Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > How much time do you work on hair?


Pall Kris Design

Posts: 103

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

How much time do you work to remove hair, strands of hair from around the head and other areas?

Below are examples of what I mean.
I work usually 30 minutes up to 2 hours when I receive requests like this.
Sometimes even more! it takes a lot of careful cloning and dodge and burn to recreate the background.
It's easier when the background is a plain color, but that's not often the case.
I'm talking about big images 25 - 40 megapixel, sensor grain must remain intact.

Jan 02 17 01:43 pm Link


Thach of FotoHouse

Posts: 31

Seattle, Washington, US

I would say about half an hour, but your right, it depends how much needs to be done and especially when you're trying to keep the same integrity, grain, and what should naturally blend with the original image vs adding too much fake grain/blurring/smoothing in the process etc.

Jan 02 17 04:29 pm Link


2thestudio - Ivan

Posts: 11

Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia

It's not a hair ad, so not very long. Days if it's a hair ad.

Jan 03 17 03:55 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

I don't understand your sensor gain comment and why gain would apply to a cloning exercise... can you explain?

To replicate what you did might take me 10 minutes, if I did it the way I normally work, it might take as long as 30 minutes.

Jan 16 17 07:34 am Link


Toto Photo

Posts: 3757

Belmont, California, US

Robert, so good to see you again. You were missed.

I take about the same amount of time as you but my work is non-commercial for family & friends only.

Jan 20 17 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 36

Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt

with wacom tablet i think image like this may take about 2h or more depending on the quality
cause you not just removing stray hairs also you can add some smile but first you have to ask what quality you need ? so you can plan alot of work or just improve your it ?

Jan 22 17 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

The question about hair retouching (which can be quite time consuming) should always be considered based on the purpose and budget. Images which need actual hair retouching are usually quite well styled, so then the post-processing work is not aimed at making something out of a total mess but rather to enhance what is already there. In such cases 10 hours per image can be fine because the end result is worth it. But in cases of simply shooting a girl in the park for fun that is not justified. It will be cheaper to redo the shoot with proper hair styling than trying to fix it in post. So it is better to explain that to the client and give him the option to save his money for a better hair stylist on his next shoot rather than rob him for retouching and deliver a result which will never be quite good regardless of the time spent. The possibilities of post-processing are almost unlimited but that doesn't mean every image deserves the time and attention.

Jan 23 17 02:36 am Link