Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Use Before and After Shots?



Posts: 79

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

I'm split on a decision of showing before and after shots I've retouched. I know many people dislike showing the two, but to promote yourself as a retoucher, wouldn't it be a wise decision to show the comparison? That way people will know what you've done. It gets complicated as well when photographers request no before and after shots. What is your opinion, and why do you do what you do?

Thank you

Jan 21 17 12:38 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

HammadsWorks wrote:
I'm split on a decision of showing before and after shots I've retouched. I know many people dislike showing the two, but to promote yourself as a retoucher, wouldn't it be a wise decision to show the comparison? That way people will know what you've done.

For me personally seeing just the after in full size gives more info than looking at web sized B/A, scaled down from 20mpx to 1mpx and compressed. Of course the before version is a plus but it is useful mainly for evaluating the quality of the input material and as a clue of how much (not necessarily how good) the retoucher has worked. Whatever you show make sure you have the permission for that.

It gets complicated as well when photographers request no before and after shots. What is your opinion, and why do you do what you do?

In most cases it is the client of the photographer who wouldn't want the before to be shown.

Jan 21 17 03:44 pm Link


Steven Burnette Retouch

Posts: 338

Mount Vernon, New York, US

This question has come up numerous times since I have been a part of this community. I don't think that there is a definitive one answer fits all here.

In my opinion, it's always important to respect the photographer whose images you are using, so if they absolutely do not want the original version compared to the retouched version displayed, you respect it. Most often the photographers say no to the comparison on Facebook, but ok with it on a retoucher's website. Now whether or not you should have before and after on your site, my opinion is that it is entirely up to you, I have yet to see it proven that there is a definitive right or wrong (As long as you respect the photographer).

I have found that there are three general groups, when it comes to displaying before and after on websites: Group A - Absolutely no before and after images displayed  / Group B - it's okay to display before and after / Group C - before and after only shared selectively using password protected webpage or unpublished links

Jan 21 17 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 125

Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany

Steven Burnette Retouch wrote:
...l groups, when it comes to displaying before and after on websites: Group A - Absolutely no before and after images displayed  / Group B - it's okay to display before and after / Group C - before and after only shared selectively using password protected webpage or unpublished links

Or in other Words :

Most of the Photographer don't want to get that "old school" Analog Photography, without or a minimum of light Correction produce the images that are "interesting" and a real one time event.

Nowadays the most would say : … C29237.jpg hey ... this is not sharp enough, clear model hair ... but hmm seems this is part of this photo. … 1_1280.jpg *omg* correct the light shade and clear the clothes ..

I could go on and on. Seems that most photographers look for perfection and not for moment and art. So they don't want to see before after, because sometimes after = good for selling and posting but the image got no message left.

Jan 22 17 11:36 am Link



Posts: 79

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

I didn’t realize it was the the client’s request - thanks for pointing that out, Anchev. Well, either case: It seems like bad form to have some photos with before shots, while others that don’t (client requests). It creates an inconsistent/strange gallery in my opinion. So for me, I want either only afters, or both (Group B?).

And yeah, the size/quality compromise really sucks. I want to have it full size for this reason.

Isn’t showing how much a retoucher has done important? That’s my view currently on having both. Whether it’s good or not depends on the audience. As VigarLunaris stated, it’s showing the art.

I’m so frustrated..

Jan 23 17 06:29 pm Link


Artem Skrobotov

Posts: 3

Thessaloníki, Voreia Ellada, Greece

You need to show your work so nothing wrong with it.

Jan 25 17 04:03 pm Link