my animation professors gave me when I asked how to get good at drawing, and he said copy solid drawings. I see this is probably the same case for retouching or any creative medium Thank you for this advice. I would like to share this post in a blog post of mine at some point if that's okay? smile

Mar 24 17 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 115

New York, New York, US

Tia Jones Retoucher wrote:
Excellent point about copying someone's retouch. It reminds me of the advice one of my animation professors gave me when I asked how to get good at drawing, and he said copy solid drawings. I see this is probably the same case for retouching or any creative medium Thank you for this advice. I would like to share this post in a blog post of mine at some point if that's okay? smile

Yes, you can share this if you want.
About copying something - it's really works! And doesn't matter it's retouching, photography, painting or something else. :-)

Apr 01 17 11:01 am Link


Selena Jain

Posts: 102

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

The post is looking really helpful for the retouchers specially for those who has just started of doing retouching in Photoshop.

Apr 07 17 03:08 am Link