Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > How to achieve similar brownish skin color?


Atanas T

Posts: 32

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria


How to achieve similar (Example 1, Example 2, Example 3) brownish skin color starting from this - original.

Thanks! smile

Dec 22 16 10:10 am Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

An old trick for emphasising freckles is to go to the channels palette > choose the blue channel > select all > copy > deselect > go back to layers palette > create new layer  (above original image) > paste, to fill the layer with the contents of the blue channel > change to luminosity mode > create a layer mask > invert the mask > paint in as appropriate with a white brush.

Dec 22 16 02:21 pm Link


Atanas T

Posts: 32

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Thanks but I was asking about the brown skin color not the freckles.

Dec 27 16 07:42 am Link


Michael Bots

Posts: 8020

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Select  -->  color range
adjust  -->  levels       (mostly blues)

Here is the opposite -- widely different skin tones evened out on the final video

Alex Gaudino 'Destination Calabria' making of

Alex Gaudino feat. Crystal Waters - Destination Calabria

Dec 27 16 09:05 am Link


2thestudio - Ivan

Posts: 11

Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia

Use black and white adjustment for the tones, lowering the red and yellow sliders, then deal with color.

Dec 28 16 12:32 am Link


Ponte Ryuurui

Posts: 18

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Atanas T wrote:
Thanks but I was asking about the brown skin color not the freckles.

It depends on what colors you work with, so in other words what base AB you have.

I would start with desaturating the image, remap colors via gradient map and then add solid color and pick brown tone from swatches, use blend if to remove it from, deepens shadows (or better - use channels to make a precise selection of skin only). If too brown use curves and go to blue channel and bump up blues. You could also play with selective color and darken red and yellow tones. layer blending options use soft light or color, depending on how it looks. There is no solid recipe for it to follow blindly, each photo has different colors and tones to work with.

Dec 28 16 08:31 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

The first question is what is on the image, not "how". Example 1 and 2 are quite different.

For 2 you can use the duotone method I described in this thread:

Your original (or example 3) is pretty close to Example 2. Just reduce the magenta.

Jan 04 17 02:30 am Link



Posts: 36

Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

make a new layer and go to image -> apply image -> choose layer "merged", channel "blue", blending "normal" and apply. put the layer on luminosity and add a level adjustment to brighten it a bit. then lower opacity to your liking.

Jan 04 17 08:25 am Link