Forums > General Industry > Preferences.. edited or raw?


Shawna Craven

Posts: 7

Crystal Lawns, Illinois, US

I am a new model on here.. I have a question for the photographers.  Do you prefer raw images posted of the models or ones that been edited thru a PS like program?  Is it better for you to see the REAL model.. or the doctored up ones when you are considering working with them??  I beleive the PS ones are visually better to look at..but don't you want to know what they "really" look like , wrinkles, moles, scars and all, before putting your time and effort in? I tend to lean towards non - edited because I want to be honest and forthright w/ the photographers so they know what they are getting themselves into smile   Am I just naive?  Love to hear some comments about this.. Thanks!!  Shawna     

May 03 05 03:16 pm Link


David Christopher Lee

Posts: 50

Los Angeles, California, US

i prefer to see edited ones and then some polaroid shots

May 03 05 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US


I want to see pro shots to see what's possible, but real shots to see what I'll be working with.

Ideally, I'd like to meet the model in person for an informal chat and maybe even a test shoot to get an idea of how they fit in.

May 03 05 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I'm not sure I've met the model who could pull of a shoot without being retouched in some form or another. Photographers can master their lighting techniques, composition, and exposure and leave an image untouched; many photographers do, but more often than not there is some form of retouching that is being done.

Tyra Banks said it best last week, she said she doesn't have to worry about what she eats anymore because she's Tyra Banks and she knows that the photographer will touch her up and make her look good.

Any Tyra Banks type models look'n for a boyfriend, holla at me! I'm not rich yet, but I can touch the hell out of you!!! lol

May 03 05 03:24 pm Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

I like anyone else want to see the best quality images. I do however meet with every model before I work with them, mainly to see what their personality is like so I can tailor more ideas to fit. I don't pay much attention to the models appearance during that meeting as by then I've seen her work and know what results I can achieve.

May 03 05 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 137

Springfield, Virginia, US

depends on the assignment and the use... but virtually all print work is touched in some way or another. As ofr the rest of the work, i don't release work unless it's right and if that menas touching it, so be it.

May 03 05 03:38 pm Link


Shawna Craven

Posts: 7

Crystal Lawns, Illinois, US

I understand that all images in magazines, the web, etc. is all edited, but as far as considering hiring the model in the place..  I believe it's a great idea to meet with them 1st to see if they live up to their pics.. then base your decision on that and the edited ones in her portfolio.
     So, as a new model, should I post raw, natural pics w/ only the photographer's lighting, etc. or should I hire a photoshop guy??   The majority of the pics I have in my hard drive are all raw, so I just tend to put up the best ones, but perhaps I should rethink it and take some PS classes.. 

May 03 05 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

My personal opinion - post only your best work, and that includes any editing.

May 03 05 03:49 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

You know, all work is retouched. If a model looks good in a shot, she looks good in a shot. I like to meet my mdoels in person before just hiring them for a job, but from a decent sampling of work I can gauge how a model will do in print.

Hey you shooters out there, come one, let's be honest, how many times have you seen a model without her face on and just been like, "Whoah! Don't make a bitter beer face. Don't make a bitter beer face. Find a happy place. Find a happy place. If you can't say anything nice, shut the hell up!" And then once she gets out of makeup, "Wow! Okay, let's get to work."

May 03 05 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

edited is fine, especially since that's all the models from me anyway

May 03 05 06:50 pm Link


Joi Carey

Posts: 551

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Edited is fine! You can see what youll be able to create with the model. But I still love finding completely new models with amateur shots and making them gorgeous..

May 03 05 07:04 pm Link



Posts: 163

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

I've been asked for both types of photos, I guess it depends on what assignment I'm going for. I do a lot of spokesmodeling and trade show work (And believe it or not, they did want to see a photo for my application as a pharmaceutical rep), and these types of companies ask for unretouched photos, as no one can airbrush your image when you're going to be appearing in person.

I usually just pick a photo that's as related to the assignment as possible, sometimes casting directors have no imagination and it's good to help them out... lol

May 03 05 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

To see if you can pose - that all i care.... Photoshop can make just about anything way better....

But a few unedited are good - I rather just meet before the shoot - Interview - then determine if i will use the model.... most photos taken never show the things you can see in person.

Also I base 90% of who iw ill work with on attitude - and photos do not show that..

May 03 05 08:20 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted By Shawna Craven:
Is it better for you to see the REAL model.. or the doctored up ones when you are considering working with them?? I beleive the PS ones are visually better to look at..but don't you want to know what they "really" look like , wrinkles, moles, scars and all, before putting your time and effort in?

This is a GREAT question. And I predict that it will open a HUGE can o' worms and spark lots of discussion and heated opinions.

Now, the whole notion of "real" and "doctored" becomes a fine line. For example, wearing makeup is technically "doctoring" your look, right? It is not your "natural" appearance. So, what is the difference between skin that is smoothed-out with makeup or skin smoothed-out with Photoshop? My point is, whether the technique is "physical" or "digital" it still involves "doctoring" the true appearance of the model.

For me, I want to see what a model is CAPABLE of. If she looks like Ernest Borgnine in real life, but can be made to look like Linda Evangelista in photographs, that's fine with me. (Although I won't date her - call me shallow.)

At the same time, a model shouldn't be outwardly deceptive. If she has 5 tattoos and multiple piercings and breast implants, she shouldn't post all of her photos with her breasts digitally reduced, the tats digitally removed, and the piercings digitally erased. That would just be stupid.

May 03 05 08:22 pm Link