Forums > General Industry > Comments/tags solicited vs unsolicited


Bryanna Nova

Posts: 186

Milford, New Jersey, US

Okay people.. help me understand - what's with the "comment tag me, I'll return the favor"

Do we all do this? Comment on someone's images or leave a tag just because they leave one for us? or expect one when we leave one?

Granted when someone comments/tags my daughter's portfolio I visit theirs and check it out - sometimes I see something I like and comment on it.. but sometimes I don't/won't. Not because none of their work is good.. but simply because nothing jumps out at me and warrants a comment. Does this somehow make me a hypocrite?
Because I enjoy reading the comments someone leaves on her images, but don't reciprocate "just to keep the score even"?

Anyone who has been victim to my critique knows I don’t sugar coat a thing, if it jumps out me, I say so.. but if I see something you could change about an image to make it better, I’ll let you know.

Quite honestly - I feel a comment that comes from the heart - ya know the kind when the words just flow when an image is viewed. Those.. are the best ;o)

Of course, I realize this is one woman’s opinion and in this.. it is, what it is.

Dec 06 06 08:31 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

NO WE ALL DO NOT DO THIS.  I have never asked for a tag or comment and I will not give a tag or comment if you have to ask for it. 

To me this is just meaningless if you have to beg for a comment. 

Others on this forum call them comment whores.  I do have to agree with this title.

I give a comment or tag because of the quality of the work.  NOT BECAUSE you have to ask for it.  bs

Dec 06 06 08:37 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

does this dress make me look fat..

Dec 06 06 09:15 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

lotusphoto wrote:
does this dress make me look fat..

No...but it does make you look gay.

Dec 06 06 09:21 am Link



Posts: 6427

I comment people when they comment me only because I probably would have never seen their work had they not commented me. I check out their page, and if there is something I like, I comment. If not, I'll leave a tag thanking for the comment.


Dec 06 06 09:22 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

It's just wrong/sad to Beg for comments,

Now all of you.... Go to my port and leave some comments,
And only the nice ego boosting kind, none af that nasty constructive crap.

But in truth,
If one of your images really strikes me I'll comment,
If not I just move along.

Dec 06 06 09:23 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Bryanna Nicole wrote:
Okay people.. help me understand - what's with the "comment tag me, I'll return the favor"

Do we all do this? Comment on someone's images or leave a tag just because they leave one for us? or expect one when we leave one?

Thank you for bringing this up.

If I visit your port and I see something I like, I'll either tag, comment or message you.

If you come see my port, great. If not, great.

If you come back and see something you like and want to comment, great. If you're too busy, great.

If you come back and send me a tag that says THANKS!!!!

Not great.

Saying thank you as a tag is such a "my space look at me and my port that this person tagged and i didn't tag or comment back on" tactic. It's rude, it's unprofessional, and it's stupid. You're thankful? Send me a message and say thanks. Don't spam my page. This isn't myspace.


Dec 07 06 07:01 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Monica Jay wrote:
If not, I'll leave a tag thanking for the comment.


This makes me so angry.

Send a private message. It's rude to tag. See above post...

edit: next time someone does this, I'm tagging them back with "you're welcome".

Dec 07 06 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Daniela V wrote:
edit: next time someone does this, I'm tagging them back with "you're welcome".

Slightly less annoying than me, I suppose - I usually say something nonsensical.

"Never trust a naked bus driver!" is one of my favorites. Then again, I say that to friends, too. But I'm funny that way.

Dec 07 06 07:13 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

I am a comment whore.....oh well...we are all whores when it comes to something in our lives.....I do not feel bad that mine is just for a comment. I am on here for two meet new people......and to get feedback on my work. If I am a whore for asking what people think.....well....then I am a really big whore
PS...and getting people into your portfolio by asking for comments or whatever is called marketing....something most business owners take part in smile If nobody knows you are here....well...then why are you here? That's my 4 cents

Dec 07 06 08:25 pm Link


- Jake -

Posts: 794

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

i enjoy getting them and will check out the peoples ports who leave them but i am often just too lazy to think of something to say. i agree comments should be reserved for the images that stimulate something to say

Dec 07 06 09:01 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I will never request a comment or a tag. . .

And I only comment or tag images/profiles that I come across that I like ( or dont like )

Dec 07 06 09:05 pm Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

It's nice to look for the good in people and recognize it...

Dec 07 06 09:09 pm Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

bobby sargent wrote:
Others on this forum call them comment whores.  I do have to agree with this title.

We prefer to be called Comment Sex Workers, just so you know.

Dec 08 06 09:43 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Every time you post an announcement, you're asking for comments.

Just because you don't come right out and say it, doesn't mean you aren't asking people to look at your work.

Enough with the thank you tags though. Those are ridiculous.

Dec 08 06 09:56 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

yep, if someone comments on a shot or tags me, I send a PM saying, "Thanks."
But I don't tag or announce back

Dec 08 06 12:01 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Rick Edwards wrote:
yep, if someone comments on a shot or tags me, I send a PM saying, "Thanks."
But I don't tag or announce back

and that's the right way to do it. more should pay attention to what you said.

Dec 08 06 12:38 pm Link