Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Affinity Photo for Windows - BETA



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Nov 10 16 10:10 am Link



Posts: 126

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

thanks for the link, was reading about it today.

Nov 11 16 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Looking at their videos this program looks like an optimized clone of Photoshop. Might be worth trying for the sake of performance. One thing which is quite confusing from the videos - there is no 16-bit CMYK support and no support for 32-bit images at all. I also see no hint of any actions like in PS.

Nov 12 16 01:09 pm Link


Black Z Eddie

Posts: 1903

San Jacinto, California, US

So I started messing with this.  Just a few minutes of it.  And, already, compared to GIMP, the Clone and Blemish Removal Tool is freakin' amazing.  It's pretty damn accurate so allows me to move faster.

Nov 13 16 06:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Chroma Hue

Posts: 70

Troy, Michigan, US

Affinity Photo is amazing. My ONLY complaint is that it doesn't yet support action/macros which is sad because I have a LOT of custom actions I've created that I depend on (or have forgotten the flow of). The feature is supposed to be coming in v2.0. I've been waiting silently for this to happen. So much faster and better (IMO) than Photoshop.

Nov 20 16 08:00 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Thanks OP!   I just signed up.   Quick question.   How does it compare to Photoshop if anyone know.   I struggle with PS and  GIMP.

Nov 20 16 09:24 am Link


TMA Photo and Training

Posts: 1009

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

Affinity Photo (Windows Version now in beta) is a very nice program.  VERY, VERY much like Photoshop!

I can remember wanting a good substitute for Photoshop when the financial guys at Adobe decided not to sell Photoshop any longer...and they went into a Monthly Subscription mode.  Upset quite a few people.   The Photoshop / Lightroom combo for Photographers at $10 USD per month subscription... is now at a real nice price point for many people fortunately.

Many of us were wishing that Photoshop had another Competitor we could use besides GIMP.  Well, now that there is a Windows version of Affinity Photo... ITS WORTH A GOOD LOOK.  There are many look alike... and sometimes even better... features and functions here.   At $39-$49 USD (it may not be its final price...who knows yet)... a lot of people are going to be able to afford this and take a risk with it.

Its in BETA... so there is a lot of room for everyones new wanted future enhancements and development coming along shortly in the near future.   

On the desktop Its presently for Windows 7, 64 bit and above.  Its fully available for sale now for MAC and I-Phone.

Stay Tuned ...  Lets See.

Nov 20 16 02:02 pm Link


Black Z Eddie

Posts: 1903

San Jacinto, California, US

For what it does, if it's only going to be around $49, it's such a bargain!

Nov 20 16 02:16 pm Link



Posts: 2603

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

I subscribed to the Affinity Designer BETA a while ago because it seemed like a pretty good alternative to Adobe Illustrator for the limited amount of use I have for such an app. I bought a licence when it was released recently for less than £30. I'm really impressed with it, at least for the elementary work I need it for. And product support and response throughout the BETA impressed me too.

I more recently subscribed to the Affinity Photo BETA and it looks equally good - although the ever-so-obvious similarity with Photoshop's interface makes me smile. I'm quite happy with Photoshop though and I'm not anti their subscription model so I'm not sure I'll actually move to Affinity once it's finished. Maybe, we'll see.

I'm surprised the products haven't been bought out - I can see them costing Adobe a pretty penny in subscription income, at least amongst basic/intermediate level users.

Nov 20 16 02:25 pm Link