Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Capture One 10-- import prior settings?



Posts: 228

Los Angeles, California, US

Just upgraded from C1 ver.8 to ver.10.... however, unlike the upgrade from ver. 7 to ver.8, none of my work-flow settings carried over....not the way I had my windows/tabs laid out, nor any of the presets I created prior.

Can anyone help? I don't want to have to hand re-create everything all over again!

Mar 06 17 11:48 am Link


Black Z Eddie

Posts: 1903

San Jacinto, California, US

I'm pretty certain your previous settings are toast, except for your custom Workspace.  You should see a Workspace named whatever your previous version was.  In your case, "Capture One Pro 8.x.x".

You could also try submitting a ticket to the PhaseOne support to see if there's a way to recover the other settings.  Their support is usually pretty quick at getting back to you.

Mar 06 17 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 879

New York, New York, US

I made the exact upgrade, sorry bruh u gonna have to do it all over again.

Mar 06 17 04:16 pm Link


Jim Lafferty

Posts: 2125

Brooklyn, New York, US

I have a bad feeling you upgraded without saving/exporting your customizations...

Are you on a Mac or PC?

Did you leave 8 installed?

Mar 07 17 07:47 am Link